Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

Do you know why the 'flu' had to disappear?

People speculated the cases were transferred to COVID-19, which, sure, could be one possibility.

But one provable justification is *because of lockdowns* (not for the reasons you think, see below).

Lets suppose, for a moment, the government screams that SARS-CoV-2 was more dangerous, more super-spreadable, and worse than flu.

And let us also suppose, for a moment, that the government, in order to 'seize control', must mandate lockdowns as a form of tyranny and control.

Their justification for the lockdowns has to be 'because it reduces disease spread'. Let us presume it is a lie (it is, but we're making the presumption explicit).

Now, there's no way, at the time, for people to prove SARS-CoV-2 was or was not being affected by lockdown; novel virus with no prior history under non-lockdown conditions means there's no before/after data to work with.

But there is a way to prove whether or not lockdowns work by comparing baserate to flu.

If it turns out that flu does not go down during a lockdown (or masking, or plexiglass screens, or arbitrary spacing, or cashless-ness, etc), then it is provable whatever the government says is a lie.

The government, having no prior data of flu under lockdown to work with, cannot just falsify a lower flu case rate because it's quite probable someone could easily expose the ratio as being wrong (especially when compared to the "success" of SARS-CoV-2). Once the flu figures are shown as bunk, then the lockdown lies building towards vaccine passports unravels.

So, how do all the world governments, all marching in lockstep, solve this dilemma?

They simply... just stop recording flu data. No reports, no updates. Can't tell or infer a baseline if they claim they're not even bothering to record it. Can't prove or disprove the lockdowns do or do not work, can't show effectiveness or non-effectiveness of masks, of plexiglass screens, of non-stop alcohol soap, etc.

After all, if flu cases were the same, then it would mean 'super-duper' SARS-CoV-2 would be unaffected by any and all of the measures. Flu threatened to expose the theatre simply because it was a reliable baseline.

Essentially, they cheated; hide the flu data in order to obscure exactly how ineffective lockdowns (and their power-grabs) are, in order to hide the fraudulent justification and sinister intents of their action.

I guarantee if you do the calculations based on the data you've inferred, you will find the lockdowns had next to no impact. And if the flu numbers went up...

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Lockdowns had a serious impact on mental health, achieved a massive wealth transfer, and tricked people into participating in a dangerous series of injections, falsely claimed to be ‘vaccines’.

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Great explanation and it's very plausible. I always wondered about the flu season mystery during covid. My only pushback is, are these covidians smart enough to think of doing this? I mean they (CDC) changed the definitions of vaccines and vaccinated in Sept. 2021 so they were willing to do anything to keep the hysteria flowing.

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Assuming it follows standard intel compartmentalisation approaches (I.E. need to know, top secret basis), then the ground lackeys won't be told anything in advance of what the 'head honchos' want.

As a result, the lackeys will always be reactive (I.E. doing damage control) and not proactive (because no-one told them what the real agenda was; gave them money and told them to toe the line).

Of course, if one of the 'esteemed' leaders does not think of a possible outcome then there won't be a pre-emptive plan for it. For example, the CDC's last minute change is most likely prompted by the fact *vaccines* enjoy legal protections but *gene therapies do not*. So if it turns out they're *gene therapies*... then the protections evaporate.

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A woman who described herself as the head of ICU nursing stood next to me in the cafeteria line of a local hospital. It was May or June of 2021. Naturally, I immediately delve into the controversial topic of COVID. When asked, she responds -- with drama in her voice -- that indeed the ICU was filled and, really, overwhelmed with COVID cases the previous year. Very quickly I demanded to know how many cases of influenza there were in comparison. Caught off guard, and visibly stunned, she grew a large grin and stated: "None."

I cannot wait to read your intriguing article in more depth when I return to the office today.

I have been encouraging people to resurrect what my dictionary indicates as an obsolete definition the term, and the various syntactical forms of the word, 'dissembly'. Thus, not only does it mean "general dishonesty," as we seem to now use it in the States --- but its original denotation of "disassembling and hiding the parts of a story, or the puzzle pieces so that the pattern cannot be detected," very usefully identifies a particular, distinguishable type of disingenuousness.

