Jun 22, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

We have to face the fact that most people are devoted to Authority in all its guises. No amount of factual information will disturb this obsession. You can lead the Hordes to Data but you cannot make them Think.

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Mind if I steal that?

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It's great. I'm going to adopt it (along the lines of 'Carthago delenda est') every time I have a verbal rant.

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Stan Laurel would be proud.

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re: "You can lead the Hordes to Data but you cannot make them Think."

Should be on a T-shirt!

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Along with ‘Freedom should be mandatory’!

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This is very true,....they seem to know, but are like corporate, just stuck having faith in a protection that’s not really there. It’s weird.

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They will all go down w their ship.

Buh bye.

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I'm sorry, that's too good not to steal! I'll try and give attribution.

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When trying to get to the truth you need to remember is that there's what people want to hear, there's what people want to believe, there's everything else, THEN there's the truth!

The truth means responsibility which is why everyone dreads it...

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Sort of reads like one of those babylon bee jokes.

Scientific expert on applying reasoning cancelled from conference for coming to different conclusion to the government...

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There is only one truth💉😷💉😷💉😷🇬🇧🍻👍

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[What Eli said.]

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

The group think is insane. Even when truly shocking evidence is staring them in the face, they cannot deal with it. This today in The Guardian: "Health bosses warn of heart disease emergency in England

Charity calls for prioritisation of NHS heart care after nearly 100,000 excess deaths since March 2020." https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/jun/22/health-bosses-warn-of-heart-disease-emergency-in-england

Yet the vaccines, which have a known risk of heart disease that is acknowledged by the true faith believers, are not even mentioned in the article, despite the fact that it makes them a possible cause that would at the very least need serious research. It truly is astounding, and it keeps doing my head in on a daily basis. War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, and the vaccines are 100% safe. And woe to anyone, like professor Fenton, who questions this.

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Have you come across the medical paper that says : the more 💉💉💉💉 the more you catch the virus? Negative efficacy🙃, it has been covered by Dr Philip McCann - Vejon health utube.

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Yeah, there are tons of studies that show this: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.06.09.23290893v1.full#T2 Perhaps this is the one McCann refers to?

But the most striking bit of information comes from one of the pro-vaxxers-in-chief, German health minister Karl Lauterbach, who on mainstream German TV news stated that the risk of serious side effects is 1 in 10k. This is a stunning video to watch: https://youtu.be/653x0SpYd48?t=237

Lauterbach bases himself on data from the prestigious German Paul Ehrlich Institute. One has to bear in mind that normal vaccines are withdrawn when the risk of serious side-effects is one in a million or more. I've informed tons of UK media of Lauterbach's game-changing statement, yet there never was a reply, and insofar as I know, no media has reported on it. Ignorance is strength.

Incidentally, a Dutch professor of probability theory, Ronald Meester, studied the German data, and concluded that Lauterbach is mistaken, and that this data in fact points to a risk of serious injury or death of 1 in 3k.

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Crimes against humanity. Forget Putin, this lot should be in gaol.

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Putin? What has Putin got to do with it? You figured out the vaccine scam but not the ukronazi one it seems.... Brits are always suckers for anti russian propaganda, they just can't break free.

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You didn't read my post properly. I meant this lot should be in jail that is to say the NATO gang

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Yeah that’s strange. It’s like they have been ‘taken over’ by another. The look on their faces is like they can’t believe what they are saying themselves. Fauci was like this also.

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Your correct it's the top article, he has done a follow up video which is equally interesting and alarming.

Will watch the video in the link👍

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"Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Diseases 2019 Bivalent Vaccine" by Shrestha, et al, Open Forum Infectious Diseases, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2023




See the infamous Figure 2

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Oooo yeah, Figure 2 is quite telling.

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Dr Philip McMillan (Not McCann) Vejon Covid Review. Very objective analysis.

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My thoughts precisely. It absolutely does my head in and I try not to let it and I do let it go but actually you can't avoid seeing things even if you try not to. And why are people so bloody loud these days....... I'm sitting in a cafe. I'm very glad indeed that I can share some thoughts even if it is on a space like this rather than directly with people.

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I am so glad to be able to share thoughts here, too. At a cafe would be grand.

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023

There's no point even in interacting w the brain dead. A shadow alternative medical industry must be started and supported. Let them go to hell w their fear porn.

