Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

How about an email to Daily Sceptic discuss to Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry instead? It's infuriating the no pandemic people want to gain credibility and yet routinely fail to cite the world's best evidence they were correct.

''I have reached the conclusion that whilst Heneghan and Jefferson should continue to cover a Covid Inquiry, it is the Scottish Inquiry from which we will have most to learn.''

-David Stacey-Daily Sceptic-9th Nov 2023


And since then ZERO articles on Scottish COVID inquiry testimony on the entire website. TELLS...YOU...EVERYTHING!!

See 34mins of real truths below. Let your common sense tell you what really happened thereafter.


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Right there it is people.

I have a few questions re:Italy.

The vast majority of COVID-classified deaths were in the North of Italy, with the majority of those coming from two regions. This curiosity does not change significantly for the entirety of the declared public health emergency.

The autonomous region of Valle d’Aosta, which is in Northwestern Italy, does not appear at all in early reports. Despite being only 120 miles away from the “hot spot” of the Lombardy region there are no reported COVID deaths in the ISS survey for PA Valle d’Aosta in the first three reports.

The three other autonomous zones situated in Northeastern Italy, PA Friuli-Venezia Giulia (165 miles to Lombardy), PA Bolzano (100 miles to Lombardy) and PA Trento (74 miles to Lombardy) also appeared to escape the ravages of what was sold as one of the most transmissible and deadly viruses in history. How is this possible?

How did this supposed virus race around the world at lightning speed, travel over 5,000 miles from Wuhan to Lombardy, yet bypass regions (to the west and the east) which were only a short distance from Lombardy?

As of March 17, 2020 no meaningful change presents in geographical data – Central and Southern Italy do not seem to be impacted in any meaningful way by any alleged viral pathogen.

As of March 20, 2020 the "COVID" attributed death clusters remain in the north and largely stick to the two provinces of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna.

Heading into April 2020 we see over 90 percent of COVID-attributed deaths remain in the North with the majority of these deaths situated in the two regions.

Even as the alleged virus was at the peak of its powers it was unable to put a dent in the mortality rates of Italy’s autonomous regions in the north nor impact Central or Southern Italy.

The mechanics of this “unique viral pathogen” seem to defy all reasonable explanations and textbook epidemiological models.

How is any of this possible within the "lab leak", "viral spread" story?

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And this pattern of clusters of critical illness and death - that mimic 'outbreaks' - supports the "chem-bio" hypothesis: a phenomenon that the US DoD openly talks about in terms of seeding "sentinel cases" to initiate events (see James Giordano).

(Alas, this falls into the category of "Question Everything - But Not That Thing" on substack!)

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Actually no.

Show me a "cluster" and I'll show you a place of concentrated hospital despotism aka medical murder.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

I think they could seed some cases as Democracy manifest says. Remember that John O'Looney was warned that he was a person of interest to the security services for speaking out on his experiences as a funeral director. He later developed a serious case of covid with low oxygen sats and narrowly escaped being put on a ventilator in hospital. He was obviously targeted as it was desirable to get a prominent dissident's death by covid.

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Right -- so the sudden **at-home deaths** in these areas (which Engler and co haven't explained) and corresponding experience of intensive care specialists in these specific locations was....??

Are you saying people were murdered in their homes in these places? If so -- how and by whom? And why did people present to hospitals in these places while hospitals elsewhere sat empty?

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Many died at home, alone, of conditions that in many cases which could have been prevented.

Specifically, there is solid evidence of a very marked fall in the number of prescriptions for oral antibiotics written for the most common indication for these drugs: bacterial pneumonia. Bacterial pneumonia kills an astonishing number of people, even the relatively young and previously healthy people.

There were also notorious cases of young people dying of septicemia after appendix rupture. This kills zero people if instead they have their appendix removed at the “grumbling appendix” stage.

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Mike, see at home excess deaths toll in Scotland


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But Mike -- that does not explain the pattern of a spike in at-home cardiac arrests occurring in *select* places in Spring 2020 -- but not most places.

Allen above says (direct quote): "In many places people in certain were afraid to call for an ambulance when they have a cardiac arrest."

But this only happened in certain locations. Why - if the fear was uniform?

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Correct, Dr Yeadon: the universal and cruel denial of primary care treatments, most usually basic level antibiotics and steroids - which are usually highly effective if delivered in a timely manner - was a sure and certain way in which to ensure a desirable level of deaths (from a certain point of view), from the usual prevalent conditions, which could then be misrecorded as resulting from contracting 'Covid' and so bolster the narrative.

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It's been explained multiple times by multiple people.

It's called untreated cardiac arrest.

Giordano's entire schtick is more fear mongering.

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So what caused people only in certain geographical locations - but no where else - to go into cardiac arrest in high numbers out-of-hospital?

