A Study in Stupidity

Does the covid vaccine really lower your risk of being in a car accident?

I think it’s fair to say that people who do no regular exercise are less likely to be involved in an accident in a gym than those who exercise regularly. But we certainly wouldn’t conclude that not doing regular exercise is good because it decreases your chances of being injured in a gym.

But that conclusion is essentially no different to the claims made in a study just published (in The American Journal of Medicine) into the link between injuries in car accidents and vaccine status. As the video shows the study is laughably flawed.

The video draws on the observations of the likes of Igor Chudov https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/the-unvaccinated-had-more-car-crashes, Law, Health and Technology: https://lawhealthandtech.substack.com/p/we-interrupt-our-regularly-scheduled and Clare Craig

One of the problems with the study is that it is almost certain it relies on an estimated proportion of the population who are unvaccinated. Here is a brief video explaining why it is so important to get an accurate estimate:

Where are the numbers? by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
Where are the numbers? by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
Martin Neil
Norman Fenton