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

‘Variants’ was also part of keeping it going, once you combine it with ILI misattribution. It is well understood that a respiratory disease epidemic is over in a community in 6-8 weeks: it was over in the UK in June 2020. If you are: Boris and Handjob and have spent billions on 330 million vaccines we do not need; Whitty, Ferguson and Farah and have spent years agitating for NPIs; Vallance, JVT and Pharma desperate for cash and mRNA being approved; and the public propagandised into hysteria; you all need it to go on or you all look very stupid indeed.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Jonathan Engler

And yet they were hyping the "twindemic" in the fall of 2020. When that didn't materialize, they rebranded it "Flurona" and tried again in the fall of 2021. Then in 2022, they finally got their "tripledemic" because people's immune systems had been wrecked.

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A case of a disorder is one which shows symptoms. In the pandemic, this definition was changed to one which tests PCR+ve (even if asymptomatic). The high numbers of so called cases in the autumn of '20 and in '21 and '22 were not all symptomatic cases. As you say symptomatic case numbers dwindled. In the UK age standardised mortality quickly returned to normal in 21 and 22 (increased excess deaths probably being a reflection of a changed population).

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Scamdemic, fuelled by scariants then massive experimental counter-measures rollout = catastrophic health disaster.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

I believe the CDC's FluView in US was suspended at some point during 2020 due to covid-19. It was on the CDC site previously but since it has been restarted the message about the suspension is no longer listed.

However, on this link from the South Carolina? Department of Health regarding Flu Watch between October 25-31st 2020, the first box has the following words:

Due to the ongoing COVID-19

pandemic, assessment of geographic

spread will be suspended for the

2020-21 influenza season. Please visit

the CDC website for more information:



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Jun 1, 2023·edited Jun 1, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

By the way, to add more information, there was also a new classification of deaths called PIC. Previously, pneumonia and influenza were tracked but now the addition of covid was brought into the mix.

"In previous seasons, the NCHS surveillance data were used to calculate the percent of all deaths occurring each week that had pneumonia and/or influenza (P&I) listed as a cause of death. Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 coded deaths were added to P&I to create the PIC (pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19) classification. PIC includes all deaths with pneumonia, influenza, and/or COVID-19 listed on the death certificate."


It would be interesting to compare the rate of death from this category compared with the historical rate. It seems that some of the classification of influenza with pneumonia may also exaggerate the impact of flu. There is this part of an article wherein Peter Doshi stated in 2009 that linking flu with pneumonia might bias the data:

"If flu is in fact not a major cause of death, this public relations approach is surely exaggerated, he says. Moreover, by arbitrarily linking flu with pneumonia, current data are statistically biased. Until corrected and until unbiased statistics are developed, the chances for sound discussion and public health policy are limited, he concludes."


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All that matters is the total respiratory disease death burden.

Causal agent is somewhat irrelevant. Pneumonia is as old as time and is a good way to due in old age.

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World Influenza Tracking by WHO:


No flu worldwide for almost 18 months starting March 2020. The only explanation is the flu was rebranded into covid-19..

Same symptoms and the same or less than usual mortality in some countries, like Canada

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Exactly. Colds, flu, pneumonia, bronchitis and more besides were deliberately misdiagnosed as ‘covid’.

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The best way to look at this problem is to regard covid as a severe form of "flu" which has a high mortality in the elderly (perhaps 5 times). In the UK, the age-standardised mortality jumped between 10% and 15% in 2020 and then returned to normal. The best way to count "symptomatic" cases is to lump influenza, covid-19 and viral pneumonia into the same category and compare each year. Who knows these numbers?

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I'm not sure If you experienced influenza in 2016-2017 flu season? In GTA (Toronto) Canada it was so bad some Toronto hospitals closed gyms and used them as patient overflow area. During so-called covid-19 it wasn't even close. Some acute wards had to be shut down because there were not enough patients to keep them busy.

Here is proof:


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Excellent work on this subject so far, thanks very much.


