Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023Pinned

In the interest of furthering discussion and debate Dr Pierre Kory has very kindly offered to respond to this article via his substack.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Martin Neil

Hi Martin Neil, Jonathan Engler, and Jessica Hockett,

This is the best article on the issue I've read so far. It seems pretty obvious to me that this has been a clear case of Mass psychogenic illness, for the most part.

Point 1) The presence or absence of molecular signatures that may or may not be associated with a disease course is a natural phenomena that is present all the time and it can also be enhanced via contamination due to massive production of tests among other reasons. Such molecular noise is sufficiently persistent throughout the ecosystem and it is permanently modulated by the natural movement of genomic information within the biosphere from the macro to the micro level. Irresponsible measurements of such molecular patterns can very easily be misinterpreted as "outbreaks", if they are performed routinely regardless of their clinical significance.

Point 2) From BMJ Best Practice (Differential Diagnosis for COVID-19) https://bestpractice.bmj.com/topics/en-us/3000168/differentials

"Differentiating COVID-19 from community-acquired bacterial pneumonia is not usually possible from signs and symptoms."

"Differentiating COVID-19 from community-acquired respiratory tract infections is not possible from signs and symptoms."

"COVID-19 should be considered a differential diagnosis for many conditions. The differential is very broad and includes many common respiratory, infectious, cardiovascular, oncologic, and gastrointestinal diseases."

That is to say, there is NO NOBEL disease called COVID-19. It is a broad term that includes all and everything that has been correlated with a positive molecular test, regardless of causation. Thus, a clear case of Mass Psychogenic Illness.

Point 3) It still is true however, that very localized excess mortality peaks were observed for a brief period of time in places like Lombardy, Madrid, New York... In my estimation, these peaks cannot be explained by a change in health care protocols alone, including the panic, the lockdowns, mask usage within the cohort of the population with chronic respiratory illness and/or cardiomyopathies, abuse of the elderly and vulnerable population... It seems to be that some toxin (maybe a biological agent) may have been deployed (knowingly or unknowingly) to spark the fear that was needed for the Mass Psychogenic Illness event to take place.

[NOTE: It seems almost obvious to me, that a biological agent cannot spread beyond the second to third layer of direct exposure to the agent due to its nature, it is just a biological structure that remains outside of the normal equilibrium of the ecosystem. Regardless of the properties that it may have in cell culture, or even in live experiments, it will only have a limited effect in space and time and its effects will only be able to be recurrent via a multi-focal release of the agent in different locations at different times. A bullet does not perpetuate itself ad infinitum. Nonetheless it may be able to contaminate related biological pathways and molecular patterns within the ecosystem, even if the signal has no clinical significance at the moment of measurement.]

Point 4) I've personally heard many stories of something abnormal happening in given regions of Madrid, as well as some other very localized regions in Spain. Not even the whole city of Madrid was affected, only just some areas, and it lasted for a very brief period, maybe a month, month and a half. Even Mainstream doctors were saying that on TV for a couple of weeks in 2020. They soon had to stop saying it, of course.

Point 5) It never "spread" to Germany. That was my Red Alert & Wake Up moment. For me the "pandemic" lasted only a couple of weeks. As soon as I saw that it doesn't spread as it should, I had to accept the reality of the event.

It became very easy to know when every and all politicians and public figures in the western world started to use the same propaganda lines: "The New Normal", "We Are on This Together", "Nobody Is Safe Until Everybody is Safe", "Build Back Better"... It all sounded like communist propaganda from The Great Leap Forward. Even at the very beginning some public figures started to say how this whole Lockdown Experiment was a great example on how to address climate change. At the same time many politicians where partying around during the lockdowns, not very worried about any contagion. The only reason why most people didn't see this propaganda is because of Mass Psychogenic Illness. That is the only thing that has been spreading in an abnormal way.

PS: I saved this comment on my substack due to the importance of this topic https://agustinsanchezcobos.substack.com/p/covid-19-a-novel-illness?publication_id=921282&post_id=139987273&triggerShare=true&isFreemail=false&r=155zhs&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Thanks for your response.

I'm a big fan of comparing the timing and magnitude of mortality in cities (vs countries), especially because the key claims around the "pandemic" involve a "spreading" pathogen.

Here's a comparison of monthly all-cause mortality in selected cities that I think is very curious.


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Yes, I think it is a lot more informative if there are considerable region-to-region variabilities, as it is the case with this event. It would be very useful to have a collection of all the cities that show that synchronous spike of deaths.

