Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023Pinned

Note, in order to reduce possible confusion, we have made a minor change to clarify our comments about pneumococcal pneumonia vaccines.

Other small changes have also been made since initial publication:

- removal of Jessica's Rose's chart on pneumonia deaths versus covid-19 deaths. This actually showed PIC (pneumonia, influenza, covid) deaths.

- added the case of the Romanian doctor who used antibiotics with 100% success rate.

- added sources on Prevotella bacterium

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I know 5 people who in the last 2 years have had strokes. 2 died. How does this new theory correlate to strokes? Thanks in advance...

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

You nailed it! This is what my husband had and I believe they made it worse w the ventilator and oh why? Heart wrenching, painful, breaking oh horrible.

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A Whodunnit investigation for curious minds willing to step outside conventional paradigms might be interested in digging around...

This publication describes a brand-new style of flu vaccine that came online for the 2019-2020 flu season. Mammalian cell-based instead of egg-based. Claims that it was studied for efficacy...but no mention of safety trials:


"A new cell-based seasonal influenza vaccine has been issued marketing approval by the European Commission and will be available for the 2019/2020 flu season.

Flucelvax® Tetra (Seqirus) is the first cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIVc) to be made available in Europe and is licensed for use in individuals aged nine years and older.

To date, there have been no randomised controlled trials comparing the efficacy of QIVc and standard egg-based quadrivalent vaccines (QIVe)"

“This real-world study, along with other emerging evidence, indicates that cell-based influenza vaccines may result in better influenza-related outcomes compared to standard egg-based vaccine options in some seasons"

"In the UK, the potential advantages of QIVc, which is cultured in mammalian cells rather than eggs"

“We are pleased to be bringing Flucelvax Tetra to the UK next season and have sufficient capacity at our cell-based manufacturing facility in the US to also ensure supply in September 2019"

- This article is interesting. It says that they added live-attenuated influenza vaccines to the schedule. It goes on to say that flu vaccines most definitely, positively, absolutely don't cause the flu, and by that definition won't shed...even after all of the science on vaccines admit that live-attenuated vaccines do shed. Curious:


"The 2019–2020 influenza vaccine recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have remained mostly the same, with the exception of adding the LAIV to the immunization schedule."

- These articles tell us about what the WHO's process is and what they decided the 2019-2020 vaccine recommendations would be. I'll note that the first link speaks to concerns with preparing for H3N2 from the prior year, while the second link says they ended up not developing that specific strain of vaccines, after all, and the third link says they went ahead and included the H3N2 variant, after all. H3N2 was a "very severe" variant:




- Now, this is an interesting story from CNN that came out in November, 2019, an important time frame in the evolution of the CV story. Note the discussion about the need to develop a new type of all-purpose vaccine, a desire to test it widely, one that focused on a protein they link to a particular virus...like, say, a spike protein. Fauci is frequently quoted in it:


"But a universal flu shot would theoretically cover every strain of the flu using what’s known as an ice cream cone approach."

"Last spring, doctors at the NIH started testing universal flu shots on Sonn and other study participants to see how their bodies respond.

“I have a personal connection to the flu,” Sonn explained. “My grandfather was orphaned due to the flu epidemic in April 1919.”

The 1918-1919 Spanish flu pandemic infected a third of the world’s population and killed 50 million people.

Losing his parents at 6 years old left a mark on Sonn’s grandfather, and subsequently on Sonn himself.

“He really had great trust in science and medical research, so I know he would be proud I’m taking part in this,” Sonn said.

One of the most useful things about the universal flu shot is that if it works out as hoped, it will also protect against flu pandemics like the one that killed Sonn’s great-grandparents.

In a flu pandemic, a new strain of flu virus emerges. Since very few people have immunity to it, it can spread quickly and easily.

There have been four flu pandemics in the past century: in 1918-1919; in 1957-1958; in 1968; and in 2009.

The research got an extra push in September when President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at developing a better flu vaccine.

