May 30Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

This is a very detailed consideration of several competing hypotheses.

Congratulations on all that.

I confess to disappointment that the authors didn’t even mention one such hypothesis. That is, that acute respiratory illnesses are not caused by viruses and that such illnesses are not even contagious.

In this strand, all the sequencing information, the PCR based diagnostics & serology are all pre-arranged artefacts and unrelated to the event, an entirely faked pandemic.

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May 30·edited May 30Author


That would deserve another article Mike. Personally I like to frame arguments based on some 'givens' (assumptions and presuppositions).

I full agree these givens are arguable from different starting points, including those you kindly list. As such they would surely deserve a longer article but it is long enough as it is!

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May 30Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil


Indeed it is & it’s a huge body of work.

It is much to your & Jonathan’s credit that you pulled it all together.

I recognize much that I too had read and assumed could be relied upon as being true. In many cases, that trust & confidence has evaporated.

Among the saddest aspects of all this is that I no longer trust scientific publications. I’ve reflected that, if I was still working, I’d be lost because, without being able to rely on peer reviewed scientific publications, we’re perilously close to losing the scientific method. Without that solid foundation, do we really know anything?

Best wishes


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May 30·edited May 30Author

Your feelings are shared. Many academic disciplines now act as self governing silos of self interest, protecting a closed shop keeping outsiders where they want them - out. There needs to be periodic systematic review by academics, practitioners and the public that challenge the fundamentals and tacit assumptions of each discipline, coupled with stronger regard for empirical falsification.

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Mike, in relation to scientific publications, are you aware of the Wiley / Hindawi story?


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Yes, I’d seen it & thrown my hands up.

Once more than a truly tiny proportion of peer reviewed journal articles are suspect, you cannot really rely on anything.

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May 30Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

And you Dr Yeadon along with Sasha, JJ, and David Martin....I have learned so much from you four...and the above just reconciled all of you... all four of you are right. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have taught us in the past 4 years.

We may never know exactly what happened but i know what is possible and more importantly what is not possible (like a respitory pandemic) but for what you taught us..from the bottom of my heart - thank you.

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That’s most generous of you, thank you.

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Agree Mike, the Elephant in the room is are viruses what we think they are or are they something else entirely. It seems to me if they aren’t what is being currently presented the whole card house falls in a heap. The sooner we crack this nut the sooner we solve some of the related issues.

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Agreed. However, virtually no one will accept the conclusions.

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Jun 1Liked by Martin Neil

Unfortunately, I think we will get closer to the truth by questioning what they assert is the truth. It is tiring, but I think it will be more fruitful to continue to poke holes in what the"experts" say or have said.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 8

I think that research prior to the 1980s is reasonably reliable. It was the loss of academic independence in the UK, a "reform" in the 1980s or 1990's I believe, that allowed universities to accept industry funding and led to the growth of zombie science.

"Indeed, higher education was where, as prime minister, Thatcher made an early push toward privatization. In 1981, two years into her premiership, Thatcher cut government funds for universities by nearly 20 percent. Thus began that journey.....in which Knowledge, reduced to a market commodity, becomes subservient to Commerce.

The Thatcher “revolution”—that assertion of the primacy of market solutions for every problem,,,,,

Consequently, anything that is not connected to personal profit is suspect. If the university is to survive, it has to justify its existence in.....narrow financial and economic terms as the generator of private gains for individuals.

Other qualities, like dissent, critique, thinking, and the spirit of pure exploration, have now become unnatural, an abnormal deviation from a somehow “naturalized” norm of the pursuit of individual wealth.

The university, as a site for dissent and for critical thinking, has had to struggle ever since.



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I would categorize this as "arguing from within the paradigm".

The starting point keeps moving back until you get the method that zeeee virus is "isolated".

It involves a bizarre set of procedures with monkey kidney cells and fetal calf serum and...antiobiotics...and...

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May 31Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

"Covid" is not an epidemiological story it is a crime story.

The "virus" itself was birthed in the corporate boardrooms of Pharma/Finance and leaked via a memo.

