Jul 29, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

It’s not a cheap trick, it’s a $100 billion per year trick.


There would be no vaccine industry without this trick.

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I agree, it’s now time to REPEAL the 1986 vaccine laws that give these bastards 100% total immunity. We don’t need and never did need Any vaccines. And understand this there Will Never be anything such as a “safe vaccine “. You want great health? Start in the kitchen!

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Nanc- I give you 100 likes for your kitchen comment!!!

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This covid drama has made me look more closely at public health and especially immunization. I was just reading about it at the British Columbia web site where they list recommended shots for various age groups. Currently, children are "supposed" to get 18 - yes, eighteen shots by the time they are 4 years old. Each jab contains up to 5 different diseases. why are babies getting hep vax?? In BC, the hep A jab is "for Indigenous children only". This is truly insane. What's more crazy is the so obvious differences in the health of jabbed and unjabbed kids. Yet people are stubborn and entrenched in their views, we are preaching to the converted!!

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More like "The Grand Illusion".

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Nice pull! How about "Enema of the State"?

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Well done! Pulled that one out of your... mental archive. ; )

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"Operation Mind Crime!"

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

I'm bookmarking this post. This is the key to demonstrating that Covid vaccine efficacy is an illusion and I thank you for finding examples of the mis-categorisation.

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I always download significant data, either as a PDF or web archive, or if I can't, I take screen shots. Data has a way of disappearing rather quickly these days. Even the Wayback Machine can't always be trusted.


In the USSR they had a thing called "samizdat" where people would make copies of banned books and publications to be passed around among trusted friends and colleagues. We have to start thinking like that if we're going to preserve knowledge. We're in the same position today as medieval monks holed up in monasteries copying manuscripts, while outside the world descends into chaos.

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Yes. Groups of like minded individuals must be formed, bypassing all forms of electronic communication, meeting face to face for information exchange, and mutual support.

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Colleagues , please see and publicize an even better trick (much easier to demonstrate, including, in court) - that is used to compare covid deaths among vaxed and non-vaxed, by simply counting deaths before vaccine was administered :


Please also note that there's actualy a name for such techniques - when it is employed by the government, they are not called "tricks", but " winning communication strategies"! . Here's a great substack explaining it:


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CBC . . . 14 July 2018 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband and students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab . . . removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China . . . group involved in setting up the Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .


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We do need a different communication track. In person is terrific where possible. I wish I had the tech knowledge to create a non-centralized channel.

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So by definition all vaccine injuries falling within 1 or 2 or 3 weeks of the jab are not caused by the vaccine. Fair dinkum.

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Although this report refers mainly to vaccine efficacy (i.e. 'cases') rather than safety the same trick has indeed been applied to most of the safety studies (although as discussed in the previous post with the video https://youtu.be/QtKiPYH7NTU the ONS claim they don't do it for their safety analysis - something we have disputed anyway

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Thank you. You've made it dawn on me that I'm making the same mistake as the ONS is accused of i.e. miscategorisation; in this case of the topic underdiscussion. Hmm. Must be more careful.

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Not technically is has a component of like radiator fluid so some die in Hours. I'm thinking across the board there is charry picking the data process. Stopping at 23 days. There is yet no long term safety studies. Like Dr. McCullough advers events Unknown Unknowns studies. No real test of efficiency. No vaccine ever made is missing one regulatory item or another.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

As I mentioned on a couple of other Substacks this cheap trick has a proud history going back to Pasteur who used a 14 day cut-off to avoid the embarrassment of having to explain why sickness increased immediately after administration of his wonder vax. And it’s debunking has an almost equally long history (there were honest, intelligent people questioning the narrative in those days too). So this is actually a 200-year-old debate. It takes quite a while, it would seem, to eliminate myths and fraud in the world of medicine. The cholesterol fraud is only 70 years old, so a way to go before that’s undone.

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023Author

It's documented in Alfred Wallace's book too.

It's been normalised in the discipline.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

It is Witchery then.

And smoke and mirrors. The people practicing it are Snake Oil Salesman. The people were right!

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Which book is that?