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Thank you so much for this article, but more importantly, for all the work you did in making it possible. As I read, it stunned me just how much work had to go into researching and then writing...Whoa!

A couple of things that struck me early and got mentioned later in the article: One was around standard terminology. Immediately, I posed the point, "Define 'novel.'" It seems very apparent that agreed upon terminology did not happen...

Secondly, have you seen this: https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/what-happened-in-italy-in-2020 It's a region-by-region analysis of how this crime -- I mean, "pandemic," rolled out in Italy. You probably have seen it, but it's here for others if interested.

Thanks again for this!

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That excellent presentation was based off of this article which has some data charts that are helpful to see:


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Excellent response.

I live in London and have family in Madrid. Something weird happened in both places for sure, about one week apart.

My mother (aged 70 at the time) was totally relaxed about the virus, making jokes about it and complaining governments were overreacting. She was defiant about continuing to be out and about meeting friends up until the lockdown was declared.

Well, just 1-2 days into the lockdown she started experiencing persistent joint aches, which she chalked up to an arthritis flare-up. The next day she developed a metallic taste in her mouth and lost her appetite completely. By nighttime she felt feverish and in the morning was unable to get out of bed.

The fever did not subside. My dad, who was completely fine, called the regional covid healthline and within 24 hours a testing team had come to the apartment to swab her. A day later they told her the PCR test was positive and sent an ambulance to pick her up and bring her to hospital for a CT scan. Based on the results the doctor said she could recover at home, but he still prescribed her hydroxychloroquine and an antibiotic.

It was another 10 days before my mother felt well enough to walk around the apartment or eat normally. She never had a cough but the feeling was one of complete wipeout. Another interesting symptom is that for about 3-4 weeks post-recovery her hair shed significantly whenever she washed or brushed it.

I later found out a few other relatives in Madrid -- and two in Barcelona -- had come down with similar flu-like illnesses just before or during the first week of lockdown. One of them had sequelae (fatigue, migraines and body aches) that lasted for a year after the fact.

Meanwhile, here in London our lockdown started a week after the Spanish one. My housemate at the time lost her sense of smell completely a few days into it. She didn't have any other symptom but it was just bizarre. She couldn't smell anything -- not coffee, not bleach, not her favourite fragrance. Her taste was also altered. For about one week this persisted and then every day after that her smell slowly came back.

I was fine the whole time and we were hanging out continuously and sharing a bathroom. I remember texting with various friends and at least a couple other people had come down with something. One distinctly told me she had come down with diarrhoea, which she thought was odd as she hadn't eaten anything out of the ordinary and her family were all fine.

I have no idea what to make of all this except to say there's no reason why these specific illnesses had to be viral in nature. Sure, there could have been a new strain of coronavirus or flu emerging in 2019 and causing the usual winter colds & flus over the coming months. But whatever hit in March/April 2020 in specific locations does not strike me as the same thing. Rather, as you say, it may have been purposely sprayed to signal the start of a "pandemic" while the tests may simply have been exploiting the existence of a pathogen that had been spreading without causing excess mortality for months or years.

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As you say, "it may have been purposely sprayed to signal the start of a "pandemic" while the tests may simply have been exploiting the existence of a pathogen that had been spreading without causing excess mortality for months or years."

That is my main hypothesis at the moment and it fits all the data points that I am aware of. About what may have been deployed or how, a proper investigation is required. The only thing that I know for sure is that those very odd symptoms were very localized, in just a few regions of a few countries, and they were gone in just a month, except for people with long lasting sequela. After that we only have suffered from "vaccine" injuries since 2021 and, of course, from the normal flu-pneumonia season during the winter of 2020.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler

Re “Many/most covid-19 cases would have been ‘ordinary’ influenza and bacterial pneumonia cases.”

What exactly is ‘ordinary’ influenza?

Can you ‘catch’ ‘ordinary’ influenza and bacterial pneumonia from other people? Do these diseases spread in populations?


Are ‘ordinary’ influenza and bacterial pneumonia vaccine preventable diseases?

If ‘ordinary’ influenza and bacterial pneumonia are not a serious threat to most people, why have mass population vaccination schemes been imposed?

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

This is excellent, thank you.

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Dec 24, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

The studious review presented here is quite valuable. It reinforces the general impression that very little of what has been labeled and accepted as ‘Covid-19’ was rooted in concrete diagnosis criteria or truly indicative test protocols.

