May 23Liked by Joel Smalley, Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Well done!

Wait til people find out the same thing was done for years with flu shot data/studies...


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Yup. H1N1 got me; health has been in the toilet since 2014. I KNEW right away when they came up with the ridiculous moniker "long covid" that it was a euphemism for "vaccine injured."

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Beware the Jabberwock, my son, the jaws that bite, the claws that catch...

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I love that poem.

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RemovedMay 26
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Flagged for potential violation?

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I've known that poem by heart since age 10. :)

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Have you read The Hunting of the Snark, Jessica?

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Jabberwock? You mean turdo? biDUMB. Ovomit and mooche? They all drink from a public toilet and have dog breath that would gag the maggot scarfing with hundreds of his buddies a road kill three day old skunk. If you ever seen a dead carcass so rife with maggots that it actually moves then you will know how it resembles biDUMB. Freak.

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They won't find out... cuz they are trapped in The Matrix https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/what-if/

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Wait until people find out Jessica blocks people when they don't nod and hit like on everything she says. If were ever get close to cracking COVID, surely some of the egomaniacs who've made a name for themselves will mess that up.

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Obviously that’s a lie! Your nasty comment hasn’t been blocked!

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It’s not her Substack. I am indeed blocked.

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But it's hilarious how many people hero worship and just click "like" on something that is 100% false. No wonder the government gets away with so much. They can just deploy frauds everywhere and people just flock to them. They even make up stories to defend their false idols. Scary times.

Again, if you're here to benefit the people, you will take constructive criticism and build off of that. If you're threatened by feedback, you're here for you ego (or even money) and not all the people who have been murdered. Big difference. Take note.

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You seriously expect an author to have a conversation with you by way of these comments? It seems you're somewhat up yourself.

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You can't read.

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Rant away - no one's listening.

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Clearly you are. Jessica will never solve anything because she won’t engage in thoughtful dialogue. Mark my word.

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Lousy, dirty low blow. When all questions about Covid are not yet finalized with answers, it's natural for highly qualified people, like Jessica, to espouse theories and ideas which may well differ from other highly qualified people. Not everybody espouses terrain theory, not because they are insidious but because there are often many angles to observe and interpret. Likewise, the Covid story is wrapped in layers of questions and putative answers. You sound like a third rate trollster to me.......are you? Or just a malcontent looking for attention by uttering harsh comments while denigrating hard working, honest scientists and amateurs alike. It sounds puerile to me, for chrissakes grow up.

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Nope. I like constructive dialogue. I simply pointed out where the theory didn’t make sense to me and she took offense and blocked me. She thinks she gets to gatekeep the story of my own city. I don’t need to grow up. I need researchers who are doing this for the right reasons. This strange hero worship of people who put themselves on video is the weirdest and most destructive phenomenon.

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Hero worship now?

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Jessica? You mean the gal with the same name as Jessica the Rose? Come now. How could she be anything but amenable?

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Yeah nice one, Fenton was a beacon

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So much information...though whoever did this hasn't updated for a while


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May 23·edited May 23Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Thankyou Norman… And Martin…. this is excellent news.. the fiddling and fudging needs to stop .. assessment of the damage … and solutions to help those still suffering adverse reactions… own it and fix it.

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Er, other people were involved in very significant ways.

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May 23·edited May 24

The main research information concerning vaccines and outcomes supplied to my father and mother in October 2021 came from the ONS … they stipulated that only 6 deaths occurred between January to October 2021 it was that agency that convinced both parents these vaccines were safe and effective… enough for them to decide to take two shots each.

Truth be known the ONS took the task from the MHRA in May 2021 so that report of 6 deaths was actually over a period of 6 months and only included deaths after the 14 day period… when in actual fact from December 8th 2020 to October 2021 there had been over 1000 deaths within 3 days of getting the shot… that’s a huge different in numbers and a huge red flag on safety … but the ONS is only recording statistical information.. not required to monitor or provide feedback of adverse or fatal outcomes.

My father died 7 months later … turbo cancer with long white strands pulled out by a surgeon..,he died the following day… my mother lasted 10 months got a pulmonary embolism followed by a strange bone disease where her legs broke standing up out of a chair.. and died in March 2023.. immaterial who said what did what.. the decision was based on ONS data… and I still have his email to that effect… and both vaccine papers and death certificates ..

Needless to say… I and many others feel extremely upset and angry that I have been lied to by people we should trust…but also because there is no opportunity to look anyone in the eye and ask those much needed questions in order to prevent this from continuing.. because believe me.. it is still going on.. and those responsible have no intention of facing consequences.

