May 24, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

There must be thousands of vaxxed, who won’t go see a doctor despite having sudden onset of tremor of one arm and hand, and rapid deterioration of ability to walk more than a few feet. Another with severe back pain, inability to move from lying or sitting position. Each of these ladies adverse events occurred post vaxx. I am an RN, this is what I witnessed. Also sudden deaths, heart attacks and strokes, onset of dementia, vertigo, shingles, sepsis, RSV, on and on. No one connecting the dots. How on earth do the public not know about the contaminated AZ factory in Baltimore? Funny how a few years ago a few people became ill after eating romaine lettuce in their Caesar’s salads. This lettuce was cleared from every single food shelf in the country within a day or two. And yet, experimental biologicals such as the AZ poison found to have contamination issues, continued to be injected into millions and sent to other countries. Good to see the fda and cdc continuing to do such a stellar job.

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Also see my email to Andrew Pollard, Chief Investigator on the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine trials: Who initiated the plan to vaccinate the entire global population against SARS- CoV-2? 30 June 2021: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/who-initiated-the-plan-to-vaccinate-the-entire-global-population-against-sars-cov-2.pdf

In my email I ask:

Professor Pollard, who initiated the plan to vaccinate the entire global population against SARS-CoV-2 when it was already known it wasn't a serious threat to most people?

What is being set in place now is a global plan to inject people of all ages and health status with covid injections throughout life. More covid injections are coming, e.g. courtesy of your group with the Oxford Covid-19 variant vaccine, i.e. the Beta variant, on top of the two doses of original covid-19 injections. Already 44.5 million people in the UK have had a first dose, with 32.7 million having a second dose. But how many of these millions of people were actually at serious risk from covid-19? How many were already immune?

This is a disaster. Billions of people around the world are being coerced into having covid-19 injections that may not be of benefit to them, and which may cause harm, including damaging natural immunity. We have no idea of the long-term consequences of covid-19 injections, this is a massive global experiment underway, without 'informed consent', which is in breach of medical ethics and international human rights conventions such as the Helsinki Declaration.

Additionally, billions of pounds have been diverted into this global covid-19 vaccine response, including widespread PCR testing, valuable resources which have been taken away from crucial areas of the health system.

Professor Pollard, it was acknowledged from the beginning that SARS-CoV-2 wasn't a serious risk for most people, e.g. the WHO stated "Illness due to COVID-19 is generally mild, especially for children and young adults". (WHO Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19) - Should I worry about COVID-19. 9 March 2020.)

So how could an ethics committee approve the participation of people not at risk of covid-19 in covid-19 vaccine trials?

(See more in the email.)

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May 24, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

In Canada they're still pushing the "safe and effective" narrative, even after so many have died and have adverse events, we live in a sick country.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Emergent bio-shit-loutions was reported on by Whitney Webb to be a DARPA contractor.

They brought us the deadly hits like the anthrax vaccine debacle.

Also, isn't it funny that astra, jj, and sputnik are not mrna shots but have similar clotting symptoms to the mrna shots?

The technology is a bullshit smoke screen to pretend you had a choice.

They all were designed to do the same thing and it's obvious because past vaccines, with their issues, did not really have clotting issues like all these COVID shots do!

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The scandal of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is that it ever saw the light of day…

It seems the monkey trial demonstrated the vaccine did not prevent infection nor spread - so why did the vaccine proceed to human trials?

See my emails on this matter to

- Graham Brady, Chairman of the 1922 Committee, UK Conservative Party: Were 'leaky vaccines' deliberately spread round the world? 10 January 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/01/were-leaky-vaccines-deliberately-spread-round-the-world.pdf

- Boris Johnson, then Prime Minister of the UK UK Conservative Party: Were 'leaky vaccines' deliberately spread round the world? Considering the monkey trial... 22 March 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.files.wordpress.com/2022/04/were-leaky-vaccines-deliberately-spread-round-the-world_-considering-the-monkey-trial.pdf

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Thank you for this reporting. Our mainstream media is on total dial-tone.

P.S. One of my family members got AstraZeneca in Mexico and for some hours suffered full-body tremors.

