Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Just wow. As if any institution in the so-called "developed" world has a shred of decency, respect and integrity left. You have to wonder about the people who still think so? I bet there isn't a single email from this alleged academic institution where anyone actually asks about the quality of your analyses and whether anyone has taken a scientific approach to determine the validity of your insights and claims?

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

Well at least one unnamed participant of the conversation mentions the validity of his work:

"Norman does some things around Covid counting. How stats have been used and whilst its all accurate and from a mathematician’s perspective, there is an angle."

(I think the angle he is referring to is trying to make sure "avoidable deaths" don't accumulate further than they already have. :D )

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Not legal advice, as always, speak with a legal professional.

"This is where I am referred to as a “hardcore anti-vaxxer”."

Isn't the fact they mentioning slurs about you behind the scenes multiple violations?

1) Defamation (which has harmed you reputation and business, by way of disrupting your conference)

2) Discriminatory on the basis of health (violation of Equality Act 2010). It does not matter if their perception of you is accurate or not, they discriminated based on a presumption about your health status ("hardcore anti-vaxxer")

3) Discriminatory on the basis of belief; whilst not a direct Equality Act 2010 violation, I am pretty sure it violates all of their usual LGBTQ flag waving theatrics of supporting any and all viewpoints; specifically, this is a violation of their anti-bullying training (you are the one being slandered and bullied based on your viewpoint) and demands escalation

Imagine if anyone said they would uninvite someone if they were:

1) Anti-surgery

2) Pro-wheelchair

3) Discussing criticisms of crutches

Not only would this be patently absurd, the viewpoint discrimination and bullying (in violation of standard NHS guidelines), and defamation are all painfully evident.

Do not let them get away with this or it will embolden them to try this on others who have less power and influence!

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Very recently some politicians in Germany were publically referred to as Nazis and the courts decided in their favor. Don't mean to crush anyone's spirit here, but courts might very well agree to the notion of Prof. Fenton being a hardcore anti-vaxxer. He's most definitely a hardcore numbers guy and well... It's a fine line!

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Courts tossed out the COVID-19 fines in, I believe, an unprecedented 100% of the cases.

Don't presume defeat so early. Besides, our systems use juries.

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You are right, I shouldn't.

I really don't. I am dedicating all my time to this fight.

But some battles offer higher chances of being won than others. And maybe they aren't quite as critical to our success either. Let these fools expose themselves with that kind of behavior.

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Underdog is a massive hypocrite as he cancelled me for nothing. Underdog is therefore a massive fan of censorship so don't believe a word he says. He should practice what he preaches.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023

He is a bit of a weirdo. Keeps pushing the 'lab leaks that threaten the world' line so that we all end up in a bio-security state.

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The NHS will continue to be the authors of their own misfortune with embarrassing debacles like this getting out. Deservedly so.

Norman, this is great illumination on the NHS management's cowardice, culpability, and incompetency.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

I love hardcore men with a bit of an angle and who can be really tricky! 😉😍

A medium sized Twitter backlash? We've not yet started! 🤣

I'd be asking for transcripts of any notes around phone calls or conversations where your name was mentioned?

And also who's been checking your mathematics and agreeing they're sound? And what's the angle referred to? Who assessed it as such? Names please!

Well done, keep going 👏👏👏

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

It is the labels they pepper those raising legitimate questions/ concerns that need to be drilled in to...."hard core anti vaxxer", " lockdown denier", "refusenik", "climate change denier" etc etc. "What is your reason for calling me that?" Show me your evidence".

However....they'd likely stay mute, refuse to engage, but I'd still ask and then at least I could say " I asked you, you supplied no evidence/ refused to answer".

It appears that persistence of challenge bothers these authoritarian ideologues ( or, just plain crims), so keep persisting, shining a light on their labelling, calling out the fakery of science, medicine, climate.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

"Norman does some things around Covid counting. How stats have been used and whilst its all accurate and from a mathematician’s perspective, there is an angle."- Mathematicians eh? With their warped perspective eh? They always have an "angle"- was this a serious comment or a Pythagorean pun? Can the person who made this remark tie his/her own shoelaces? We should be told.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Disgraceful and absurd.

But, looking at the bright side (always look at the Bright Side): they dont even call you a fascist, conspiracy theorist, or antisemitist. Just a hard core antivaxxer, pretty mild compared to other accusations.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

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Antisemitist would be a stretch even by today's standards!! ;-)

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It happens in the Netherlands, Joel. Unfortunately. I think we’re even more censored than the UK.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

It's like a joke, "How stats have been used and whilst its all accurate and from a mathematician’s perspective ..." as though there are arguments against accuracy.

"flagged on Twitter that Professor Norman Fenton is a hardcore anti-vaxxer" - at least we know who made the decision that they implemented - Twitter.

As soon as I see “anti-vaxxer” I realise there is no rational argument, and what is the meaning of 'hardcore'? Are they hardcore vaxxers? Surely, they would relish having you, a well-established academic, to show you how wrong you are.

Finally you have the effrontery to ask why someone who produced accurate analysis was barred from contributing to a conference on Care Analytics.