And yet, the litany, which in effect amounts to a detailed mythology, has been widely propagated and is incredibly persistent in the minds of both ‘experts’ and lay people alike. This aspect shares much in common with propaganda campaigns, where thought-seeds planted early in a crisis become nearly indelible (and unquestionable) through simple repetition. They become, very nearly, matters of faith.

The results can be diverse. Well-intentioned individuals can erroneously perceive circumstances through this crisis lens. The malicious can also bend these circumstances to their benefit, just as others who are less critically-inclined may reflexively trust messages designed to take advantage of a perceived crisis. The ‘heroic’ in these times of crisis can be both unwilling and unable to view the past with a neutral lens. There can even be unspoken incentives at play. The same is true for those that found comfort in the work of the heroic.

It seems coming to grips with the revelation of what transpired will continue to be painful all around.

Keep going.

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Excellent comment. Thanks.

It would be an understatement to say it is an uphill battle persuading our erstwhile allies.

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I’m a retired GP and my husband is a commercial airline pilot. We’re in our mid 50s. In late November 2019 my husband was away for 5 days in an airport hotel (where many aircrew from all over, including China, also stay) and his friend had a viral illness and ( one evening in the bar) commented that he couldn’t taste his pint of beer at all. My husband came home saying he thought he might be getting man-flu and not being a doctor his memory of symptoms for this episode is vague. Our youngest teenager then caught the man-flu and both of them were listless with temperatures and coughs. I swanned around saying I was fine for a week, until suddenly 6pm one day I had a high temperature and headache and felt weird. My symptoms over the next few days were unlike anything I’ve ever had before and also unlike anything I could ever think of a patient describing to me. I was only able to move at the speed of a sloth, and the order in time of various symptoms and their rapidity of onset was confusing and when I felt like I had shards of glass in my chest when coughing I wondered if I was having multiple small pulmonary emboli. I was really scared at one point and thought should I go and see my GP. Then I thought ‘what would you say to someone like me presenting with this? You’d say, “it’s a virus, go home and wait it out”’! It lasted for a good couple of weeks ( and we both had altered taste and smell) and then we kind of relapsed with a milder version 2 weeks later and felt unable to do my usual exercise classes for a couple of months. When Covid started in March 2020 and I finally found people describing the symptoms I was convinced that we’d had it. Convalescent plasma donated in May by my husband confirmed antibodies but not high enough to be useful. We’ve only been ill since with the first omicron in December 2021 with more ‘ normal’ viral symptoms and altered taste and smell.

My point is that doctors are trained to recognise patterns, and clusters of signs and symptoms; nothing will convince me we didn’t have something ‘novel’/unusual in 2019 and I believe Pierre Kory and his associates that they recognised a new disease pattern.

I don’t doubt that some cases can be explained by misdiagnosis/faulty use of PCR/ possible toxic exposures etc and that certain powers that be could have been actively encouraging this to make things seem scarier in order to justify their control of us.

I do think that there was a new virus ( I’m convinced it came out of a lab but cannot say I’m certain it was deliberately released although that’s the way I’d like to lean considering everything else) and it has caused a new disease which has a lot of overlap with prior diseases. I guess it started circulating in late 2019 but I’d be open to suggestions it was released earlier and just took time to build up around the world. I do not believe that so many cases in disparate places came about from a start date of January 2020 in Wuhan as they’d have us believe.

Also, the vaccine injuries are very similar to the disease processes which goes along with a spikeopathy unifying theory. Although plenty of other vaccine injuries can be explained by other mechanisms too.

I don’t think you need to be so determined to prove there was no new virus ( manmade or otherwise) in order to prove that mismanagement and bias have created an illusion of a pandemic. I personally believe that if nobody had said anythIng then doctors around the world would have eventually noticed a new viral illness and worked out a different treatment approach for it, and mortality would have been as expected ( but with a slant for older being more susceptible). Besides, what exactly have they been sequencing all these last few years if not a new entity which is similar to ones we’ve previously had and so we have cross immunity to?

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

I was sick in Jan 2020 as well. I had a chest x-ray that showed some "bubble in my lung" and I had shortness of breath.

Here's my theory: there was a novel virus released, but, giving credence to the "infectious clones" theory: it rapidly weakened in the general population due to the instability of the viral genome. It was sufficient to cause some illness in the first few generations and then attenuated to the point where it was only enough to cause positive PCR tests from widespread viral debris.

When they needed another wave to spur vaccine uptake, delta or omicron or whatever were released and had similar trajectories.

Since they needed mortality early on to get the lockdowns through, toxic agents or bacteria were also released in select areas to cause more severe illness.