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I agree with you. It was only because you made that specific point that I chose to cite the Scottish enquiry in a recorded video for use in an event organised for “vaccine” injured & bereaved people in Northern Ireland. Thank you for that prompt. Please keep doing exactly what you’re doing

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Thanks Mike! Much appreciated. Any links to that event i can watch?

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There will be, though the now fully anticipated censorship via sabotage by nominally our own side intervened.

My talk was edited without my permission or knowledge. At this point, I don’t know which bits were deleted by traitors at the gathering.

Obviously if I’d been present, different interventions would likely have been invoked.

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I recall your talk to UK MPs about 'COVID' and vaccines was edited also. You can help more by drawing attention to this new compilation clip i created.


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I’m highly sceptic of The Daily Sceptic.

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Anyone with an ounce of common sense has worked out that there was no pandemic. So why are so-called scientists claiming there was? And keeping the lab leak theory alive? Not to even mention that there is no proof viruses even exist. Is that so when another fake pandemic is declared they can justify the false narrative? One has to question whose side they are really on. Actually one doesn't have to question that at all.

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Those who don’t mention by now that there never was any kind of public health emergency are criminals, assisting the perpetrators.

Any other conclusion insults their intelligence.

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Hear, hear!!

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What's more insulting is your attempt to suggest nuclear physics does not exist. A former Pfizer exec trying to push 'no virus' theory is just as circumspect.


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The cult and spell of virology and infectious disease is strong.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Please do not go down the no-virus route - I think it is a CIA disinformation tactic.

I agree that covid probably did not exist but I am keen on other viruses, they are very interesting. I really do not see why bits of rogue DNA and RNA should not be part of the ecosystem and play a role in evolution.

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Toby Young, who started the Daily Skeptic nee Daily Lockdown, sees himself as the loyal opposition and won’t step too far off the res. He will never attribute malevolence to the British ruling class, only thoughtless choices that anyone could have made given a lack of information and pressure to “do something”. He used to do a podcast with James Delingpole, and they butted heads frequently over this.

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I recall in what was probably the last of Delingpole/ Young's podcast on Daily Sceptic that when challenged about the moon landings, Toby said he believed they'd happened. End of any faith in Toby at that point. He is overly impressed with the British ruling class imo

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Important to remember that when Toby Young comes out with some anthropogenic climate crisis denial nonsense (which seems to be synonymous with pointing out covid lies- did i miss a memo?) that his blog is funded by BP. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/heard-about-the-cooling-in-west-antartica?utm_source=publication-search

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There is no anthropogenic climate change crisis.

CO2 isn’t even a powerful enough greenhouse gas to make any difference to atmospheric temperature.

The timecourse evidence for atmospheric temperature and CO2 show unequivocally that, reproducibly, it is temperature that changes first and, hundreds of years later, CO2 follows in the same direction.

This phenomenon is both delayed and always follows changes in atmospheric temperature because it follows from the fact that, as the temperature of the oceans increases, it’s ability to hold dissolved CO2 falls (& vice versa).

So the source of atmospheric CO2 is dominated by the gas dissolved in sea water.

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Mike, the conspiracy theorists, literally by definition, in government don't care about facts. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/newscottish-national-adaptation-plan

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And at least my conspiracy theory makes sense;

A plot by oil baron Rockefeller using a fake pandemic and a fake conspiracy of one world, big government with evil green policies to create a backlash in favour of unregulated free markets untroubled by neither the climate crisis (which he's known about for decades) nor human rights.

Whereas yours;

A plot by oil baron Rockefeller to stop us using oil (?) and to depopulate the world so much he destroys his market, pension and power

does not.

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So in a very short time frame the temperature and rainfall in one small area hasn't changed much? Is this meant to be a scientific analysis?

Flourishing with fossil fuels were we as the globe gets hotter, particularly in the Global South? Don't care about them I suppose?

But, yes, net zero is a scam just like zero covid was https://jowaller.substack.com/p/zero-covid-and-netzero-when-financial

Not many can see what's going on here.

We seem to be falling for a NWO or big government con when actually the threat is from special economic zones and free ports, meant to address the environment but run by Blackrock et al and doing anything but helping. They are the exact opposite of big government.

Sunak and Truss turbocharged the resurrection of Thatcher’s free zones and added dozens more; there are now 74 SEZs and 12 Freeports currently being installed across the UK under the Labour Govt.

48 SEZs and 8 Freeports in England

18 SEZs and 2 Freeports in Scotland

8 SEZs and 2 Freeports in Wales

Bidding on all free zones started in 2021 and closed in 2022.

All 12 UK Freeports are housed inside a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), the zones vary in size from 38 to 75km in diameter.

Example; Forth Ports in Scotland own 8 other Freeports which are owned by parent company Otter Ports Ltd, the managing director of which is Lord Smith of Kelvin, Otter Ports Ltd is registered in the Cayman Islands, Smith did not declare this in the register of interests.

Both Cromarty and the Firth of Forth sit inside much larger Special Economic Zones (SEZs), 70% of the City of Edinburgh is inside Forth Ports SEZ.