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Awesome! There’s another old archived book about vaccine death’s written in German but I can’t find the link. When I do I’ll try to copy it here. It’s a very sad book written by physicians documenting (with photos) deaths and injuries of many people including children.

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Well, Doctors doing their job recording the poisonous, deadly fiascos. That is refreshing.

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What a find.

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WJM- like many here, I will never get a vaccine again, or likely any injection. Nor will my cats.

Tell us more about the cholesterol myth. I’m learning that avoiding dietary fat and taking statins is not the answer...

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Several Studies a couple of decades proved dietary fat and cholesterol did not cause heart disease. Definitively. They were hidden and the scientists hounded. Someone went to the home of one deceased scientist and got the punch cards used to compute the data (yes, that long ago). Another past study was found as well. There are good books on the cholesterol con. And the statins-- pretty much useless and “solving” a problem that doesn’t exist but also endangers health. It’s pretty nasty story. There are many books on this but of course authors are treated like cranks. Try the great cholesterol con by dr. Malcom Kendrick or just search cholesterol myth on Amazon.

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Thank you Janet. I’ve heard about this and will research more. But doctors are still pushing low fat diets at the same time I’m hearing good fats like avocado and grass fed butter are desirable.

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Look up I or Cummins, The Fat Emporor. He’s got loads of videos about the cholesterol scam. And Dave Feldman also has some good info.

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Doctors get only a few hours of nutrition studies in medical school and many have no idea of the value of food in health. Do you ever get asked much about your diet? My husband’s kidney doc says to him—“lower your potassium”. But NEVER says how much to lower it to which could be dangerous because potassium is necessary for life. Same with sodium. You can find potassium and sodium levels on almost every food available and it’s always on packaged food. So how hard would that be to give him goals. It’s because they haven’t a clue. Just recite dogma and pass the meds. I don’t trust any dietary advice from most conventional docs anymore. They are way way behind in their education. I can also tell from the constant “health” newsletters I get from these sickcare systems. Same old crap.

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Yes, and advertisers seem to be required to tack on to their ads, "be sure to check with your doctor." Sooo silly, the whole thing.

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This is a war upon life itself, including cats. Cows are not the only animals that fart, producing methane-greenhouse gas. Cats and humans also fart, and worst of all, breath, producing carbon dioxide emissions, as does burning of "fossil fuels." Cats, cows, and most of all humans, must be eliminated. Please research "Cow farts."

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Thank you. I’ve read about the native bison herds that used to populate the US Great Plains. The settlers would describe that the herds were so massive they’d take days to pass by. Did these natural herds fart? You betcha!

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U r right there.

The BS propagated in the last decade was dialing for $$$$.

Just go back to what your gramma told you and you will be in good shape.

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How interesting. I knew nothing of the history of fraud. I assumed that the cholesterol craze was simply misguided. Clearly though, as you say, it has been durably bolstered. When I was government-employed in the heart health fiasco back in the '80's even I, self-educated on the topic, saw weaknesses in the foundation, which is to say narratives founded on nothing, and outright misinformation (which I got corrected by sending word to an RD/PhD overseer). I witnessed, at a meeting of the MD & PhD decision-makers of the $multimillion intervention at our large university, concoct a framework that would support the conclusion they were promoting. It is super interesting now to have this put in perspective.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

I've lost count of how many published papers I have read concerning vaccine efficiency, but it is multiple dozens. I have yet to find one that didn't employ this "trick."

Thanks for documenting this.

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Aug 5, 2023·edited Aug 5, 2023

Approximately 80 papers at last count, based on a Pubmed literature search -- you have to include the search terms "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated" along with the other usual terms (Covid-19, etc.). I can go back to the search and dig up specific terms. I repeated the search and came up with the same approx. number. Seven papers used the gambit for all-cause mortality. Quite a trick!

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Way to keep a record of the data crimes, guys!

It's good to build up a rap sheet on the twisted activities of these hucksters.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

How about a Covid/Vaxx data crime "Minority Report"?

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Yet, what good is it really? This is all a gubment run shit show, a Mass Democide. All the proof in the world will not stop this. Taking down the big players will, but I’m afraid it will have to be done by others means as the courts are bought and paid for.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Enron accounting skills for science & Pharma funding!