After a few minutes thought I think ‘hardcore’ means that you are fixed in your view, nothing will persuade you otherwise. From all I know about you and your work that must be wrong. Were you given a correct analysis of honest data that showed the vaccines were beneficial I am sure you would change your view. However, they are clearly the harcore ones because you gave them the best analysis of the data available that should make anyone sceptical even if not anti.

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Bottom line, you can't fix or argue with (deliberately) stupid.

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Known for a long time: "There's none so blind as those who will not see."

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The truth has no defence against a fool determined to believe a lie…

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Hardcore vaxxers are easy to spot: they wear t-shirts that say "Fauci for President," ask teacher's unions for medical advice, hand over their children to the government, and line up at their local pharmacy for an mRNA booster every month.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

I'd like to hear their substantiation of their anti-vaxxer claim. Ironic, given Goldacre's claim to fame is raising awareness of publication bias. You'd think he'd be interested in doing good science.

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I’m still aghast at Goldacre’s about turn, especially snuggling up with Hancock and the Mossad\Epstein woman. There is no way on earth that they will be getting my DNA voluntarily.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

If the present evidence now showing throughout the entire world shows the present vaccine is worse than thalidomide... then I guess the world has more people pushing against vaccination which shows it is not safe.

Anyone trying to bury this data is not honourable... nor trustworthy.

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Not "If"....but they're eyes and brains are closed. Let the vax pushers receive all the vaxxes they want. Leave the rest of us alone.

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Following my other comment (separated for convenience of reference), you ought to:

1) Reference the defamatory email

2) Ask why no-one flagged or pushed back on this discriminatory, slanderous behaviour

3) Ask them what their anti-bullying policies are

4) Ask them on what grounds under GDPR do they have the right to access and refer to your information on Twitter (legally speaking they can only hold and retain information of which they have a need/right to access; your personal Twitter posts are not part of that)

5) Ask them what disciplinary procedures, if any, they will be undertaking to correct this evidence of workplace bullying, and

6) If they don't intend to act, the contact details for their legal department

6 is for 'extra weight' regardless of whether you intend to litigate or not.

I guarantee you this simple set of queries will send them into panic stations.

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There are going to be follow-ups

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I know from my time in the NHS you could scarcely make a simple remark about a person without a manager at least indicating some level of disdain. Behind the scenes and solo, medical professionals might make not-so-appropriate quips. I wouldn't say the NHS is bullying free, but it is supposed to be bullying free.

If my critical views had to be kept in check, then the same applies to whoever made the "hardcore anti-vaxxer" remark, which I might comment isn't even a medically or scientifically sound comment and has no valid basis (it's not like they were commenting the word 'fat' on a BMI).

Last time I checked, Twitter was supposed to be blocked at work as well (at least in my organisation it was, due to 'hate speech' or whatever invented rule they made). So either someone bypassed the DNS website filter (read: manager), or they did it during non-work hours when it wasn't appropriate (stalking and harassment).

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Good, these Marxist bullied must be challenged. Everyone's future is at stake

I am proud to be a hard-core anti-vaxxer, it has taken some effort to arrive at this status.

I admire your tenacity and bravery, chapeau!

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

The NHS has lost all sense of decency to say nothing about integrity and flat out safe and effective patient care. I despair. I am sorry for their treatment of you Norman. You do not deserve to be ignored. The NHS is so overwhelmed with injured covid vaxxed, it is unbelievable that the NHS won’t admit the destruction to human health via the covid vaxxes. I only have access to GPs and nurses. They are so obviously gagged. A side not....Our GP left our practice in a bit of a rush after the pandemic started. It looks like he decided to abandon ship because he saw the writing on the wall and wanted NO PART OF IT. Sad for us, his patients, good for him.

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I wish the cardiologists I have seen post-vax would abandon ship for the sake of their patients. My most recent visit was at an extremely famous clinic. The doctors there did not comment about my condition that started the day after the injection. One of the details I gave was about being so incapacitated that it took two minutes of concentrated effort to move my hands from one boot to the other to tie the laces. This was recorded in my record as, "Had trouble wearing shoes".

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

"Hardcore anti-vaxxer" LOL That is like saying you got cuties. Really childish.

We should always be able to know ALL ingredients in a "vaccine" and be able to discuss the need to inject these substances in our body.

Sorry you have been through that. However see that as a badge of honor. Only intelligent people question the shots. It is the un-intelligent that just line up to have just any company, rush out shots, with any past criminal history, with refusal to hand out their very limited trial study info, funded by questionable ethical people, with questionable patents, by hidden money, who censor or outright refuse any scientific debate.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

I first heard "feeble narative" when Brett Weinstein was speaking about the injectable non,sense some months back and it still seems very relative.The big question is what was this really all about , it sure wasn't about health 🤔

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

What a bad bunch of communists and cowards. But in western democracies there is no censorship as they say....it seems USSR / DDR template

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

I am a Ph.D. graduate of Birmingham University 1967. I m appalled at the shabby treatment meted out to Professor Norman Fenton

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