The majority of free zones are in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, China has the most, almost half in total. Europe and North America have less than 10%, why would that be? The 82 free zones in the EU are strictly regulated to prevent governments of member states from giving State aid (public money) to companies of their choosing, this distorts the integrity of the EU's Single Market creating an unlevel playing field.

Which is why the UK was made to leave the EU and why it can't return.

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Mike, no one is saying it's just the greenhouse that affects temperature.

There's also the evolution of plants sucking out co2 and causing cooling, the changing orbits of the earth around the sun, solar activity, volcanos and albedo. Taking all these into account, without human activity, the earth should be cooling right now. It's not, and some.

There's a ten times faster rise in temperature than before which correlates directly with the dramatic rise in greenhouse gas emissions and deforestation.

Intelligent people who say there was a pandemic: must surely know that there wasn't. Intelligence people who say there is no anthropogenic climate crisis: must surely know that there is.

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If Co2 was not powerful enough to make a difference to the earth's temperature - then it would be minus 18 and not plus 15 degrees- chilly! Mike's scientific illiteracy is astonishing.

Yes there's a lag- co2 is both a cause and a consequence of rising temperatures because, yes, the ocean releases more at higher temperatures-but the increased co2 in the atmosphere also increases the temperature- so your point?

The source of some atmospheric co2 is, yes, from the sea as it warms, but the sea is warming because of deforestation and co2 emissions (isotopes show that the co2 comes from fossil fuels) enhancing the existing greenhouse effect.

There is a climate change crisis whether you admit it or not and it's being caused by human activity- don't think you can dismiss it with these tired old tropes that go round and round.

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Thank you Mike, I was going to say something as well. Whether or not the moon landings actually happened is completely irrelevant to the subject of this article, as is a debate over climate. If the commenters had mentioned the lack of any compelling evidence for viruses at all, that would’ve contributed to the conversation.

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The climate crisis is so relevant to this debate about what is acceptable conversation in alternative media. Question everything apart from what you've been told (by industry shills) about the climate crisis .

There is no compelling evidence for viruses at all - I've been saying this well before Mike did- but that is not the issue.

The issue is that alternative media is following a party line of lab leak and climate crisis denial. I'm pointing out some of the industry influences on the dogma of 'alternative' media.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

Jo, I am able to criticise the narrative re covid because I have adequate medical education. I read multitudes of "research papers" in the published medical literature, all treating covid 19 as a genuine disease and arguing therefrom. But all this published and "established" research amounts to nothing, nonsense, a total house of cards, built on a lie.

I can only assume the global warming narrative is a similar scam. However it is one that is easier to fake because few of us who are not climate physicists are able to criticise "the science" from first principles Unless you can do this it is not safe to take anything on trust.

I have thought that carbon trading is a substitute for the petrodollar and reserve currency status of the dollar. It will mean that the global energy economy can be controlled in future by those already in control now.

This will give political and economic control, at a stroke, over all the countries on the globe. It is purely a financial extortion racket. Nothing to do with "global warming" or the "environment" These degenerate criminals care nothing for the environment.

This is probably why the loss of the petrodollar has not resulted in retaliation against Saudi Arabia. The power elite believe we are using up global finite resources too quickly, they want to cut demand, not increase it and have come up with a new economic system for exploitation.

The thing about the carbon trading economy that exposes the fraud, in my opinion, is that there is not even a pretence that it will do anything to "lower temperatures" or anything of any real concrete or measurable value. It just shifts money around at the behest of the people in power, who all incidentally drive jets and yachts around the globe and who each own several mansions, many at beachfront level.

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Jo, you say -"A plot by oil baron Rockefeller to stop us using oil (?) and to depopulate the world so much he destroys his market, pension and power"

As far as I can see, the plan is to reduce the use of non-renewable resources -that includes the people who consume the most -in the west. They have stated as much.

Rockefeller does not need to "sell oil" He and his partners already own everything, and the pension funds, the financial system, and the money creation processes to boot.

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Cult language.

You've been duped by the oldest trick in the book, global apocalypse.

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Oct 14Liked by Martin Neil

What does Will Jones mean when he responded in his e mail by saying "staying on the right side of the line" with articles about the 'virus'? Who has decided what is "the right side"? Let's not forget that the WHO changed the definition of a 'pandemic' a few years prior to the alleged 'covid pandemic'...they prepared the ground so well.

The lab leak theory was rubbished in favour of natural 'virus' escape, now Johnson among others has said he! believes 'it' escaped from a lab. Let's confuse everyone, throw them off the real debate, was there ever an actual pandemic?

Not unexpected that Daily Sceptic is keeping one foot firmly over the Establishment's door, but rather cowardly.

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"Let's confuse everyone, throw them off the real debate, was there ever an actual pandemic?"