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The theory of toxic agents being released in specific areas to amplify or exacerbate the effects of a pathogen that was already circulating is an interesting one. It seems credible to me because it's clear only a few select locations had spikes in severe illness and only in 2020-21, not beyond.

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I had no illness during the “pandemic” until the “milder” omicron was supposedly well underway.

Yet my experience of that illness was different from any I have had as an adult, and it featured not absent but strongly altered/ sensitized sense of smell, among other things.

The experience suggests to me there was something new in circulation.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

It's possible that the whole thing was a series of experiments involving the release of various pathogens or bio-agents all based around the spike protein. The releases may have been timed based on overall pathogenesis, with a few key locations selected for the worse of the "variants" so to speak, back in spring 2020.

I also did not get sick during the "pandemic period" until omicron (which I had twice, six months apart) and those were some weird symptoms. Mild but nevertheless weird. Bout #1 was three days of a runny nose (no blockage, no sinus issue, no "heavy head" feeling, just literally clear fluid dripping out of my nose) and super unusual body aches that kept me up at night.

Bout #2 was two days of a sore throat and one-and-a-half days of an all-encompassing headache accompanied by nausea.

So yeah, not normal. One of my theories is that omicron was a self-replicating vaccine spread by those who took boosters, which pretty much tracks in terms of timing and progression.

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How do you explain the total "disappearance" of influenza worldwide as of March 2020?


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We've written extensively on that topic - see link below.

Given what we know they lied about, and given that the disappearance of flu is such a vital part of the narrarive creating a brand new disease entity, how likely is it that we can trust the official flu stats?

Not very IMHO.


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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023

Agreed. We cannot trust the official stats ... and we cannot trust the mainstream journal papers as stated in this very article. Yet this article relies on official stats and papers to discredit the observations of medical practioners whose patients did NOT 'die of COVID-19'. And there are many others besides Kory and Stone.

The article seems more keen on dismissing the possibility of a novel pathogen, than on getting at the whole truth.

There is a vast paper trail linking SARS-CoV2 to US DOD activities over decades, winding through Baric, Fauci, whats-his-name at Eco health, Wuhan, and points between. This is much more convincing for the presence of a novel pathogen, than lack of matching observational citations (during a period of lies and confusion) is for the absence.

The existence of a novel pathogen, with some new little fine tuning, doesn't mean there was a 'Pandemic'. It does make it just possible that it was a little grain of truth, off of which which all this inflated hype was leveraged. (Plus it's much simpler than a directed mass poisoning, and self-propagating too.)

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"There is a vast paper trail linking SARS-CoV2 to US DOD activities over decades, winding through Baric, Fauci, whats-his-name at Eco health, Wuhan, and points between."

This proves nothing other than money laundering.

Shouldn't be too hard to show evidence of such "bioweapons" being used somewhere to effect. That's not been done by anyone in the over two decades of requests. Can you do so?

Labs, patents etc. don't mean anything.

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Prove? Seems like we should be worried about investigating and understanding, not proving.

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Investigating a mythology is an enormous waste of time.

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Thanks. I'm familiar with some of your articles.

My opinion is simple: They rebranded the seasonal influenza in most countries in the world where covid-19 PCR testing was affordable to be done regularly and made it on steroids; they added fear, anxiety and new treatment protocols to make it look worse then seasonal flu.

One question still remains: Why?

BTW: I may have mentioned it before but in most countries the testing machines just received an additional new chip to now detect SARS COV-2.

Within short period of time and increased cycle threshold above 30-35 the testing machines no longer detected any influenzas but SARS CoV-2, if you can believe it. How could this be if just days prior the upgrade up to 15% of all influenzas detected were apparently caused other coronaviruses?

I know the theories how that may have happened abound as long as the narrative a novel virus and disease is kept on the life-support....


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Great comment..I believe you as this tracks with a lot of other anecdotes I've heard from people in the UK especially.

It could be that we just don't understand the spreading mechanisms. Maybe this is a lab-made agent and it was "sprayed" in different locations at different points. Hence the weird pattern of clusters and non-linear chronology.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023Liked by Jonathan Engler

Mssrs Neil, Engler & Hockett Not good but excellent sleuthing. Two points:

1. It's an aerosolized viral pathogen. and due to viable size of virions, the N95 is non mitigating. Outside of hazmat level mitigation, masking can NEVER WORK.