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To be followed by an Enron CEO disappearing trick.

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Great post- thank you and really helpful to have all these studies listed in one place. Shocking how many studies didn't even define the terms vaccinated and unvaccinated. Also shocking that each study seems to have different definitions for the two terms so that no two studies are alike.

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No doubt all studies are using sham techniques. The EMF debate is heating up and lies are flying around now as reality points to the profound dangers of EMF emissions. But denial and deceit is ramping up. So many things around and in us are harming us now that deliberately confusing us is the easy way TPTB get us in line.

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I have been trying to learn more about EMFs. I lack the background to sort out fact from baloney. If you have a source where I could re-start would you send me a reply? Even if not, thanks for your post.

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My first comprehensive exposure to this topic was with Barri Trower (UK physicist, Military etc.)

Here is a website with many interviews and videos:


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bawls84626@mypacks.net Thank you! I will check in to your link.

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I have a couple of things saved. I’ll look them up. Respond to this comment so I will know to get back to you. 😁

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Thanks, Janet!

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Here is a web portal that can get you started, studies, info etc.


Children’s Health Defense has lots of info if you search EMF subject.

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Wow, Janet, thank you!

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Prolific.....'their' goalposts are very flexible. How is the virus being detected in respiratory airways if it hasn't been identified as SARS-COV-2, or purified.? Is what is being detected in the respiratory systems definitively SARS-COV-2 or a 'flu-like illness? Not so much 'Where Are The Numbers' as 'Of What Are The(se) Numbers'? Well, maybe this is a sub section of the numbers work you have undertaken.

'They' can't really argue with 'numbers', or shouldn't, just as they are currently and repeatedly misrepresenting numbers 'celsius'. But, these faux fiery temperatures are being called out as fakes.

I applaud the WATN team because numbers are the way to show these medical (and climate) charlatans up.

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exactly, "covid" has to be defined. And one has to consider all of these studies are moot when they are using positive PCR "tests" to diagnose "covid" and the effectiveness of the shots. When all these terms and words have no specific meaning or changing meanings, they can portray any story they want.

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Covid is a cold! It’s been around since the dawn of man. And PCR tests are a sham! Yet, you are correct, they use whatever label they choose to scare the sheeple.

It’s makes me sick so many bought into this. Common sense is dead.

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Jul 29, 2023·edited Jul 29, 2023

Did somebody say 'PCR'? Confound it!

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Yes...the tests, the linchpin of the medical debacle visited on the world, constantly muddy the waters.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

Yes this is a common, entirely disingenuous (at best!) practice. Either you had the jab (in which case you ARE vaccinated) or you didn't. Thay want to pretend it's possible to be "a little bit pregnant"?

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Just such an intentional statistical manipulation by the people who are supposedly trying to protect us. Nauseating.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Can you imagine the amount of information we as a species would have about this shot had the world just created a category of its own for those who were in the 14 or 21 day post vaccine window? If we would not have assigned them to either group but actually just tracked them? We had one chance to gather this info. Thai was at a time when our governments were apparently so “on it” that they did contact tracing!! Which was no small feat…. How easy would it have been comparatively? So easy and yet now we will never know. This was a crime against humanity.

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I live in San Diego County, and noticed that there was some funny business going on with their vaccine data when I saw that their data showed that 103.8% of the 65+ age group were vaccinated. By overstating the percentage of 65+ age group who were vaccinated they were also overstating the vaccine effectiveness. And, since most of the deaths occurred in this age group, this had a significant impact. I wrote about it a few months ago here: https://michaelfons.substack.com/p/san-diego-county-is-overstating-the

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Thank you the work that went into this important piece of evidence in the plandemic.

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Jul 30, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Norman and Martin, thank you for this confirmation of the depth of the data corruption. I have just listened to Michael Shellenberger and Bret Weinstein on the Dark Horse Podcast, where both refer to the importance of your revelations. Bret states:

“There may be an awakening, the deeper, you dig. Norman Fenton may be the very clear, early indication that something may be wrong in this Covid. space.”

It’s a great feeling to think that I have contributed in some tiny financial way to exposing this global crime.

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Jul 29, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

Tedious work. Thank you for slogging through it.

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