Fauci said it could take less time – but still many years – to develop a semi-universal flu shot, which would protect against not all flu viruses, but rather a group of flu viruses."

"The faster and more precise method is not to grow the virus at all and instead just create the virus’ protein, he said.

“We clone the gene that codes for the specific protein we want,” Fauci said. “I don’t even want to see the virus. I just need the sequence of that virus, the genetic map of that virus. And you could send that to me by email.”

That’s the technology that’s being used to create the vaccines being trialed on participants like Sonn right now.

“We feel like we’re pioneers, and our volunteers are pioneers,” Ledgerwood said."

How does the 2019 flu vaccine look like now? And how does that CNN piece from November, 2019 read in hindsight now?

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As I have said elsewhere here on Substack, I have concluded that I got long-covid, today still with residual problems, as a result of a flu vax I received November 3, 2019.

Why are not more people considering the possibility that routine flu vaccination would be a great way to make many ill and prepare the way for the declaration of a pandemic?

I will never agree to any needles promising protection to come near me and I warn others to heed my concern.

Thank you here for being interested in what actually has been happening and not being silent like the majority of scientists who should have taken more responsibility with some courage to speak up and protect others.

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Right? It's glaringly obvious that the 2019 flu jab was a part of getting this all kickstarted. The changes in the formulation and production alone warrant investigation. And the early reports were that the most severe illness and death were among the 2019 jabbed population. Yes, many have said they weren't jabbed and got very ill then, too. But we know they shed. Even the mRNA ones shed. Especially the LAIV (live-attenuated) shed, known to be the most likely to shed of all jabs.

And they were playing around with a very virulent strain to be included in a quadrivalent. Much debate over, many had concerns with putting that in the jab, the links I include demonstrate the back and forth that decision was subject to. Those who said 'no' to its inclusion could be heroes. But they've chosen to be silent. They knew the hazards involved in putting a very virulent strain into a flu jab.

Especially on top of a new production method, mammalian cells instead of chicken eggs. Mammalian cells are closer to the human genome than avarian, the evolutionary pressures of that change in production would be more acute. It was a much different biotechnology before 2019 that they had done no safety trials on. Zip. Just took it for granted it would all be safe. And effective.

Meanwhile Fauci was licking his lips to get his "ice cream cone" jab he could just get into people with a simple email update - the mRNA technology. And any harms that came from the 2019 experimental jab would be all the excuse he would need to get an entire world of "pioneers" as he called volunteers.

And the whole "spike protein" Most Wanted poster that was quickly released by China and supposedly targeted was very suspicious. We know the 95% inaccurate PCR tests were really only testing for the common cold, not that spike most wanted poster. I truly don't believe that labs were observing spike proteins before the jabs. And I'm skeptical that "independent" microbiologists claiming they observed them in blood samples they examined - pre-mRNA - were truth tellers. I'm not banking on that, but I have my suspicions.

I'm more inclined to believe that the spike protein most wanted poster intentionally just so happened to match the design of the mRNA jab they had already designed, Fauci describes a protein as all he needed in the CNN piece. And that way when the mRNA produced the spike proteins they were designed to produce following the rollout of the jab nobody would be the wiser.

There's so many connections in this story that really aren't a stretch at all. Motive. Method. Means.

I rather suspect they like the idea of a bat in the wet market vs. lab leak theory raging. As long as that's the debate about the origin nobody focuses on the 2019 jab. Both wet market and lab leak are more complicated and requiring more leaps of faith into conspiracy than a reformulated 2019 jab sufficiently harsh to provoke a scare sufficient to get the mRNA experimental biotech already sitting on the shelf into "pioneers."

All of this is my speculation and theory. Like I said, I've not seen or heard it from others. But there's enough to these coincidences and observations to merit a more serious investigation by those with the means and background.