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Whst a terrible outcome for you and your parents.....I'm so sorry🤗.

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I am so sorry for your huge loss. People were bullied, cajoled, lied to and threatened, plus people thought that they were taking the them for the greater good. How the perpetrators sleep at night I do not know!

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I think Martin means that there are four researchers involved in this effort to call out the ONS's lies, not just Norman

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deletedMay 23
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There's some confusion. This is my substack with Norman.

The article refers to work done by a team.

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May 23Liked by Martin Neil

My apologies Martin… I would like to thank the entire group of contributors which includes you too..I misinterpreted your earlier reply … as I was far too fixated on the ONS looking from the wrong end of a very large telescope.

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Jomico, it should not have happened…I am so hurt for you. This was pure evil … and we know where evil ends up. Your obedient parents, otoh, were victims and the Lord has received and blessed them with peace, light, and joy. Because I had a near-death experience, I say this with great faith. God bless you.

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You thanked only Norman, when it was a group that worked on this issue, that’s all Martin meant.

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Thank you … I have amended my replies.

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Do not worry. The only perfect Man who ever lived was Jesus Christ and look at what the stupid bastards did to Him.

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I am so very sorry thos happened to your family. Many tried to warn but we're silenced. Accounts blocked. Couldn't attend church services, even online, couldn't even buy a book from Amazon. My experience anyway.

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Such unnecessary deaths tend to create anger at the CYSTem perps wallowing in their bondage of love of money at any cost. I have sibblings and greedy cousins like that. Estranged them all. Religious hypocrites. Go to church on Sundays and sing Jesus Loves Me, but steal and lie and defraud the other six days of the week. Hate em all.

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Hatred did not appear in the teachings of Jesus…. religions that feel hatred is a useful tool..are often at war.

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..and the tragedy you suffered perpetrated by evil people will see Divine punishment exercised in Wrath against the murderers. That had to have been a huge shock with much pain. I regret that but Justice will come at the death of the perps where judgment happens immediately. And They are the Epitome of Justice in their Wrath.

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Not so. Why did He make a whip and physically eject the moneylenders from the temple? He saved His harshest criticism for the religious rulers of the day. What about His Father who it is said about Him, "God hates the workers of iniquity." God also destroyed over ten thousand of His own people in the Sinai desert because they were whiners and ingrates. God/Jesus and the Holy Spirit are in character both opposite polar with love, mercy and hate on the same dimensional scale. Jesus in the first few chapters of Revelation appearing as the Glorified Christ will be doing big business with those who rejected Him. The three of the Holy Trinity are Wrathful and eternal damnation is proof 0of a just God.

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...and those responsible have no intention of facing consequences.

So say all criminals, doesn't mean they are correct.

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…in this life they might have no consequences; but God. He is the final authority, whether they know it or not. I honestly think some persons think they just need a death bed confession of their sins and then all is forgiven & heaven awaits them. Lies of the enemy and the doctrines of Catholicism. There is no such thing as purgatory /no Biblical reference to it. God knows a sinner’s sincerity or whether they are a scoundrel. As scripture says He will judge the quick and the dead. There is much more to be said in the Word of God.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. I have friends and acquaintances that also lost their parents here in the US due to the jab. When one loses one's parents it feels like one has become an orphan in this world..

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Two of my sibblings wanted to dump my mother in a facility during covid but she called me and I intervened, with her wanting to stay here so I agreed. She refused the damned death jab and lived to be but four months from her centennial birthday as a WW2 veteran, in spite of two stupid detachment commanders of the OPP, a defective detective moron, and others to be named who illegally detained me and in spite of a prejudicially biased injustice CYSTem, and a dozen regular officers all clad in cloth masks, with less than a ten percentile strain effectivity, were unable to infect her with covid. Had they done so, there would have been a million dollar lawsuit for wrongful death. It will not be good for them as it is. My turn now and there are also other fools to be put on the carpet. The publicity itself will be similar to a flogging and I will try my best to take at least nine of them down.

Fake numerous charges were filed but in the end, they were ALL DISAPPEARED. I believe the "persecution" screwed up so bad that they feared going to court what with the serious CCC violations, Charter and Bill of Rights violations all on four counts of many unlawful violations. Two JP's were also involved and will have to answer for what I am told are violations of their oaths, and also prejudicial bias, and a few other irregularities they need to be investigated about.

A neighbor who videoed the whole thing called it a shit show and the whole fiasco I am told came from a higher office in the decades old attempts to silence me. In the end, the devil gets his dues.