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In Canada, I well remember getting multiple excited emails from my doctor's office about how wonderful it was that we now had the vaccines and which groups they were prioritizing for elimination...whoops I mean vaccination. I also well remember the email sadly announcing the A&Z jab was being pulled due to adverse events. I thought that might be the end of the vaccination push as surely in the midst of so much hubris even the shot pushers would realize mistakes had been made, but no, it was just getting going and coercion and mandates were still down the road.

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My Sister in law had an Astra Zeneca vaccine first. she had no immediated problems that I am aware of but she had a subsequent jab and boosters. On her 70th birthday, this fun loving, energetic woman felt sick after her birthday afetrnoon lunch. She vomited in the evening then collapsed. She never regained consciousness and passed away at home. The post mortem showed aortic disection. She had no health issues nor did she take any prior medication. Sadly she is just a statistic now in the "died suddenly" category. My husband, her brother, is devastated. I tried to warn her in the beginning and spent time forwarding information and speaking to her at length. I begged her not to get the vaccination. It's like a living nightmare.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Thank you for all you do. My dearly beloved aunt died after one dose of AZ

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May 24, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

I think I first heard of the AstraZeneca 'vaccine' being produced alongside the (similar) J&J one at the Emergent Biosolutions factory in a comment from Peter McCullough - it hasn't really had much attention so thanks for highlighting this terrible story. As Sasha Latypova has repeatedly said: lack of QC and poor manufacturing practices in the rush to produce 'vaccines' will have caused many batches to be little more than saline and junk, but others to be even more lethal than 'normal'! (possibly partly explaining the "how bad is my batch" aspect)

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May 24, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Unbelievable! Thank you for bringing the truth to us.

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Doctors Are Obedient By Nature.

Therein Lies The Problem.


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Share price down 93% since the October 2020 peak. CEO Kramer is still in his post amazingly. Wikipedia has covered these issues extensively so it’s not being swept under the carpet.


I imagine it will soon be in liquidation.

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June 2021 was about the same time Australia started its vaccine roll out and Pfizer and AZ were the ones being pushed. What timing!

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Oh Lovely.... So they've made even more money on faulty Vials too! May be I should give them some faulty microwaves , Some Faulty ... Fridges & out of dates batteries to see too? the only gangsters that could get away even with murder, metaphorically speaking!

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Hi Fenton,

I did a statistical breakdown (covering a number of major issues) with the AstraZeneca shot proving concretely that it kills children (this even includes if one takes the SARS-CoV-2 death counts at face value).


Part of the article covers the cross-contamination scandal you refer to, which was caused by Emergent.

Surprisingly, it was one of the few times political investigation did a thorough job. It was done by the House Democrats, although after it was used to argue against taking the shot, they quickly scrubbed the report (archived copy can be found here: https://web.archive.org/web/20210623131006/https://oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/2021-06-22.CBM%20JEC%20to%20Gorsky-Johnson%20%26%20Johnson%20re%20Emergent.pdf).

Notice they don't investigate any of the other pharmaceutical companies with the same level of vigour, and it seems to be politically driven.

The main shocking aspect isn't just the cross-contamination, but the sheer, mind-boggling quantity of how many got contaminated; 75 million. Or, 3/4ths of the original AstraZeneca order (100 million under Operation Warp Speed).

This isn't a simple mistake or error. The quality control has to be basically non-existent for 75 million doses to get past. Imagine a warehouse full of fridges holding 75 million doses; that's how big of a contamination scandal it is. Emergent were hoping to get away with zero quality control. That is absolutely criminal. You don't just 'forget' or 'skip' quality control; you have to proactively avoid doing it, refusing to look at any of the 75 million doses.

It'd be like if you drove your car 75 million miles and claimed the vehicle was still roadworthy. No-one would believe that. There would have to be some faults even in best case scenario. You might expect a handful of batches with issues, it's why you're meant to have quality control. In this case, the clown car Emergent were driving was falling apart.

My thoughts are the bought-and-paid-for politicians who are lobbied hard by Pfizer were just helping Pfizer eliminate a member of the competition. What bothers me is J&J and AZ shots are indistinguishable (re-tooling a plant is no simple feat; how were they manufacturing both simultaneously?), suggesting both are working to the same spec with a slight re-branding exercise to make them seem "different". This doesn't suggest innovation but conspiracy. It'd be like shops having the exact same price.

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