No. There was no pandemic.

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3Liked by Martin Neil

The answer, as Denis Rancourt resoundingly pronounced in a July 2023 substack, There was No Pandemic. Or, as Martin Neil's fellow statisticien, Pierre Chaillot, points out: a pandemic of PCR tests.

I enjoyed this interview and for what it's worth happen to agree with everything Martin Neil says in it, except towards the end, where I find his tea more than a little weak in that he seems to agree with the statement: “it wasn’t necessarily that it was, like, a couple of people at the top who had this plan to take over the world”. Surely not (though a couple of names come immediately to mind). More like several thousand!

Starlings may not make plans but human beings do. Hitler and fascism's rise wouldn’t have been possible without the industrialists’/international establishment’s support. Ditto for the new techno totalitarianism. Neither are a majority of psychologists themselves immune to crowd think, even as they “nudge” entire populations into it. On the other hand, no less than Jung warned of the threat to humanity posed by “psychic epidemics… manipulated in the name of State policy by those occupying the highest positions in the government… likely, however, to be the slaves of their own fictions.” Written, of course, in a time before Big Pharma, Big Tech and High Finance had taken complete control of said occupants.

Already during fascism's premier era Fromm asserted that “an enormous though secret power over the whole of society is exercised by a small group, on the decisions of which depends the fate of a large part of society”. While today, Desmet’s updated ideas on mass formation are as satisfying an explanation as we'll ever get as to why a majority of people went along with the absurdities and crimes of our very own psychic pandemic.

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Feb 5Liked by Martin Neil

Excellent interview.

Here's another way to look at it.

A) Let's even assume there "may have been a pandemic", there may have been a "lab leak", there may have been some "toxin sprayed in areas", there may have been deaths "triggered by 5G being turned on" and any other types of hypothetical assaults one wants to allege. Now add up the number of people who were killed in Spring 2020 by one's "pandemic trigger event" de jeur.

B) Now let's look at the number of people we know were killed by public health despotism and draconian policies- ventilators, unilateral DNR's, sedatives, neglect, fear-induced disorders, lockdowns, suicides, economic and social dislocation and other concrete, known events that occurred in Spring 2020- and beyond. Now let's add these numbers up.

Once we subtract from A the total we have in B would there even be anything to talk about? I don't think so- and that's being generous with the assumptions in A for which I've yet to see any convincing evidence- and I do this research full time.

My question is why is it that people seem so attracted to these esoteric theories when concrete evidence is staring them right in the face.

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Feb 4Liked by Martin Neil

Not having watched the video yet, the answer to the question is: It depends on how you define "pandemic". If you strictly apply the current definition (which they conveniently changed around 2009), describing it as an "epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of individuals" (source: wikipedia), then yes, there was a pandemic. In this context, the often debated question whether The Virus exists (imo it does) or if it is novel (imo it is) looks like a limited hangout because it distracts from the main issue, which is: On a population level, the pathogen in question, or more broadly if you like: the "phenomenon" in question, was comparable to the average flu or any other common coronavirus, therefore even if lockdowns and masks and vaccines work, which they don't, there was no need for any of it.

I look forward to watching the discussion.

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Thank you so much for posting Martin!

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Feb 3Liked by Martin Neil

There was a pandemic of greed,fraudulent claims-'the science'-tin pot dictators drunk on power and daily podium pronouncements, mass brainwashed compliance and sheer stupidity, presided over by a ghastly network of slippery opportunists, not forgetting the utterly loathsome masks , the collapse of public health norms and the suppression of informed dissent.

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Feb 3Liked by Martin Neil

Brilliant video. Thanks!

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Feb 4Liked by Martin Neil


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Feb 3·edited Feb 3

There was a pandemic of something, or more accurately, MULTIPLE things (or multiple pandemics in the same time period)?


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Dear Professor Neil

I have checked through your podcast and you in fact said “fundamentally there were no excess deaths in 2020”. It comes up at 1hr 13.25 in the podcast. Can you just confirm with me where this piece of data originates as I would like to be sure that I am on firm ground when I quote it to those in the other camp.

Thank you

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Sorry to bother you Professor Neil

But did you get my comment asking you about excès deaths in 2020 as you pointed out to your host? Someone else seems to have replied on your behalf which I think is entirely inappropriate. Perhaps the wires have become crossed. So was there excess mortality in 2021 ? I would be grateful if you could take the time to reply to this crucial question.

Best wishes


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Professor Neil

Not sure if my last comment got through to you - it was just about the comment you made in the podcast - that there was no excess mortality in 2020. For my part I am happy to accept this but it at odds with most other sources. They all say there was considerable excess deaths in 2020.

I am sure if there was excess death it was not due to coronavirus but rather to the “measures”.

Is it possible for you to clarify this...that there was excess death in the UK in 2020 and also where this information comes from so that I can quote this to others.

Best wishes Chris

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deletedFeb 3Liked by Martin Neil
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deletedFeb 3
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