Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

To show just how bias the 'government approved spokesperson' is in attacking Fenton, The Daily Beagle found, among other things, that:

1) 'Viki' worked with Danny Altmann at ICL, who is working on second generation mRNA shot


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-second-generation-covid-vaccines-are-coming/ (Danny Altmann details his work)


2) Danny Altmann receives remuneration as a Consultant to Oxford Immunotec Ltd, which 'Viki' was forced to admit to when confronted


3) 'Viki' accepted financial support to travel to the 16th vaccine congress in Italy


4) They accepted money to write articles for the Guardian (the media outlet with a pro-vaccine bias)


They falsely declare they don't have any pharmaceutical conflicts of interest to the public when buried evidence points to the contrary.

The Daily Beagle did coverage on this:


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Excellent research 'UD' - thank you. I can supplement this work with this recent Press Release from HMG - April 6 2023: "Children aged 6 months to 4 years in clinical risk groups to be offered COVID-19 vaccine, says JCVI"

This is extreme child abuse - they are coming for our children. Parents must be made aware. Here are many qualified doctors calling for the withdrawal of these killer jabs immediately. Please circulate this evidence far and wide:

"Doctors for Patients UK (DfPUK) was established in September 2022 and has become a fast-growing group of UK doctors dedicated to practising evidence-based, ethical and patient-centred medicine." https://doctorsforpatientsuk.com/press-release/ [Includes video 18 mins of evidence from randomly selected doctors]

You are not alone Norman - tens of thousands of your colleagues are with you.

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023

Hasn't Viki also admitted to having worked with or been funded by the Wellcome Foundation (but, in her words, there's no conflict of interest whatsoever as they are merely a "charity").

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Perhaps, although I haven't seen the reference or, I presume, Tweet for that claim.

They're not exactly upfront about their conflicts of interest until directly challenged, at which point they will release piecemeal information, then try to downplay the severity of their conflicts.

Pretty sure what they're doing is unethical academic practice.

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We are witnessing what Tom Gold warned about concerning peer review and its drive toward ideological monoculture, with the additional speed up of state-financed disinformation:


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That's an excellent essay by Tom Gold!

Thank you for sharing it.

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I first saw the article on paper, maybe before the internet existed, and that version had very educational graphs showing the spectrum of opinion and how it changed with time -- going from a diverse spectrum with a few bumps, to the bigger bumps getting bigger and the smaller ones getting smaller, ..., until there's only one huge and narrow peak left.

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I see many wondering why the GMC has not struck off Aseem Malhotra. I suggest that people in the GMC know that he is essentially correct. Were he struck off he would appeal (I assume he has insurance that would cover such). That would mean evidence would be tested in a judicial process where data would have to be presented and legally tested. That would be a big exposure of facts that I assume the GMC would like to avoid. I was around when Fascist Germany was committing mass murder, I did not expect to experience this new Totalitarianism at the end of my life. I spend most of my working life in industrial science/tech R&D - I worked on a lot of stuff: jet engines, semiconductor design and high performance computers, and if it did not work for real there was no way to pretend otherwise.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Norman, you have been a voice of reason in this dystopian farce we have all lived and witnessed in horror. Your catalogue of corrupt censorship by politicised journals should be astounding - except that nothing surprises anymore. Even more reason to persist as we must not let this venality stand. More strength to your arm.

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Since the mid 1980's I've known how bent (and criminally bent, criminal fines in America totalling many tens of billions of dollars) bigpharma really are.

They've had decades of experience falsifying trials as to format and result and getting their tentacles into education, research, health systems, politics and the MSM.

So no surprise at all that this is happening. They have a vast network of hugely expensive lawyers, accountants, data analysts etc.

But their most important "asset" by far is the MSM.

The MSM is the most important part of the dam wall holding back the truth. But there are many cracks appearing

Every little thing each and every one of us can do adds to the pressure on that dam wall.

Keep going, and never forget it is we who have right on our side - and there are far more of us than they would have you believe.