Consider that we are looking at a ‘virus’ that cannot be identified as SARS-CoV-2 (there is no evidence), so that’s the end of that story. It was man made on a computer by Drosten et al in Berlin in January 2020 for reasons that we all know.

The average age of a death by or with "Covid-19" is higher than life expectancy. No other figure even need be known to understand the "pandemic" (business model) is a fraud and a giant Ponzi scheme.

The fact that there is no such thing as a "Covid death" is another minor problem here as SARSCoV2 itself is a computer generated fiction.

Everything you see or read is an orchestrated narrative that's been crafted to sell a story for you to believe- that's the big lie they don't want you to understand.

You were not alerted to a "pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent" by your own senses, observations or experience. You were conditioned by propaganda to believe in a pandemic-level pathogenic disease causing agent by the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and government.

99% of people falsely certified as having 'died from covid' actually died from their preexisting conditions being exacerbated by mass medical malpractice and 'public health' despotism, the other 1% simply died of old age.

"Covid" is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, "flu" and many other disease conditions.

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That’s my take, also.

All long planned, manufactured and served up with the assistance and complicity of a lot of shallow thinkers, who will be dropped down the well as soon as their usefulness to the perpetrators is done.

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Jun 1Liked by Martin Neil

It's not made by Drosten, but the Chinese Wu et al, I've written about it extensively here: https://usmortality.substack.com/p/why-do-wu-et-al-2020-refuse-to-answer

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Jun 1Liked by Martin Neil

Intimately familiar with the Fan Wu paper and the entire timeline.

It's all fakery. They are commissioned to invent these "sequences" based on the fraud that is metagenomics. Holmes is a con artist. George Gao is worse- an intelligence asset.

December 21, 2019 — Four lower respiratory tract samples, including bronchoalveolar-lavage fluid were collected from patients with pneumonia of unknown cause who were identified in Wuhan and who had been present at the Huanan Seafood Market. These were potential sources for what became MN908947, the first theoretical, in-silico, computer generated, mimicked

clinical specimen of 2019-n-CoV. See Little Dog statement.

December 26, 2019 — Reported sampling date for MN908947, patient age 41, with no history of hepatitis, tuberculosis or diabetes.

The accession number MN980947 pertains to a claimed partial metagenomic transcription (in silico) of the N-gene of what transforms into the claimed viral source that later becomes the reference for WHO and CDC primers for "2019-nCoV"or "SARS-CoV-2." Later abandoned in the WHO assay, it remains listed as a genetic source for the CDC assay and is said to represent a whole sequence of SARS-CoV- 2, which is demonstrably false.

According to a study published in The Lancet, By Jan 2, 2020, 41 admitted hospital patients had been identified as having allegedly laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV infection.

Saturday, January 4, 2020 — Chinese CDC says that "the first 2019- nCoVspecific RT-qPCR was developed." This is the "social media" post referenced by Drosten that got him going assembling an assay for a coronavirus that within days becomes the official WHO test.

January 5, 2020 — GenBank receives a claimed viral sequence given the accession number MN908947. This is submitted for review by Wu, et al. (first claimed to exist in the published scientific literature in the Fan Wu paper, see entry of Feb. 3, 2020.)

This sequence, MN908947, is later cited in the Corman-Drosten paper in Eurosurveillance as the source of in-silico (theoretical) primers for their PCR assay. However, Corman and Drosten in the C-D paper, says they have also used the sequence from the original SARS-CoV (from 2003) as the basis of his PCR primers(not a novel virus) and may be citing MN908947 to give the impression of a novel virus.

The January 7, 2020 paper by Wu et al, is a very extensive study and analysis of a lung sample from a 41-year old man hospitalized Dec. 26, 2019 in Wuhan, China. It’s highly technical and complete garbage. Using that single individual and no healthy control for comparison completely invalidates the results and conclusions.

They used meta-transcriptomic sequencing to chop up into tiny pieces virtually ever trace of genetic material present in the man, including all bacteria and the “1,000 trillion viruses” claimed to be present in all of us.

