Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Pinned

See long form tweet on the article and re-tweet please.


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You link to Fauci et al’s paper published earlier year this year that admits the respiratory jabs are rubbish, how are they still being pressed upon people around the world?!

FYI see my email to them below: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/04/the-biggest-crime-in-history.the-influenza-and-sars-cov-2-vaccine-scam.pdf

Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 9:45 PM

The biggest crime in history...the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine scam

For the attention of:

David M. Morens

Jeffery K. Taubenberger

Anthony S. Fauci

David Morens, Jeffery Taubenberger and Anthony Fauci, you admit influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine products are rubbish in your article Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses. Cell Host & Microbe 31, 11 January 2023.

You say: "As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases."

Really?!?!?! So what is this, just out and out fraud?

And now we've been inflicted with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine racket, products you admit "elicit incomplete and short-lived protection against evolving virus variants that escape population immunity"...but you also say "the rapid development and deployment of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines has saved innumerable lives and helped to achieve early partial pandemic control".

Based upon what evidence do you make that fanciful claim for efficacy?!

How have you gotten away with this utter bullshit for so long?

Because the scientific and medical establishment is captured by the lucrative Church of Vaccination, and incapable of calling out the gross exploitation of mass populations of people with defective and unnecessary products!

How many billions of people, including children, have been misled into having these unnecessary and worse than useless medical interventions?

How many billions of dollars have been squandered on the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines scam?

And these unnecessary and worse than useless products have been mandated in many instances, mandated medical interventions trashing the legal and ethical obligation for voluntary informed consent. And the medical 'profession' went along with this travesty.

The imposition of these medical interventions, and the resulting medical, economic and social damage, is the biggest crime in history, and it's time for the perpetrators to be brought to account.


Elizabeth Hart

Independent researcher investigating vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy


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Yes, the flu shot is a racket. Worse, it was probably harmful (especially the egg-based platform).

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler

Isn't it a miracle that humans managed to arrive to mid 20th century without much intervention from medical bodies and that deaths from childhood illnesses were neglible before any vaccines appeared? This mainly due to stopping kids doing long shifts down mines and factories, up chimneys, living in squalor, bad or no sanitation and poor nutrition, how many kids still live in Africa and other 3rd world areas. Wouldn't it be far more effective if these objectives met?

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Just want to add that right up to Dec 2019 I knew nothing, believed in vaccinations, had children take them, had others for travel. These are undoubtedly the most lethal but damage by trad ones is shocking too, reading Disolving Illusions, Turtles all the Way Down, Virus Mania and others was jaw dropping for polio and HIV, in particular.

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Check out some of my correspondence if you have time...

- https://vaccinationispolitical.net/

- https://over-vaccination.net/

And my BMJ rapid responses give an overview of some vaccination issues:

- https://vaccinationispolitical.net/more-correspondence/

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I've read many anecdotes from pet owners who, for whatever reason, have had pets both regularly vaccinated and others which had none or primary doses. They say the least jabbed have been healthier, less illnesses, and outlived their jabbed pets by many years. Some vets will admit primary doses are sufficient. However, here in UK, the independant vet has just about disappeared, all bought up by consortiums which policies (sell vaccines, insurance policies) are part of employment contract with bonuses, no doubt, similar to GPs. A lot of work there on website! I just regret I had 100% trust in the system for myself and family up until 2020. Also, it's amazing how people will spend time researching a new vehicle or holiday but will not question anything GP says because of years of conditioning to trust 100% on health.

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What really struck me when I started investigating pet vaccination is international dog and cat vaccination guidelines* were warning that we should decrease companion animal vaccination, i.e. "we should aim to reduce the 'vaccine load' on individual animals in order to minimize the potential for adverse reactions to vaccine products"...meanwhile vaccination of humans is increasing at an alarming rate, as we're seeing now with flu and Covid vaccines being pushed every year, along with the rest of the vaccine products on the schedule. The pet vax guidelines also acknowledge "there is gross under-reporting of vaccine-associated adverse events, because of the passive nature of reporting schemes, which impedes knowledge of the ongoing safety of these products." It's the same in human vaccination...

My ultimate goal is an investigation of the entire vaccination schedule, including the conflicts of interest of groups influencing taxpayer-funded vaccination policy, e.g. associations with the vaccine industry.

