It is Sioux tribal wisdom that when your horse dies you should dismount. However, here at the Lancet we have been exploring new ways of dealing with that situation....

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Did you notice this snippet?

Our estimates for the 16–74 years and 75 years and older age groups show that being unvaccinated (strictly maximum dose deficit) was associated with similar or lower hazard ratio for severe COVID-19 outcomes compared with being vaccinated but having a vaccine deficit of at least one dose. This association could be due to vaccine waning and the fact that the most recent dose for those with a vaccine deficit frequently occurred many months before the study start date. The association could also be due to an uncontrolled selection effect for healthier individuals being more likely to be unvaccinated.


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Jan 18·edited Jan 18Liked by Norman Fenton

It's hard for them to cover their asses when it comes to the dangers of the bioweapon death jab when "real" people are dropping dead right in front of "real" humans; the number of people that I know who died suddenly from the death jab eight; the number of people that I know that died from COVID ZERO!!! It's time to start charging these people (Bill Gates, Joe Biden, and the rest) with murder or conspiracy to murder!

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18Liked by Norman Fenton

Wrote this to the Lancet (editorial@lancet.com) just now.

Subject line; My condolences re your illness and death

Lancet editorial staff-

I saw your recent article discussing vaccine hesitancy.

Have you asked yourself why this would be?

The simple fact that people are dropping dead or maimed post Covid vaccination is so painfully obvious now, except to you, apparently.

No amount of Big Pharma Shill money can regain the respect and trust of the people. You have signed not only your own death warrent, but that of all of Big Pharma and the medical industry. How does that money taste?

The vaccine game is up.


J. Sauriol Portland, OR.

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Jan 18Liked by Norman Fenton

You have to ask, was it mere happenstance for the government that media coverage of this report seems to have been conveniently timed to coincide Andrew Bridgen's excess deaths debate ?

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Jan 18Liked by Norman Fenton

Highly sensitive data? Bless it, sensitive to what exactly? The light of day? 🤣

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Jan 18Liked by Norman Fenton

Bolted, stable, horse, door.......rearrange this to obtain the answer.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18Liked by Norman Fenton

I remember when they said that not only were the unvaccinated primarily people of no education - but also more unhealthy than normal.

It seems now that contrary to all the usual statistics that shows that people with no or little education is less healthy than others - now "we" are suddenly the most healthy...

The internal inconsistencies in their argumentation these "highly educated" experts are able to conjure with a straight face is amazing...

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18Liked by Norman Fenton

Thank you for reporting.

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"Undervaccinated" that's funny. My own data shows that the REASON most people refuse MORE jabs, is because they've suffered badly, and/or WITNESSED someone else suffer badly (or even DIE) after getting vaccinated.

It's OBVIOUS that the primary event that causes people to refuse more jabs is EXPERIENCE with the jabs, thus producing more "undervaccinated" people. And even people who take 30 jabs per year could end up being classified as "undervaccinated" or even "unvaccinated" because the CDC keeps approving more weird vaccines and placing them on their recommended list of jabs. If someone misses even ONE of their jabs, they get labelled "unvaccinated" or "under-vaccinated."

In their eyes, EVERYONE is ALWAYS "undervaccinated."

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The measure always seems to be "vaccination" not actual health. Aside, from the cold hard fact that covid 'vaccines are in fact not vaccines like previous iterations of live-attenuated, inactivated virus antigens etc.. but actually transfections (a wholly different biological mechanism), the recurring theme in all of this is that medical establishment doesn't actually seem to care whether people are provably healthier with vaccines (of any kind). That is just assumed to be true and never ever questioned.

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Jan 18Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

“The data that were used in this study are highly sensitive and are not available publicly” is all you need to know to not bother reading in detail. I remember the Lancet paper on how useless hydroxychloroquine was based on data so sensitive that it could not even be found. Otherwise the confounding factors that could be roughly classed as healthy use bias I would think swamp any of the results of analysis.

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Jan 18Liked by Norman Fenton

Yet another self-contradictory article from the censored, er sorry peer-reviewed, medical press. This is the standard we love! :-)

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Jan 18Liked by Norman Fenton

From a healthy refusenik-who has refused the jabs: 2 friends plus acquaintances-all fully jabbed-have succumbed to a succession of various infections: severe shingles; bad dose of flu, an unnamed viral infection, the New Covid-(how do,they know it's Covid?)-this one notable for diarrhoea apparently, heavy colds, sore throats,etc.

Still no questions asked and unwilling to consider why I-the troublesome heretic-have not caught the lurgy.

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Surely there is more to life than being vaccinated or not vacinated (however defined)? In between vaccine boosters my wife and I have caught covid at least twice that we know of (home test confirmed). Most recently she caught it (despite having Autumn 23 booster) and failed to infect me with it (Autumnn 23 booster declined). Nature seems to be doing a better job than pharma.

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Vaccines are barbaric, disease-causing murder weapons.

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