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Interesting thoughts, indeed. One question I would ask you if I was in the same room as you, if IF it was a flu vax that started this in late 2019, why were my symptoms not flu like? I became ill in Dec 2019/Jan 2020 after exposure to a person with a terribkle sounding, dry cough. Not a chesty cough.

I had problems all over my body and it seemed like my my whole immune system went into overdrive. It seemed more a circulatory disease than a respiratory one. In my case anyway. For instance, early signs were loss of sense of smell and of taste, fatigue, headache. slight temperature, sore throat, tummy ache and a rash on my fingers and toes. When I had previously caught 'flu, I had a raging temperature and had to go to bed. With Covid, I managed to stay on my feet but boy was I underpar in every part of my body!

I can believe that something was released in various locations in 2019 and some may have developed pneumonnia . Those would be the unlucky ones who got stage 2 Covid ie in the lungs. Quite a few doctors in hospitals did, maybe because they were exposed to lots of Covid patients and were short of Vitamin D.

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Right! There are so many variables. Including the fact that there are and have always been other diseases besides the flu before 2019. And if it was the 2019 flu vax, what was the kicker in it? The new mammalian cell production? The H3N2 severe variant? We don't know.

But science is supposed to investigate. Starts with asking different questions than everyone else. Maybe a just a few out of the hundreds of thousands of scientists globally investigating could break from the herd mentality and venture down the road less traveled to chance discovery. But, herd animals are going to herd. There's safety from predators there. Takes a different kind of animal to ask different questions.

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Plus, science is apparently "captured" so asking the wrong questions is not allowed.

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Yes… a new vaccine introduced in 2019 - I wonder?

Ironically evidence suggests that the 1918 Spanish flu wasn’t actually caused by a virus either, it was apparently caused by vaccines and treatments that were primarily distributed to soldiers. Bacterial pneumonia was also deemed a causal factor, but something led to this dying tissue that the bacteria were feasting on…..

Looks like history repeats.

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ALso the overuse and overdosing of the leading drug at the time causes pneumonia: aspirin

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I took flu jab and early Jan sick as anything, bedridden, all "covid" symptoms, lost 1st in weight too. Medicated with hot whiskey/honey/lemon toddies. After 3 weeks got better but had fatigue lasting at least 6 months. I think if Covid had been announced then, I may have presented to hospital out of fear. Two much younger females I know did end up in hospital in December, very ill with pneumonia, both working in education. I believe they received standard treatments which saved them.

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Aug 31, 2023·edited Aug 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

But what actually caused the pneumonia that they presented with in the first place?

Another hypothesis to explore further are the symptoms/deaths specifically in Bergamo Italy. Dr Speciani gave his testimony to the original Corona Investigative Committee led by Reiner Fuellmich. In his report he claimed that patients did not have an respiratory illness but had pulmonary blood clots which gave the same appearance as a respiratory infection…shortness of breath, coughing etc.

He claimed that the health authorities would not let them use the normal/cheap blood thinners, they were only allowed to use specific/expensive treatments. Also that the ventilators were actually killing the majority of the elderly due to infection.

He also spoke of a push in that region for the new quad flu vaccine that was promoted by the WHO and was only introduced late 2019. He believed this vaccine made people more susceptible to the ‘virus’ - but if we remove the virus (as there is no evidence of contagion) then have we now found ourselves a new culprit - this quad flu vaccine?

Link for Bergamo insights is attached below:


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not prescribing antibiotics did it. there was a 50% reduction of antibiotic prescriptions in the U.S, and basically all over the world since Jan 2020.

Italy, Australia and others had significant reduction of antibiotics already in 2019

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

"The pattern of spread of SARS-CoV-2 in spring 2020, and the geographical concentration of the SARS-CoV-2 mortality toll is not what one would expect from a spreading respiratory virus. It is highly localised in specific geographically distant regions and cities. It is a pin-point pandemic."

Jonathan Couey has some things to say about that.

