A corollary question, which I have been asking. If we have the MCG-test (Multi-function Cardio Gram, by Premier Heart), which can detect ischemic changes (myocarditis, pericarditis, etc.) with near 100% accuracy, why do cardiologists in so many countries continue to rely on obsolete tests, which barely even register ischemic change until it is too late? It seems to me, "we" (cardiologists) just do not want to know the truth, and we make our money on NOT knowing, rather than knowing the facts.
Yes.....that's a very pertinent observation, "NOT knowing" since it applies to so much in the field of health, and to the public being the recipient(s) of medical 'interventions'. Not to know or want to know about those rushed out jabs for the alleged Covid-19 has played in to the hands of Big Pharma and its global 'pushers'. The greater fault lies with the medical profession and its 'beating heart', "our NHS". People take their cues from it and its doctors, nursing staff etc, ergo, if the medical workforce doesn't 'Know' because in the main it has deliberately chosen to accept claims from pharmaceutical organisations and the MHRA about the supposed miracle covid jabs) how can people be adequately and safely informed?
Thank you for this test information, Dr. Vlissingen. It is new to me, and relevant, as a lay person. My good wishes in holding your own amongst colleagues.
Drs. Fenton, Neil, and Jones, my continued gratitude and respect.
Budget might be cited in some cases, but more likely, at the root of it, is Pharma interests vs good health and long life; "managing" illness, indefinitely, is where the pendulum sits in these times; would be my take.
Why, oh why? Well, we're into the cold-hearted depths of the winter of 2025 and it's more than kind of obvious by now that a rather staggering number of people, many of them in positions of authority, for reasons known only to themselves, and if it lines their pockets, are perfectly fine with killing and injuring people.
Thank you for putting this advocacy and absence of response on-record.
I remember September 2021 as a very challenging time for parents in the Chicago area, especially those who (like me) chose not to vaccinate their teen boys. The risks were abundantly obvious to anyone paying attention to what studies and data were showing. I sent emails to school administrators about the risks - and about the illegality of the quarantine procedures being used with "unvaccinated" K-12 students. (Other parents did the same - I wasn't alone.)
Regarding Dr. Prasad, I remember all too well the things he was and was not saying in 2020-2022. I'm sure others do too.
The question that appears to not have an answer no matter how many times it is asked to everyone that is asked. Why are the experts, researchers, doctors and academics not speaking up and working together to find the answers? Even a guess at the reason there are no answers will help me rest my mind.
I took out a formal complaint against a Carers Charity for constantly promoting this gene therapy on their social media pages. It is not part of their charitable purposes to take sides with Big Pharma, their job is to support all carers rights, whether we wish to take the 'therapy' or not.
It seems that the UK government acknowledges, "There's a link between mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis." But, it seems they are downplaying the TRUE severity of myocarditis and still insist they shots are safe and highly effective!
I live in a small community where there's one hospital to treat the surrounding towns and villages. As a result of an injury I had 30 years ago, I had neuro stimulator (by MEDTRONIC) implanted to help with pain. I had to have a replacement of the battery in 2022 and had to travel to a large city for the 91,000.00 surgery. Firstly, when asked about my COVID-19 vax status I replied, "hasn't everyone been vaxed?" This was enough to get the surgery but at my follow up appointment another nurse asked, "we didn't get a confirmation of your vaxxxxines status," to which I replied the same as before. She then went, "hewww, I'm glad we got that confirmation." She apparently would have been in major trouble for approval of my surgery. By the way, they had to fly a MEDTRONIC representative in from Minnesota to program my stimulator.
6 months later, while going to my local hospital, I walked in and saw a hand printed sign saying, "heart patients" this way. I thought, "well this is the new covid clown world. So, I went to my pain management doctor and he tells me, "we have a MEDTRONIC rep on staff now. I'll get you an appointment with her." I thought, "it must be pretty good business for MEDTRONIC and pacemakers for them to have a full time rep at my tiny community.
I did have a friend die of sudden heart failure in 2022 and another friends husband who had to get a pacemaker in 2021. Those in my small community continue to get jabbed even now and admitting the jabs knock them out for days afterwards.
"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium."
In 2014 Russian and US scientists reported their finding that Endotoxin activates CD57-negative NK cells which are usually less than half of the normal NK cell population in human peripheral blood.
They found that Endotoxin both increased and inhibited NK cell cytotoxic activity and cell activation proceeded without the involvement of surface TLR4.
A corollary question, which I have been asking. If we have the MCG-test (Multi-function Cardio Gram, by Premier Heart), which can detect ischemic changes (myocarditis, pericarditis, etc.) with near 100% accuracy, why do cardiologists in so many countries continue to rely on obsolete tests, which barely even register ischemic change until it is too late? It seems to me, "we" (cardiologists) just do not want to know the truth, and we make our money on NOT knowing, rather than knowing the facts.
