I gave a short talk at the ‘Scottish People's Inquiry’ conference held on 22nd of February in Edinburgh, Scotland, which I will post up once the postproduction is done and the video is made available.
Whilst there I squeezed in a short interview with Craig Houston on the subject of my talk which concludes there was no pandemic. He picked up on the topic and the 20-minute podcast is now available on YouTube (view it quickly before it gets censored!):
The conference itself was focused on the testimony and context of the official Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry, which has received almost zero media or alternative media interest, but has been heroically reported by Biologyphenom here:
As usual there was a bit of Scottish banter near the end on the subject of Lucozade and Barr’s Irn Bru (a soft drink made in Scotland from girders and more popular here than the near-ubiquitous-elsewhere Coca-Cola).
Heroic, i can dig that. Credit must also be given to FreedomPodcast1 https://substack.com/@freedompodcast1 for superb analysis contributed since 2020 and the subsequent inquiry coverage.
be aware warp speed may well be coming back check out the james roguski substack for the details