The methods section of the paper contains the evidence of the scam. From the start, they looked for “the viral agent” presumed to cause the man’s problems. They didn’t look for or consider anything else.

A claimed viral genome sequence was released for immediate public health support via the community online resource. [Wuhan-HU-1, GenBank accession number MN908947]. This is actually a claimed in-silico metagenomic partial theoretical assembly of the N-gene. It is not a sequence of an actual virus. This sequence is referenced by Corman and Drosten in the "German test" that becomes the WHO standard PCR assay design.

January 11, 2020 — WHO tweeted that it had received the genetic sequences for the claimed "novel coronavirus" from the People’s Republic of China and expected these to soon be made publicly available. Chinese media reported the first death from the novel coronavirus. They are referring to MN908947.

By the time of his death, he was reported to have suffered from issues such as respiratory failure and severe pneumonia, septic shock, and multiple organ failure. He was also observed to have suffered from severe acid-based metabolism disorder and cirrhosis. His hospital treatment included anti-infection drugs [was remdesivir used?], ventilator-assisted breathing, life support, and other treatments, but with no positive results. His death was marked as the first known death from the claimed new virus.

All of it fraud.

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I tremendously esteem Dr. Yeadon-- he is one of my greatest heroes -- BUT... I and others really did get sick with something that was qualitatively different from any other cold or flu I've ever had. The distinguishing symptom was COMPLETE lack of taste or smell -- even in the absence of any nasal congestion. It was utterly bizarre. I experienced it only for 6 days, but I know other people who still lacked taste and smell up to 8 months later. If that wasn't a new disease, what the heck was it? I have looked in vain for any explanation of the taste/smell phenomenon. Can anyone here point me to possible explanations?

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"The distinguishing symptom was COMPLETE lack of taste or smell."

That is not a distinguishing symptom. Quite common and has been noted for centuries.

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May 30Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

In part due to the assumptions of the literature, studies, and documents from which the analysis is derived, certain properties and mechanisms are assumed (necessarily so, in my opinion).

Circulation, spread, transmission/transmissibility - I question these concepts as applied to whatever viruses are but make "allowances" 😉 for the authors (Martin and Jonathan) to use the prevailing language of the medical/epidemiological/virological disciplines in order to focus on the key questions they're addressing.

I would like to better understand the use of their term "hotspot" as applied to the NYC, Bergamo, etc event, but the broader issue of what causes "respiratory illness" is beyond the scope here.

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“Patients in both groups experienced a prolonged duration of mechanical ventilation, and majority received paralytics, dialysis, and vasopressor agents.”

When I read this, I had to ask, how many of those were put on high flow oxygen prior to ventilation?

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To my knowledge (admittedly weak) RNA whole genome replication has seen a maximal _whole _genome replication in vitro of approximately 0.03%. In this circumstance I do not find it reasonable that contagion can be demonstrated. Nor is it reasonable to suppose that _any RNA virus is capable of driving a pandemic.

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I am so tired of this kind of beating around the bush articles.

BTW, Mike, you might enjoy reading Daniel Roytas' book on contagion (a sort of meta-analysis). 'Can you catch a cold'.

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May 30Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

Excellent. Thorough and intelligent analysis. I’m sending it on in the hopes that others will read and understand.

“There is a third explanation, elements of which actually overlap with the foregoing: that the characterisation of SARS-CoV-2 as a novel entity is entirely an artefact of virological testing and genomic sequencing methods.” It has been my position that the only newly created thing that could possibly be responsible for the “pandemic” was the belief that the “test” was finding anything. Previously intelligent people now believe that PCR “tests” can read samples and find RNA and DNA. Brilliant planning by the powers that be.

The poison, created ahead of time and sold as a vaccine once the con was in place, was the point all along.

Thank you, again, for this article

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Wow, you nailed an epic number of distracting arguments & adore Hubble telescope example!

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May 31Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

I've heard otherwise very reasonable scientists, but who still believe the consensus views of viruses, state that, "yeah well respiratory viruses behave very strangely. We can't predict what they will do from year to year, how they spread or if they will, or why they disappear and return..." So my first reaction is, something is wrong with your fundamental understanding of what viruses are and what they do - it's not the viruses that are strange, it's our model of them. If we accept that, why should we expect they can engineer one that will do what they think it will?