Exactly right. The pandemic planners are absolute masters at this too: their expertise is narrative and counter-narrative control. It's not about 'the origin" -- it's about sending people on a to-and-fro Easter egg hunt while a full-blown totalitarian 'response' is rolled out. And then justifying more 'pandemic preparedness' because "both Mother Nature and adversaries" are the potential source of existential biological threats.

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I cannot imagine a more important question than the one you are asking. The responses from the Brownstone and Daily Skeptic are lame to say the least. Having to state why this question is so important is mind boggling. Their answers are no different than what these publications have been berating for years, not allowing open scientific debate. If there was no pandemic than the responsibility for the excess death and illness was not a virus, and those responsible need to held to account. This is only the tip of the iceberg of reasons to ask this question.

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EVEN IF there’d been a pandemic (& I don’t believe they’re immunologically possible, which is why every claim to such events are demonstrably fraudulent), some things follow:

1. No one in their right mind would reach for a “vaccine” as a solution. Making a new, complex biological product takes far longer than the longest period of time that any alleged pandemic has ever lasted.

2. Even if you could magick up a “vaccine”, you’d NEVER insist on offering it to everyone, regardless of their risk profile. This because every treatment carries risks and these are never fully understood in the early stages of commercial use. So, three categories of people to whom you’d NEVER even offer it, let alone coerce people to accept:

A/ those who have had & recovered from the alleged illness. They must be immune. If they’re not, then you won’t be able to render them immune with a “vaccine”.

B/ those at no risk from the illness. Healthy children, for example. No deaths in Sweden, even though primary schools never closed.

C/ pregnant women. Since thalidomide, no new or recently launched product is even offered to pregnant women, even when there’s an argument that they might benefit. This because new products, especially those for which basic reproductive toxicology has not even been conducted, are considered presumptive fetal toxins.

For avoidance of doubt, I’m using narrative speak to make my point.

There hasn’t been a pandemic.

Acute respiratory illnesses aren’t infectious in nature nor contagious.

Consequently there’s no new virus & nothing was “spreading”, nor is covid19 a new illness. Instead it’s deliberate misattribution of other, pre-existing illnesses.

The materials masquerading as “vaccines” are cleverly designed toxins, intended to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors.

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Dr Yeadon, during Covid hysteria myself and numerous people I know came down sick with something that badly affected our sense of smell and taste. This was the first time it had happened to any of us.

How does this fit in with the 'no pandemic' / 'no illness' narrative?

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All your points are logically sound in my layman assessment, these and a few others are why I never had any fear of the "virus", and why I never took the risks of following all the experts advice.

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Oct 14·edited Oct 14Liked by Jessica Hockett, Martin Neil

In July Soho Forum held a debate between Stephen Goldstein & Matt Ridley and it had all the expected points/counterpoints we hear endlessly. At the reception I asked the sponsor of the event & publisher of Reason Magazine if he would entertain a piece that argues both sides of the debate are wrong because RNA does not have the fidelity to pandemic. He answered he would be very curious to hear another option so my suggestion is to reach out to Gene Epstein and pitch to him. gene@thesohoforum.org https://www.thesohoforum.org/upcoming-events/2024/7/15/matt-ridley-vs-stephen-goldstein

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Thanks, Pamela. This is the debate we linked in our article above, along with the YouTube video of the debate. Fascinating that you were in attendance!

We had actually talked about reaching out to Reason; based on your interaction, it appears they might be open to our idea - or at least more open than The Daily Sceptic and Brownstone.

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Oct 14Liked by Jessica Hockett

Also based on reception discussion I'd bet Stephen Goldstein would be open to other theories & talking but Matt Ridley only wants fans & book sales!

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Having listened to the whole debate, I couldn't agree more. I found Dr. Goldstein more persuasive regarding the resolution at hand, even though I disagree with him as well.

I think the American audience may have been amenable to Dr. Ridley's style, rhetoric, and accent - all of which were superior to Dr. Goldsten's - but Ridley's case was incredibly weak. Goldstein was also better-able to express uncertainty and doubt and acknowledge the unknowns.

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Thanks for pursuing truth … helping aid all those persons young and old and all those in between, either deceased or alive with broken bodies and broken hearted losses yet to be comforted. You are tasked with representing those millions who deserve honesty and resultant assurances of firstly and lastly do NO further harm through unravelling the ugly facts. Unity consciousness and our very humanity demand nothing less.

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Oct 14Liked by Martin Neil

I see your question as the first that needs investigation because if there was no novel viral pandemic all the rest is a waste of effort in terms of public health, which should be our prime concern. That does not imply that there was no infective agent but that it was nothing special - just another in the chain of mutating respiratory infections that get us all the time. For me the real problem is the suppression of early treatment for those who became ill, and then hospitalization with inappropriate intubation and use of Remdesivir causing kidney failure, making the situation worse before heavy promotion of new-tech vaccines by lies about effectiveness and safety. It all seems like dark theatre and that would fit with the pandemic being another made up part of the plot.