There are few good cops here anymore. The process is used as the punishment and I am told the pigs are instructed to file any vexatious and inapplicable charge for the sake of criminal harassment. Police have even told others this. Corruption? None know the half of it! I put up with pigs coming here over two decades trying to silence me and it all came from a head case at the CHRC. I have had more investigations than turdo has pimples on his fat ass or than the innumerable times that Singh of the NDP has kissed the same ass since agreeing to maintain trudope in office as slime minister.

Life is exciting, all one has to do is oppose evil. BTW, the coward behind all this who hid behind the skirts of a bureauCRAP and his own office door died last year suddenly and unexpectedly. The OPP needs to be defunded and replaced by the RCMP. One of the criminals in uniform raped a drunken woman, took pictures, but was kept on full salary I was told for four years. A blue uniform is like the robes of a choirmaster. Neither guarantees one is not a pedo or the other is not a rapist.

Comparatively, the police in the USA I have found to be amenable, honest and fair, unlike the OPP pigs up here. It was suggested I write a book about this two decade attempt to silence me using tactics many believe were criminal harassment, criminal obstruction and reckless endangerment among others. It will be awhile but the shit will hit the fan.

This is how it is in Canuckistan when a delusional head case commie kook has a beef with someone exercising his freedom of expression, opinion, and religion. Turdo has his KGB by way of the Ottawa Police Services, the Toronto Police Services and the Calgary Police services.

I do not accept or cowtow to criminal murderers, rapists and liars in or out of uniform. Talk is cheap but I am on this.

A woman employed in law all her life asked my why these fools were targeting me. She told me these idiots had no idea to what legal length I would go to see justice done and criminals exposed.

Truth never loses and I just set it loose to do its thing and it never fails to slay lies and liars in the corrupt CYSTem.

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What strikes me is that yes, this now explains the apparent spike in NON-COVID deaths in the allegedly 'unvaccinated', which you guys were pointing out all along. It probably also explains the spike in alleged COVID deaths in the officially vaccinated. I refer specifically to 'Covid outbreaks' in care homes in Jan/Feb 2021 which decimated in some cases up to a third of the residents - all recently vaccinated with the first dose.

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May 24·edited May 24Author

Absolutely, and our HART colleague the brilliant Joel Smalley spotted it straight away.

See the 5th article I cite in this compendium of related pieces.


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Yup, I highlighted Joel's excellent analysis in Feb 2021 in this post, before Joel was kicked off of Twitter. The Israeli data was even more damning. From a study at the time, which seems to have been memory-holed:

"We conclude that the Pfizer vaccines, for the elderly, killed during the 5-week vaccination period about 40 times more people than the disease itself would have killed, and about 260 times more people than the disease among the younger age class. We stress that this is in order to produce a green passport valid at most 6 months, and promote Pfizer sales.

These estimated numbers of deaths from the vaccine are probably much lower than actual numbers as it accounts only for those defined as COVID-19 deaths for that short time period and does not include AVC and cardiac (and other) events resulting from the inflammatory reactions in tens of reports documented on the NAKIM site, which themselves are only the iceberg’s tip, see here."


I think it was a PHE study at the time which noted that the recently 'vaccinated' elderly were MORE likely to catch 'Covid' and die and they put this down to care home residents suddenly thinking that they were immune after vaccination and therefore deciding to go out for risky nights on the town or whatever!

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Government and industry love to play blame the victim

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One nursing home near me in Ireland had zero 'Covid' deaths. In the first 2 months of the roll out, there were some 15 deaths😥.

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My mother was forced to take a third Pfizer vaccine against her wishes in a French nursing home along with 60 other patients… 4 died on the same wing within 3 days of being vaccinated … my mum lasted 11 days.. two days before she died .. she was covered in purple blotches… I took photographs.. the nursing home tried to say she died in the ambulance between 9.30 and 12.00 noon but she actually died at 12.55 pm at the hospital but did not inform me until 2.35 pm I arrived at the hospital 5 minutes before I found out she had died… it’s a day I will never ever forget.

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Condolences. So sorry this has happened to you and your mother. I don't know how but we must organize to demand justice for their crimes against humanity..

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I saw the same. Right after mass vexx at the area stadium, new admissions increased dramatically. We couldn't keep up! Families reported sudden declines (in health and mental statuses).

Interesting that this coincided w the "second wave" of convid. I really didn't SEE convid symptoms, but we tested regularly.

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May 23Liked by Martin Neil

Are there none of our institutions left untouched by the corrupt hand of the globalists?

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Or pharma.

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Or governments.

