Thank you, Norman and Martin. Here's a piece I wrote this time last year, reminding Tom of his errors in judgement. https://metatron.substack.com/p/early-warning-signals-of-vax-induced

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Thank you for this timely reminder. We must NEVER forget. Thank you to Joel Smalley, who has been fighting our battle for too many years. To HART and Dr. Fenton as well, thank you from the bottom of my heart.💕

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Joel was onto post vaccine deaths very early and he inspired me to write this:


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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

The gold-standard randomized clinical trials showed that after just 6 months, mRNA vaccines were more likely to kill than save people overall, and mRNA vaccines have an infinitely WORSE impact on overall mortality than adenovirus vector vaccines (which of course are far from perfectly safe).


Layman's summary here: https://dailysceptic.org/2022/04/09/covid-vaccines-increase-risk-of-heart-related-deaths-by-up-to-50-lancet-analysis-of-trial-data-finds/ (their facts are correct, though some may not care for their slightly sensationalist writing style)

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Good stuff. Just keep setting the record straight, one story at a time. And keep your backups current!

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Jun 29, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

Such valuable research and analysis...there is no way in which an MP can say they reject "baseless claims, including those which suggest vaccines are harming and killing many people, and that the damage is being covered up. Serious side effects are rare, given the hundreds of millions of doses administered across the UK."

How can numbers of doses be the corollary to " safe and effective". Why was Pandemrix pulled after far fewer adverse reactions but these "gene therapies" ( as described by the CEO of Moderna, S. Bancel) have not been formally paused, or halted, for a thorough review; they've been shuffled off centre stage, gradually withdrawn as though there might be something radically wrong. As has been pointed out elsewhere these gene therapies are part and parcel of the 'new normal', the digitisation of every aspect of human life.

Joel Smalley, Norman Fenton (and many others), through their diligence and indefatigable research have mined the truth, which our MPs ( except a few) refuse to acknowledge. They won't answer the valid points raised in e mails, just trotting out stale soundbites, and further to write, "Unfortunately, misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines has spread rapidly through social media and other platforms... crucial we rely on credible sources of information when it comes to vaccines." They all respond like this because they have no integrity, no sense of what it means to serve as an elected representative, absolutely no compassion for their fellow human beings. Thank goodness for the good of others.

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On Dr. Syed Haider's Substack, he said, "The shots as well as other "countermeasures" like lockdowns, suppression of effective early treatments, overuse of opioids behind the closed doors of hospitals and nursing homes, overuse of ineffective and harmful (but very profitable) remdesivir, finishing patients off on a ventilator, or simply starving them to death locked in the hospital "covid unit".

For me, it absolutely strains credulity to think that our fellow Americans were actually starved to death in COVID units... However, when you list these other, 'Crimes Against Humanity' and violations of the Nuremberg Code...

1) The shots as well as other "countermeasures"

2) like lockdowns,

3) suppression of effective early treatments, 4) overuse of opioids behind the closed doors of hospitals and nursing homes,

5) overuse of ineffective and harmful (but very profitable) remdesivir.

6) finishing patients off on a ventilator,

Then why is it that I can't believe that patients were,

"simply starved to death locked in the hospital "covid units"?

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023

Remember when the first variants showed up? There was the UK variant (or Kent variant), the Brazilian variant and the South African variant. That was before they switched to Greek letters because those names were discriminatory or racist or whatever. Anyway, where did the AstraZeneca trials take place? UK, Brazil, South Africa. What a coincidence.

More coincidences: There were 3 cases of transverse myelitis in the AstraZeneca trials, one 14 days after the second dose, another one 10 days after the first dose in a participant who had preexisting multiple sclerosis, and the third one 68 days after placebo which was not saline but a meningococcal vaccine.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, the incidence of of transverse myelitis is 4.6 per 1 million per year which is 1 in 217391.

There were 23848 participants in those AstraZeneca trials, meaning the incidence of transverse myelitis was 1 in 7950. And even if you dismiss the 2 latter cases as "unlikely related to the vaxxiine", which they did, it is still 1 in 23846 which is 9 times above the normal background rate.

They knew the vaxx isn't safe.

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Jun 29, 2023·edited Jun 29, 2023

Given their proven capacity for deception and penchant for genocide, who thinks our overlords will stop voluntarily? The awareness that they are playing for all the marbles and consider most of us expendable, is growing and I hope it hits critical mass soon. Thank you to everyone helping to raise the awareness.

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Unfortunately I didn’t follow Joel back in early 2021 but I’d long suspected that the Kent variant was cover for vaccine murder. Now I read this and I can see Joel absolutely nailed it in the Hart article. I can still visualise Whitty with his face like the grim reaper going on and on about variants.

They knew this and they still rolled out the vaccines to kids.

They knew that Omicron was harmless and they still tried to lock us down in early 2022 with their ludicrous projections of 6,000 Covid deaths per day.

One by one they’ll appear at the Covid Inquiry lying through their teeth, nodding in appreciation to Mr Keith’s gentle questions. Keith counting his huge fees courtesy of taxpayers, smiling in anticipation of his knighthood.

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Mass hypnosis trains brains to beg for enslavement. Nanoparticles and neuralinks make this possible.

More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/the-first-world-mind-war

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If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one's own self-deception and ignorance.

Marcus Aurelius

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He's been great, first saw him named in a Tess Lawrie report. MSM have been covering up all along by claiming in effect that there's this cabal of rogue influencers and doctors out there. Errmm!

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tom whipple is a nice chap ... not a scientist though ...

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And a very well deserved tribute. He has been amazing throughout as have several others, dogged and determined in their pursuit to provide the evidence and the analysis which the rest of us susptected but did not have to hand.

Joel was one of the first, and certainly one of the best and quietly linked with others like HART and PANDA to try to influence those with power and promote the warnings to those without. Our war continues and I for one, feel more comfortable and confident about fighting that war when you have such humble yet stellar people as Mr Smalley on our side. I thought I was going mad at first until I linked up. Thank you sir!

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Massive gratitude to you all for your truth, courage and hard work. I pray one day this nightmare will end and the truth will prevail. In the meantime we must never stop calling out the lies, manipulation and criminal agenda.

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