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Oct 14Liked by Martin Neil

"Covid-19" was not an epidemiological/medical event it was a long planned geopolitical event- akin to the phony "War on Terror." Speaking about it in such terms is absurd.

"Covid" was the circuit breaker to usher in a new self-perpetuating economic order with rolling pandemics at the center of it all along with additional "global shocks" in order to turbocharge the move towards SDG's/Agenda 2030. It's cover for ongoing theft of the global commons.

They tell everyone this quite directly and are putting these plans in motion right in front of everyone's eyes and yet people are still floundering around talking about "origin of the virus", "lab leak" and assorted rubbish?

For but one example, in December 2020, Secretary General of the UN Antonio Gutteres speaking to an audience at Columbia University said the following:

“To put it simply, the state of the planet is broken. Human activities are at the root of our descent towards chaos. The recovery from the pandemic is an opportunity. It is time to flick the ‘green switch’. We have a chance to not simply reset the world economy but to transform it."

Anyone stuck thinking that the events of these past four years was an epidemiological event caused by some alleged submicroscopic particle floating through the air will never comprehend what happened and what is happening. Among other things perpetuating such fallacies conceals the deadly protocols established in the hospitals and nursing homes as well as provides cover for those who designed and executed this operation.

Reifying that LIE is what is truly dangerous. Daily Sceptic and Brownstone as well as the majority of the mainstream "Covid dissenters" do exactly this and in doing so form a firewall against the fact that Operation COVID is part of a meticulous criminal plan to create the greatest mass illusion, the greatest plundering of taxpayer funds, the greatest social destruction, the greatest restrictions of freedom, the greatest mass medical homicide, censoring etc etc in the history of the world.

The Covid Operation was set in motion in the summer of 2019 and launched in March 2020 in order to change the entire financial and social order of The West due to a confluence of existential crises that were facing the ruling class parasites which could no longer be kicked down the road.

The introduction of the Covid-19 “emergency” was the circuit breaker and the rationale used to freeze the US banking system and provide the opportunity to inject massive amounts of cash into the system that went to large financial investment and banking firms- aka bailouts. Same was done in the EU.

There was no pandemic ever- there is no “lab leak”- there is no “unique viral pathogen”- there is no “China Virus”- there is no “bioweapon”- There is no “There” there.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of FALSE ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society- an endeavor of complete social control.

Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

The official narrative of “Covid” is fictional- all facets of it.

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I agree with everything you’ve written. Though unless I missed it, you didn’t feature a very important component of the ghoulish plan.

This was to create & seize the opportunity of a fictitious contagious disease in order to access the inside of the bodies of most humans on earth, thence to inject them with superfluous materials designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors.

The effect size is not enormous, at this point. It would have unblinded itself if it had been. But it’s set in train the expectation of what will happen when next there’s a faked pandemic: billions will be injected again with gene-based products. Eventually, I predict this will become a requirement in order to maintain the validity of the biometric digital ID, which is to become mandatory to have & to use ahead of every transaction, from crossing a regulated threshold (in time, every threshold will be regulated) to purchasing food and other commodities.

If you decline the digital ID & repeated injections, you will be automatically excluded from your own life.

If you accept then, over time you will sicken & die.

It’s diabolical genius, isn’t it?

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We were focused on lab-leak only simply because that's the focus of Ridley and Chan's book. Also, increasing the boundaries and scope of any article about the debate we might ask them to publish would surely increase the chance of rejection on the basis of article size alone. So, a targeted request if you will.

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Oct 15·edited Oct 15

FYI- Ridley is being featured on Highwire's latest money maker called "The Freedom Files."

To see these episodes you must become a paying member. I didn't realize this guy was a "Lord." Whenever I see such titles my mind reflexively goes to Monty Python.

I don't think this "Lord" is likely to get into a discussion with a peasantry who are inclined to question and debunk the pet theory which has put him on his way to alt-stardom.

"The latest episode of Freedom Files is Available now on HighWire+! In this episode, prolific science writer and innovation expert, Lord Matt Ridley, discusses his controversial 2021 book questioning the origins of COVID-19 and the pushback he faced when suggesting the UK Parliament take action to properly investigate COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

Freedom Files is our latest exclusive series on HighWire+, Following the success of ‘Off The Record,’ our first new series on HighWire+, we’re thrilled to bring you this powerful new offering.

Join Jefferey Jaxen and Del Bigtree as they engage with thought leaders and experts championing liberty and freedom for all. From the challenges facing our education system and health to the growing censorship state, tech issues, and beyond, these insightful conversations shine a light on the most critical battles of our time—the fight for our independence.

Enjoy this latest episode of Freedom Files with Lord Matt Ridley, now!"

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I'm okay w/ being excluded from that chaos. God tells us we need to rise above the enemy's nonsense. I got sick this week. First time for 4 years. A combination of extreme fatigue and I saw ppl in town spluttering everywhere. So perhaps it's bacterial, common cold of the already immune-compromised jabbed ppl. Any thoughts?

