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More Covid lies to boost the numbers and con the gullible or vulnerable into accepting the potentially DEADLY injection. purely to satisfy Pfizer & others' Greed for profits over public health & wellbeing.

Obviously, Positive Covid cases can be created by the percentages of dilution the testing agency uses. This means the higher the % the more Positives can be detected. These are 'manufactured' FALSE POSITIVES!

Supposedly, according to those profiting from more Covid cases, "the most reliable" multiplication of %ages is 35, but that still creates 'FALSE POSITIVES'.

Being a Proud Conspiracy Theorist (Since 2020) I suspect the reading of % should be considerably lower but Big Pharma would lose gullible customers who would realise the DEADLY injection is a farce!

LIABILITY for INJURIES and DEATHS CAUSED by Injections, they pretend to be "VACCINES", would end the con, people would start to regain natural immunity, covid would not be a threat and big Pharma (Pfizer & friends) would become BANKRUPT and disappear!

Also, we could all have access proper effective anti-viral medicines like ivermectin and suffer less.

What we always suspected about Covid Case frequency = LIES for Covidiots!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!!

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