Jul 26, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

The work that you folks are doing, may not be glamorous and popular, so your posts may never have a million likes and comments, but so it goes with the most valuable science. It is not the bubblegum preferred by the masses. But 8 billion owe you their thanks, regardless of their attentions.

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You won't see crony maloney dig into statistics for some reason yet somehow he's an acclaimed expert on just about anything.

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Thank you.

This is excellent and vital analysis as we try to sift through the weeds to find out what really happened.

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Very nice presentation. Thank you for the explanations. It is amazing how everything goes to bias in one direction. I agree that just looking at the shape of the charted data shows that something doesn't make sense in the "real" world.

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

I knew numbers could be fudged but didn't realise how easy it is make a total disaster look a resounding success and I certainly am most grateful for you and your colleagues expertise in exposing the "flaws."

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Awesome collaborators too... big time kudos & thanks from humanity to the entire crew!! <3

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Data for the first months of 2021 removed from a subsequent report?!?!?!?!

Wasn't that when a huge number of vaxx deaths and harms occurred?!?!?!?!?!


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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

I will never forget seeing Australian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton pinned on your twitter....😂 I guess you saw he received another award . Victorian of the Year. Doublethink plus 😂

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

What happens when the authorities stop the pretense? Will there be apologies or will the weapons and bullets then be pulled out?

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

ONS: Official Narrative Sorcery

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Jul 27, 2023·edited Jul 27, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Excellent work. Clearly explained and thus easily undetstood.

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Shambolic or deliberate obfuscation?

Let me think…….🤔

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Jul 27, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

https://fullbroadside.substack.com/p/sustained-overkill popped up in comments elsewhere. Very good.

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Norman et al, great work. One thing that may need more explanation is at 14:10 when you say they adjust for monthly, but say there is still inherent bias. Based on the prior few sentences it gives the impression that you are sweeping away their adjustment, which you had just moments before called out as a problem. If you indicate why monthly is still a problem that will add credibility and eliminate protests.



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Yes good point. The survival bias is still there if the granularity is at the monthly level (rather than the ideal of daily) but it’s not as bad as using people rather than person years as in the example. Incidentally many studies of vaxx efficacy/safety do use people (rather than person years)

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If the Australian Medical Professionals' Society had had any connection to the 'authorities', you could expect to be uninvited very shortly & for this topic to be removed from the agenda.

Thank you all for this excellent work.

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As Pamela says these guys are fellow dissidents.

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Unfortanetly we find ourselves preaching to the converted once more!

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Apologies for not setting an 'irony' footnote. Comment now adjusted.

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AMPS are dissidents challenging global Pharna Mafia AMA-WHO et al

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Sorry. I was being ironic.

If the event gets any exposure to the broader (sleeping) public then no doubt the Twisted News Initiative will soon be describing them as a "Far-right Anti-Vaxxer Organisation". That would be a milestone to be proud of in my opinion.

Have they been 'de-banked' yet?

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I believe in a prior video you explain that the data is so bad it can’t be used to draw conclusions. However, with the data you have, and analysis you’ve done, could you (or did you already) make your own adjustments based on your best analysis and create charts and results that reflect what you think more closely represents reality? I’d love to see that, recognizing it would just be a guess based on very flawed data.



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In our research reports we made some attempts to draw conclusions after applying adjustments, but the problem is their data is just too unreliable and there are so many different (often competing) explanations for the flaws and biases that little is to be gained from such exercises.

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They stopped taking data from MRHA in May 2021 because that’s when MRHA decided to stop recording deaths... I wonder why?

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