Last week we published two articles relating to attempts to cover up the well established increased risk of myocarditis from the covid vaccines.
First we had the Lancet refusal to retract a flawed paper claiming no increased risk of myocarditis and the British Heart Foundation using the same flawed study to promote the vaccine for people who never needed it. Then we had the story of how the charity Myocarditis UK recommended the vaccine to children and then ignored the warnings about it.
Now we have this shocking update about the new determination to censor the paper published by Jessica Rose that simply analysed the myocarditis reports in the VAERS system for the covid vaccines:
Jessica describes the struggles to get this paper finally published in 2024. Now it seems the journal editors are seeking to retract the paper by demanding her immediate response to 52 criticisms submitted by two anonymous complainers.
So, even now when so many people know of such problems with the covid vaccinations from their own and friends/family experiences, there is still a determination to censor these concerns from all from peer reviewed journals. Having been involved in numerous legal cases regarding covid vaccine safety I know why they're doing this. The lawyers and ‘expert witnesses’ who reject the claims of vaccine harms always point to lack of peer-reviewed articles showing safety issues compared to the many peer-reviewed that either downplay safety issues or claim massive vaccine benefits.
As I commented on Jessica's article, I think we should all examine the 52 items listed by the 2 new reviewers in the "investigation" because we might guess who they are from any new references they want included. The relevant literature on Jab induced Myocarditis is huge.
In '22, shortly after getting the jab, Rory Nairn, a healthy, fit tradie busy planning a wedding, moving into the couples dream home, experienced heart palpitations and decided with his fiancée later that night that he better go to hospital. He died before he even made it out to the car, from what the coroner ruled was jab-induced acute myocarditis.
Prior to Rory getting his jab, the NZ govt had been told of at least one other jab-induced death of a Kiwi from myo/pericarditis but deliberately made the call to not warn anyone administering the jabs. These unforgivable, unrepentant bastards played Russian roulette with the lives of Kiwis to buy themselves as much time as possible under the guise of combating 'vaccine' hesitancy.
Rory's death, as with so many others, was avoidable if our Ministry of Truth was actually truthful enough to insist upon fully informed consent. Instead, they murdered and injured Kiwis. Not through negligence or mistake but a cold-blooded, pre-meditated cocktail of wilful deceit and coercion. It was the same govt that explicitly wrote out of our legislation the fundamental obligation of those administering the c-19 gene therapy to obtain informed consent. There is no excuse that could mitigate their responsibility for the damage they have caused.
I will never forget and never forgive. There are days I seethe at their contempt for our lives and would love to see these people swinging from lampposts. Frankly, I am surprised it hasn't happened already.