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Yes, he does. :)

He and I spoke a few weeks ago, ICYMI https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/me-and-jj-couey

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did you see the videos with coleen smith (NYT). that is a very telling video.

listen: ube . com / watch?v=bE68xVXf8Kw. compare that to the other one!

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Link not working. This one? https://x.com/ewoodhouse7/status/1689833208362209280?s=46

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

yes! Was she really working there? The hospital says they were not in need of vents. The whole video seems strange. She says some things like all these feet have covid...or later on if someone comes in because of pain and the ct shows these lungs... she doesn't complete these sentences, leaving room for interpretation.

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None of it makes sense. The New York Times should retract their story and video and apologize

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

damage is done. 8 million watched it.

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Some locals in Hawaii have been saying the fires have been "localised" there is something very odd going on , is there connection between the fires and the plandemic🤔

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

JC has a few choice words to say about McKernan as well. It’s a shame, they both produce some interesting work and I like them both.

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Fauci may have suggested that the 1918 pandemic deaths were due to bacterial pneumonia, but he is relying on flawed evidence. H. Influenzae was undoubtedly identified in those patients but (a) if you look hard enough you will find it in people without pneumonia and (b) back then it was a useful explanation given that you could not identify viruses. Read Mark Honigsbaum's account in his book "The Pandemic Century". It's compelling.

The clinical picture of the "pneumonia" seen in SARS-CoV-2 patients is not just that of infective pneumonia. Identical lung shadowing can occur in hyperimmune states and autoimmune diseases (look up Goodpasture's syndrome - in which you also get renal involvement identical to that seen in Covid-19). The speed of deterioration can be very high - much higher than one sees in bacterial pneumonia. And the Covid-19 syndrome is a hyperimmune state or cytokine storm. It is a real thing; I might add that the systemic inflammatory process involves not only lungs and kidney, but also heart and cerebral vessels; hence cardiac arrests and strokes. I beg readers to seek out Cron and Behrens' texbook on this, as you find not only that the symptoms of Covid-19 are identical, but also that other causes of cytokine storm include other coronaviruses - and that there are various predispositions including genetic ones that fit the Covid narrative. Back in 2020 there was a sudden rush of concern about an acute Covid illness in children, which on analysis was identical to the already well-known Kawasaki disease. As for obesity my hypothesis for it being a risk factor is that a pro-inflammatory hormone produced by fat cells, leptin, is in some way involved.

There remains a mental block among physicians that someone with "pneumonia" must not under any circumstances be treated with steroids. If the "pneumonia" is actually an immune reaction then steroids are mandatory. The early Covid deaths were due to a failure to administer them; later, when the storm-inducing spike protein mutated, the risk diminished. There also appears to be a mental block over Cron and Behrens' book, as I have yet to encounter anyone who admits to having read it. It should be compulsory reading for all physicians, epidemiologists, politicians, armchair theorists, and conductors of Inquiries.

Why can I be so certain? I have seen and treated a cytokine storm syndrome (way back in the 1990s). As a result I was able, when a drug trial at Northwick Park Hospital in the UK went catastrophically wrong (see https://www.nibsc.org/about_us/worldwide_impact/tgn1412.aspx for a summary) , to immediately identify what had happened.

A useful medical maxim is "Never postulate two causes when one will do".

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You should re-examine the findings of the 2008 paper instead quoting highly unreliable books.

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Unreliable? Please explain.

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What's your area of expertise?

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I am a retired consultant in rheumatology and rehabilitation, past President of the British Society for Rheumatology and in that capacity overseer of the development of the UK guidelines for the first biologics for rheumatoid arthritis. My main clinical focus was the management of autoimmune disease. For five years I wrote a monthly column in the Society’s journal critically analysing current rheumatology research.

With my rehabilitation hat on I have managed numerous cases of severe sepsis in patients with multiple sclerosis. Management-wise I have chaired national committees and been a clinical director in two hospitals. Now a medical historian of WW1 facial surgery, and observer of the UK National Health Service in general and the coronavirus pandemic in particular. See www.amazon.com/author/andrewbamji, https://bamjiinrye.wordpress.com and www.gilliesarchives.org.uk.