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This is a diabolical cannibalism of human trust going on here, crafted by ugly people, without genius, a dark deception on the good and the innocent. A certain ugliness, and silence, seem to be the hallmark of those evidently involved.

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Dr Mike Yeadon, how do you do?

I agree with all that you’ ve said and also with Allen.

But I don´t agree with your conclusion.

You may say it´s “diabolic genius” and I would agree at a 1st impression…. BUT:

- It´s not exactly genius because anyone that is used to add up (2+2) knows it s 4, and we won´t accept anything else, not even that it´s …. 22!

What I mean is that there are MILLIONS of People that know exactly what is happening in the world. I m referring to:

. Georgia Melloni from Italy, Trump from USA (hope nowadays he already knows everything), Orban from Poland, Le Pen from France, Abascal from Spain, Ventura from Portugal, also the leader from Belgium, Bolsonaro from Brasil, Putin from Russia, ….

These are powerful in their own countries because they REPRESENT MILLIONS of people and these guys won t be intimidated by the little countryless small group FROM DAVOS nor buy the Dems.

And if the States goes down, which I hope it won´t, with God s help and also with the help of the brave American People … that, even that, it will teach the World a lesson of what should not be done.

It´s in fact diabolic but we ve got God in our side and devils will go down the drain….

Maria de Mello

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Another one is coming.

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“I am writing to you to convey my grave concerns over the proposed new health bill that is currently out for consultation. It is draconian in the extreme. Under this proposed bill, a member of the Public Health Agency could enter one’s premises by force, physically restrain or assault the owner, remove whatever items from their premises they choose, forcibly vaccinate the owner and quarantine them for 28 days.

This period could, after going via a magistrate, be extended for further periods of 28 days indefinitely.

Not only that but it doesn’t even have to be a Public Health Agency official. They can designate anyone they choose to enter one’s premises, so could, in theory, hire security guards or bouncers to intimidate or harass the owner.

Moreover, because under this proposal animals are deemed to be ‘things’, one’s pets can be ‘destroyed or disposed of.’ Apart from the fact that this directly contradicts the new Animal Abduction act, which recognises animals as sentient creatures, it is abhorrent. To list animals in the same category as human tissue or human remains is disgusting.

The most disturbing part of this bill is the proposal for mandatory vaccination. This a breach of the most fundamental right of all, the right to bodily autonomy. This right is inalienable. It is not granted by government and therefore cannot be removed by anyone, no matter who they are. Apart from being totally unethical it is unlawful. Moreover, the concept of consent was considered fundamental when creating the Nuremburg code and any proposal to ignore that would be a breach of that code.

See United States of America v. Karl Brandt, et al.

According to the human rights lawyer, Anne de Buisseret, mandatory vaccination is ‘wholly illegal, unlawful, immoral and unethical.’

One would have thought that the Assembly would have learned from devastating health consequences caused by the disastrous lockdown policy inflicted on Northern Ireland citizens but apparently not. Instead, the Health department are proposing the most sinister, Orwellian bill imaginable

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looks like Sein Fein have rejected this, excuse my writing I can't spell for toffee! ( sorry)

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Are the readers of this website aware that temporary powers of entry and detention under the coronavirus act have already been made permanent in Scotland in 2022 without any publicity?

On its face, the Bill would permit forced entry into individuals’ homes and then vaccination by force if deemed necessary for public health.

The legislation would remove civil rights with respect to bodily autonomy, property rights, parental rights, possession rights including animals, the freedom to associate and the right to work as well as introducing a surveillance regime.

It is extremely concerning that mainstream media has been largely silent on these proposals. It is also of concern that this may be intended to be – or may by default become – a trial run of how such legislation is received by the population in a small part of the UK before being rolled out to the rest of the country.

Similar proposals are now going through the Northern Ireland assembly and no doubt these powers will be “harmonised” in England.

The Department of Health in Northern Ireland has published a document setting out proposals for a new Health Bill.


Holyrood votes to pass legislation on emergency coronavirus powers. June 2022

MSPs have voted to pass legislation allowing some emergency coronavirus powers to become permanent, despite opposition parties labelling it a “power-grab”.

The Coronavirus Recovery and Reform Bill was passed at Holyrood by 66 votes to 52 on Tuesday night.


Similar powers are being granted by parliaments in Canada and Australia.


A totalitarian system is being implemented in the guise of a fabricated “health emergency” throughout all “western” democracies.

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These regions / countries you are referring to belong or are the CommonWealth (that nowadays is anything but the “common wealth”…) which leaders are …. Maçons. For centuries now.

Maybe all British will flee from there and will only remain the …. Muslims?

Note: Regarding Ireland I ve been informed that law / bill didn ´t go through?

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No it is still being considered.

