£200 billion on a medical test. £3000 for every person in the UK. More than the annual budget of the NHS. The former PM studied Classics and clearly had no grasp of numbers. That alone should disqualify him from public office.

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Lateral Flow Test? = Probably just another illusion to justify the fortunes to be made from selling a useless but DEADLY injection they call a VACCINE!

The useless injection comes with dangers to health and Longevity, but has a built in shield from LIABILITY for the super-wealthy makers! This just can't be right!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Oct 23, 2023·edited Oct 23, 2023

In early 2020, the FDA was slow to approve a COVID PCR test. There were problems with false positives. In the end I believe they approved the WHO test. Someone should ask the FDA scientist who were involved what was really going on.

Edit: This article has some details. Perhaps the "bunglers" were actually more competent than the WHO. https://www.science.org/content/article/united-states-badly-bungled-coronavirus-testing-things-may-soon-improve

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