Jun 7, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

John Cullen channel on YT is reporting on this, as well.

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"They fooled, the whole world with PCR testing"

Lucas Lion 1984

It really truly is as simple as that.


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I hope iit's not out of place to note that the flu vaccination systems don't do a whole hell of a lot to prevent the flu. A bit, but not much. Adverse reactions? Who knows?

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Thank god for you, Martin, and Prof. Fenton.

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No numbers if you do this in future: Me: Over 30 years, never ill, never got a cold or the flu or a coronavirus: Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt (I use shop bought, Iodine based, table salt) in a mug of clean cold or warm water, cup a hand and pour in some solution, sniff or snort the entire contents up your nose, in small doses, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If a burning sensation, then you have a virus in your nasal passages, behind your eyes, in the escutcheon tubes to your inner ears, brain bulb, brain stem (hence Long Covid) so wait until burning stops (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards. Do my free salt water cure morning, noon, night, or more often if you want for a quicker result, until it feels like you are flushing with water - job done - or go to the sea and sniff or snort salt water up your nose and around your nasal passages - same thing.

The 5 day isolation, is when the Coronavirus transmutes to Covid in your head, passed down into your body in the one liter of snot we each produce daily, the engine oil of the body, in my opinion - a vaccine in your arm is not going to heal a Coronavirus in your head, nor the residue after a Covid type flu has passed, in your head, is it?

It can take up to 2-3 weeks after clearing a virus infection in the head, for Covid to occur in the body.

My free salt water cure does what no synthetic mRNA vaccine will ever be able to do - it kills the virus in the nasal passages of the head, before it gets to become anything else and it is the method which has kept me "never ill" for over 30 years and there is no reason why your health should not be the same as mine, if you do as I do. Cost zero - time taken less than 3 minutes, each complete snort or sniffle.

Needless to say, do whenever you think you might have caught an airborne nasal infection, from someone else.

Probably good for Long Covid, as it flushes your nasal passages out and leaves no place, not washed. So much for synthetic mRNA vaccines - you get a head cold and you inject a vaccine in your arm to clear it - like duh!! - much laughter, you have got to be kidding, right?

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Professor Neil

I am a retired GP and have been very interested in the misconceptions around the flu.

Would you mind if I shared them with you.

Not sure if this is the best place to set it out. Twitter won’t allow me to DM you.

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thank you

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Thanks Martin. Interesting to say the least!

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