Thanks for including the raw number.

My apologies that this is beside the point but I am distracted by the incredible jump in rate for Black women between 2014 and 2015.

What is the prevailing explanation (assuming the govt has addressed it previously)?

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Jessica: that’s a good question. Will do some digging on that

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My first thought is drug-related.

Shots also come to mind. Are pregnant women in the UK urged to take the flu shot like they are here in the US - and/or was there some other kind of prenatal treatment uptake push among Black women that Black women did not normally take?

Just speculating there...

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As there are only about 150K pregnancies among black women per year in England the absolute numbers are small.

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Yes true. But it is still the biggest racial-group rate jump shown, which is why it stood out.

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Pregnant women in the UK have a number of different vax pushed at them. To my knowledge at least flu, rsv and covid. Plus then the baby from birth. Plus numerous ultrasound. I suggest Tess Lawrie as maternal health is her expertise? For Prof Fenton I wonder if there are any figures for breastfed babies of vaxxed mother's having reactions to breast milk? I know of one (yes, small sample!) where she has to seriously restrict her diet of gluten, chicken, egg etc etc as these upset the baby. So a breastfeeding woman who should be on a wide and varied diet is seriously restricted and I would suggest dietary compromised? That must have an effect on milk quality? Speculation.....🙏

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The overall numbers are too small to be statistically significant - maternal mortality is still incredibly rare. Norman will show why I'm wrong, if he can ;-)

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I explicitly said the absolute number of deaths was very small. But as Jessica H said the increase is still statistically significant.

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How did you determine if the increase is statistically significant or not?

The black mortality rate in 2015 is below the upper bound of the 95% CI in 2014 (where 2015 means 2014-2016 and 2014 means 2013-2015).

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You really need to read what we wrote before commenting here. The ONLY mention of signifiance in the article relates to the recent increase in white mortality. And it IS statisticially significant even though the absolute numbers are quite small.

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You were replying to a comment which referred to the increase in blacks between 2014 and 2015, which is what Hockett was also talking about.

But how did you determine if the increase in whites was statistically significant or not? In the case of whites the mortality rate in 2021 was actually above the upper end of the 95% CI for 2020. However I don't think it necesssarily means that the increase was stasticially significant. ChatGPT said:

> If the value in 2021 is above the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval (CI) of the value in 2020, it suggests that the increase between 2020 and 2021 may be statistically significant, but it is not a definitive conclusion on its own. Here's why:

> - A 95% confidence interval (CI) gives a range within which we expect the true value to lie 95% of the time. If the 2021 value is outside the 2020 CI, it suggests that the 2021 value is statistically different from the 2020 value.

> However, to formally test the statistical significance of the difference between 2020 and 2021, you would typically perform a hypothesis test such as:

> - A t-test (for means) or

> - A z-test (if you know the population standard deviations).

> This test would give you a p-value, which can be used to determine whether the difference is statistically significant based on a chosen significance level (e.g., α = 0.05).

But in either case I think you should've included the confidence intervals in your plot which showed the mortality rates in blacks and whites only.

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I found the number of maternities and deaths by race from Table 2.10 of these PDF reports: https://www.npeu.ox.ac.uk/mbrrace-uk/reports/maternal-reports/maternal-report-2019-2021, https://www.npeu.ox.ac.uk/mbrrace-uk/reports/maternal-reports/maternal-report-2020-2022.

Whites had 131 deaths out of 1352794 maternities in 2019-2021 and 152 deaths out of 1291758 maternities in 2020-2022.

Using a chi-squared test the p-value of the ratios is about 0.11, so it's not statistically significant: `prop.test(c(131,152),c(1352794,1291758))`.

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It is descriptively "significant" which is sometimes just as noteworthy.

Maternal mortality rates are very likely connected to pregancy rates as well.

I would like the pregnancy (and miscarriage and abortion) data for each group too.

There are lots of relationships that should be explored.

Monthly data would be ideal.

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The first thing to note about these data is the higher variability among Black women. Explain that and perhaps you don't need much additional explanation for any jumps.

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If you click "Download data for Figure 3", it shows that the confidence intervals for blacks are very wide: sars2.net/uk.html#Clare_Craig_Maternal_mortality_rate_by_race_in_England. The black mortality rate in 2015 is below the upper end of the 95% CI in 2014. And similarly the black mortality rate in 2022 is above the lower end of the 95% CI in 2021.

My website I linked above also shows deaths at CDC WONDER with an underlying cause related to childbirth and pregnancy. The percentage increase in deaths between 2020 and 2021 was low Asians who had a high percentage of vaccinated people. But the percentage increase was high in Native Americans, Hispanics, and blacks, who had a lower percentage of vaccinated people. However it might partially be due to drug use, because Asians also had a low percentage increase in drug-related deaths between 2019 and 2021.

In the United States there's big spikes in deaths related to childbirth and pregnancy during the Delta and Omicron waves, but the spikes flatten out if you exclude deaths with multiple cause of death COVID. There was a much smaller increase in deaths related to childbirth and pregnancy during the COVID waves in spring 2020 and the winter of 2020, but it might be because working-age people had a relatively small number of COVID deaths in 2020 relative to 2021 and 2022. The ratio of COVID deaths in 2021 divided by 2020 is much higher in women of childbearing age than in elderly women, which might be because women of childbearing age were less likely to be vaccinated in 2021 than elderly women.

