I have thought that - that if the excess deaths continue over years, they need to exclude all the years with excess death from the averages, as otherwise the excess deaths will become normalized in those averages, and no longer appear as excesses in the data.

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I just saw my cardiologist. Shortly after my booster vax (March 2022) I developed a cardiac arrhythmia (PVC’s, premature ventricular contractions). I need to lose weight (true, but not a cause of PVC’s), take my statins (again, nothing to do with PVC’s), and take a beta-blocker (which I already tried but discontinued because it had no effect). Of course, he totally rejected my position that the vaccine precipitated the PVC’s. Couldn’t happen, he said. I asked if he knew of a study that had investigated that. He did not. So, after a year of treatment I still don’t have a diagnosis and we’re just treating the symptom. BTW, I’m a retired pharmacist with a bit of knowledge regarding drugs and diseases.

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"We see the same in Australia where they estimate 2022 excess deaths using 2017-2019 and 2021 but do not include 2020 because “deaths were significantly lower than expected”."

Not only is it completely misleading to include 2021 in the baseline average for comparison (as you point out), the sheer absurdity of their remaining methodology is staggering. Omitting 2020 data because "deaths were significantly lower than expected"; how do they say such things without any shame whatsoever. LOWER deaths during the initial year of the puportedly supremely dangerous pandemic (and before their blessed 'vaccines'); this statement alone should be a huge red flag for any thinking person that what we have been told from the outset simply does not add up, and that they continue to manipulate the data to 'support' their exceedingly flawed policy positions.

Thank goodness for people like Profs Fenton and Neil, and the many others bringing attention to this nonsense from our so-called health authorities. Thank you, from Australia.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

I wonder how many of these professors, such as Coleman mentioned, will be resigning their professorships and handing back their fancy degrees, since none of them seem to be able to see whats before their eyes.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

It's easy to assume that facts and figures are conservative and kept under the radar, omitted from MSM etc because the authorities don't want to take responsibility. What if it's something else in additional to long term effects of the you know what... People are starting to get a little paranoid and who can blame them? It stands to some reasoning such as the talks about adding m-rna to foods and other food technologies. I know several smokers who claim that tobacco and cigarettes are not the same as before. They have all been experiencing funny symptoms, including chest palpitations. This would be expected from a toxic substance so noone is looking into it.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

Here’s a quick and dirty method (by using the Gaussian/Normal approximation to the Binomial distribution) in getting a handle on the likelihood of the level of excess deaths being ‘unusual’. Just take the square root of the number of deaths in whatever is deemed* to be a normal period (year, month whatever). Other things being equal, that figure is pretty much the standard deviation σ of the underlying deaths distribution for that period. Work from there. Anything above 2σ deaths (probability ~2.5%) more than normal for the period suggests something unusual going on. [Some other levels: 3σ (p = ~0.14%), 4σ (p = ~0.0032%), 5σ (p = ~0.000033%).] By the way, physicists chose the 5σ level of certainty when declaring the discovery of the Higgs boson.

In that Canadian graph some of those excesses exceed 10σ! Make of that what you will. I say it’s enough to н4иg some people.

* That’s up to you. You might want to take a 5-year average, for instance.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

Apologies for mentioning this again - I assume I may have if for no other reason than I post it whenever I think it appropriate in the hope that people of influence notice -


Basically it gives plausible explanations for the myriad health problems/deaths occurring in the mRNA jabbed.

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Mission accomplished mr. Trudeau.🥲🥲💉💉

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So since the start of the supposed pandemic in early 2020, over a quarter of a million more Brits have died than expected? And they are still dying? And nobody in government, the NHS or the media have noticed? And now they are talking about developing those jabs for the flu. Kill off a few more million.

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One thing to consider with this data is that the population of Canada is changing rapidly, with over 1 million immigrants per year, roughly 2.5% per annum. The demographics of this new population may not mirror the existing population because part of the immigration program is to re-unite families - so many times younger people bring their elderly parents to Canada so they can look after them. The 'expected deaths' from this subset may be substantially different from the base population.

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Slightly off topic but does anyone know where I can watch “Climate Change by Numbers”. The BBC seem to have removed it from iPlayer and after watching NF’s chat with John Campbell I’m wanting to rewatch it! looks like more manipulation of history by the BBC if it’s not available anymore!

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Meanwhile, in La La Land, the public are told that "Brits are dying in their tens of thousands - and we don't really have any idea why" (https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/brits-dying-tens-thousands-dont-29955386). I have an idea...

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Check out the Song and Video called "Who can tell me the truth?" (In memory of young Canadians who died unexpectedly since January 2022):


(direct link to video: https://youtu.be/F4AwuZn___E)

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You can add the line by clicking the "95% lower prediction interval". Tho for some reason it is off by default

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Had a look at your conversazion with John Campbell. Just wondering whether or not you tried publish outside the western MS academia. There ar lots of journals in China, India, Russia, Iran ... that doesn't belong to the big publishers.

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May 23, 2023·edited May 23, 2023

The article on the Daily Mirror website made the strange claim that Covid had predominantly killed older people, (ok, fair enough) but then claimed one supposed reason for current excess deaths was because "Britain’s getting older" ...... no, if more older people have died in recent years the remaining population has become younger surely

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