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May 31Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

I've looked at NYC daily deaths from 1915-1919. You'd be surprised by how little seasonal variation there is. There are only 365 days a year on which one can die, after all.

Summer heat is a factor, as we'd expect, but there are good reasons to suspect that the January peaks may have been an artifact of Christmas/New Year's holiday breaks for the record-keepers.

I have no doubt that weather and geography play a role in patterns of death, but the notion of viruses circulating "more" or with higher pathogenicity at certain times of year is not substantiated, as far as I can tell.

Nor is the claim that we "catch" so-called ILI/colds from other people. Can couples who share a bed and presumably have close contact say that they are usually sick at the same time?

I'm also not sure what the difference is (if any) between "flu season" and "flu shot season"...

So many questions -- questions that reasonable scientists and doctors should be asking too.

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Yes. You were given a Very Special Permission Slip before entering existence, from your 4th Grade Teacher who created universe, that said "nothing can be weird."

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May 31Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

The narrative of GoF labs makes no sense for several reasons.

All GoF labs are state-funded institutes or at least tolerated with the knowledge of the national governments, so it should have been possible to obtain all research data on the 'viruses' in question long ago. Private institutes could also be forced to co-operate by court order. So why is nothing happening here that serves to clarify the situation?

All GoF labs that had the basic data on the pathogens would have had a research advantage in vaccine development, but apparently did not utilise it. It is absurd to claim that GoF labs are only working on functional enhancement and not on countermeasure development, because that is the only lucrative avenue. No lab, no industry, no country would benefit from making a virus more dangerous, but would only benefit from offering the serum for protection.

In the event of a laboratory leak, no one would have been held responsible, because the research would have been carried out on behalf of the respective government, or at least with its connivance, so that there would have been no consequences under criminal law.

A security level 4 laboratory develops a virus that accidentally escapes, and no government manages to obtain the basic data at the source of the plndmc? Seriously?

It seems to be the case that there is no data on GoF research because this research does not exist at all.

As soon as the laboratory leak was identified, sceptics would want to see the raw data and then the whole scam would be exposed.

Instead, all those involved unanimously recommend wearing a paper mask and keeping a distance of 6 feet as a protective measure against a virus from a level four laboratory, but only when walking or standing. There is no danger when sitting, at least in the restaurant.

In the laboratory, on the other hand, you are available for photos again, in full-body suits with oxygen supply.

Ridiculous, the whole thing, insulting to anyone with the ability to think reasonably rationally and simply observe the things that are performed in this show.

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May 30Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

This is like a book. It will take me awhile to get through it. I agree it should be called claim of function. 💯

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"Gain of Fiction"... (who coined that?)

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May 30Liked by Martin Neil

"these theories need not be mutually exclusive but operationalizing these would require them to be coupled with a project involving high levels of mendacity and inventiveness."

Given the superabundance of duplicitous low cunning extant within certain segments of the population, I think the above assertion pretty much sums it all up.

I would quibble a bit regarding the assumption of mendacity as an essential underlying motivator; implacable self-interest is likely to be a more parsimonious explanation. This doesn't exclude gratuitous cruelty from the range of applicable motivating impulses, but I would suggest that it's likely to be a fringe benefit or side effect, one that is most congenial to the psychopathic personality type.

A bit of "frosting on the cake," if you will.

No Amnesty

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May 30Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

There's a lot of ground covered in this review/ discussion of competing theories, and much to try and assimilate, so many letters and numbers re the viruses circulating the planet. The 'claim of function' phrase seems to be a perfect fit for Fauci's claim that people aren't sufficiently scared of the 'flu.......to accept societal restrictions, and, novel mrna therapeutics to banish flu- like illness, bad colds, which can never be banished, ever! Humanity over millions of years exists with them, never wiped out by them. Now there's on going R&D to produce a super jab to deal with multiple variants of coronavirus.....one jab deals with 'em all, a one size fits all coronavirus 'vaccine'! Hurrah? Only for the bank balances of Big Pharma and its philanthropic investors (the ones that say 'ker ching').

