I remember in 2020, in my age of innocence/naivety, AstraZeneca announced figures of 76% efficacy after 1 dose and 81% after 2 doses. Pfizer came out with a figure of 95% and most of my acquaintances announced they wanted Pfizer. So many people just didn’t realise that AZ was cheating and Pfizer just cheated harder. It was the same with the blood clots issue. AZ basically got dropped even though the figures from Pfizer were just as bad. Pfizer had a better PR machine and used it to eliminate a competitor.

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Pfizer also has: BioNTech and its investor Bill Gates, the Chinese company partner, Israel’s health ministry, and the DOD.

Moderna has the CDC.

Little ‘ol AZ and J&J are without “proper” partners.

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Moderna also has Gates.

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I can only speculate that J&J and AZ were not MRNA. "They" seem to be pushing for MRNA technology.

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You are right on spot: AZ was produced by masons (400 million doses 1 month before Emergency approval, shows how they rig the system). It was primarily intended for the 3rd and 4rth world.


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge I discovered, which isn’t anywhere else.

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JJ and az are adenovirus vaccines. The tragedy was that the literature was available to show that adenovirus vectors such as that used in JJ and az covid vaccines causes platelet clotting and thrombocytopenia for more than 25 years. Even back in 2006 inroads were made into the mechanism ( https://ashpublications.org/blood/article/109/7/2832/125650/Adenovirus-induced-thrombocytopenia-the-role-of).

To think of Sarah Gilbert being paraded around like the second coming of Christ makes me feel physically sick even now.

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And once you understand relative vs. absolute risk, the blinders are off. Even with all their smoke and mirrors, THE BEST Pfizer could must was a 0.8% real world protection. And, of course, as we know, more people died in the intervention arm than the placebo arm.

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Yes, I was thinking the same. Taking AZ from the market, based on ''circumstancial evidence' was quickly decided. Now, with all signs pointing to failing vaccines of Pfizer/Moderna, circumstancial evidence is not considered sufficient proof. You dont have to be a conspiracy thinker to find this very suspicious. Follow the money. Fully agree with your conclusion about Pfizer having a better PR machine, and probably have more influence in government circles..

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The mRNA vaccines are incredibly cheap and easy to make. Produce cDNA sequence on computer and send sequence to company to produce cDNA> Mix cDNA with nucleotides and bacterial RNA polymerase> remove cDNA and bacteria> mix with proprietary lipid vesicles> product complete.

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Pfizer's PR machine was very effective in casting doubts about the AZ vaccine:


Not that AZ (which we used in India) is actually completely safe, but I am now fairly sure the mRNA vaccine safety has simply not been studied very well. Also, there is no way to report AZ adverse events to VAERS. So there isn't even any way to evaluate relative safety across different vaccine types.


This could go both ways. Maybe we would have had a lot MORE VAERS reports for AZ if it had been allowed. My point is that we just simply don't know.

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Why mRNA?

After the Pandemic Treaty, WHO intents to push every single country to have enough PCR and mRNA vaccines production facilities to test and inject their whole population within a couple of months.

Even if well established manufacturers were already capable of supplying 2 planets and that countries are dumping billions of doses due to excess supply, they started to certify local producers in those nations without facilities, especially in underdeveloped countries.1 The excuse is the need for immediate response, yet airfreight takes a day at most. The real reason?: lack of control.

1. National governments tend to protect national production and “know how”.

2. Also, it’s considered as a national asset in bio-warfare.

3. Local governments (states, counties, provinces, municipalities) tend to protect local labor sources.

4. Local companies run their own quality testing, considered enough by local health authorities (there was zero agency testing during the COVID PLANdemic).

5. Imports could be targeted to more checks (there were, and are still none with COVID haccines).

6. Just in case the Pandemic Treaty protections are overridden, local pharma imply less capital to answer for liabilities than multinationals.