2. The CT "pattern" of OP does not establish OP. Lacking confimed tissue samples, CT observation is subject to misinterpretation. OP IS SECONDARY to a lung injury infection, the insult and INFECTION occurs PRIMARY. The vast majority of decedents were elderly and/or with multiple commorbidites (avg SIX). Thus, mandated protocols diverting from over 60 years of tried and true prophylaxis were INTENTIONAL iatrocide.

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The post by Crosscat is exactly my view, as a recently retired ICU/anaesthetist consultant. I keep in touch with current colleagues still practicing. The article has many interesting links and information, but shows all the failings of reductionist thinking. Each individual symptom and sign can have different meanings, but interpretation of the whole is obvious.

It can be seen in other disciplines. Food is one example; single ingredients are lauded as the whole answer to health etc added and splashed on the packets as wonder ingredients etc, but it is food in its entirety that counts. Complex models for climate change require 25 or so parameters for differential equations. Some of these parameters have huge ranges with little precision, but this is used to deny the climate is warming. Anyone visiting the high mountains will have observed the recent glacial melting and anyone can see in their own garden the changes in nature. The signal from nature is clear and unequivocal.

We may be able to discuss the multiple manifestations of covid, each one of which could be explained other ways, but the fact remains that floods of patients in hospitals were dying in unusual way. You still need to see the wood for the trees.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Only thing obvious and unequivocal to me has been the mute cowardice of colleagues in the face of a blatant crime against my patients.

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"floods of patients in hospitals were dying in unusual way."

Where? Which hospitals? Can you present that data here?

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The post referenced observations from people on the scene as its source. Requesting official data for personal observations is an obvious non-starter.

So your questions seem more like an attack than a genuine inquiry.

I take it you support the authors' strong desire to dismiss the possibility that somewhere in this concoction of lies, greed, and corruption that was 'The Pandemic', a novel pathogen exists.

I find it interesting that to support this hypothesis, the authors rely strongly on the medical literature, while at the same time dismissing the medical literature, for example... "It surely says something about the suspension of normal critical faculties within the scientific community that this paper became so widely cited..."

We have all seen the major medical journals hemorrhaging BS in the name of the pandemic, and obedient medical practitioners blindly following suit. And people died, attributed to COVID-19. So I tend to give more weight to the observations of competent and experienced practioners who did not kill their patients.

We can have many many 'COVID-19' deaths caused by remdesevir, intubation, medazolam, vaping, flu, bacterial pneumonia, and motorcycle accidents... and still have a novel pathogen in the mix. I have not seen anything in this painstakingly researched paper to convince me otherwise.

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023

We "can have" many things and speculate on many things.

The data and evidence do not support any such allegation that there was a "novel pathogen" and never have. BTW the "original" SARS was never proven to exist.

That you would consider my inquiry "an attack" is a strawman used to avoid the questions and divert from the questions of which I've barely asked the more pressing ones.

It would be easy for the "people on the scene" to provide details and they have not done so three years on. If that does not raise an eyebrow for you perhaps it is you who are wishing to protect something here though that is really of no itnerest to me.

No novel pathogen- sorry.

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As SMS has pointed out, this is personal observation and information from trusted personal sources. There is plenty of data available for UK hospital activity statistics, but I am not going to bother to find them for you, as you would not believe them, and as SMS goes on to say, your inquiry is more of an attack.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

The parallel with the party drug suspected of causing hiv-like symptoms back in the 70s/80s is interesting considering the person at the scene of both ‘crimes’.

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Very good point. It had occurred to me.

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Which party drug was that? Do you have any links that are a good starting point for learning more?

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Don’t know the pharma name but they were called poppers and I believe it was an inhaled medicine.

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Ah yes, amyl nitrite.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Martin Neil

It's amazing for me to bear witness to the rapid decline of overall health in the US (it's the same in most Western countries) in the last twenty years which is caused by a constellation of factors such as but not limited to; ageing population (many in living in squalid institutional settings), increased poverty, increased BMI, horrendous diet, sedentary liefestyle, more time indoors breathing toxic indoor air, addiction to electronic stimuli-EMF poisoning- cortisol roller-coasters, opiod addiction, massive uptake in pharmaceuticals, increased metals in the atmosphere, deteriorating water quality, mineral depletion of soil, massive increase in vaccination schedule (including increase in highly reactogenic combination vaccines), social anomie and on and on- add another couple of dozen items to the list.

Add one of the most cataclysmic events of non-stop public hysteria and social discolation in the history of the world into that mix with an already psychotic and biologically fragile population what in the world do you think is going to happen?