Took me awhile to find this page, but I finally managed it... ONS data on deaths published in Jan 2021.

"Of the 8,433 deaths involving COVID-19 in Week 4 in England and Wales, 7,610 had this recorded as the underlying cause of death (90.2%).

Of the 5,719 deaths that involved Influenza and Pneumonia, 298 had this recorded as the underlying cause of death (5.2%)."

So 90%+ of covid deaths were registered as covid deaths but ONLY 5%+ of flu deaths were registered as such. When I found this back in Jan 2021 when the data was released, I was surprised & confused...

Now it seems pretty clear that this anomaly is related to the concerns that flu deaths were being pinned on covid, which also helps explains flu's surprise disappearance at that time.

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Good spot! I will update the article with this.

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Awesome, thanks tons, great work!

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Jun 2, 2023Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

I think we need a death survey (a bit like Clare Craig originally proposed) and estimate all the causes of death in 4 categories probably by age group and by year. Is this something you guys can do? I expect it will show how little C-19 itself was a problem and how badly the government overreacted and how damaging those actions were.



"Suicides" - due to depression, frustration, isolation etc.

"Hospital evacuation deaths" - caused by patients moved into care homes without testing

"Preventable C-19 deaths" - due to restricted treatment protocols (e.g. banning Ivermectin)

"False C-19 deaths" with false positive PCR test i.e. they didn't have C-19

"C-19 deaths" where C-19 was not the real cause i.e. 'with' not 'from' C-19

"Midazolam deaths" - due to DNR and other life ending treatments

"Remdesivir deaths" - from the precription of Remdesivir

"Jab induced C-19 deaths" - due to post vax suppressed immune system

"Vax deaths" - jab induced myocarditis, blood clots, nervous damage etc.

"Nosocomial infections" - deaths from disease caught in hospital

"Lockdown deaths" - due to loneliness , poverty etc.

"Vaccine hesitancy deaths" - lack of normal vaccination due to mistrust

"Neo-natal vax deaths" - miscarriages, still births and baby deaths

"Iatrogenic deaths" - intubation etc.

"<21 days vax deaths" - miscategorised as unvaxed <14/21 days after jab

"NHS neglect deaths" - from over concentration on C-19


"Flu deaths" - C-19 attributed deaths actually from flu


"Real C-19 deaths"

"Falsely unattributed C-19 deaths" - false negative PCR diagnoses


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Many of the deaths in the elderly/vulnerable were from untreated bacterial pneumonia. Pneumonia is known as ‘old man’s friend’.

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The government and their bureaucracies are totally incompetent or compulsive liars, I think it is likely both. The list of deceptions, misinformation, and disinformation from this cabal is infinite. Now they want to be the complete artibitrators of truth with their censorship intitatives around "mis & dis information". What a joke, it would be funny if these idiots had no impact to our our lives.

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The scamdemic was not incompetence - it was pre-planned and achieved its goal.

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Here in the US they only had a test to differentiate between Covid and the Flu in Jan 2022. If you pull up the numbers of flu cases here in 2021 it was basically non existent.

PCR tests were finding cases where in other years whatever these people had would have gone unnoticed. It's a shame.

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I must say I've been very surprised by the absence of push back to this post. I'd prefer some scepticism and red team counter points. Same on twitter. But silence.

Any explanation?

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Crikey, the amount of time and money squandered on supposedly tracking ‘flu’ and ‘Covid’, and pressing vaccinations on people over and over again.

What is the point of it?!?!

It’s worse than useless!

Imagine if the time and money was spent on encouraging people to lead healthy lives, instead of ramming needles into them every few months, and messing with their natural immune response!

This respiratory disease racket has been going on for years, the creation of the pandemic industry with the intent of creating lucrative vaccine markets, and throwing digital ID into the mix courtesy of ‘vaccine passports’

When are the perpetrators of this diabolical scam to fleece and control the public going to be brought to account?

Anthony Fauci for instance?

Fauci and his co-authors as good as admitted that vaccines against respiratory ailments are rubbish, in their article published in January this year.