It seems like a confected debate, GOF vs zoonotic spillover, so that the actual very basic con (the propagandized fli or very bad cold, which it was for some, mild illness for most as Whitty stated) could 'sail on' and bring with it the many negative developments ( to put it mildly).

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Jun 1Liked by Martin Neil

Small point re renal problems allegedly caused by whichever alleged respiratory virus…

There is a book about covid's "disruption, impact, and legacy" from Cambridge Univ Press, Oct. 2023. Though it purports to be a nonfiction book largely about legalities/ethics of pandemic/crisis standards of care, Chapter 1 is quite dramatic. It is in that chapter that the author and eyewitness/participant, Dr. Joseph Fins, tells us that covid caused kidney complications. Quoting:


At one point in our institution, we were down to three days of dialysis fluid because so many patients with COVID-19 developed renal failure when critically ill. This was wholly unexpected since COVID-19 was initially believed to be a respiratory disease. We soon learned that COVID-19 also caused vasculitis and renal failure[*]. This epidemic of kidney disease within the broader pandemic quickly led to a shortage of available supplies of dialysate, a problem that first manifested itself institutionally when the Renal Service asked for an ethics consult. They wanted guidance about who should get dialyzed for kidney failure and the quality of that intervention given the short supplies.


Here's the link (no paywall); I recommend the highly-entertaining Chapter 1:


* The 3rd sentence of the quote needed editing (and I just have to note it). The "also caused vasculitis and renal failure" does not follow what precedes it (poor writing). It should say "as well as" or "in addition to" — not "and." Or, "renal failure" was meant to be some other/3rd affliction, and no one caught the glaring error. Lame either way.

P.S. Unfortunately/conveniently, Dr. Fins makes no mention of Remdesivir, and we can only guess about the supposed renal problems and the possible cause(s). I want to say that if kidney complications are not actually a pathology of this SARS-CoV-2 (and assuming it was a real/unique virus), then it sounds like Dr. Fins and his colleagues should be charged, convicted, and jailed. Though I'm not sure the exact crimes, something's rotten, it would seem.

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Read our spikeopathy article. NYC covid had surprisingly different features from European covid and differed from covid elsewhere. Circles that can't be squared abound.

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In film making, another kind of fiction, it would be called a continuity error......

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Understand that the claims of what supposed covid-19 does are really just the effects of the intentional iatrogenic death protocols combined with the future “side effects” of the eventual jabs.

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That chapter is the NYC script.

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May 31Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

Martin Neil, For someone who does not do "wet" science I congratulate you on a magnificient effort. No wonder you are knackered! You have had to draw from the depths of your soul to take on hitherto unknown concepts. Well done! I'll guess Jonathan Engler had to do a lot of explaning. Thank you both.

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That's a lovely and very gracious comment. I must admit to an outsiders advantage on the content, but Jonathan did keep me from making a fool of myself on the odd point!

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You are too magnanimous. The jargon in some of the ferret articles was pretty difficult for me to interpret!!

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We eventually ferreted out what was going on together though!

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Jun 5Liked by Jonathan Engler

Every [Martin] David needs a Jonathan. ;)


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Jun 6Liked by Martin Neil

Assuming 'SARS-CoV-2' was actually detected in swabs from sick people after 2019, that does not mean it was absent from sick people diagnosed with (say) influenza in 1990. Therefore from a medical perspective the specifics of a virus are irrelevant. The name of a virus adds nothing to our understanding of actual cases of influenza-like illness, our treatment options, or the public health response.

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May 31Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

You had me after "Claim of Function "....

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Yes, yes yes. This is the kind of thing that should be yelled from the rooftops. Fantastic. The stark and dark eality is that if you deny people good, normal respiratory care while simultaneously conjuring up cases with tests for proteins that may just be everywhere, you can kill people and convince the public that it was driven by this singular viral cause. Then you can offer the solution that will also kill and harm people and they'll just go along with it.