Yes.....that's a very pertinent observation, "NOT knowing" since it applies to so much in the field of health, and to the public being the recipient(s) of medical 'interventions'. Not to know or want to know about those rushed out jabs for the alleged Covid-19 has played in to the hands of Big Pharma and its global 'pushers'. The greater fault lies with the medical profession and its 'beating heart', "our NHS". People take their cues from it and its doctors, nursing staff etc, ergo, if the medical workforce doesn't 'Know' because in the main it has deliberately chosen to accept claims from pharmaceutical organisations and the MHRA about the supposed miracle covid jabs) how can people be adequately and safely informed?
Thank you for this test information, Dr. Vlissingen. It is new to me, and relevant, as a lay person. My good wishes in holding your own amongst colleagues.
Drs. Fenton, Neil, and Jones, my continued gratitude and respect.
Knowing is the beginning of finding a cure. We can definitely help! https://mcgdoc.substack.com/p/it-is-the-21st-century-folks-it-is?utm_campaign=post&showWelcomeOnShare=true
Budget might be cited in some cases, but more likely, at the root of it, is Pharma interests vs good health and long life; "managing" illness, indefinitely, is where the pendulum sits in these times; would be my take.
Hopefully, Myocarditis UK can now be asked to advise on its lack of further comment, as well as its current position on the issues.
Why, oh why? Well, we're into the cold-hearted depths of the winter of 2025 and it's more than kind of obvious by now that a rather staggering number of people, many of them in positions of authority, for reasons known only to themselves, and if it lines their pockets, are perfectly fine with killing and injuring people.
I passed “disappointment” in some other humans about 3.5 years ago. I’m now firmly in the “there are evil people amongst us” camp.
Thank you for putting this advocacy and absence of response on-record.
I remember September 2021 as a very challenging time for parents in the Chicago area, especially those who (like me) chose not to vaccinate their teen boys. The risks were abundantly obvious to anyone paying attention to what studies and data were showing. I sent emails to school administrators about the risks - and about the illegality of the quarantine procedures being used with "unvaccinated" K-12 students. (Other parents did the same - I wasn't alone.)
Regarding Dr. Prasad, I remember all too well the things he was and was not saying in 2020-2022. I'm sure others do too.
P.S. For Ros (thread is mine, context is US): https://x.com/Wood_House76/status/1705412284258861338 | I know this pediatrician well and can put you in touch, if you'd like.
The question that appears to not have an answer no matter how many times it is asked to everyone that is asked. Why are the experts, researchers, doctors and academics not speaking up and working together to find the answers? Even a guess at the reason there are no answers will help me rest my mind.
I took out a formal complaint against a Carers Charity for constantly promoting this gene therapy on their social media pages. It is not part of their charitable purposes to take sides with Big Pharma, their job is to support all carers rights, whether we wish to take the 'therapy' or not.
It seems that the UK government acknowledges, "There's a link between mRNA Covid-19 vaccines and an increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis." But, it seems they are downplaying the TRUE severity of myocarditis and still insist they shots are safe and highly effective!
I live in a small community where there's one hospital to treat the surrounding towns and villages. As a result of an injury I had 30 years ago, I had neuro stimulator (by MEDTRONIC) implanted to help with pain. I had to have a replacement of the battery in 2022 and had to travel to a large city for the 91,000.00 surgery. Firstly, when asked about my COVID-19 vax status I replied, "hasn't everyone been vaxed?" This was enough to get the surgery but at my follow up appointment another nurse asked, "we didn't get a confirmation of your vaxxxxines status," to which I replied the same as before. She then went, "hewww, I'm glad we got that confirmation." She apparently would have been in major trouble for approval of my surgery. By the way, they had to fly a MEDTRONIC representative in from Minnesota to program my stimulator.
6 months later, while going to my local hospital, I walked in and saw a hand printed sign saying, "heart patients" this way. I thought, "well this is the new covid clown world. So, I went to my pain management doctor and he tells me, "we have a MEDTRONIC rep on staff now. I'll get you an appointment with her." I thought, "it must be pretty good business for MEDTRONIC and pacemakers for them to have a full time rep at my tiny community.
I did have a friend die of sudden heart failure in 2022 and another friends husband who had to get a pacemaker in 2021. Those in my small community continue to get jabbed even now and admitting the jabs knock them out for days afterwards.
"Now time grows short. History will not allow the people of Shem additional centuries, or even decades, to come to their senses and realize what is going on. Just as they have been victims of massacres and genocides for centuries, the people of Shem now face the determination of the Canaanites to exterminate them utterly and finally. a goal they hope to achieve by the end of the millenium."
The Curse of Canaan....
Eustace Mullins 1987
In 2014 Russian and US scientists reported their finding that Endotoxin activates CD57-negative NK cells which are usually less than half of the normal NK cell population in human peripheral blood.
They found that Endotoxin both increased and inhibited NK cell cytotoxic activity and cell activation proceeded without the involvement of surface TLR4.