It would literally be a miracle of biology, in fact I'd say a biological impossibility given all of the above, if people weren't getting sick in droves and dying in ways doctors "hadn't seen before."

And here we are talking about some alleged invisible submicroscopic microbe supposedly floating through the air making everyone sick? This would laughable and make for a good cartoon if it weren't so serious.

Such a discussion, particularly coming from physicians, is also absolute madness and should be kicked to the curb as fast as possible (as in yesterday) so that we can discuss the real problems that are causing these breakdowns.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

The examination of the clinical and anatomic pathology of severe or fatal respiratory illnesses of 2020 is intriguing to me. My scope of practice was restricted to the ambulatory sphere after 2016 because I declined mandatory flu shot injections at the hospital where I previously did acute patient care in all in-pt areas. During and after 2020, the "people were dying" mantra was often heard as an unassailable proof that a novel pandemic pathogen was extant. This article reviewing the pertinent clinical experiences of these prominent intensivists helps me to understand the behavior of a certain severity of a certain illness in certain patients. It doesn't resolve the question of etiology or novelty as you have noted. And if the etiology is thought to be an infectious pathogen, it doesn't resolve the question of its' provenance whether natural or engineered . The answers to these questions seem to elude the most powerful technological tools and the most experienced specialists in medicine. I remain persuaded that everything done at the government or political level during the alleged pandemic was either inadvertently or deliberately harmful. Notwithstanding the valid and informative tales from the crypts of NYC ICUs I trust that continued investigation along the lines of the authors will more likely lead to better patient outcomes. Of equal importance to me is the quest for political justice for the harms inflicted at scale during a pandemic of politicians taking charge of a crisis for which they had zero competence to handle. Thanks for your work.

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Thanks for your feedback.

What crisis, exactly, was there to handle?

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

The crisis of an orchestrated hysteria. only. But politicians and charlatans only excel at inflammatory, alarmist rhetoric. Not a steady grip or a dry palm to be found among them. I really want no part of their finger wagging false leadership.

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Jessica, re "What crisis, exactly, was there to handle?"

As Mike Yeadon says:

1. there has been no pandemic, no public health emergency and therefore no nasty, scary virus;

2. that pandemics are impossible because these acute respiratory illnesses are not contagious, and we’ve been lied to about that for decades;

3. that it is evident that the deception, based on worthless PCR based diagnostics, was created to justify lockdowns and more and finally

4. to persuade people to roll up their sleeves for jabs which my skill set allows me to determine, with great confidence, were designed intentionally to cause injury, death and to impair fertility in survivors.

5. bringing it all together, the backdrop to all this is the power of privately-owned central banks (& naturally the BIS) which has, as twin objectives:

(i) the dismantling / “de-civilisation” of the West, bringing about a totalitarian digital control regime of mandatory digital ID & cashless CBDC, and

ii) through repeated “vaccination” requirement to maintain validity of one’s digital ID, driven off whatever fresh hell is advanced by WHO, a great reset of the population along the lines put forward by a century and more by the eugenicist cliques.



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I mostly agree with Yeadon except that I believe officials were actually hiding sins/crimes involving the flu shot & other drugs, needed a reason to off ramp the egg-based flu shot and on-ramp mRNA to cover up their shenanigans and retain One Shot to Rule Them All goals, and desperately wanted ROI on their pandemic/bioterrorism preparedness efforts.

A pandemic involving a sudden spreading novel deadly coronavirus was staged, but for me it’s not enough to say the government wasn’t hiding something related to death and drugs/meds/shots.

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Very important in this connection is the speech made by Fauci in 2019 (pre-Covid) which advocated abolishing existing, conventional, vaccine production:

'We have something better (ie new tech vaxxes);so why not just blow the whole system up!' To which, applause.

And blow up the whole system is just what they did, with conventional production and extended and exhaustive trials now rapidly being consigned to history on the premise that the mRNA triumph ushered in a new era.

Equally important is the book 'Disease X' published in early 2023, with a foreword by Sir Tony Blair, the well-known epidemiologist: how to, as a top priority. develop a vaccine in 100 days 'and end pandemics forever.'

I have never seen any reference to the Fauci speech, which declared in a few words the whole programme, and none to the book promising us such future delights.

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I've referenced that video a number of times on Twitter

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Jessica, splendid! He told us what he wanted to do, and did it. His visible excitement and obvious irresponsibility at the prospect should put off even the most ardent worshippers of that little fraudster.

Similarly, Tony Blair is the herald of their next attack, which will attempt to start injecting us in 3 months. Everything is telegraphed in advance.