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Well, reading that you've seen Les Mis 53 times now clouds my opinion of all your work, both previous and future, as well as everything you've ever published. Les Mis? Really? 53 times? Really? Were they voluntary visits or were you forced? I think that should be declared on everything. The public need to know whether their scientists have good or bad taste in musicals - we already know politicians have poor cultural tastes but we probably thought scientists all listened to Miles Davis or Schoenberg.

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Funnily enough I generally HATE the theatre - and especially musicals, but for some reason I always found Les Miserables incredibly powerful with great music. As my daughters also love it, it has become a routine things to go on most birthdays etc.

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As a Liverpool supporter, I too was starting to have doubts about Norman's cred. Spurs, really?

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It was never a penalty and we would have beaten you in the Champions league final if not for that!!!

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Divock Origi would like a word...

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Thank you for alerting us to this Prof. Fenton.

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It may be time for a complete break from these establishment types. Complete cultural secession. We need to form our own nations.

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Apr 12, 2023·edited Apr 12, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Is has been surprising that people talk now about COVID being endemic, the censorship in many ways has lightened-up, but the efforts to strip dissident experts of their legitimacy continues. For example, I read recently about the two-month suspension of a respected Italian doctor for suggesting in response to a question that autopsies might help understand their excess deaths. I also read about a Florida doctor whose family medicine board certification were revoked for speaking about the merits of ivermectin.

It seems that the authorities fear the dissident experts, but ordinary people are now allowed to disagree with them. We are all supposed to forget about COVID, but I suppose they do not want any experts remaining to reveal the lies of the past or to jeopardize the mRNA plans for future medicines. They also don't want the cause of vaccine injuries to be revealed.

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I think your telling observation is that "they are wearing us down" - a common tactic in PsyOp matters. I am not surprised that academia is complicit - they rely on GloboCap to fund their work. Any attempts to counter the cabal directly will merely be wasted effort - i.e. their objective.

The only defence I can see is 'Non-Violent Action' (NVA) which I, and a colleague experienced in these matters, wrote about some time ago. The power these people appear to have is an illusion because they derive their 'power' from our very compliance which they must have to succeed in their endeavours.

All we need do is exhort the people to "PEACEFUL NON-COMPLIANCE": https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-special-36e?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Can't we play the game with papers published by ghostwriters or pharma shills on papers which promote pharma products?

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

True character and integrity will never be redacted.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Indeed. For me all that might as well be trash at this point. Even in completely unrelated fields I would not trust it any more.

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Statistical issues in Serial Killer Nurse cases, marvellous! I'm an anti-vaxx true crime buff and just read the story of Kimberly Saenz, injecting bleach, it took so long to stop her... I'm off to read this, don't let the bastards grind you down Professor Fenton! Link if anyone else is interested - https://www.math.leidenuniv.nl/~gill/Statistics_and_Serial_Killer_Nurses.pdf

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C 19, another iterative refinement loop step (and milestone of it self) of the engineering process toward 2030 or whatever the final idea is.

2009, swine flu, a test run: they observed what was in the way of getting what they wanted, and they removed it - e.g. family doctors not complying with giving people experimental injections in 2009, so in 2020 they built vax centers and sent vax buses to campuses etc. (next to more propaganda, producing imagery of plague death abundance, adding financial incentives).

What was an observed "problem" in 2020..2022? Very reputable experts speaking against the narrative. How do you "fix that problem"? By eroding the base of their scientific reputation.

This is war. Perhaps the resistance should as well uncover holes in the scientific track record of publicly visible "experts", or rather, as often might suffice, put their embarrassing lack of any sort of meaningful or impressive contributions on full display, and give it the ridicule it deserves, contrasting their depiction on the media.

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I submitted a Rapid Response on the COVID business to the BMJ which was never put on line, and thanks to its policy of not corresponding even when asked I don’t know why. Subsequently I have had a Response published on another matter…

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