7. Due to easily-stirred “nationalism”, the masses have more sympathy towards local companies than multinationals.

8. Local pharmaceutical companies have less tax and regulatory controls than multinationals, and can cheat more easily.

9. Bribing abroad is penalized in the USA. Local pharma can bribe without imprisonment.

10. Locals pay locally, thus governments have no excuse of shortage of foreign currency.

The inventor of the PCR test said it was wrong to use it as diagnostics. Not only that, it was proven to be rigged:

1. Cross-reactivity was tested only against MERS, not the common flu or other coronaviruses, thus guaranteeing huge false positivity.

2. More amplification cycles more positivity and less cycles, more negativity. With PCR, anybody could prove snake oil cures anything!

They only send a genetic sequence and voilà, in seconds they create the new PLANdemic, making millions through local Pharma.

Why mRNA haccines only and not adenovirus vectors, which are also weaponizable as lethal Trojans?

1. “mRNA vaccines are incredibly cheap and easy to make. Produce cDNA sequence on computer and send sequence to company to produce cDNA> Mix cDNA with nucleotides and bacterial RNA polymerase> remove cDNA and bacteria> mix with proprietary lipid vesicles> product complete.”2

2. It’s the perfect Trojan horse. Nobody has a clue on what mRNA instructions are included and what they really do. No authority cared to ask why, if both Pfizer and Moderna hacked your cells to produce the same spike protein, one had 300% more code than the other.

3. Lipid nanoparticles are toxic by design.

4. Adenovirus vaccines were proven to cause platelet clotting and thrombocytopenia for more than 25 years. Even back in 2006 the mechanism was clear. 3 Stats were too obvious from scratch: that’s why it was quickly banned, especially Nordic countries.

Here: how to redesign science so this doesn't ever happen again.

Chapter: Thinking2 : time to upgrade the corrupt scientific and medical system


There, you can find how they rigged hundreds of papers, none retracted, especially the one recommending vaccination to pregnant women!!!

Here, what the "powers that be" are preparing for our future:


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge I discovered, which isn’t anywhere else.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

This catastrophe being international, it outstrips nation-level propagandas. It demonstrates that mechanisms are in place for the same level of mind control and exploitation in the future. A minimum of two things, be they realisitc or not, are needed to save ourselves. One is either (a) technology that evades suppression by those who control the internet, or (b) a range of technologies that can't be centrally controlled. Maybe my thinking isn't quite right; I am not at all tech-savvy. Nevertheless we clearly have a problem with info suppression. The other "save" needed is protection of whisteblowers--a mighty problem.

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You forgot the meaninglessness of vaccine efficacy, in that when deciding to vaccinate a population, only a holistic analysis of all cause hospitalization and death makes any sense

You also didn't mention the hypothesis that the vaccine could make you test positive for Covid within a week of receiving and then not test positive again for months even if you are infected. This hypothesis is never tested but fits the data and again would motivate a holistic cost/benefit.

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Thank you for analyzing and breaking down the study. I’m appreciative of you and everyone else who does this b/c it takes quite a bit of time for you to do so but it’s important to see that just because it’s a published study doesn’t mean it’s not flawed. MSM will literally copy and paste the last two conclusion sentences of studies and that is what everyone believes without looking at methods and results.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

"A major study claimed the covid vaccines are over 90% effective. But when you look at the details of the study you find that a whopping 37.2% of all vaccinated participants who were tested within 14 days of the first dose were confirmed as covid cases. None of these ‘cases’ were counted in the efficacy calculation."

Coming from a physics background (MA, with thesis), I am trained to look at systematic error. Ditto for my work in chemistry (BA). I see lots of systematic error in this study. I'll focus on salient points.