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Yep, & it illustrates the complicity and dedication to the cover-up & propaganda of ALL state/governmental/health authority/mainstream media and corporate technocracy edifices and institutions. The ooze-paper reading simpletons will never believe their "lyin' eyes" 👀 over the

presstitute agenda setting, psychological conditioning/ warfare

& predictive programming. Globally orchestrated & coordinated cover up & persecution of the facts & conscience-driven deliverers OF them.

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They must be ignored and boycotted.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Every occurrence like this Norman is another acknowledgment that you are over target and they are either too weak to risk backing you up or they are complicit and are trying cover up.

This should be regarded as another medal in your favour!! 👏👏

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Appalling. I have written to Ben Goldacre and hope many more of us will do so.

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Maybe a comment or two on his Twitter account. or maybe a link to the article someone has posted below.

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I wrote to his @badscience.net address and got the standard autoreply which curiously included this line:

"If you think there’s a medical conspiracy to poison us with vaccines, or maybe you have a new theory about how the universe works which you invented in your garage, that’s awesome, thanks for thinking of me."

Somehow I think he's not interested in my new theory about how the universe works.

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His smugness knows no bounds. Maybe one day he'll crash.

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Have you contact details?

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His email address (No idea if he check s it or not, but it is publicly available on his website, so this is not doxxing him in any way. )- ben@badscience.net

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It seems an appropriate email address 😁

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Good idea. I will go to the contact information that others have provided.

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Wow! When will it end. If its any consolation; (probably not) - I am finding more and more individuals who are starting to awaken to what has been happening.

The conversations are fascinating, it's like meeting someone you find attractive for the first time but not being sure that they feel the same ... you flirt around issues like children being vaccinated and mandates, then move on to polar bear populations and the medieval warm period, then CBDCs and surveillance always building up confidence ... and finally you know they are with you and you can come out and finally have an honest conversation.

The revolution will not be televised!!

I'd love to see your presentation on Bayesian networks though :-)

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I will be making a video presentation of what I was going to speak about (but possibly not for a few weeks)

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Will you be able to provide any resources further studies about for Bayesian networks and their use?

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Comment deleted
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Excellent! Thank you.

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I will certainly be interested in that.

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This rings so true. I'm sure many of us have been through this same process!

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Shameless. They said you're brilliant. But I guess that only applies to all healthcare decision making other than when it comes to vaccines?

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

That's probably why they had to cancel him. By admitting his brilliance and deferring to his expertise in Bayesian networks and risk management, they realised that they would then tacitly have to give credibility and serious consideration at least to Prof Fenton's 'controversial' work on analysing the vaccination and mortality statistics.

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Don't fall into the trap.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

What has happended to Goldacre? I read Bad Pharma and Bad Science 10 years ago and whilst I didn't understand it all as not a professional in either field, I got the general gist that pharma companies use tricks and manipulaiton to get their drugs to market and a lot of other things too. In short he was on the right side of science so-to-speak. Not any more it seems. Dear Norman your stuff is way above my head but I know you are ethical and that is what counts. I also know that scientific endeavour is not about assertions and arrogance or about shutting people up, indeed it is the very opposite. The plight of Galileo Galilei comes to mind. Please stay robust.

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Professor Fenton is one of the world’s greatest truth tellers of this age. May God protect him and his family.

Apparently for every one of ‘them’ there are one million of ‘us’ which is a very hopeful statistic..

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Ben Goldacre is part of the Praetorian Guard which has protected the vaccine industry from scrutiny for years, see for example: What’s behind Ben Goldacre? https://www.ageofautism.com/2010/08/whats-behind-ben-goldacre-.html

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I did not know this, thanks for the pointer. I read his book many years ago and assumed he would be among the sceptics about what has been going on.

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Me too. Ben "get vaccinated" Goldacre and pantyliner-in-mask advocate Trish Greenhalgh were Titans in the field of EBM, and both have thoroughly disgraced themselves the past few years. What I didn't know was how reputationally damaged goldacre was prior to all of this. There really is no way back for them, given how arrogant and extreme they've been towards their errors. Goldacre is more Machevillian and may be able to about face at some point, Trish I believe will continue doubling down to oblivion

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Trish "I will block you if you provide me with evidence which contradicts me" Greenhalgh. It didn't take long for me to be consigned to the blocked basket.

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Despite finding Goldacre's books interesting I did think even at that time he was clever but also an arrogant and supercilious little git.

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Arrogance is always a mask for insecurity.

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Excellent link: thanks. Yes, I had also formed the opinion that Ben G was talented after reading his books, and then later that he was another talented prostitute similar to Brian Cox.