See below my email to them:

The biggest crime in history...the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine scam, sent 27 April 2023.

David Morens, Jeffery Taubenberger and Anthony Fauci, you admit influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccine products are rubbish in your article Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses. Cell Host & Microbe 31, 11 January 2023.

You say: "As of 2022, after more than 60 years of experience with influenza vaccines, very little improvement in vaccine prevention of infection has been noted. As pointed out decades ago, and still true today, the rates of effectiveness of our best approved influenza vaccines would be inadequate for licensure for most other vaccine-preventable diseases."

Really?!?!?! So what is this, just out and out fraud?

And now we've been inflicted with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine racket, products you admit "elicit incomplete and short-lived protection against evolving virus variants that escape population immunity"...but you also say "the rapid development and deployment of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines has saved innumerable lives and helped to achieve early partial pandemic control".

Based upon what evidence do you make that fanciful claim for efficacy?!

How have you gotten away with this utter bullshit for so long?

Because the scientific and medical establishment is captured by the lucrative Church of Vaccination, and incapable of calling out the gross exploitation of mass populations of people with defective and unnecessary products!

How many billions of people, including children, have been misled into having these unnecessary and worse than useless medical interventions?

How many billions of dollars have been squandered on the influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines scam?

And these unnecessary and worse than useless products have been mandated in many instances, mandated medical interventions trashing the legal and ethical obligation for voluntary informed consent. And the medical 'profession' went along with this travesty.


Elizabeth Hart

Independent researcher investigating vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy vaccinationispolitical.net

Original email accessible via this link: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2023/04/the-biggest-crime-in-history.the-influenza-and-sars-cov-2-vaccine-scam.pdf

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Exactly. All any vaccine does is expose the patient to pathogens and antigens. They don’t offer immunity at all. They just expose you to a pathogen and your immune system does the rest. Totally unnecessary!

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Respiratory infections and diseases were reclassified world wide late 2019/early 2020.😐🤨😑

As JustAPoster said, it was PIC in the USA (I'm assuming means USA based on CDC link), while in Australia it is a slightly different acronym but includes the same infections, which prior to 2020 did not include SARS Cov2. I'm sure if you check each countries classification system for respiratory diseases, you'll find a similar redefinition, at around the same time.

Ivor Cummins in Ireland covered this very early in 2020, when he was first crunching data re covid initial wave.

I believe, based on statements made by the WHO at the time, that it was a global directive issued by them to every government's public health regulatory bodies.

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Health fraud on a global scale. Remember ‘philanthropist’ Bill Gates promising a viral pandemic? Then looking forward to ‘the next one’. I think we know who the fraudsters and snake-oil salesmen are.

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In saying that timeframe, it could be be out slightly, but not by much.😉

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Au Canada, many people were marveling at how little flu there was at that time. It seems, they just don't think things through for one reason or another, instead it's easier to just believe what the authorities tell you, why would some old lady down the road know better?!

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Nobody was allowed to question it. Occupation Health at hospitals stopped reporting sick calls due to flu in March 2020

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The PAHO Director also met with Dr. Karen DeSalvo, Chief Health Officer at Google, to discuss potential areas for future collaboration in areas such as vaccine hesitancy, mental health, and digital transformation; and met with Chris Elias, President of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Development Program, to discuss ways to improve immunization coverage in the region and re-launch PAHO's Elimination Initiative that seeks to end more than 30 diseases and related conditions.

Dr. Karen DeSalvo, Chief Health Officer at Google

Jarbas Barbosa


WHO’s annual assembly ends with agreement on funding, and array of health topics

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Thanks. Excellent expose of their shenanigans & obfuscations.

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If I remember right, Wolfgang Wodarg mentioned in a talk I saw on Youtube, that the German sentinel system was stopped for some period of time as described by that "subscriber" posting "this self-explanatory comment on an earlier post". Wodarg lead for years his own sentinel shop, so knows the system an how it works. You might want to contact him for more in-depth information on how it worked in Germany during that time.

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