1. The study didn't look at the possibility that jabs exacerbated risk of covid infection in the 14 day period. This might lead to the conclusion of negative efficacy. The mechanism is known. I have seen a study of a bacterial infection where 25OHD levels dropped 4-5 ng/ml (10-12.5 nM/Liter) immediately upon infection. The levels recovered gradually over two weeks. This 25OHD drop likely also happens in viremic infections that affect endovascular cells and possibly when cells are instructed to make spike proteins. If the jab recipient begins with deficient 25OHD levels, the 25OHD levels might not recover quickly enough to prevent covid infection/progression. This is a study that would be well worth doing. Ignoring jab-exacerbation of covid infection is the largest source of bias.

2. The study didn't examine false negatives, even by estimation. Estimates of false negatives would undermine certainty in any conclusion by increasing the efficacy range and shifting it downwards if even numbers of tests were in both jab and placebo arms. Since the total number of tests weren't reported, this is a major source of bias.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

And, as always, what cycle threshold were they using for the PCR tests? No small consideration.

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The vax is actually known and documented (Pfizer) to cause a decrease in lymphocytes and an increase (even quite high in some cases) of inflammation.

That explains the peaks of infections, hospitalizations and deaths in the first 14 days after the 1st jab:


Figure 3

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Hi Marco - yes - 6 months before the Pfizer one was released the CDC expected over 1,100 American's to die or be injured by the vaccines - they paid for recording to be done for VAERS (which is 1% of all records made), but more American's died than they expected ,so they had to increase the costs of that recording from 9 million approx to 40 million bucks: There were no COVID-19 vaccines close to approval on August 27, 2020. In fact, the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine trial phase 2/3 had only started a month earlier on July 27.The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020. It outlines a series of services the company was to provide to the CDC pursuant to the “anticipated increase” in VAERS reports due to the COVID-19 vaccines. It certainly appears that by August, 2020, the impending emergency use authorization of at least one COVID-19 vaccine was a foregone conclusion. BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin says that his mRNA vaccines rolled out in January this year (2021): Link here: https://www.ibtimes.sg/fact-check-biontech-ceo-ugur-sahin-refuses-take-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine-due-safety-concerns-61652

In 2020, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin proudly announced, "...we chose lipid nanoparticles that promote migration from the muscle cells into the lymph nodes." - https://groups.google.com/g/town-square-news/c/6XrY4yTa8JQ/m/qFqqyvFJBQAJ

But by August 27, 2020 – The first contract, with General Dynamics, is dated August 27, 2020 had been let and the contract states that they were expecting up to 1,000 VAERS reports to be filed per day, with up to 40% of the reports being serious in nature and the CDC was already anticipating that the COVID vaccines might generate nearly seven times as many reports as all other vaccines combined (a 600% increase), The amounts paid out under the contracts with General Dynamics were redacted. But according to this site, the initial amount paid was $9.45 million, with $4.4 million added in late February, and then an additional $16.3 million tacked on in early March. In March of 2022 there was an additional $5.2 million added (increases in deaths and injuries beyond the initial contracts)

The Contracts 23 00099 General Dynamics Information Te..https://substack.com/redirect/dac78dc8-9d2d-4280-a390-218d47bb331d?j=eyJ1IjoibjFlaXcifQ.OkComRnvTz45cW2ospKdwvhGbhkMepFwvepUF91fYF023 00099 Eagle Health Analytics, Llhttps://substack.com/redirect/bcba05ff-1dce-4b15-a6a7-0f59f3cb115a j=eyJ1IjoibjFlaXcifQ.OkComRnvTz45cW2ospKdwvhGbhkMepFwvepUF91fYF0 Grand total? $35,425,642 The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) records 1% of all reports:

VAERS updated its numbers showing a staggering 1,481,226 reports of adverse events (x41 to arrive at December 2022 numbers) following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Dec. 9, 2022. ...The above information posted by Josh Guetzkow

so we are in agreement and that's OK then.

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Christine, Thanks for your post. I will follow your leads.

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I had read statements about this but had no idea if they were garbage, Thanks for your citation.

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My comment above was for Marco.

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Thank you Tom. Please could you indicate the reference for the study you mention in your point 1. I'd be interested to read it.

