I’m so glad this was exposed-and with such intelligent finesse. Great job great read! We’ve seen so much bad and ridiculous behavior from medical and scientific realm-I just can’t believe it. All professionalism out the door. Not only towards other experts but towards patients as well. I had an ER doctor roll her eyes at me and slap her knee not knowing I’m a health care practitioner) when I rushed my then 18 year old healthy son after experiencing cardiac issues after he took Covid mRNA shot (against my knowledge). How dare I ask for testing to r/o myocarditis and insinuate such nonsense for that he could possible be experiencing myocarditis from the shot-deviating away from the Holy Narrative! Nurses and doctors berating and humiliating people in front of all to see-the fact they were “UNVACCINATED” and not only “most likely will die” but “deserve to die”. Yes I know of these stories personally. It’s horrific the state of angry mob venom bites that occurred/occurring for simply going against their politics-their administrations politics even at risk of them actually doing more harm-in the medical field. HORRIFIC.

I’m really happy about your comeback-I really hope that Kyle Sheldrick gets more than slap on wrist for his malicious behavior.

It’s really not ok.

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Good lord, this was during the runup to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital banning all of Dr. Marick's protocols and suspending his hospital priveleges. So the hospital probably used this drivel to bolster its case (it was good enough for Time magazine, after all).

These people don't care whose lives they ruin or how many people they kill. They just wanna win one for the team.

Thanks for explaining this so well. And for supporting Dr. Marick's important work so well (here, Twitter, and who knows where else?) against these scurrilous attacks.

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The first clue was Dr. Marek, anyone who knows Dr. Marek knows he is not a fraud. The second clue is Sheldrick's unprofessional attack. Did Sheldrick present his concerns and questions to Dr. Marek? That should tell you Sheldrick's real motive for his attack. Professional work Professor Fenton. Best $5 a month I ever spent.

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Thanks for the explanation. I'm reminded of a place where I used to work, where someone's mileage expense claim was rejected as made up or inappropriately rounded because "it's never an *exact* multiple of 100".

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Excellent article, your efforts to break this down and explain the complex tricks and subterfuge being used to prop up this failed narrative are much appreciated.

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They said many years ago that Skippy the bush kangaroo was the most intelligent being in Australia, idiots like Kyle Sheldrick with the IQ of a rocking horse prove that still to be true!! What with the hapless liar Marianna Spring in charge of disinformation BBC 'news', or should I say propaganda, is exclusive these days for moronic sheeple!!

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"I regard any p-values and classical statistical tests of significance as arbitrary, overly complex and totally unnecessary (see Appendix below); many people who use them have no idea what they mean."

Thanks for this, to have confirmation of my own view from a real expert is comforting. It has appalled me for years to see small p values being used to bamboozle people into thinking that rigged data proves something. Norman Fenton and Martin Neil - my heroes.

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Sounds great. What is the probability of understanding the article if it is your first time coming across this type of math? Lol Thanks for your work and courage.

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Health nerd has blocked me. Not sure why. Maybe there's a list of us somewhere.

Wonderful article. Clearly argued. I think in terms of Gaussian distributions for likelihood of matching on characteristics--the more characteristics, the better a Gaussian distribution will match the data if there is no data-forcing/fraud. Is this anywhere close to how you see this issue or am I way off?

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I can’t purport to understand everything that is said in this expose, but I certainly trust you , Prof. Fenton.

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The only 'p' value I have found is a straw colour and often found in water closets, where Sheldrick might be better employed.

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Thank you exposing this ridiculous idiot that calls himself a scientist. You can use any kind of math to prove anything you wish. "The discovery that a fundamental law of physics cannot be precisely defined challenges the ability of mathematics as we know it to describe reality completely" https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24732982-300-the-fuzzy-law-that-could-break-the-idea-of-a-mathematical-universe/?utm_source=NSNEW&utm_campaign=a98f55842e-NSNEW_030920&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e65fab71ff-a98f55842e-403719564

I suggest that Sheldrick be confined to an ivory tower together with Neil Fergusson, where they should be required to listen to prof Fenton's remarkable work until they finally return to the human race - or not: https://rumble.com/vtxi1h-open-science-sessions-how-flawed-data-has-driven-the-narrative.html

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Once someone is discredited like this, it's hard to claw back any truth. However fighting fire with fire by discrediting Sheldrick could be a sound strategy, just like Ferguson who lied in his models predicting millions of deaths from mad cow disease to today.

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Thanks Gents. No cure for the cretinism of the Sheldpricks of this world!

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I think the probability that Shekdrick knows by now that he is on the wrong side of history is very high. I also suspect that he may have thought or been given the understanding that he would be protected if he were to hold his ground is also rather high.

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