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I knew that you are not well versed in molecular biology nor in viral respiratory infections. I have more than 20 years experience in both of these fields and in several more. Please check my profile on scholar.google.com.

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Thank you. Your suggestion that the books I recommended are unreliable indicates you have read them, and if so you are the first person in three years to have told me as much. But you have not explained why they are unreliable, so I look forward to that.

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

Mssrs NEIL, HOCKETT, ENGLER, AND FENTON - There's an old saying - a perfect crime requires a perfect cover up. Don't tell anyone, your standing at ground zero Mr. Mulder.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Martin Neil

Pretty sure I have made this comment before. In late 2019 in Santa Clara county everybody was getting sick. Our dentist even said wow it’s really strange everyone has been getting pneumonia. When a family member got it so bad in January 2020, the nurse said there’s something wrong with the lungs it doesn’t sound quite like pneumonia, and he got a Z pak antibiotics. That turned it around. I’m absolutely convinced that that December 2019 in January 2020 outbreak in our community was what they were calling “Covid“ … PS almost everybody survived. Two very elderly people passed away.

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Coincidentally, John P.A. Ioannidis, Jay Bhattacharya performed their seroprevalence study in Santa Clara in 2020.


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Yes which confirmed what we already knew in our hearts.

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

The one thing that doesn't pass the "smell test" about this theory is the loss of, well, smell. This was ubiquitous with the "early strains" and I say that speaking from personal experience. Now, that MIGHT have been a viral distraction, but it does need explaining because it is not a characteristic of either "Flu" (including Common Cold coronas and influenza non-coronas) OR bacterial pneumonias.

Perhaps viral pneumonia?

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Anosmia has long been associated with the constellation of respiratory distress and is not novel to the Plandemonium.

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In my experiemce, and on the basis of my research, that is not correct other than for very brief periods. Anosmia over a period of many months seems to be a new phenomenon. Please provide references for further information, thanks.

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When I've had bad head colds before, this loss occurs, however, after being sick Jan 2020 and recovering, loss persisted for a long time after.

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That's exactly my point. Others are missing the point.

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Respectfully. Cordially. False. Thats just your experience, the experience of some. I myself have had lasting changes to me sense of taste and smell previous to the Plandemonium. The papers are numerous. Look for yourself.

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023

Thank you. This is an important issue so worth examining carefully. The hypothesis put forward is that "Covid" was, in fact, mistaken for bacterial pneumonia. Whilst I acknowledged that the "diagnosis" of "Covid infections" was indeed a can of worms, I set forth that the only inconsistency in this argument was the PROLONGED loss of smell experienced by many "Covid sufferers", especially in the early days of Covid with the "Wuhan", Alpha and Delta "variants".

I have searched several medical data bases and can still find no references to the prolonged loss of the sense of smell in any publications regarding bacterial pneumonias.

I'd be grateful if you could list a few of the references you have identified as the basis for a new line of research. Thanks.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023

Thanks. You will agree, however, that this non peer-reviewed article has only a very small number of highly selected subjects. In comaprison to the very large numbers who suffered during the early "variants" of SC-2. And almost all of the related papers refere to patients with co-mobidities, mostly neurological conditions.

Most importantly, however, in the context of discussion of the hypothesis at hand, which I have challenged,, Flu and "Common Colds" are NOT bacterial pneumonia so the reference is actually a red herring. Indeed, the possible involvement of Flu and Common Colds only serves to work against the hypothesis and in favour of the existence and involvement of SC-2 virus in "Covid cases". I continue to stand by my earlier assertion that I can find NO documented evidence that patients with bacterial pneumonia have suffered from a prolonged loss of smell.

( Just for background, Influenza A and B are NOT coronas but Common Cold viruses are)

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Nearly everyone caught a cold here in this part of the UK last September/Oct, which was nothing in itself but left people without any sense of smell for weeks, myself included (un-vaxxed, obviously). But feeling perfectly fine otherwise.