* https://wsava.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/WSAVA-Vaccination-Guidelines-2015.pdf

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There's a control database from US, can't remember link, which shows unjabbed kids have far less allergies, illnesses, autism, ADHD, etc., so I'd go further and question the need for any of them!

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I agree Markker. After 15 years of investigating this caper, I’m with you, questioning the need for any of them! Covid has brought this into high relief where we can clearly see mass populations were coerced into having these unnecessary medical interventions of no benefit to them, and actually potentially harmful!

When you look into the diseases for which there are vaccinations on the schedule, you discover they’re not as serious as they’re cracked up to be, and ones that quickly come to mind are flu, HPV, chickenpox and, dare I say, the big ticket item, the measles, mumps, rubella MMR jab.

Really look into these things and behind the fear-mongering.

Meanwhile, they’re injecting poison…seriously! There’s all sorts of junk in these vaccine products.

Problem is, discussion has been suppressed on this subject for so long, the blessed Church of Vaccination. And that’s why we’re now in this mess, with these ridiculous Covid jabs being pressed every few months, absolute madness. The scientific and medical establishment is a disaster area, with so few capable of calling this out.

Think now about the vaccine load being imposed on children, laid out for their entire lives - the ‘womb to tomb’ vaccination schedule, with no idea of the long-term cumulative effects.

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Ditto Markker - I have been on that same journey except I haven't read Virus Mania which I probably should read but I have a pile of at least 100 books to get through cos I keep buying them.

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Some of the older books can be found on Archive.org too and Denis Rancourt's website has a reading list.

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

Yes good tips - I do always look on archive and also I have a subscription to Scribd which has lots of books too. I think I have copied Denis Rancourt's reading list on to my computer. All I need now is time to read all these books. I buy them to support those who are speaking out but I now have piles of books everywhere!

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That's funny, my pile of books is growing too...

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Martin Neil

Great article. I do not a have a chance right now to watch the full video (will do later) but read the synopsis. It is good to know that there are individuals of the professional calibre and unquestionable expertise of Norman Pieniazek who can talk about everything wrong with the "covid pandemic". What is still a mystery to me is what happened with people like him - and hundreds of thousands of medical doctors and health care professionals who do not have a fraction of Doctor Pieniazek's credentials, but certainly KNEW - who chose to remain "quiet" and allowed this great disgrace to happen. Anyone with basic knowledge about medicine should have known many of the concepts you summarize in your article about respiratory diseases, the absurdity of nasopharingeal PCRs, mRNA "vaccines", NPIs to "control epidemics"... etc.

I can relate to your mention of Doctor Inglesby, who is the author of a seminal article about the futility of "NPIs" in scenarios of epidemics, pointing to the high societal costs related to them - for which they must be avoided. It has always been a mystery to me how this person became an important participant in the infamous "Event 201" and later became an advocate for all the official narrative.

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"It has always been a mystery to me how this person became an important participant in the infamous "Event 201" and later became an advocate for all the official narrative."

I think the mystery could be solved very easily if we knew what Dr. Inglesby was promised or incentivized by -- and by whom -- likely in 2019 or early 2020.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett


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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Martin Neil

So far I have read only your summary (thank you for it) but clearly this is another tremendous piece of work.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

Excellent journalism. Key points:

•”tele-health”/no stethoscope/missed pneumonia

•PCR = “you will find whatever you want to find”

Entrapment of society via medical protocols.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

Let's say we accept the premise that they cannot directly edit a virus to become more dangerous. What about serial passage, where the researchers simply allow the most demonstrably virulent strains to keep spreading? No guesswork is needed.

I don't know why this doesn't get mentioned when bioweapons are being discussed since there was work done in ferrets with an avian influenza that led to the GoF ban. Also, iirc sars-cov-2 showed an afinity for mink or some other animal close to ferrets and some farms had to cull them in Europe.

Plus there was an illicit, covert Chinese lab recently discovered in a warehouse filled with ace-2 humanized mice. Could those be used to serial passage sars-cov-2 and were abandoned as the project came to an end?

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

Serial passages in cell cultures are used to attenuate (weaken) viruses. Did you take this claim from the fake Pfizer director?

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

You are rude.