One could say that getting to the bottom of what transpired in 2020 - t so much expense of time and effort - is now in a sense merely academic, except that 1/ the truth always matters, and 2/ it helps to enlighten us as to how they might proceed the next time. For them it was very successful formula.

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Re my response above, including Mike Yeadon saying "that pandemics are impossible because these acute respiratory illnesses are not contagious, and we’ve been lied to about that for decades".

This is fascinating - is it true that acute respiratory illnesses are not contagious?

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I agree with Yeadon that pandemics are impossible. Localized epidemics involving diseases with demonstrated transmission routes are a different story but don’t - as far as I can tell - involve most respiratory illnesses

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Jessica if you are interested, interview with Kory here, August, 2020.

Per usual, he is focused on alternative treatments and is discussing patients in dire straits in NYC. He says he volunteered to go from WI.

FWIW. Still trying to wrap my mind around all of this.


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I had the May 6, 2020 vid but not this one.

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A very useful insight. Remember that spike seems to be mildly thrombogenic as we have seen with the vaccine rollouts (whether by viral vector or mRNA)... but the dose of spike in a viraemia (from viral infection) would be very low. The mechanisms of death related to COVID appeared to be pneumonia related or thrombogenic with the latter being a minority, I don't remember any other mechanism talked about until 2021...

From the perspective of the type of pneumonia my impression is that Pierre Kory favours the diagnosis of organising pneumonia (generally sterile) and the literature is now talking about a 60% rate of secondary bacterial pneumonia. One is treated by steroids and the other by antibiotics. For a case ending up on ICU it is generally too late to get a rapid response from antibiotics because much of the lung damage is done, hence why we always treated early in the community for those at risk. Atypical pneumonia can encompass all these, and unless you are testing for all organisms you will not find them. Atypical pneumonias are generally treated in the community empirically to avoid ending up in hospital, but we abandoned that approach during "COVID".

So, if you wanted to hit the population with a biological weapon that would masquerade as a virus (for which the doctors would be told not to treat with antibiotics) all you would have to do is include the viral genome into an atypical bacterial vector (e.g. legionella, rickettsia), tell the medical establishment to look for the viral sequence by PCR and stop using antibiotics that cover the vector (invariably azithromycin or doxycycline) "because antibiotics don't work for viruses 🙄". What the medical establishment mustn't be allowed to do under these circumstances is a PCR panel for atypical pneumonia organisms as that would give the game away.


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Kory has not made any comment about sterility AFAIK.

You mention biological weapons, and this reminded me of a comment made by Norman Pieniazek:

"ex-Soviet bioweapons researchers said to attack New York with anthrax would need 20,000 Boeing 747s flying over the city, dropping millions of tons of anthrax spores from a low height then people spreading it with shovels."

Clearly, you didn't mention anthrax but the issue, in my mind, isn't the particular pathogen used, but the feasibility of creating mass casualty events using *any* pathogen and doing so in a controllable way. See:


As a Bayesian I tend to look at the prior probabilities of competing explanations and weigh the evidence accordingly. Consider, on the one hand, the explanation that we have seen a fairly mundane set of symptoms that have been understood for decades (at least), with a reasonably well-established, plausible, causal mechanism - namely 'naturally occurring' bacterial pneumonia. But, on the other hand, we have entirely novel technological explanation in the form of bioweapons that have little to no historical empirically demonstrated capability.

A posteriori, the mundane explanation is more believable for the vast majority of respiratory covid cases.

And especially so when we factor in the EPIC study results Norman P. kindly refers to below.

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I strongly recommend reading three papers describing CDC's POIS and EPIC projects.

POIS Study


AIDS, 2002 Jan 4;16(1):85-95. doi: 10.1097/00002030-200201040-00011.

Prospective study of etiologic agents of community-acquired pneumonia in patients with HIV infection

D Rimland 1, T R Navin, J L Lennox, J A Jernigan, J Kaplan, D Erdman, C J Morrison, S P Wahlquist, Pulmonary Opportunistic Infection Study Group

EPIC Study Adults


N Engl J Med, 2015 Jul 30;373(5):415-27. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1500245. Epub 2015 Jul 14.

