NHS 'National Homicide Service'

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Over a decade before Covid, I was subjected to a flurry of slanderous emails by senior administrators in British Columbia Canada for pointing out that a VIP "patient" belonging to the chief of the hospital should not be put ahead of 3 cardiac patients because he has to catch a bus.

The one thing I've noticed about health bureaucracy administrators is that of all the people who work in hospitals, administrators care for patients the least, to the point of hating patients in some cases.

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Just like communist party leaders' attitude towards the proletariat.

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Just as librarians have been known to hate books - the former head of rare book conservation at Cambridge University once told me he 'hoped never to see another again' one after retirement! - and also subject them to abuse and neglect......

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Re: “All NHS bodies (and UK public authorities more widely) maintain clear and consistent messaging on the importance of vaccination against Covid 19 and other diseases.”

This is why we’re in this current mess, because for years ‘consistent messaging’ has been imposed to protect the lucrative Church of Vaccination.

Taxpayer-funded vaccination schedules are burgeoning with an ever-growing list of vaccine products and revaccinations. We have no idea of the long term cumulative effects of these regular medical interventions being pressed upon mass populations, who may never have been at serious risk of the diseases purportedly protected against.

The medical profession should have questioned these medical interventions being foisted upon the community via the ‘womb to tomb’ schedule, but has been cowed into silence, at the risk of being deemed ‘anti-vaccination’.

To question vaccination is to be guilty of ‘vaccine hesitancy’, see for example: Vaccine hesitancy: https://www.ecdc.europa.eu/en/immunisation-vaccines/vaccine-hesitancy

Vaccines are medical products, of course they should be open to question! And the Covid debacle should now provide the opportunity to open this can of worms, and demand an investigation of vaccine products on vaccination schedules, which are awash with conflicts of interest.

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BBC radio yesterday had a news item on how the latest (money spinning)weight loss injections potentially reduced heart attack incidence. This was followed by a doctor being interviewed at 7.50 am on the virtues of semaglutide (Ozempic). It’s just blatant now. We’ve become the 51st state of the USA and continue as a lucrative market for their poisonous pharmaceutical products. Wake up you lot out there!

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The truly disgraceful thing is that these medical announcements are given immediate front-page coverage, with excited headlines, while not a word on the vast number of vaccine injuries and deaths!

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All the while pushing the high carb, low fat diets that result in so much obesity.

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"We’ve become the 51st state of the USA"

Being the 27th State of the EU would have had the same result.

Remember, head of the European Commission is in-bed with Albert Bourla.

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UVL is not the only one. Yes, the WEF gang-bang will continue until people come out on the streets demanding change in the system. We used to be policy leaders in the EU, but I see no positive British influence on the chaotic corrupt US military/pharma complex. We’ve been culturally, commercially, spiritually divorced from Europe leaving us at the mercy of US crony capitalism. Brexit has been a complete disaster for Britain with our government following US foreign and pharmaceutical policy. Our Stock Exchange is gradually decamping to New York and our small manufacturing base is melting away. Meanwhile we have a shortage of skilled workers while illegal Immigration continues apace. UK Excess Deaths are rampant, as in all the heavily jabbed countries, due to the US DOD rollout of the Covid deathvax.

Everything is changing and luckily there are millions of us with our eyes open riding the storm trying to make changes for the better.

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The same narrative was pushed on our national TV news just last night. Another amazing coincidence, it would seem. It looks like it has some merit in some cases. Most of those cases seem to be people who have been helped into co-morbidities by the very apparatus that now claims it (and it alone) can 'save' them. Couldn't make this stuff up if we tried.

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And the side effects of Ozempic are many. I know many people who started with it, they suffer from anxiety and depression, another developed a tumour, another has pancreas issues. They lost weight and put it back on very quickly and second time of trying to lose weight it doesnt come off the same way.

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AGREE!!! At the start the vax. program was a good thing and saved many thousands of children debilitating diseases mainly polio. I myself had a friend inflicted. his wasn’t too bad and cost him only a shortened leg. I had all the childhood ailments of measles and mumps and while on the farm I developed a fever and rash upon my hands. What I didn’t know was it was cowpox. the smallpox strain that cows got. The schools held an inoculation for smallpox that we all got. mine didn’t take. when I joined the Navy they looked for the scar that most people had and asked if I had been inoculated. I said I had but at that time you lined up for a shot for something every week. mine failed again. so they did it again and failed. as I mustered out they tried one last time and failed. I still hold many immunities I received from working with animals on the farm. The problem is and always has been people that run companies wanting to exploit the population to make money. Basically the premise is sound. I as a contractor wanted to make money. I kept to the highest standard I could and stood behind my work. I also provided eight men with a good living wage to support their families. I can proudly say that none of my men ever had their paycheck bounce or fail to clear. The work ethic has gone in this country. Gov is largely responsible by the actions they offer as protection for the needy to health care for the elderly. While the intent seems good the result provides the many who cant operate a company with skills, so depend upon the deep pockets of government and insurance. Where a deep pocket exists we shall have too many taking the shortcut to providing services and finding many creative ways to charge for services not rendered. Sorry I wandered. back to inoculations. people in their ignorance respond to life threatening crisis like most. Having good results in the past from Gov. sponsored care are willing to take medication even when told it isn’t fully tested. Pharma sees a cash cow and knows how to use it to make billions from our suffering. With each passing day reports from studies that come from many parts of the world all hold the same data. the covid shots have caused more deaths than the disease. Yet Gov. still pushes the treatment that will do us harm. Strange that so many nations participated that usually didn’t give a dam about their people. The postulate now provided accuses of reducing the world population because of global warming. another scam for another time. The result has been the transfer of wealth to the top one percent. The goal in my opinion is world control and domination of people to create the perfect slave and master environment. Having ranted far too long I just ask, AM I WRONG?——- I, Grampa

