Jun 25, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

On the childhood vaccine topic, are you familiar with the book "Turtles All The Way Down"? It covers all the official literature, and shows among other things how none of the vaccines on the schedule were tested against a true saline placebo.

The chapter on polio is particularly fascinating / damming


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I have had the very same eye-opening experience from reading Turtles--I jumped from the forward straight to the polio section, and have not yet actually finished the book--the polio (and all other the chemical exposures stemming from 19th C German chemical inventions), the DDT (which I now wonder may have been implicated in my father's periodic 'mental health' illnesses, as he was in Philippines in 1945, when soldiers were powdering their uniforms with DDT---and officers suffered more 'disease' than enlisted men (my father was an officer). Lots and lots of dots to consider connecting.

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Oddly, a new vaccine for RSV for the 60+ years does use saline as a placebo in the control group - https://www.fda.gov/media/167805/download

I wonder how rare this is, and in this case is it to provide a 'see we do use saline when appropriate'. Two years ago I wrote to friends about how I saw what was going on with covid and did note that the two week shift would mess up the data for the statistics but did not note the crucial artefact that you work out. I have worked with PDEs, very little statistics. I cannot believe that the statisticians who did the efficacy analysis did not know this effect so have to assume it was deliberate. If any say they did not realise this, they should be out of a job immediately.

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A scientific paper is like a story. You exclude things that don't fit that story. Though you may have 20 datasets you may only use 5 of them because the others don't fit with the story.

So yes, they did know and they ignored it because it didn't fit.

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To me the statistical hijinks is worse than just leaving out inconvenient data, it's purposely bending data to say what no data set said. Or are you talking about the part where they were discussing 16 endpoints getting filtered down to 1?

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I was referring to how biological sciences research is published from my own experience.

Normally the "statistical hijinks" would be brought to peoples attention on pub peer and this would ultimately lead to additional work for the authors or even a retraction. However, it appears that it was/ impossible to critique this work and they won't publish the raw data either.

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And here is important parts of “Turtles all the Way Down” being read by Joel Smalley


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I absolutely love the dark horse podcast!!!! Thanks so much for directing people to their awesome discussions.!!!!

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That episode started really slowly but was good once it got going. I made the mistake of starting at the beginning instead of 31:30.

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A common mistake to make on DarkHorse. I usually just skip every podcast straight to around the 25min mark

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Weinstein and Heying admit to struggling to get their mind round the effect but as, Norman has shown, it is equivalent to something simple to understand - using a cases figure that is two/three weeks (depending on the chosen period) out of date - during that period the number of people vaccinated has clearly increased so the cases/vaccinated person is artificially low. This means it is very easy to correct for it. Just use the vaccinated population from 2/3 weeks before the cases data. Has anyone done this? Do we know the ONS has not done it?

Also worth noting that the size of the effect is a function of the difference in the vaccinated population in the current week and the vaccinated population 2/3 weeks ago. So it will vary a great deal depending on the speed of roll out for the population in question.

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This is a good idea if the data could even be had. Like all other data I am sure it has been butchered. Maybe the military DMED data could be utilized... likely never to be released except by FOIA or court-order (even then, slim chance)

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Both the Weinstein bros are total frauds. Wake the fuck up.

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Please…… Help Fight Against the Sale of Children for the Purpose of Sex Trafficking and Child Pornography

1. Watch this entire trailer……

2. Go see this movie when it opens on July 4th, and………

3. Consider Paying it Forward

The Sound of Freedom


This is a true story. I watched an hour long interview with Tim Ballard, the subject of this movie, and Jim Caviezel. Tim quit his job as a Department of Homeland Security Special Agent so that he could literally, 'save the kids'.

He is 'The Real Deal'. Jim Caviezel is the actor who plays him in this movie.

These men are literally doing 'God's Work', Tim, by performing this work, and Jim by shining a light on this literal EVIL that is among us. For instance, at my workplace, two men were fired and incarcerated within the last 6 months for child pornography. That happened because they were 'incautious' enought to watch it on a government computer. Think of how many are watching on their private computers, and don't get caught. This is a huge problem worldwide, and our country is a primary contributor to this (no other word for it but)…….. Pure Evil.

We have a moral obligation to do what we can to fight against this….

Please help.

Please take a material step and stand up for goodness, on this Independence Day.

Thank you, Elizabeth

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This is good that your analysis is getting media exposure!

The third party who was commenting in the Dark Horse podcast (off camera, but with sound) at minute 54:00 gave a remarkably succinct synopsis by saying that, if the observation period was 8 weeks post-jab, then it is as if those vaccinated would actually be observed for 6 weeks, while the unvaccinated would be observed for 10 weeks.

Less simply said, this is because the first two weeks post-jab creates short-lived "phantom" subjects -- ie., those who've been jabbed, but whose infections are counted in the unjabbed group. Like actual phantoms, they are not tied to the human bodies that they originated from.

I think it was Einstein who derided quantum entanglement as being "spooky action at a distance." The COVID data-massaging is a type of spooky infection occuring at a distance from the jabs.

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Well even up to 2 weeks after the jab those people were still counted as UNVACCINATED even though many died in the first 48 hours !!!!!! This was mind-boggling to me a retired data person. Simply unbelievable. Naturally that also would account for increase mortality if they happened to be fraudulently diagnosed as "covid death" regardless of ANY other cause: accident, murder, etc. It solved TWO objectives: minimize vax deaths and maximize all other deaths falsely attributed to COVID (ie. more SCARE-DEMIC.. )

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Gimme a break. They stole the content from John Cullen. Give credit where credit is due.

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Please expand. Who are they and what did they steal. Please provide evidence. Thanks.

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Bret and his wife stole content on the EUA on the vax. Suggest you follow @I_Am_John_Cullen on Twitter for a start. You can review the MANY YT videos he created on C19. I'm not going to take my time to find "the one". https://www.youtube.com/@IamJohnCullen And for $5/mo join his Patreon account https://www.patreon.com/IAMJOHNCULLEN/posts for in depth analysis.

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Laurie see my response to Martin

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Laurie is correct. John Cullen has had amazing research into Covid vs Flu Deaths. He has hundreds of grapshs from all over the world charting the "demise" of FLU in week 13. He also superimposed the COVID deaths upon the FLU/PNEUMONIA/ILI deaths. The two curves follow lockstep (to me it looks like same disease).. The 19.20 Flu season prior to covid had 4000 people dead on average per week. (Fauci lied thru his dentures on this as well). AND John was ticked off and mentioned on his program that Heather referenced some ofr his work without CREDIT (as did others). ALL of his charts are amazing --not to be missed. He also had Steve Kirsch, JJ Couey, Cyril Wecht (JFK pathologist) and many others on to review is findings. ALL of his data is directly out of CDC/WHO.

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