Hundreds gather in Belfast to protest against new Public Health Bill



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My goodness Mike, you're a pessimist. We've had courteous exchanges before and I've appreciated your commitment to replying to those you can but why do you insist on this being a fait accompli by the 'diablo'? I reckon at least 5 million in UK (and that's a government figure) refused the jab. Probably more but let's go with 5. That was back in 2021-22. Before people knew the consequences. So let's double that now (as a minimum). What are they going to do with ten million people? That's an awful lot to make a bit of trouble, I personally think it would be more than that. Now scale that up to the rest of the planet. If you have a Hobson's choice between dying and dying people have nothing to lose. You really think they're going to go quietly?

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The problem is that the perpetrators cannot back down now they are up to their ears in crime already. Remember these are the people blowing children to bits in Gaza without a qualm.

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Remember the film about Guy Fawkes? The only way to put a massive full stop to all of this is for some clever bugger to hack into the BBC and an emergency broadcast goes out to all of the people.

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Oct 15Liked by Martin Neil

Brilliant summary Allen, thank you!

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Thank you Allen for taking the time to repeat the obvious critical points to those above who creatively wish to ‘chew the fat’ with the effect to distract from these very points.

May I say that the ‘disease’ of most concern is the media, it now functions as a skillfully recruited bio-weapon capable of deleting or inserting any narrative calculated to enhance its own and its owners’ survival. A truly obsequious virus of deadly concern. Expecting this media disease to cure itself is possibly akin to thinking that injecting a novel ‘gene therapy’ will eliminate some elusive computer generated novel virus, a fantasy that most thinking people now find obsolete, laughable but also tragic, sadly.

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It's crazy when you stop and think of the idea of "The News"! "And now, THE news", The news?! The news!!? It's akin to saying in a pompous voice "and now, THE trees" or "THE cats"!

No, it's not the news but some "news" that they want you to ingest. Utter bollocks.

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Like 👆 Bpb. Yes, it’s Utter bollocks, absolutely, the ‘gleaming talking heads’ are nothing more than story-tellers for children, a fun or sober few ‘facts’ thrown into the lie lolly scramble each day. I stopped and now can’t watch ‘the news’, the fact fantasy that it is.

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Great summary thank you. It is indeed a massive criminal business model and that is how I see it. What surprises me is that so few people can read events of the past four years so clearly as you have spelled out here. This fact in itself tells us how well this whole event was prepared for.

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I think part of the problem with those who are well intentioned, but only look at it from a medical perspective, is that they don't have historical context with which to place it in nor do they look at the overall picture of the numerous moving pieces.

They see it simply as some stand alone "event."

For those who are not well intentioned, are manipulative, are part of the intelligence/media operation or those who are being cravenly opportunistic it's an altogether different matter.

That would require an entire article of significant length to unpack.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16


David Hughes is quite good on the politics...but he gets carried away by the technology bling! We now know there is no nanotech in the jabs, the lipids are known to form these strange shapes.


No Nanobots in Vaccines — Just Lipids on the Loose

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This is how I see it. We are products of a system called Natural Selection. Only those organisms that survive long enough to breed successfully are allowed to try again. They do so with updated physical and behavioural instructions that are etched in stone. NS is not going to allow cavemen to make life altering decisions. We are designed to copy exactly what worked, because what worked once stands a better than random chance of working again. NS can't see ahead to avert an extinction. When an organism survives because it kills its own it continues down this path. This path can lead to self-destruction.

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Oct 14Liked by Martin Neil

There goes my support for those organizations!

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Oct 15Liked by Martin Neil

'All models are false, some are useful.' The model of a pathogenic 'entity' spreading contagiously from individual to individual just does not fit the data. And your data analysis is also validated by Denis Rancourt https://denisrancourt.ca/page.php?id=1&name=home team.

For the data oriented individuals it is clear that the traditional pandemic model is no longer useful. For the profit motivated stakeholders and the materialistic 'faith' based community the model is still very useful.

But there is a scientific model that does fit the phenomenon of contagion we experienced. It is just not biology based. See:


The origin story of the virus that fits your analysis, traces back to people that are very knowledgeable in the art of the aforementioned kind of contagion. What is most notable is these people don't even need to wear hazmat suites;-)

Thank you very much for your courageous and Iconoclastic efforts.

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One of the dead giveaways from the early days of the scam was the fact that the Gates funded Imperial College's Neil Ferguson was rolling out his doomsday "Covid" models.

This told everyone who knew this crook's history and what his role is in these scamdemics that a fraud was coming down the tracks.

Those of us who knew this history (as well as the other players and institutions running the show) were telling everyone as early as Feb. 2020 that a scam was pending and "Covid" was a con job. It was like shouting into a hurricane.

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Understand he was a poor coder and his spaghetti code needed cleaning by others before it was opened for public code review.

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Oct 15Liked by Martin Neil

I'm sure Kathy Gyngell and Neil Oliver would both be interested in promoting such a debate.

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If you go to Brownstone or Daily Sceptic and type "Lab leak" or "Wuhan" into the search bar you will get page after page of articles on the topic. There are literally hundreds of articles at both outlets (there is overlap) that catapult and reinforce the "lab leak" and/or "Wuhan virus" theory in some shape or form.