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May 23Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Thank you Prof for hanging in there. These ###kers know no shame but I’m glad we have temerity, truth amd bravery on our side. The skullduggery over in US regarding the obfuscation (particularly re FOI communications and the steps taken to avoid surveillance by the taxpayers) is also being exposed. Times are a changin’ for the criminals who foisted this murderous plan on us. Glad I saw right through it from the beginning (with more than a little help from folks like yourselves). Also heartening to see such pitifully low take up on their wonderdrugs. Even “Team Slow” is wakening up to the nonsense. Thanks again!

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May 23Liked by Martin Neil

"excluding people who had died before vaccine records had been sent back to the central NIMS system"

So this wasn't just the "20 day cheap trick" which would be bad enough. This apparently was deliberate data fudging that went on for who knows how long "before data had been sent back". Deliberately counting deaths as unvaccinated when status is unknown or known to be vaccinated are both deliberate lies. Because we know these weren't mistakes, we know that we can never trust them.

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I will never again trust any government department, agency or the NHS. They all lied and thousands of people died (and will continue to do so).

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May 23Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Brilliant as ever Norman and Martin. We had a very good idea (now you have unearthed the evidence) that this ‘sleight of hand’ LYING was going on.

Covid itself has been proven to be a fraud anyway but the ONS/MHRA etc have been caught again.

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May 23Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Vindication at last! I have been involved in s several trials of antimicrobials and, basically, any untoward event that occurred after one or more doses of the drug had been administered was classified as an adverse event and attributed to the drug unless it could not be otherwise explained. Let's say one needed 10 days before an effect could be determined? Anyone dying before this time would not have been deemed to never having received the drug. On the contrary, every person exposed to the drug i.e. receiving a dose would have to be accounted for in terms of adverse events often up t 30 days after the last dose. Why vaccines are treated differently is simply beyond me.

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More greed, graft and corruption

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May 23Liked by Martin Neil

Per the old rule of journalism, "if your mother says she loves you, check it out," if the NHS says they care for your health, check it out. Many thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who can and do figure out what questions to ask of our health care providers, to check it out.

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May 23Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Are these people just inept? Did the message come from somewhere above to keep quiet about it? Like Eric Clapton, why was he told not to speak about his vaccine injury? How many others of fame were told to keep quiet about it. With no diagnostic tests it’s hard to prove but Justin Bieber with Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, Celine Dion with stiff personal syndrome and there’s more. Isn’t it the responsibility of our health agencies to protect us?

Good for you Norman Fenton. You stuck with it. I wonder how much longer pharma, governments can try and keep the ever increasing voices exposing the truth silent?

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Of course they're not just inept. That's what MSM propagandists would say. Don't be one of THEM!

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May 23Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Well done! Your vigilant efforts and logical statistical analysis benefit us all. Your work is greatly appreciated!!

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May 23Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

No doubt it was a noble lie so as not to reduce public confidence in vaccines.

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May 23Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Excellent. I am impressed by your perseverance. I had assumed this from day one, but it was never admitted here in the Netherlands. It was even publicly mentioned here (the unvaxxed status after injection) but it was never formally challenged. Full censorship.

It looks as if our health minister has promised to skip the signing of the dreaded WHO pandemic treatment. It was hard to understand between all the stuttering and the embarassing lack of knowledge. Nothing in MSM. She ignored a majority in parliament.

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But Wilders is surely going to make a big overhaul and more truth will surface there.

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The healthy vaccinee bias exists in nearly all cases of vaccines, but the effect is far more subtle than the effect of the miscategorization effect/bias that you have unmasked. I didn't realize that the healthy vaccine bias was being used by the UK authorities to explain away the miscategorization bias. I better understand the full story. Because healthy vaccinee bias is generally documented, it's a clever place for authorities to point. Of course, this is doubly disingenuous since healthy vaccinee bias was often ignored in the past in order to claim higher rates of effectiveness for other vaccines!

For those who want to see some data on healthy vaccinee bias at the U.S. county level (which clearly demonstrates that the vaccines had zero effectiveness), you can check it out here:


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May 23Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Of course you were right.

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May 23Liked by Martin Neil

Although at the time I had bought into the idea of the healthy user effect explained this, I included a chart in this post that demonstrates they were also, almost surely, misclassifying people as single dose when in fact they were double-dosed.... https://inumero.substack.com/p/uk-mortality-data-a-clue-on-relative?utm_source=publication-search

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Further evidence of the misclassification occurred when, in implying the 3rd shot was super effective, the data would indicate that double-shot people fared far worse than unvaccinated...


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