And you can see in the article that not only did the virus gain function (airborne transmission) but also that they were able to identify the exact mutations.

"Together, these results suggest that as few as five amino acid substitutions (four in HA and one in PB2) may be sufficient to confer airborne transmission of [highly pathogenic avian flu] H5N1 virus," the researchers wrote.

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"Thus, GoF claims that changes to spike protein and furin cleavage sites make a virus more deadly are fiction."


The S2 Subunit of QX-type Infectious Bronchitis Coronavirus Spike Protein Is an Essential Determinant of Neurotropism

Mutation of the S2′ site of QX genotype (QX-type) infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) spike protein (S) in a recombinant virus background results in higher pathogenicity, pronounced neural symptoms and neurotropism when compared with conditions in wild-type IBV (WT-IBV) infected chickens. In this study, we present evidence suggesting that recombinant IBV with a mutant S2′ site (furin-S2′ site) leads to higher mortality. Infection with mutant IBV induces severe encephalitis and breaks the blood–brain barrier.

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Not all what glitters is gold. Just remember about 2 million fake Long C0VID papers. What works on chickens stays in chickens.

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Norman, I don't mean to go off-topic but I thought you might be able to help me having worked at the CDC. You're probably an expert on this subject.

Whenever I cook fresh babies, I'm getting the skin separating before its done despite putting the basting sauce on first.

Is it worth investing in an air fryer?

All the babies are dead before I put them in - I assumed this was the default approach. Should they be alive when you close the oven door?

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I'm trying to answer your question of how would they know to insert a furin cleavage site. Here is another example of how this was known to be linked to virulence. Note that it didn't stay in chickens: "also in mammals."

" During circulation in poultry, viruses of subtypes H5 and H7 may acquire multiple basic amino acids at the HA cleavage site, rendering these viruses highly pathogenic with a mortality of up to 100% in poultry."

"A HPAI H5N1 strain isolated in Hong Kong in 1997 that was pathogenic in mice, was highly attenuated upon replacement of the multi basic cleavage site with that of a low pathogenic virus [22]. Thus, cleavage of HA is not only a determinant of pathogenicity in poultry, but also in mammals."


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In practice the cleavage of doom was a spectacular dud. Even the poultry weren't that much bothered.

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That may be the case, but the idea that virologists working on GoF can't begin to know what parts of the virus to modify to attempt to make them more dangerous is risible. The research I've linked in the comments here show that virologists have been able to identify specific features of interest through direct modification, comparison of strains and animal serial passage.

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"The issue with ‘infectious clones’ is that ‘you do not know what to create’ because there are millions of sequences of coronavirus so there is no ‘clonality’ and each one has 30 thousand nucleotides and there are combinatorically infinite changes you could potentially need to consider when creating a coronavirus5. It therefore isn’t possible to know what to change, via Gain of Function (GoF), to make the virus behave in more dangerous ways."

I think of infectious clones as a family of hypotheses, and one of those is that the clones are just there to create PCR positivity. That's it and that's all.

Another one is that CoV clones of a certain type may have been noted to react with some bacteria (bacteriaphage) in a way that created the "desired" illness.

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I favour the idea of it serving a sole purpose of providing waves of positives. That way you wouldn't need to do any GoF work to build in any traits or behaviours.

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I'm with you. I keep my mind open to other possibilities only because this onion had a couple of layers that surprised me along the way.

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Have you described the surprises somewhere Mathew? I'd be interested.

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...to create PCR positivity...in a number of simultaneous sites so that it looked like a pandemic and gave the authorities the excuse to institute the death-protocols, lockdowns, jabs, etc. These clones did not have to be extra deadly, so the "combinatorially infinite changes" is a red herring. I don't think Norman has actually understood JJ's hypothesis, do you?

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The covid gene therapies are not bioweapons? There was no tampering with the virus? DOD not involved with the plandemic? Millions of people found to have cardiac, neuro, pulmonary, circulatory problems post covid vaxx. Excess mortality in young people elevated in all countries that vaxxed. Vertigo, sepsis, heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, turbo cancers, all figments of our imagination? I have to admit, I am confused.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I wouldn't call the mRNA jabs (or any jabs for that matter) "bioweapons", since, although mostly biological in origin, they are not infectious, which has always been the overlords wet dream. They're certainly dangerous and poisonous. Lets call them biochemical weapons.