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I am looking for the article myself. I found it accidentally one day.

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The RRR of Pfizer's vaccine was in the high 90's% but the ARR for Pfizer is 0.84% and Covid has a 99.16% chance of infecting you - which is why "breakout infections" occur frequently with those who have been vaccinated.

Look up ARR and RRR on Google for a clearer understanding.

If you have an Android iPhone, set it to looking for Bluetooth phones near you and see if your body has a new 10 digit number just for it - if it does, then you don't own your body anymore, your life is controlled by a computer offsite and your spirit or soul has temporary residence until the computer, by 5G decides what must be done to you - drop dead, Cardiomyopathy or take over your body for further modifications.

Think I am joking, I hope I am - but I think not - you can't do it with an Apple iPhone - my android is in the nail and until I get it I can't check and see if the information I have is right.

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Thank you for at least trying to hold them to account. Thankfully substack provides a high visible space to self-publish critiques, and allows some evasion of the gatekeepers.

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Professor, you remind me of a brilliant CFO that took the time to show me how to sort data in a way that allowed even a naif like me to make important signals emerge from the noise.

I shall never attain his erudition, nor yours, but please accept the profound gratitude of one who has benefited from your generosity.

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From what I have read, there is also mechanistically little to zero evidence of vaccinal antibodies (igG) crossing the lung barrier in any meaningful manner to stop infection in the airways. It has only been shown to happen with flu antibodies (which are significantly smaller than covid ones), but is quite rare (3% of individuals with no prior antibodies) and is likely of insignificant quantity to make a clinical difference.

Thus, when a transfected individual does not get ill/severely sick, there is no evidence to suggest it was the effect of vaccinal serum antibodies preventing the infection from spreading as opposed to their mucosal immunity doing the job.

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"From what I have read, there is also mechanistically little to zero evidence of vaccinal antibodies (igG) crossing the lung barrier in any meaningful manner to stop infection in the airways."

Covid's pathology is predominantly viremic.

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SARS-CoV-2 and variants infect upper and lower mucosal tracts as well as deeper tissues connected via bloodstream. The hyperinflammatory reaction in the lungs caused significant hospitalization and deaths.

It would be interesting to look at the new nasal spray vaccine tested recently for contrast, though i think it is pointless due to almost everyone being already exposed to natural infection by an Omicron descendent by now.

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Could you expand on this? I understand that Dr. Lee Lasik has brought forth that argument and i haven't seen it refuted

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Fauci's new paper looks relevant here....


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Relevant but the summary paragraph and focus of the article throws up a red flag. They lump all the coronaviruses together as causing significant morbidity and mortality, and then go on to imply that means we need a new vaccine or vaccine technology. This seems like fearmongering, because most of them are endemic viruses that have been with humanity for millenia and cause little morbidity and even less mortality in healthy people. Indeed they are an essential part of people's immune systems. One of the reasons there were many very young kids in hospital with RSV right after schools opened up is they were isolated from each other and couldnt catch it as they normally would have. Viruses are co-evolved with the rest of earth's species and we monkey around with them at our peril. The safest epidemic and pandemic strategy has always been quarantine the sick and treat them as early as possible. Vaccines were never as effective as naturally acquired immunity, but certainly more profitable.

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Just a thought, should the government be reported to the serious fraud office

for Safe and Effective being a variafiable fraudulent statement and the deaths that it has caused🤔

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Brazen Fraud: Normalised Deception.

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More excellent work. Keep it coming.

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Anothe gem for posterity.

Thank you both for your world class analysis.

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Thank you for doing this important and very interesting work.

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I think this happens due to the spike protein accumulating in the brain and damaging the neural network in the neocortex. Most people in academia took multiple boosters, and this is the result.

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“There are three types of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics.” - attributed to Benjamin Disraeli by Mark Twain. Seems appropriate to this discussion.

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Regarding misclassification, soon they will just administer the virus with the vaccine being trialed.

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