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I had a quick look at the report. In the summary there is the following statement:

"Thrombosis and thromboembolism was the leading cause of maternal death in the UK in 2021-23 during or up to six weeks after the end of pregnancy. Cardiac disease was the second most common cause of maternal death followed by COVID-19". But nothing to do with the vaccine of course as we all know it was/is 'safe and effective'


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Maternal deaths complications in pregnancy and problems in the children would be reduced if women of childbearing age had the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune systems need to function properly. Most people have half or less than this unless they supplement vitamin D3 properly and/or have had recent extensive ultraviolet B exposure of ideally white skin.

A great deal of the explanation for the poorer health of Blacks - *especially* in the UK, far from the equator with terribly low government-recommended vitamin D3 supplemental quantities - is due to them having even lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels than people with white skin.

Women of childbearing age are most in need of proper vitamin D3 supplementation since low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels increase the risk of preeclampsia, pre-term birth, sepsis and the later development of autism, ADHD, intellectual disability and schizophrenia in their children: https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#3.2 and https:// nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/proper-vitamin-d3- supplementation.

Please see the research cited and discussed at: https:// vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/. This begins with recommendations from New Jersey based Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa on the average daily supplemental intake quantities of vitamin D3 which will attain least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, over several months, without the need for blood tests or medical monitoring.

For 70 kg (154 lb) body weight without obesity, this is about 0.125 milligrams (125 micrograms 5000 IU) a day. This takes several months to attain the desired > 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This is 8 or more times what most governments recommend. "5000 IU" a day sounds like a lot, but it is a gram every 22 years - and pharma-grade vitamin D costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.

These recommendations are included in a recent article with another professor of medicine Scott T. Weiss and professor of pediatrics Bruce W. Hollis: https:// www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/16/22/3969. All three have been researching vitamin D for decades.

It seems quite likely that maternal death rates were increased by the COVID-19 injections falsely marketed as vaccines, and that this would be more apparent in White women if a greater proportion of them than Black women accepted these injections.

In the UK, COVID-19 killed a very much greater proportion of people with black and brown skin in the healthcare sectors - from doctors to hospital orderlies https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#4.3. This was recognised by some doctors as being due to their generally terribly low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, which led to a significant uptake of vitamin D supplementation among these "BAME" people, many of whom are of Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and African origin.

A plausible explanation for the welcome drop in Black maternal deaths is that this is due to at least some women adopting vitamin D3 supplementation. Even if the quantities were too small to enable them to attain 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D (made in the liver from vitamin D3, and as tested in "vitamin D" blood tests), any supplemental intake at all would make an important difference to their terribly low levels.

See the research cited at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#03-uk-low: 90% of UK "Asians" were found to have less than 20 ng/mL 50 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. I recently met an African nurse here in Melbourne, Australia 37 degrees from the equator (like Spain, or Kentucky). She told me her level was 7 ng/mL 19 nmol/L. This beautiful woman of childbearing age appreciated my vitamin D pep-talk!

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What the heck spiked the mortality rate for black women in 2015?

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I suspect another factor in the reduction of maternal mortality in black women was a result of less of them being in hospital due to fear, distrust and other factors.

Statistics on home births could verify.

From what I've read, about 3-4% of births are from black women, yet they apparently make up 0.7% of all home births.

Home births in general have risen, and it seems plausible that it could have a significant impact.

This is with the understanding that going to hospital increases the risk of death during the average healthy maternity without preexisting conditions.

It is especially dangerous for ethnic groups as many of the drugs they use have more severe side effects for them.

They are also more likely to be neglected due to their behaviour.

Which relates back to the higher levels of maternal death observed in these groups.

Another plausible factor would be large numbers refusing the other vaccines by association.

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Yes it would be interesting to see the data of death rates by location of birth.

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Wow! This parallels what we saw happening in the 1930s and 1940s, right? Observe how the Wannsee Conference clones the 2019 Event 201:




The uncaring hubris for people's lives is incredible. 'Never again!' we've been told. Who would have thought it would have happened so quickly, in less than a century, with even worse intent than before?

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Broadly speaking, this appears to reflect increasing 'normalisation' of the B&ME female population in the UK towards the median income. If you go on the tube these days, or visit any kind of office, you cannot fail to notice the number of highly confident, educated and capable B&ME ethnic women in all fields of life - from the law to medicine, academia to fashion and the arts.

Case unproven !

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I will write more about this, expanding on racial differences.

Endotoxin effects include Irregular Menstrual Cycles, Thrombosis, Endometriosis, Pregnancy Loss, Preeclampsia which is the major cause of Maternal and Prenatal Death, Autoimmune Disease and developmental damage to surviving Children.


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To me this resonates with your article on the countries who's soldiers were disabled by Gulf War Illness and the relation to vaccination campaigns. I'm biased so I would see this as that same monster plowing through the warriors, then going after their women. I know, I'm irrational and biased.

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"But, why would that have caused the significant increase in maternal mortality rates of whites at the same time that maternal mortality rates of blacks was decreasing?

Is this use of 'significance' here meaning statistical significance or the colloquial use meaning important? If so, as someone else has asked, what proof is used for this statement?

"However, an alternative and perhaps more likely, explanation lies in the comparative covid vaccination rates."

Given the small numbers, I think, as suggested by others. this conclusion is maybe speculation that is stretching the data a bit far.

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Because African Americans know the government has no compunction to poison them.

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And why, following the jab rollout, did fertility numbers drop in Western nations....except for Israel. Never understood why Bourla would poison Jewish people. Looks like he didn't.

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