Those so inclined, esp in the health sector (maybe some civilian nuts as well, who knows?) were testing repeatedly for Covid, due to this symptom, but drew a blank.

It was an odd episode.

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I think you misunderstand. In the early days of Covid, people, including myself, were losing the sense of smell for literally MONTHS (in my case about 5 months). Now, obviously with a bad cold, you will not be able to smell much when the nose is all bunged up, but that isn't what I'm talking about. My point is that the prolonged loss of the sense of smell IS a new phenomenon and has little obvious connection to any pulmonary disease?

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it is nog new. Happens in flu a lot

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Yes, for a few days with a clogged nose. I think you are missing the point.

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The clot thickens...

An observation. Might be useful. Or just a concidence.

One of my UK colleagues told aomething odd last year when he went for his 4th or 5th booster. He also received a flu jab and a ‘pneumonia jab’. He just took it. I asked him about the purpose of that jab, but he had not even asked. I got curious and its on the NHS site. Apparently the UK purchased millions of of doses against a specific strain of bacteria. Manufactured by .... pfizer. I was surprised and inteigued but gave it no more thought. Till now. It might be interesting to find out a bit more about this vaccine. Cant exactly remember but it was easy to find. Has the NHS always promoted anti pneumonia vaccines, or is this new? Dont want to confuse matters, but could be related.

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When I turned 65 I was offered flu jab and pneumonia too. I took them both, as you do. The following year, 2019/2020 flu season, was a big operation with local drive throughs in community car parks, huge push on flu jabs. This is one I took and got sick after. I seem to recall HC worker year before saying pneumonia jab was only needed once. I've since declined all jabs since 2019.

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler

Big CHAPEAU to the four of you on what must have taken a lot of effort

As two of the authors know I am particularly interested in what influenza is - how it is diagnosed- and the alleged progression from influenza ( or sars cov 2 infection ) to pneumonia.

Your piece has raised a few things that I would like to air.

You say you are in favour of the hypothesis whereby you refer to a proportion of covid 19 deaths , those with associated respiratory symptoms being caused by bacterial pneumonia and that this was the primary infection. Would it not be more accurate to say simply that a proportion of deaths due to bacterial pneumonia were labelled as covid 19 on the basis of +ve pcr testing?

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Yes, though when we say "covid 19 deaths" at the top, we really mean "deaths labeled as covid 19 deaths" - which would then be consistent with the distinction you're making. The thrust of the piece does, I feel, make it clear that that is what we mean?

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Yes, when we say covid death, we mean a death that attributed cause of death to covid-19.

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett

I think the question to be asked is are the new variants being man made as they do not appear to be a natural development of the existing coronavirus. Those elderly, in Italy, in 2019, who took the new quad flu shots were decimated by covid. So were all the frail elderly in care homes across the world. We all know antibiotics were denied to those who developed pneumonia and that is shot so many died. Vents worked their magic in the kill as well.

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Regarding the vaccination campaigns in Italy, I would put it a put differently, "The shots given to the elderly in some part of Italy in fall 2019 and January 2020 are a factor that needs to be accounted for before determining that the deaths should be attributed to a newly-named-and-tested-for coronavirus."

In addition, there needs to be an explanation for why there was no impact of these shots until late Feb 2020 AND why the impact is synchronous.

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During peak covid hysteria in N. Italy there were plenty of reports that nursing/care home workers from Bulgaria, Romania, and other E. Europe countries simply fled out of panic/fear leaving the elderly to die alone in miserable conditions (ie. no food, water, medicines).

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Aug 30, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

1. You quote the important paper https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18710327/en passant late in your analysis, while it should be quoted at the beginning to make a statement.

2. You missed two critical papers that should have been discussed in the Introduction: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25714161/and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26172429/

3. You left out advice to hospitals that no antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs should be given to patients diagnosed with the Wuhan virus.