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"mRNA pseudovaccines cause autoimmune disease" would be the closest.

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Restriction on antibiotics a huge cause of deaths in elderly covid pts. Those with hx of COPD, autoimmune disease, other lung illness such as chronic bronchitis were red flags for antibiotic treatment. We did know who should have received antibiotics. Sadly, medical negligence led to the deaths of many elderly.

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Deoxycycline in particular. Strange how the things that could have saved the most lives became illegal during the pandemic. It's as if these guys were trying to kill us on purpose.

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Will the UK’s hallett inquiry ever address the issue of repurposed drugs that were banned during the early days of covid an d for three years now? Right now, sadly, the inquiry has all been about character assination of the clown show participants. It is worrying the person in charge of this inquiry has wasted so much time and taxpayer money. Vulgar language has become the norm during this investigation. Very disturbing to watch, not because of the findings being exposed by the inquiry, rather because of the way in which this inquiry has been managed. In a word, poorly.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler

Thank you so much for the written summary.

A small adjustment for ease of future cross reference, the Department of Health and Human Services is HHS.

And although it makes no appearance here, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services will be abbreviated CMS, not CMMS. I mention it only because CMS knows exactly how many old people and poor people got the shots, and when they got the shots, and whether they suffered disability or death and when. CMS has the elusive "merged" database for tens of millions of US citizens. Kaiser sits on another merged database for millions. DoD sits on yet another one.

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On a related note, the CMS nursing home death data are incomplete. The dataset begins at the end of May 2020.

Why is that, I wonder?

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

Am reviewing your recent posts. :) Sadly I am not fluent in databases and queries; God bless you all who are skilled and called to this work to dig for the truth.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

Thank yall so very much for choosing to record this!!!!

I must say the wisdom & knowledge of our older generation is SO IMPORTANT for current generations to learn from!!!!!

Everyone of you are so educated and knowledgeable but the knowledge and wisdom of NORMAN and many like him is what we are missing these days in communications so thank you to all of you and a very huge appreciation of mine goes out to Norman !!!!!

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None of these guys know which end of a test tube to fart into and all of them confess to being part of the machine in the past, on payroll for the twenty year plan that they are all shocked to discover was just a plot to kill people. Who could have known?

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jonathan Engler

Having read the summary, and posts blt, the Hallett Inquiry is so far adrift from reality that it might as well be happening on another planet....the planet called Big Pharma on which one approved narrative will hold sway for however long it is drawn out. It is as much of a pretence as the 2 year fear campaign to convince the public they'd keel over if they didn't stay 6' apart, wear a mask and take at least 3 jabs. It's mystifying why more people didn't see the many holes in the claptrap from politicians and medical advisors....Still, hopefully, once bitten twice shy, and with the info provided by WATN and guests there is plenty of 'ammo' to counter clown speak

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jonathan Engler

What a wonderful work you’ve been doing, professor Fenton. Thanks for keeping the courage to face the truth. As a doctor that has treated hundreds of COVID patients since the beginning of the pandemic, I doubt that bacterial infections occurred in many outpatients. In those that died after weeks in ICU, it might have been most probable. It has been a shame and surely a crime against humanity what they did against early treatment - or simply COVID treatment at all. I’m pretty sure that the vast majority of the deceased could have been saved if the most basic medicine had been applied. And of course, these injections must be immediately stoped. Thanks again for your precious work. Take care. Best wishes.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil


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Where has Norman Pieniazek PhD been for the past three years? Why hasn’t he spoken up before now? We have now had hundreds of scientists, microbiologists, virologists, medics, data analysts, epidemiologists, legal experts all weighing in on the covid plandemic. More than a few of these people have described how these experimental biologicals have been compromised and are causing significant damage to humans. And yet Norman Pieniazek, PhD, suddenly appears now. He did not call for the immediate withdrawal of the covid jabs. Does he believe they are safe? The state of Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis turned his back on the CDC and invited three experts to discuss the way forward in the mgmt of covid. Governor also hired Dr.Joseph Ladapo as Fl general surgeon. We have some of the smartest minds publishing their findings for three years now....