Community-Acquired Pneumonia Requiring Hospitalization among U.S. Adults

Seema Jain 1, Wesley H Self, Richard G Wunderink, Sherene Fakhran, Robert Balk, Anna M Bramley, Carrie Reed, Carlos G Grijalva, Evan J Anderson, D Mark Courtney, James D Chappell, Chao Qi, Eric M Hart, Frank Carroll, Christopher Trabue, Helen K Donnelly, Derek J Williams, Yuwei Zhu, Sandra R Arnold, Krow Ampofo, Grant W Waterer, Min Levine, Stephen Lindstrom, Jonas M Winchell, Jacqueline M Katz, Dean Erdman, Eileen Schneider, Lauri A Hicks, Jonathan A McCullers, Andrew T Pavia, Kathryn M Edwards, Lyn Finelli, CDC EPIC Study Team

EPIC Study Children


N Engl J Med 2015 Feb 26;372(9):835-45. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1405870.

Community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization among U.S. children

Seema Jain 1, Derek J Williams, Sandra R Arnold, Krow Ampofo, Anna M Bramley, Carrie Reed, Chris Stockmann, Evan J Anderson, Carlos G Grijalva, Wesley H Self, Yuwei Zhu, Anami Patel, Weston Hymas, James D Chappell, Robert A Kaufman, J Herman Kan, David Dansie, Noel Lenny, David R Hillyard, Lia M Haynes, Min Levine, Stephen Lindstrom, Jonas M Winchell, Jacqueline M Katz, Dean Erdman, Eileen Schneider, Lauri A Hicks, Richard G Wunderink, Kathryn M Edwards, Andrew T Pavia, Jonathan A McCullers, Lyn Finelli, CDC EPIC Study Team

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Please remember that isolating bacteria from sputum of atypical pneumonia is notoriously difficult, yielding low sensitivity.

To illustrate this problem here is a PCR-based multiplex assay detecting genomic sequences of pathogens in 350+ negative culture samples.


The only way to answer this in retrospect is to perform multiplex PCR on samples of people with "COVID" to see if there are other organisms (particularly intracellular bacteria that can be used as vectors) that were present in addition to the "COVID" sequence.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler

Wonder if anyone inspected ingredients of the annual trivalent flu shots, which changed in 2019; and the relatively new pneumonia shots, out for the past 6 or 7 years. Is it possible taking these shots already suppressed immune systems in the elderly making them way more susceptible to any new infection? Seems many failed to fight off the flu or whatever this thing was. Just asking if anyone noticed the creep of shots into an aging population "to protect the elderly", now starting around age 55 or 60. So-called health care by shooting more toxins into bodies already loaded with accumulated toxins at an ever increasing rate, may be an underlying condition. A toxic terrain sets up victims for any incoming insults? Oh, please don't notice addl profits being made from this ongoing protection racket.

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Refer to Figure 12 in my post:


Quadrivalent in the U.S. debuted in 2014, I believe.

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Dec 24, 2023·edited Dec 24, 2023

Thanks for your link! Just watched an informal interview Ivor Cummins had with Dr Wodarg in Norway or Sweden earlier this year…will try to find that link again. Dr Wodarg developed a formula describing human resilience, my jaw agape…here's the link to video interview in TwitterX: https://x.com/wodarg/status/1738682850965102805?s=20

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

What a comprehensive review and analysis. It does seem ( ref Hallett Inquiry) that 'they' want the virus named SARS-COV-2 to be 'novel' with particular ( 'bespoke') features because it drove all the excessive interference by government in people's lives, all the social and economic upheaval, the mass roll out of injections termed 'vaccines'. Life could not be turned 'upside down' (with all the collateral damage) on the back of 'flu....could it? After all Fauci had said (in a group meeting prior to the 'pandemic'), that people weren't sufficiently scared of 'flu.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler

Outstanding. You can throw weaponized anthrax in with the localized vape poisoning to get a few “outbreak clusters”.

Kory is the hero if he is fighting Covid. If most illnesses were fear faulty testing and flu mixed with intentional localized area poisoning, then his personal narrative is still noteworthy but in ways he doesn’t realize.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

Interesting article. The article answered questions, yet put more on the table. I am not as scientifically minded as many of you that previously responded. I do see that some basic things questions are being asked, yet great debate is being formed. Questions about what is covid and what is not covid? Is there such a virus? What is the actual origin of the virus? What are the symptoms of virus? How can one test for it? How can the virus be treated? All of these questions have been asked. Yet, many doctors and health care professionals got into issues for seriously asking questions. As an average person, I see the division covid has caused in families, communities and work places. That is why I want to learn more. Many things seem off.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

The VALI angle is most interesting. Your article reminded me of something I’d forgotten about reading in 2020: speculation that “Covid” damage was really damage from vaping.

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