We set up house, as Where Are The Numbers? (WATN), on substack back in December 2022. Our first articles were an enormous success with the Devil’s Advocate setting an all-time record for us, receiving 48.3k views. This was all the more remarkable given we had only a thousand or so subscribers at that time. Since then, WATN has gone from strength to strength.
Before and since the launch of WATN, we have campaigned tirelessly for over four years exposing the flawed science and statistics behind ‘the Covid-19 event’. In total we have written over 300 articles, appeared on scores of podcasts and our material has been reproduced in dozens of online magazine articles. Likewise, we have written scores of papers that have been read or downloaded millions of times. Our work has appeared as evidence in numerous legal actions and depositions to governments worldwide.
All of this work has culminated in last week’s launch of our book ‘Fighting Goliath’:
We believe that Fighting Goliath is the most thoroughly researched and tightly argued scientific book to date on Covid-19. It contains just under 1,000 references to official data and scientific papers and covers the whole span of the supposed pandemic and the vaccine roll-out, from beginning to end. We were motivated to write a rigorous defensible book to create a public record of events, data, analysis and to tie it all together. We have, however, written it in a way that we hope is accessible to lay readers.
We believe our book is unique in terms of rigour, detailed analysis, and adversarial engagement with the authorities. We do not pull our punches in naming those who we believe contributed to the false narrative of a novel deadly virus that was only defeated by a safe and effective vaccine. We were always prepared to accept that this would impact negatively on popularity and book sales. Whilst other books cover parts of what happened during the Covid-19 event, we believe Fighting Goliath is the most exhaustive. Our 11 pages of Conclusions and Recommendations also provide a comprehensive, but easily accessible summary - and may even surprise many who have followed our work.
If you value free speech, objective inquiry and want to keep your own record of what happened during the Covid-19 event we strongly recommend that you buy our book (after all who knows what we will be allowed to read in future).
As you know, because of our advocacy for free thinking and open science about the ‘pandemic’ and the vaccines, we have suffered significant personal and professional consequences. Our academic careers and reputations have been damaged because we highlighted academic fraud and stood up for the truth against the UK and other governments, as well as national institutions like the BBC, ONS and MHRA. We have been routinely smeared, censored and ignored by the mainstream (which at times includes the ‘covid’ dissent mainstream too). Our ability to conduct research, obtain grants and publish academic papers has been effectively nullified; and not just about covid-19 but just about anything else we might have researched before the Covid era.
You will be aware that all of the research undertaken by us, and our collaborators and contributors, has been entirely unfunded for over four years and has demanded thousands of hours of uncompensated effort. We have sacrificed our own time and the time we would otherwise have spent with our families to investigate misdeeds and expose wrongdoing.
We are very proud that our substack has gained nearly twenty thousand subscribers and our articles sometimes garner hundreds of comments. Sadly, though the percentage of paid subscribers stands at only 1%. This is not sustainable.
Hence, we have no choice but to put WATN on a more solid footing. To that end we have changed our subscription model to more closely match the norm for substacks. Free subscribers will have full access to articles for two weeks. Paid subscribers will have full access to all articles and will be able to comment on articles. We have also increased the modest subscription rates from $5 to $7 a month, with a discount for a yearly subscription.
We also plan to widen the scope of WATN. We are interested in the corrupt use of science and statistics no matter the domain and the astute reader might have noticed us writing here, and elsewhere, on topics from climate change, election and poll manipulation to the possible wrongful conviction of the nurse Lucy Letby. Henceforth, WATN will cover topics far and wide but will also stay focused on what happened during the Covid-19 event and how events unfold with the covid vaccine harms.
We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you for your support and would also urge you, if you are a free subscriber, to upgrade to a paid subscription. By doing so you will help us continue to work to expose scientific and data corruption and lies on your behalf.
To help we are offering a 20% discount for new subscribers from today. For a whole year.
Please sign up to receive your discount by pressing this button NOW!
Discount is available for one week only.
Been one of the .5% for a while, and am happy to continue. One thing I think Substack should look into is allowing stepped subscription levels. I currently pay for 9 Substacks, and subscribe to a total of 20. Like most, I cannot justify $5 or $7 for 20 Substacks, but would be happy to pay say $2/mo for some of those I am currently a free subscriber. I'd think for creators having, say, 50 paid subscribers at $1/mo is better than having maybe one or zero at $7/mo.
I'm simply stunned that you only have around 200 subscribers - for what you put out, the subscription is cheap. I put out a Substack too, and I'm amazed that I get paid subscribers - at about the same percentage - but I don't really put stress on the matter, and I'm nowhere near as disciplined as you all are. And it's amazing as well that you've been working on a book all of this time - this must be close to a full time job. Quality content is worth paying for, and you all do good work.