Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by Norman Fenton

As a long time tracker of Bill Gates genetically modified world view the Zika crisis smelled like PR for the gmo mosquitos they've been playing with for over a decade & wouldn't rule out the possibility one of their mutants was a source of the sudden appearance of anything.

Liars perpetually lie....

Which brings me to Enron accounting all over the place and big time kudos & thanks to you folks who are gifted with numbers as trusted sources for those of us numerically challenged but a nose for BS that needs your talents to show it. Super fun to watch you make the quote prove true! <3

'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.' Benjamin Disraeli UK PM 1870's.

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notice how "long COVID" is pushed everywhere to justify more 'vaccines' (which will all be mRNA)

in reality, we now have studies showing at least 70% of "long COVID" cases are from the jab!


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Feb 19Liked by Norman Fenton

You describe Zika as "this sorry tale of totally unnecessary massive disruptions to travel, behaviour, pregnancies, business, and politics, from which the WHO and other national health authorities clearly learnt nothing."

But they probably learned a great deal. And that experience helped them to do a larger scale operation called Covid.

Back it up to HIV/AIDS. HIV and AIDS don't even correlate (see Bauer's The Origins, Persistence and Failings of HIV/AIDS Theory). Yet they convinced people that positive HIV "tests" (no one is sure what a positive result really indicates) causes AIDS. So, they are learning a great deal, for a century it seems, about how to scare people into doing what they want them to do.

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Feb 19Liked by Norman Fenton

Dont miss the short video summary (by Matt Orafalea) of the ridicule Trump got for exposing the low fatality rate of covid in the article's linked tweet by Mark Changizi.

It includes virtually all the most well-known MSM talking heads parroting the WHO's doomsday predictions and demeaning President Trump's accurate statement.

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What happened to 'M-Pox as a PHEIC? Went the same way as other health 'emergencies' the WHO has declared. The pandemic Treaty being worked on behind closed doors will be the 'open door' for WHO to declare a wide range of 'emergencies', and no less than the potential for such 'emergencies'....but even if the Treaty comes to fruition how are governments going to quell the opposition now that so many are aware of the mal intent?

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Thank you

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No jabs for me; not now and not in the future; meanwhile friends and relatives are recovering from a selection of unpleasant viral and bacterial assaults, despite having had all the jabs.

The narrative has not been challenged, however and I maintain radio silence now, although they all know what I think about the growing scandal.

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Great stuff. ps a request... I would really welcome an article from you on the recently released FOI New Zealand deaths by vaccination status https://supersally.substack.com/p/new-zealand-data-foi-release-shows

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Wow, watching this.

We really need a transcript.

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Just a reminder:

The weeks before Covid appeared, Bernie won the first 3 primaries in increasingly growing margins. No one before had won the first 3 (namely, IA, NH, NV), and every person who had won the first 2, went on to become the nominee…

Just saying

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Great interview. One comment. You mentioned in your Deer Hunter analogy that to appropriately evaluate the risk of an action, you have to know the risks of alternative actions. So true, but then you mention about lockdown risks, nobody was evaluating the alternative risks the lockdowns were creating. I wish it were so. Even though that lying scumbag Tony FauxI, when asked about the lockdown risks at the time, replied something like he wasn't an economist and that was above his pay grade. Besides being a completely nonsensical none-answer (like there wasn't one economist in the entire government/world that could check that out?), years later in a puff piece interview with his wife as he was headed out the door, that he said something like how great it was that he and his wife (top ethics officer - no CONflict there) could talk about those types of ethical questions. Of course, maybe I don't get it because killing and ruining innocent people is above my pay grade. Again great interview.

I look forward to your thoughts on the Global Warming Scam. If you want my thoughts on the G.W. Scam, I published a short article on how long range temperature not only models don't work, they can't work. The Blunt Truth about Global Warming Models - American Thinker.

"https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/08/the_blunt_truth_about_global_warming_models.html (https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/08/the_blunt_truth_about_global_warming_models.html)"

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Many thanks for your post and well discussed video. We were lied to by the government and its cronies. I tried to explain the stats myself in 2020.


As regards PCR tests these are useless.


As regards Midazolam I have done this most recently.


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Shameless self-promotion: I've written an in-depth piece on the unreliability of PCR to diagnose infection, including studies, court documents, and commentary from the inventor of PCR himself, the late great Kary Mullis.


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