Apr 23·edited Apr 23Liked by Norman Fenton

There are many different actors involved with limiting speech. It's not just the social media companies.

Various groups likely have paid workers or consultants (along with some automated tools) whose jobs are to report certain people and certain topics. It's a concerted effort. And, as others have mentioned, how the censorship manifests may be different, depending on one's geographical location.

We know that celebrities, academics, scientists, etc. were paid to push the shots. When Mark Hamill tweets his support of Biden, he is likely doing so for financial gain. Things will continue to get worse this year.

When Musk bought Twitter I joined (my first "social media" account other than watching videos on YT). But, after he hired Linda V. I cancelled my account.

There are so many forces nudging our perceptions and the supposed reality that it is literally mind-boggling...

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There is some good news here recently. While the power mad tyrants at the WHO (World Health Organization) still want control over all nations they have dropped section 13A (I'm going from memory so I may have that number wrong) that makes the treaty binding and so now it's non-binding mean nations can opt-out of any recommendations.

That said this also could be as Star Wars Admiral Ackbar said "It's a Trap!". Anyone who pays attention to national level governments knows that one their tactics is the "Foot in the door". This where when they are unable to get what they really want they go for something less that the public will either get on board with or at least won't push back against and later on in secrecy and with little to no press coverage they expand it either by re-defining terms or by claiming it means more then it does. The FBI, CIA, ATF, and the various departments all do it and the only way to stop them is when someone with enough resources can take the Feds to court. Often only state governments have the resources to do this.

The removal of the binding part could be a trick to get the people pushing back against this to back down and go back to sleep. The level of resistance to this WO treaty must be significant because the current set of globalists running this haven’t backed down recently from anything. They’ve been willing to risk self-exposure of their people and assets like the corporate news media; unlike past generations of globalists who when they saw something like this they’d take a few steps back and wait a decade or 2 for the public to go back to sleep. This generation has no problem with showing the public that they will have things their way regardless of what the peasants want. Perhaps their generations in in-breeding has finally created a generation of unintelligent globalists who can still do what they do only b/c of what previous generations built up? In any event be aware of this change to the treaty and don’t let it cause you to back off because they absolutely will try to expand the reach of the treaty if they can get the public onboard with some less scary version of it.

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Apr 23Liked by Norman Fenton

Google.com is no longer a great search engine. It is filtered, propagandized, advertised search "results". Almost worthless now. And Youtube, run by the same company, is the same way now. I try to avoid both whenever possible.

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Apr 23Liked by Norman Fenton

All this makes the Pravda looks like a democratic and liberal newspaper.

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Apr 23Liked by Norman Fenton

Like water, the truth will find a way past the efforts to block it. This may take time, but I have faith. In your instance, Prof. Fenton, take encouragement from the fact they seem focused on your work as particularly dangerous. It means you are credible, convincing, and accurate. In addition, the Streisand Effect of them censoring you has already increased my interest in your work, and I am guessing others’ as well. Keep on pushing the rock, Sisyphus. We are at your side.

“For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.”

-T.S. Eliot

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Medical Misinformation indeed! You always succinctly explain yourself.

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All the countries are tightening their grip on free speech, speaking the truth is now a crime,won't be long before the gestapo go around rounding people up,even from their homes.Stamp on those who are a problem for their agenda.crush all dissidents, silence all dissidents, all sounds familiar, The SS, Gestapo, Nazi Party. Its all been done before. Trouble is..its more difficult for them these days.thank god for the Internet. If it was like before, with media blackout,and only the Corrupt politicians and governments spouting their propaganda using the only means of communication. Radio,Newspapers, and later TV, which they fully controlled, 99% of people would believe whatever information they were served.

Every country now needs a successful Cato Street Conspiracy.

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Not a conspiracy theorist but when something suddenly changes course there is usually a reason. The censorship was easing a little tiny bit more information was getting out. Now that has gone into reverse which is against the trend so something is up. X has come under fire in Brazil and Australia on various issues. Is it the information release getting to the general public is causing too much pain. Several elections are coming up perhaps companies plating safe?

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Apr 23Liked by Norman Fenton

Just wait until the WHO gets all its global powers and billions in funding it's shaking us down for! They will censor anything and anybody that dares criticise them.

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Yegods - it’s shocking.

It all happened so fast in 2020.

Sometimes you think to yourself: « HOW did we let them shift so swiftly from a semblance of democracy to a regime of outright CENSORSHIP? »

It IS a form of tyranny because what we are seeing is they shamelessly suppress any dissent that they think might get traction against them & their damned agenda.

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Dear Norman, if you were a part of the mainstream club, then I for one would not take you so seriously. They fear your voice, that means you are close to the bone. Keep up the good work!

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Norman, I think you tick all the wrong boxes. You are a published, accomplished professional academic, highly trained in your field, popular, a very wide ranging intelligent, critical thinker, a probing, highly independent 'out of the box' thinker, and a Jewish, Tottenham Hotspur supporter to boot who has dared to speak in support of Tommy Robinson and criticise members of the Jewish community whilst doing so! That scares them. It proves you're not for sale to any bidder. Furthermore, you committed the unforgivable sin of being 'on the inside' (promoting the climate change narrative on the BBC) and then publicly stepping away from that to express your doubts thereafter.

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How about bitchute, odysee and rumble?

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Apr 23Liked by Norman Fenton

Keep punching Norman. The true believers will still get your message.

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Norman - I don’t think you did a substack post on it but one of your Rumble videos from 2 months ago was a short one , an interview where you commented on the globalists labeling Misinfo/Disinfo as the greatest threat. It is their greatest threat because as the very few they depend entirely on controlling what the public believes is the majority perception of X whatever X be whether it's Climate Change or the Covid Vaccine. Since Musk who clearly isn't playing ball even if his platform is still censoring some, they no longer control all the major platforms where the peasants, I mean the public, go to share/exchange ideas and debate. You said we've made a hole in their efforts to control the BigPharma made, government passed, corporate sponsored and BigMedia/BigTech promoted narratives on covid and that's true. After though you said "unlike with Climate Change" and I have to disagree there. if anything I'd say they've seen greater pushback and resistance to the man caused Climate Change Disaster narratives then even with covid. The pushback to covid is only recent where as they've been dealing with Climate Change resistance since at least the early 2010's; after the internet became used by enough people with platforms for sharing information because at that point people realized "I'm not the crazy one for thinking this climate change narrative is a lie". It allowed those with knowledge about Climate to speak up who before were kept out of the corporate owned press which until the internet was the only way to share information outside of those you physically met or called.

There’s only so many decades (they’ve been doing it since the 70’s possibly further back) you can proclaim that man caused climate catastrophe is just 12-15 years away before people stop believing it. Until the age of the internet the globalists controlled the media so they could control people’s perception and cause them to think that the current years warning about Climate Catastrophe being only 12-15 years away is new and not a repeat from the previous 50+ years. They were also able to stretch this out by re-branding from Global Cooling to Global Warming until they finally got smart (after the climate kept going the opposite way they predicated) and re-branded it as Climate Change so no matter what happens as long as something happens they can claim to be right. This all worked with only small resistance until the age of the internet, not the early days with AOL and seedy user forums but the age of broadband internet with social media and the ability to stream HD video in near real-time. If they tried covid before 2010 they probably would have succeeded.

Anyway just wanted to say that I believe we have pushed back on the Climate Change scam and more than even covid.

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Apr 24Liked by Norman Fenton

It seems that they might not be getting it after all with latest amendments ! Great news! I hope they won't get the billions they were after either.

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