With that in mind I would say it is a watertight impossibility that they would engage on this topic as it would negate the most significant portion of the last four years of their electronic library. It would also negate the work of their most prominent authors and cause some degree of a hit to their credibility and donor base.

The "lab leak" or "viral spread" theory doesn't stand even a cursory forensic analysis so when folks like you (and many others) come along with even more detailed counterpoints it is understandable that they would wish to avoid this and do various dances to wriggle away from such a discussion.

If you go over to these sites and read through a few of the more notable articles pushing this concept what you find is piece after piece that profoundly fail the test of logic and deductive reasoning and are laden with one logical fallacy after the next and an entire host of conflations and presuppositions.

The various iterations of "lab leak" are riddled with so many holes that anyone who has been exposed to the counter arguments sees right through this supposition. If you've built your empire on accepting the premise without question you don't want anyone coming along shaking that foundation and you certainly don't want to assist in shining a light on the absurdity of your own premise.

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I am glad that you are pushing these outlets. But you also write: "[T]he Overton window is closing in, with questions about whether there was a pandemic and whether the virus was in fact novel or deadly becoming off-limits, if not verboten."

That window has long been mostly closed. The Daily Sceptic [sic] and Brownstone have, since the dawn of Convid, refused to publish the point of view that, never mind the pandemic, the "virus" itself has not even been shown to exist. That (correct) view is excluded also by your statement quoted above and is considered nowhere in the whole article.

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The truth to the COVID era in 34 mins. The following is under a GLOBAL MEDIA blackout including 'alternative.'


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Step One:

Do the authors at BS or DS, as well as the authors here, accept the premise that PCR is an acceptable mechanism for diagnosis? Do they accept the validity of PCR results to determine a "covid case?"

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Some of the authors have been debunking the PCR tests for a while, so I doubt that they accept the tests' validity. But I think that BS and DS do accept the nonsense tests. Anyone who talks about a "Covid case" definitely accepts the nonsense. For there's no defining characteristic of a Covid case other than +PCR.

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I looked it up in the devil's dictionary.

A "covid case" is defined as a financial windfall for cratering hospital systems.

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Lily livered bastards the lot of them! Where there is no debate, there is no science

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What scares them the most is discussing all this.


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Thank you for this information. Here is some groundbreaking work on DNA contamination from Port Hedland, in Western Australia: https://open.substack.com/pub/julesonthebeach/p/all-537-australian-councils-to-receive?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios

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DNA contamination of mRNA pseudovaccines is a hoax. PCR will amplify a signal even if this DNA is less than one part in a billion. Who cares if the deadly mRNA vaccine has DNA?

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If you take a bit of time to look into this, you'll see that the discovery of DNA contamination IS potentially a big deal and did not rely AT ALL on the PCR test.

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How did you go with the 23 minutes long video, Norman?

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You have a weird sense of humor :-)

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Hopefully you’ll be able to open this Facebook link…many signatures:


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Odd that an organisation called The Daily Sceptic should have an editorial line defining what it is and isn’t willing to discuss. I used to be a subscriber but terminated my subscription partly due to the apparent partisanship of one of their directors.

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I hope MIke won't mind my reposting a relevant comment of his from another site.

Kudos to the authors for showing that the attempt to get more eyeballs on the “Was there even a pandemic at all?” and “Was there really a novel pathogen?” are all blocked, even by alternative media outlets which claim to be on the side of freedom and against the oppressors.

I would have placed a strong bet on the reactions that their enquiry triggered.

That’s because they’re both working FOR the perpetrators, whether knowingly or not, I couldn’t say.

Toby Young refused to accept for publication a piece I wrote at the end of 2020, when I had become clear to me that the “PCR testing system” could never be accurate. I speculated that the reason all testing was taken out of publicly funded pathology labs attached to NHS hospitals & into purpose-built, new facilities, called “Lighthouse Labs”, was so that private money interests alone would have full control of “the numbers” from here on in.

Note that this happened in summer 2020. Even theoretically, accepting what I now know to be wholly lies, there’s no way that more testing would be need upon the arrival of “the next wave”.

Why go to all this trouble, removing quality assurance from many, highly experienced lab staff, who’s job it was and remains to run & interpret the tests that are run when your doctor says “I’d like to run a few tests”. These lab base staff are also accredited, which the much larger labs never were.

The nature of Mr Young’s response prompted me to discontinue reading or contributing to the Daily Sceptic.

He knew of my career and training because it had featured in several previous pieces he’d published. Had he been an honest broker, he couldn’t help being interested in my most recent deductions. His dismissal without detailed reasons confirmed my suspicions.

I have no history with Brownstone. After a while, you develop a keen nose for narrative management and I have accordingly not bothered reading their publications. This is what happens when the audience loses trust in your platform.

Best wishes


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