A big red flag appeared when Elon announced the hiring of one big ol’ WEF puppet named Linda Yaccarino. It was a very depressing move on Elon’s part. Not to be ignored.

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Elon Musk is personally helping Dr. Kulvinder Kaur pay for the massive fine levied against her by the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario. Perhaps that's the connection with that one post you mention. FYI, she was one of the first docs to openly question the narrative in 2020, at a time when virtually no other docs were, and it has cost her dearly thanks to the Ontario government and CPSO. My comment is not meant to disparage her at all.

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I kept telling everyone that Elon was not your saviour... that Elon was never the saviour of free speech. And finally, to remember that Elon was a WEF Young Global Leader and directly involved in developing ALL of the technology that the WEF want to use to control us. Everything from the insect milkshakes and fake meats, to the electric cars, tiny homes and brain control devices.

Nobody believed me.

Do you believe me now?

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We outnumber the super rich by 35,000 to one. They need our compliance hence the brainwashing, propaganda and censorship. This war is being fought in our minds.

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/the-psychological-war-in-your-mind

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Let's just assume that any (un)social media is government/globalist controlled. The censorship is not driven by the platform but by big business, alphabet agency, government, rich person etc.

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See my substack covering the WORLD'S ONLY OFFICIAL COVID inquiry that has exposed the 'pandemic' in full. No one in the world is covering this !!!

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I've only got a hundred followers on X. I was regularly getting hundreds of impressions for a while then probably made the mistake of posting links to Substack and/or upsetting some 'experts'. Impressions fell through the floor for quite some time. They are only just picking up, but very slowly and it makes you wonder whether it's worth trying to post replies on the platform at all - I don't even bother with my own original tweets because they just disappear into a vacuum.

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X is worse than the pre-Musk days. (And before anyone responds, I say this as a person who has tweets labeled under the prior regime and was suspended several times, including for 5.5 months.)

Tangent: I could be wrong, but my understanding based on prior interactions is that "gato malo" actually knows or has connections to Elon Musk. If that's the case, Gato's tweet yesterday is interesting.

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they want us all in our own silos and echochambers, easy to corral and control, alienated from each other and tearing at each other instead of fighting THEM... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/technocracy-takeover-googles-ephemeral

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Under my real name, I gave up on Twitter well before it became X, ditto FB (almost 10 years ago), and precisely because they muck around like cowboys on acid wth their algos. As Transcriber B you'll see me transcribe something posted on X on occasion, but it's because someone pointed to it from a Substack, or from elsewhere. I don't have an accounts on X or FB, and I never will. Plus, these platforms are intentionally addictive, and time spent on them has an opportunity cost.

Update: I mean to say, messing with algos was a thing they did years before covid times. Now it's apparently another level. But I found it unacceptable back then that if I take the time to post something, and then when people who had signed up to follow me, they didn't get that— or vice versa, if I had signed up follow someone, they posted, and I didn't see it. Twitter and FB's internal decision process about algos is opaque, and they are large bureaucracies, and like all large bureaucracies, always subject to changes in personnel and policies. So no matter who says what at any given time, I think it's common sense to expect that, because they can, these entities are going to muck around with the algos.

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The censorship had become so heavy on Twitter that it became counter-productive.

We should bear in mind the internet in genera and , social media sites in particular were designed to make money, deploy propaganda and monitor public opinion. Also to distract, corrupt and deprave.

Elon is deep with the MIC, and his pose as a free speech advocate cleaning up Twitter was deliberately invented and cultivated to deceive the naive. He is not the good techie, the benign technocrat.

Similarly, Substack is tolerated at present as it similarly both enables the sowing of globalist MIC propaganda and distraction, building a fake controlled opposition ( Mc Cullough, Malone, et al) and the monitoring of the genuine opposition, like Prof Fenton and colleagues.

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This should come as no surprise given Elon and his parents occult background and involvement in secret societies and witchcraft. Elon was hand-picked and funded by govt/intelligence agencies (all masonic) and the Marxist/satanic/masonic climate terrorist movement (Rockefeller, Gates, WEF, UN, etc) to serve as controlled opposition and carry out their anti-human EV/green and SpaceX/occult agendas.

What has emerged the past 3-4 yrs is like a great beast slowly rising out of the sea to deceive the rest of humanity who have peeled back only the first few layers of deception and are totally oblivious to the spiritual/satanic dimension of this warfare. All the big players in the counter movement including Elon, Tucker, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Bret Weinstein, Robert Malone, Bannon/Pillowman, Ron Johnson and other politicians, Russell Brand, The Wellness Company, FLCCC, AFLDS, VSRF/Kirsch, CHD/World Mercury Project/RFK Jr, ICAN, and many, many others are fully controlled -- the big players consciously, some of the smaller independent players unconsciously.

This new compromised, neutered, mainstream MFM party will be the only alternative of a new false paradigm/dialectic no different than the phony political Left-Right paradigm, with followers of both sides totally deceived and misled.

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Why are people so surprised by this? Elon Musk is a paid actor who helps collect data for the government! Why would anyone not think otherwise; his company, Space-X, receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the U.S. Government (Dept of Defense), and he is sending satellites up in the air to use as sophisticated spy tools. It's not like he is sending rockets and satellites up in the air for the greater good of humanity to make our lives better. If you want to make your life better, seek God, love your family and others as much as you love yourself, and stay healthy as much as you can by eating correctly and exercising!

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Get ready to document the next time. Have a Go-Pro recording two independent laptops on different accounts that follow the same activist where one is an innocent and the other is also an activist. Duplicate this in UK, EU, USA, NZ, CA, ZA. Post a potentially controversial tweet from an account in Australia say. If you can record the changing of meta data (time stamps) by the system you have a lot of good evidence there.

The shadow banning on YT is even worse. You can comment and when you return your comment is no longer there. Of you can get heckled by one or two trolls in your comment thread to make you feel like the audience is involved yet no one else can see the comment.

So once we are marked as resistance/activists we get all sorts of tricks used against us.

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x is nuts, worse than "normal" censorship; i do not use it anymore.

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It is naive not to think we are players in a game. Even those in "the resistance". We were planned for and expected and probably welcomed as long as we play by their rules. The fact that some are allowed to tweet at all is relevant. I can't and I have been banned for some time.

Elon Musk is a military intelligence puppet and he made no difference to the removal of my ability to tweet. In fact after he "arrived", they limited the number of tweets I can read!

Social media and its various game boards is all monitored and controlled.

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