Due to spending 39 years of my life in communist Poland (with several interludes in the West), I can smell leftist hypocrites from a mile away.

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I totally agree with the comments in your post. There are too many people over consumed with self interests and protecting reputations that integrity, honesty and "doing the right thing" goes out of the window. To defend the NHS, bogus experts who are businessmen masquerade as clinical experts to protect reputations and deny justice while leaving all patients at risk. And they are paid out of the public purse to do so. Meet Dr Mike Drayton, cruise ship entertainer and bogus expert paid handsomely to act as the NHS spokesperson, lie about his expert credentials under oath and defend the NHS by attacking the accuser:


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Nut Zero's ultimate aims exposed;see above.


Met Office unable to substantiate recent scare story; O dear.

Lysenkoism ,the new science.


Activism has colonised the judiciary as well, which does not surprise me, given recent rulings and judgements.

The steady encroachment of entryism across our establishment is in danger of becoming irreversible: agitprop, activism, groupthink, suppression of informed dissent, Omerta and 'our way is the right way' technocratic control.

Lenin did this with great success, followed by Stalin; Hitler took another route, but it all ended very badly.

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"Lie for the greater good."

Those touting "noble lies" uttered by putative "experts" seem developmentally disabled, professor.

I used to take a charitable approach toward this particular form of intellectual bankruptcy, but the resulting harm has obviated such charity.

Referring to the practice in terms of morality, however appropriate, is counterproductive in this context. The framing requires a pragmatic approach, one that acknowledges the primacy of self-interest and focuses on the very simple mechanical aspects of lying and its inevitable result.

Repetitive lying results in a particularly insidious variant of psychosis, and I use the term in its technical sense of difficulty in ascertaining the difference between delusion and reality.

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How do you like the idea of 3 years in prison for speaking out against the toxic jabs?

Article 4 (Prison for Criticising the Toxic Jabs)

French collectivist authoritarians: "With this Bill we defend science"


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People will be people. I believe it's the systems: the social networks that we have created and allowed to evolve and be 'captured', together with the speed of modern communication that turn formerly sensible and enlightened people into alarmists.

It's quite easy to single out individuals for criticism and this is the normal way of presenting the arguments but it's the systems we should be looking at if we're to get ourselves out of this mess.

BTW Simon Pegg's comedy 'Hot Fuzz' has a great insight into 'the greater good'.

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The final remarks: what will become of our already struggling infrastructure? Who will build bridges, design software, operate our water and sewerage networks, our roads,our buildings, our STEM subjects and medical practice, as Afrochemistry is now being taught in the US, as electricians, plumbers and maintenance engineers are replaced by CRT purveyors, Open Borders and DEI advocates?

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Why would you want to have any power over others?

If you are a fulfilled human being, living the life you find satisfying and enjoying your time, your mind will never feel the need to be “better” than others.

Hundreds of professional scientists turning away from their medical education and suddenly becoming political commentators is the proof that all these people are empty inside. They are in a business which does not give them fulfillment. Yes, they earn a lot and are applauded and pseudo-respected, so many of them may have already forgotten that they are normal human beings, not an inch better than a street sweeper or a farmer spending whole day in dirt and exposed to elements.

Thousands of normal folks suddenly commenting on anything - especially on things which they have never touched first hand - and “proving” how X is good and Y is bad - this is the proof that we, the community, we are all empty inside.

Why would you comment on others? Have you cleaned up your house 100% perfect? Is your own life solved, satisfying, just the way it should be? Have you got so much excess energy that you can leave your own family matters unattended and criticize others?

The scale of this inner emptiness is way beyond wildest imagination. We all have a lot to do.

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Corrupted science to suit the purpose is definitely no science 🤑🤑

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I have just refreshed my knowledge of Simpson’s and Berkson’s paradoxes from Prof Fentons concise and excellent videos. I am less impressed with these political reflections. This idea of a Marxist cabal has taken over academia is a fantasy. Orthodoxy institutions have been around for centuries, the Inquisition, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, USA in the Cold War eras are some examples. In my limited experience of academia in one of the top UK universities, there is a prevailing conservative sentiment, at least in the science disciplines. There may have been ‘job creation’ movement of pseudo-academic subjects, admirably parodied in the grievance studies spoof publications.

There may be an overwhelming consensus among climate academics, but their influence is massively outweighed by the shadowy institutions and foundations funded by oil and coal companies the ensure nothing actually effective gets done.

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As for Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation. I believe NASA had to abandon it for the Moon landings. More recently, debates in Mensa and the Tallbloke website about the “Unified Theory of Climate (2011)” by Ned Nikolov & Karl Zeller, lead to the realisation that Carbon Dioxide does not cause warming by radiative forcing, but by molar mass, proven by the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.

Ned Nikolov gives the most important lesson in Climate science you are ever likely to watch: https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2021/09/06/ned-nikolov-demystifying-the-atmospheric-greenhouse-effect

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Thank you, Professor Fenton. The nonsense exists in astrophysics, too, and it has been for decades where Albert Einstein’s name is used as a cash cow for funding. The General Theory of Relativity violates the rules of pure mathematics, as Australian mathematician Stephen Crothers shows in the two papers below. Black holes, Big Bangs and gravitational waves must be called into question. (Stephen Crothers, along with Professor Pierre-Marie Robitaille, has also refuted Kirchhoff’s Law of Thermal Emission - against the existence of dark matter, dark energy and the CMB.)





Also, the equation on Stephen Hawking’s gravestone in Westminster Abbey is in error - Stephen Crothers explains:



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