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On point 3. - we covered this elsewhere and I think we noted the withdrawal of antibiotics in community settings.

I will look at the other papers - thanks!

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Jonathan Engler, Martin Neil

One of my followers on Twitter sent me this link


As I moved from Poland to the US in 1986, I still follow the developments there and have a lot of friends in the old country. I attach a link to a typical document in Polish that may have originated in China and then was distributed by the WHO. It is signed by fifteen murderers who explicitly forbade treating people with a positive PCR for COVID with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. This document was published by the Polish Ministry of Health. Please use Google Translate.


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cyanosis or hypoxemia – arterial blood saturation with oxygen measured with a pulse oximeter <94%

My smartwatch reads this and it often dips below 90% during the night. 94% means virtually everyone being monitored would fail this symptomatic threshold.

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Right on the money. My Finger Pulse Oximeter showed 92% a minute ago. When I rubbed my finger a bit, it went to 95%.

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I posted about this elsewhere, but FYI, the NYC Department of Health issued a health alert to hospitals on March 15, 2020, that set a hypoxia "threshold" of 94%.

From the alert:

"Currently, medical care for COVID-19 is supportive. Corticosteroids should be avoided unless they are indicated for other reasons (e.g., COPD exacerbation, septic shock). The antiviral remdesivir is being studied as one experimental treatment. Criteria for compassionate use of the drug as per the manufacturer Gilead include a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, pneumonia, and hypoxia (oxygen saturation ≤94% on room air). Exclusion criteria may include creatinine clearance <30 ml/min and liver function tests >5 times normal. Clinicians interested in obtaining the drug can directly reach out to the National Institutes of Health or Gilead. In addition, see CDCs current Clinical Guidance at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/clinical-guidance-management-patients.html"

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Sounds again like the Chinese document that was made available by Jack Ma in about 150 languages. Remdesivir, rescued from the garbage heap, was added by Gilead. My friend was killed by remdesivir as late as March 2023 in Poland where doctors were paid a premium to use it

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oh wow on 3! do you happen to have a link that shows that "guidance" anywhere?

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NYC set the same threshold

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Please see my reply to Martin Neal's question. Thanks.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Martin Neil

“Given they are confirming it is pneumonia, we can see why they would treat it with oxygen (the right thing). But why move to intubation (the wrong thing)?”

Excellent observation and question. Why didn’t the oxygen help patients recover? Or at least prevent them from undergoing intubation?

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Sep 2, 2023Liked by Jessica Hockett, Jonathan Engler

It is really encouraging to see intelligent people explaining what happened in understandable language. So much media is pure disinformation, distraction, spin. It's like a breath of fresh air to read a simple truth from some people who know how to explain it.

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There are many causes of death which are falsely labelled "Covid Death" of which bacterial pneumnoia is one. There is no such thing as a "Covid Death" outside propaganda systems.

For but one example in the NYC Spring 2020 "spike" a full third or so of the 15,000 excess deaths were at-home deaths. These deaths were mainly from cardiac arrest. People were told to stay at home to do their civic duty AND were terrorized into staying at home by the media reports.

This led to treatable cardiac events being turned into death sentences. I would suggest that is manslaughter- a criminal act.

Specific to bacterial pneumonia how many were acquired IN the hospitals and/or nursing homes which is a distinct feature of both places in normal times and certainly was an even more likely outcome during the "Covid" hysteria given the level of fear and neglect we know occurred in these places.

From the CDC itself 7/16/21: “Of the 540,667 hospitalized coronavirus patients included in the study, 80,174 died during the observation period (March 2020 to March 2021).

A whopping 99.1% of the patients who died had at least one pre-existing condition, with just 740 having no prior condition on record.

Most patients who "died from COVID" had multiple pre-existing conditions, with just 2.6% suffering from only one condition, compared to 32.3% who had two to five preexisting conditions, 39.1% who had six to ten, and 25.1% who have more than ten pre-existing conditions.”