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He is a retired senior citizen and has been retired for a long time. Have a look at Norman's youtube and facebook for background. Maybe he has been talking about this for a long time but has been ignored?

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Perhaps he has but I do not remember anyone mentioning his name in the past three years this includes Drs. Malone, McCullough, Ryan Cole, Harvey Risch, and so many others I have followed. I am not on Facebook and try to avoid utube.

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Perhaps a lot of people are popping up now to lead us in a certain direction or to stop us discussing other things. We must be aware that the planning would have included managing the fall out as the deaths became impossible to hide.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

You are wrong. I was everywhere (and in three different languages) in social media since the start of the fake pandemic. I was sorry to find out very quickly that on both sides of the pandemic narrative there are people who, from my point of view, are talking nonsense. Molecular Biology and modern virology are magic which is too complicated even for the majority of people with degrees in medical sciences and in biology.

My good (former) friend, with an advanced degree in physics told me in March 2020 that epidemiology is not rocket science. When I started to point out that epidemiology based on the results of RT-qPCR tests is garbage and when such data are used to calculate CFR, IFR, R0 etc., you get undiluted garbage. Then she asked me: Do you believe Dr. Fauci? I told her that I have known him since 1986 and that's why I do not believe him, our friendship ended.

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Never happened Norm. You're retroconning history and claiming you were swinging at the fences three years ago. A quick look at your Twitter and other pages reveals you are a hastily erected shill who looks like he posted his first comment on the internet last week.

But shills gonna shill.

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"I was everywhere (and in three different languages) in social media since the start of the fake pandemic."

Where are the receipts? I did search on your Twitter account from Jan 1 2020 thru Jan 1 2022 and came up with nothing. Your YT channel has some cat videos, and your Rumble videos in Polish that date back only to May 4th 2022 don’t count -- even CIA Bob Malone stopped advocating the poison shots for the elderly and immune compromised by that date. Please provide links in English from 2020 -2021. Thanks.


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Re: "When I started to point out that epidemiology based on the results of RT-qPCR tests is garbage and when such data are used to calculate CFR, IFR, R0 etc., you get undiluted garbage."

Personally, I have no clue about this stuff...

But re the 'R0' bizzo, what do you think about the info about the 'Transmission Model' in Neil Ferguson et al's Report 9, page 4: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-College-COVID19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020.pdf

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I thin Neil Ferguson is a nincompoop and should be jailed for life.

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So it's the responsibility of your subscribers to vet your guests?

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As we explained we met Norman informally and it turned into a deeper discussion. More or less by accident. We aren't vetting anything or anybody and are confident our subscribers can disentangle message from messenger.

Much of what Norman said isn't new to us. It's corroborative, so questions about whether he was or was not he active on social media don't change the substance of what he says. He has a strong academic track record and this can be verified on Google scholar.

Sure, context matters. I will leave it to Norman if he wants to chip in but I would not want this to turn into some kind of purity test,

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No one is suggesting a ’purity test.’ It’s about basic discernment and an understanding that there are many who would use a respected platform such as Dr. Fenton’s for ulterior motives. Doing a minimum of background research on a guest who worked at the CDC for 24 yrs and pops up out of nowhere and parrots what dozens of other researchers have been saying for months/years isn’t too much to ask? Or is it? Esp from someone who viciously attacks others and fancies himself as God’s gift to science (take a look at some of his Twitter exchanges from late 2022). Hopefully you have the opportunity to ask more probing questions next time instead of the endless ‘this paper says this, this paper says that, show me the paper’ etc esp in light of the fact that most of those papers are complete bullshit and lies anyway.

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Ron DeSantis pushed the Covid19 transfections on senior citizens (as did Dr. DTRA Robert Malone) and many listened. Today they're suffering from health issues they've never experienced prior to poisoning their bodies with Malone's "invention". These individuals are members of my family and it's infuriating to witness people giving them a pass, especially Malone who along with Rick Bright sabotaged Trump’s orders to make Hydroxychloroquine available to all of us and instead brought us Remdesivir, one of the drugs causing mass murders.

Malone didn't stop pushing the clotshots until he was publicly shamed by many outspoken medical professionals. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of videos proving that the most censored man (🙄) was actually the biggest media darling thanks to Trevor FitzGibbon, Steve Kirsch, Unity Project and his crypto bros (follow the money).

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