That is more realistic than cynical at this point

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May 30Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

Fascinating! Thank you.

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Sorry, but I feel my long suspected view that Covid, is/was deliberately being engineered by evil opportunists, out to increase their fortunes by pretending to have a 'cure' (vaccine) from which they rapidly and phenomenally increase their fortunes.

The other beneficiaries are the 'self styled 'Elites' who believe the planet is vastly overpopulated which contribute to Global Warming. The benefits from GoF experimentation, includes DEPOPULATION and using the useless but highly dangerous injections ('VACCINES) to implant other health impacting issues, whilst installing other long-term control mechanisms into the recipients, via the useless injections.

Most of us now realise these diseases have been modified by humans with ulterior and sinister motives. They use an innocuous-sounding process to water down the frightening reason behind 'Gain of Function' = to deliberately maximise the health impact on humans.

We, the people, have concluded from 4 years studying the enormous amount of evidence that the creation and launch of CoronaVirus back in late 2019, must conclude, was deliberate and calculated.

1. To justify the creation of experimental but highly profitable (UNSAFE & INEFFECTIVE) 'cures' from Pfizer, Moderna, etc, to make enormous profits. Their useless and dangerous injections have frequently proven DANGEROUS and sometimes DEADLY! They laughingly call their 'deadly' injected poisonous experimental jabs 'VACCINES'. They result in a deteriorated resistance to viruses, injuries and DEATHS.

2. The World Economic Forum (the 'Elite's' New World Order) make no secret of their supposed belief that 'Global Warming' is caused by our planet being 'vastly over-populated'. The WEF's Elites believe that if most of the world's population is CULLED, Global Warming will start to reduce. They need most of the injected 'plebs' to be terminated. That's evidenced by the enormous number of injuries and DEATHS that follow the injected poisons supplied by Pfizer and others.

The most ridiculous part of this CULL is that the 'Experimental injections' have proven at best 'useless' - at worst DEADLY. Long-term vax issues are by design, and are protected by a nonsense leniency of ZERO LIABILITY for these dangerous injections killing thousands.

Many vax recipients that were not harmed or terminated by the deadly jab will now have a reduced LIFE EXPECTANCY, or a subsequent life of poor health because these mRNA injections destroy natural defenses and natural immunity.

What a fantastic Business Plan by the WEF (New World Order) and all others who benefit from this engineered viral contamination.

Unjabbed to live longer! Mick (UK)

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May 30·edited May 31Author

I think our point is that those foul objectives can be and were achieved without a novel virus flying around the world. The only tools required were a novel test + propaganda + a lot of fraud, with (possibly) some local release of something in a few hotspots.

If we are right, it can be repeated at any time...regardless of whatever steps are taken to outlaw any particular research.

The only way of stopping a repeat performance is for everyone to understand how ridiculous the story is.

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.Dr. McCullough said that the 444 sequence from the jab takes only one hour to integrate into immortal cancer cells...and we have to face the possibility that the human genome might have been permanently altered. No way to know at present..or if it will be transmitted to progeny. Someone else said that as per law and a judge ruling..it could make these jabbed humans the genomic property of the patent holders...and that maybe the aim was both depopulation....and genetic alteration. .What would remain at the end of it all of the reduced being owned property...slaves.

For the elites.

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You might enjoy this short story....


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I did indeed like reading that..hadn't thought of that aspect! People are so smart…you though, are scary smart :-)…

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8

According to Katherine Watt the legal evidence suggests that the aim is to use the "emergency" to transfer power to a supranational government run by the UN/globalists, and to this end they will provoke contempt for our national governments. The aim is for us to perceive our own nation-state governments as inadequate and incompetent so that global power can be centralised under a transnational government run by these killers. Watch out for voices inciting discord and rebellion. No wonder there has been a rush of MPs out of parliament.


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Not sure "enjoy" is an apt description, not sure what is tbh.

The Screaming Eebiejeebies maybe?

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Claim of Function, Gain of Fiction. I liked this post so much that I printed it.

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