Translation: No one has "died from Covid" as “Covid” is nothing more than a fraudulent PCR result plus a nebulous clinical re-branding of cold, “flu” and many other disease conditions.

Covid-19, the disease, is nothing more than a disease of ATTRIBUTION.

Covid-19, the media event, was the Trojan Horse constructed to usher in a complete transformation of our society.

Covid-19, the operation, was never an epidemiological event, it is a business model meant to increase the portfolios of the super-wealthy.

There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy.

And this doesn't even get into the fact that every single PCR and Antigen test result is out and out scientific fraud.

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Raw-number all cause increase in NYC for weeks 12-22 vs same weeks in 2019 was ~27,000. The ~15K was the hospital inpatient increase only.

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Thanks for the correction.

Can you confirm the number of at-home deaths during that time period?

People were made to be afraid to go to hospitals lest they get infected with the “killer virus.” This means when they were in the early stages of cardiac arrest, stay at home and some don’t make it.

"New York City officials will begin to count suspected COVID-19 deaths in addition to cases confirmed by a laboratory, following a WNYC/Gothamist report revealing a staggering increase in the number of people dying at home but not included in the official tally because they hadn't been tested for the novel coronavirus.

In a statement, Stephanie Buhle, a spokeswoman for the New York City's Health Department, confirmed the change in protocol.

"The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) and the NYC Health Department are working together to include into their reports deaths that may be linked to COVID but not lab confirmed that occur at home," she said. She didn't say when the city would begin reporting suspected deaths along with the overall count.

The announcement comes as New York City, which has been hardest-hit by the virus, saw its largest single-day toll so far from the COVID-19 pandemic, with 727 dying in a 24-hour period.

However, even those numbers failed to include many instances when first responders encountered someone who had already died at home or in other non-hospital settings. That happened 280 times on Monday, according to data from the city's Fire Department.

While not all of those deaths are necessarily caused by COVID-19, it's a sharp increase over the average 25 home deaths per day the city was experiencing before the pandemic swept the five boroughs.

Over the last two weeks, the city's fire officials said more than 2,192 New York City residents died in their homes, compared to 453 during the same time period last year."


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Heck of a shell game going on, that's for sure.

WONDER and city data don't agree on any of it, but WONDER says a 183% raw-number increase from 2019 for at home deaths. ~5,300 people


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"There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy"

I agree the whole thing is lies and a psyop. I saw through it in a week or two. However, you are not taking in all the data - there is much anecdotal evidence of something new happening. I'm not saying it was what the authorities said, that it was anything to do with a spike protein or a virus or COVID19 or anything - the claim goes no further than "some new health-related things happened". You appear to disagree with this, you say that nothing at all new happened, right? I think you are wrong.

I was convinced there was nothing - nothing at all - to this whole thing, like you. Thought it was entirely iatrogenic, a disease of attribution. Then June 2021, my first public gathering in a room of 23 people, 5-6 of us got ill. I was monitoring it carefully, to be able to "prove" it was nothing out of the ordinary.

However, it was out of the ordinary. I have mild asthma and have had something close to a hundred chest infections in my 48 years, so have lots of data points. And I'm way healthier now than I've ever been. This chest infection one was way longer (usually recovered and back in work after 7 days or so, this time the worst day was day 10 and was still coughing 3 weeks later). Day 10 I could barely stand and actually for the first time worried if I should be in hospital, felt way way worse than I'd ever felt before. The coughing was an order of magnitude worse than anything, downstairs texted me to ask if I was ok. And I got a rash on my ankles and feet - this was not psychosomatic, as I'd never heard of this being common until I googled it.

So, something new happened to me - right after the first time I was at a large gathering. Something of a coincidence if we use your theory, right? Maybe it was poison, who knows - I have no assumptions about it. But something happened. Many others have similar stories. So, I regard your categorical assertions as false and in denial of clear evidence.

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