It’s all about peer pressure - forget the ‘review’ - and the fear of being excommunicated from the ingroup of righteous priests. The moral overtones of the learned class have taken a turn in the most dangerous direction.

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Not to rain on your parade but to flag curious details when we consider sources. Bret Weinstein aka (BERT WEINSTEIN) didn't emerge from the ether as a voice of the "dark web" his Dad was a patent lawyer in DOJ with historic influence in area of Intellectual Property rights in biotech sector including work for Genentech and failure to disclose these insider relationships adds a week old fish stink to public perception of Bret/Bert as an unbiased investigator.

The fact that Darkhorse sat in RFK Jr interview for a year before releasing adds more suspicions for me about the true motives and potential conflicts of interest & claims about fretting income impact to his Youtube stream w RFK post doesn't help build any trust w half million settlement in the bank.

***Sep 16, 2017 · The News Tribune

The Evergreen State College professor at the center of campus protests this spring will receive $500,000 in a settlement that was announced Friday.

Bret Weinstein and his wife, Heather Heying, resigned from their faculty positions effective Friday. The couple filed a $3.85 million tort claim in July alleging the college failed to “protect its employees from repeated provocative and corrosive verbal and written hostility based on race, as well as threats of physical violence,”


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My parade remains wonderfully free of umbrellas. I think the “controlled opposition” meme, also applied to other prominent anti-narrative voices such as John Campbell, is getting a bit past its “smell by date”. Everybody has a history. Everybody’s motives can be questioned. But there comes a point where that questioning becomes the most effective way to support the official narrative and help those people who want to control us. Character assassination is a major weapon in the armoury of the powers that be.

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Not everybody has a billionaire dad with powerful ties to the deep state. They're usually not running hedge funds for Peter Thiel either

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It is hard for me to believe that the scientists at the CDC and the ones performing these fake studies don't know what a proper "control group" is. Hint: It is NOT a group that contains specimens that have been altered over 7 or 14 or 21 or any other number of days. This is coordinated fraud, pure and simple.

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The officials and publishing scientists remind me of a Monty Python movie, the kind of groupthink that gets you into believing that a woman is a witch if she floats (because both wood and witches burn, and wood floats).

The boldness of their deceptions were already evident in March 2020:


*Response to: https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/the-very-best-of-cheap-trick-makes/comments

*Side Note for those curious: Adding this "response to" line at the end guarantees that when simultaneously published to Substack Notes, the proper link shows up back to the original Where Are The Numbers piece.

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Martin & Norman, Obviously, the Cheap Trick is part of a larger truth which they will never mention or promote publicly as it would compromise their movement. The hypocrisy & deceit is strong with this group.

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I enjoy getting there slowly. It more often means I get to the correct destination.

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