Not mentioned in that article: after Wakefield was held up as the lesson of what happens to you if you say anything to encourage doubt (i.e. thought) about vaccines, it's worth looking up the details of what happened to the "senior author" (Wakefield was the "lead author") Professor Walker S, when he successfully appealed against the BMAs judgement. Essentially all the allegations against all the authors were shown to be rubbish.

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I see. I hereby retract a comment I made about the pressure he is under.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

A disgraceful action. Ben Goldacre, shame on you.

Hold the Line, Professor Fenton. Your integrity and courage will prevail.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

At least you now don't have to shake hands with Goldacre.

Cancellation is all around - I used to give regular CME training sponsored by a large pharmaceutical company, whose name may or may not begin with P, and (unlike events like this) did collect rather generous fees for so doing. For years, I used to add a little gentle trolling/LOLs at the end of the day, with a look at NNT applied to statins, more to demonstrate that a statistic, like HR, that works for researchers, is basically meaningless to patients. The sponsor didn't mind much, it was usually oncologists and such like in attendance, so people already rather likely to stop rater than start patients on statins.

The last time I did this, someone instead asked me about a particular large phase 3 clinical trial of a then-prominent vaccine, also possibly sponsored by a large pharmaceutical company whose name might or might not begin with P. So I obliged with the usual issues about relying on essentially self-reported endpoints in unblindable trials, inadequate follow-up duration to conclude any clinical relevance, and the blatant undermining of the ITT principle.

For some reason, I haven't been invited back since. Can't think why.

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“…a particular large phase 3 clinical trial of a then-prominent vaccine, also possibly sponsored by a large pharmaceutical company whose name might or might not begin with P.”

That’s interesting…any clues re the then-prominent vaccine?

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Meningococccal B vaccine?

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Absolute cowardly bastards.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Censorship of this kind is totally unacceptable.

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The Ben Goldacre whose blog I used to follow (years ago now) seems to have switched sides. From highlighting 'bad medicine' & bad science to defending mad medicine & pseudo science. How & why did that happen? He certainly looks very well fed nowadays.

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Are you referring to the Bad Science Forum?

I tried to engage on that forum years ago, after I started investigating pet vaccination, and moved on to human vaccination.

This was back in the days when I was young and naive, and thought science folk might engage in genuine and open discussion relevant to vaccination policy.

How wrong I was!

The Bad Science Forum was a nest of vipers populated by individuals hiding behind pseudonyms, and insufferably smug and patronising.

Any questioning of vaccination was not to be borne on the ‘Bad Science’ Forum, with this gang of bullies belittling anyone daring to challenge their blessed Church of Vaccination.

Andrew Wakefield was their particular object of derision, with great delight taken in denigration of this man, by this wretched group of cowards, hiding behind their pseudonyms.

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No - I'm referring to the bad medicine blog that he wrote. I'm pretty sure it was the basis for his book & seemed, IIRC, to be in favour of 'evidence based medicine ' and proper science.

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Goldacre’s Bad Science website used to host the Bad Science Forum.

I recall the forum was shut down a few years ago…some of those threads would be interesting to look back on now…

It really was a poisonous environment.

This is why we’re in this current diabolical situation with Covid - discussion and debate on vaccine products and vaccination policy has been suppressed for years.



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Apologies - that was, indeed, the blog site. My ageing brain confused the name of his blog with a much better one, so I owe Dr No an even bigger apology.

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It looks to me like Ben Goldacre hasn't been interested in promoting good science for quite some time:

"But the key to all of this is the recurring mischief of criticisms mounted against climate change. I am very happy to affirm that I am not a giant expert on climate change: I know a bit, and I know that there's not yet been a giant global conspiracy involving almost every scientist in the world (although I'd welcome examples).

More than all that, I can spot the same rhetorical themes re-emerging in climate change foolishness that you see in aids denialism, homeopathy, and anti-vaccination conspiracy theorists."


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Dear God! The man's either turned into an arse or an idiot. I can't be bothered, but I'd guess following the career progression, money & funding trail might explain all.

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That was just a month after Climategate broke and 8 months after 'Bad Science' was published. The Guardian obviously thought it was a good idea to get him in to promote The Settled Science of Climate Change in the face of attacks from 'conspiracy theorists' pointing to collusion among climate scientists to hide inconvenient data and censor fellow scientists who questioned climate science dogma.

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Here, I fixed the announcement for them. https://blastedreality.substack.com/p/just-a-quick-correction-for-an-event?sd=pf

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Love it!

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