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“We have no idea of the long term cumulative effects of these regular medical interventions being pressed upon mass populations.” Well…I think we are beginning to have *some* idea.

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Thank goodness for the Free Speech Union. And thank you for your fortitude in these ill winds of Clown World, dear Dr. Fenton.

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What an awful insight this gives into the priorities of the NHS. Strike action by doctors and nurses claims lives, and atrocious levels of service trash the NHS's reputation. And these clowns bother themselves sifting through Twitter to make these idiotic accusations. Sad, sad, sad.

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Leave it to the incompetent NHS to point the finger at every and anyone else. Despite their gross incompetence, why is the NHS not put on suspension pending an investigation into gross criminal negligence among other things? We all watch with great fear the disaster that is the nhs and pray we never have to depend on its dangerous and neglectful care!

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Natural medicine, good food and exercise have a lot to offer!

The medical-industrial complex has worked for over a century to convince people that health comes from: Pharma drugs, needles, radiation & surgery.

I don't discount all medical therapies - but the way they have trashed everything outside their industry is despicable.

Once you start looking into the medicinal qualities of plants, for example, you find the natural world is full of solutions to all sorts of health problems. There are many studies in the scientific & medical literature - but we understand the commercial reasons why these substances are ignored &/or mocked.

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They like to announce in a chilling voice 'There's no drug for this condition yet' just to make us tremble in fear - until the latest 'miracle' drug is produced by them

To which we can often reply: 'Oh, but there are herbs, spices, diets and exercise routines which may mean you will be most unlikely to suffer it!'

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If you eat a meat based high fat, low carb diet, your need for any kind of intervention should be pretty low.

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Not proven. There's certainly been evidence cited that such diets might help people who developed metabolic syndrome to recover the health they had before. That's a different problem.

Where's the evidence that healthy people who've never been metabolically unhealthy should become largely carnivorous? Admittedly, in the UK or USA, these people now reportedly only make up 10-20% of the adult population. I've seen nothing.

It would help if people would stick to the evidence. Not a lot to ask?

Another problem with meat diets, there isn't enough land for everyone to eat more of it or even quite as much as they consume today. The good news is that it seems possible to carry on eating as least as much better-quality meat, eggs, dairy, etc and just cut out the industrial rubbish. See, e.g. Simon Fairlie, 'Meat: A Benign Extravagance' 2010.

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The health gains reported and evidenced in the carnivore, keto, paleo, GAPS, autoimmune diet etc communities are enough for me to hold to my comment.

Plus studies cited in books such as The Great Plant Based Con and The Vegetarian Myth.

I think the extravagance comes in in the West when meat eating is mostly muscle meat. Nose to tail eating is coming back, and never went away in many parts of the world. I've eaten pig ears and duck heads in China.

Also, the much greater proportion of grazed land is still grazed poorly, and the vast monoculture croplands could be turned over to mixed crop and grazing.

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The definition of an anti-vaxer should include being anti all vaccines. Questioning the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccines is perfectly reasonable since the speed of development and the technology being used are new. Unfortunately, the government and NHS are on the side of suppressing free speech in order to try to show that their decisions were all correct. This policy simply makes all normal thinking people suspicious. It also forces incorrect thoughts and solutions. Free speech is a fundamental method of ensuring that the best solutions survive the arguments.

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Indeed. And I have never commented on any vaccines other than the covid vaccines

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Antivaxxer is the health care world's equivalent of far right or fascist

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Except remember that none of the socialist will provide a definition for facism because it would expose them as the fascists. They are the living definition.

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It's difficult to get beyond Nazi Germany when trying to understand the meaning and essence of Fascism. My instant response to the word is " nasty bastards who did unspeakably evil things" but then I'm a post war baby. What those younger, usually progressives, think I can't be sure. In recent years I've given up believing that those offering opinions know what they're talking about!

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Do you not think we’re entitled to question the safety and effectiveness of all vaccine products and revaccinations Norman?

Do you know about all the vaccines on the schedule, which are paid for by taxpayers?

Do you wonder at how much the schedule has increased over the years, apparently with little questioning by the medical profession, which just ‘follows the guidelines’?

These are medical interventions which are pressed upon mass populations which may never have been at serious risk of disease, as we see clearly now with the ‘Covid’ debacle.

Have a close look at the NHS schedule for example: https://www.nhs.uk/vaccinations/nhs-vaccinations-and-when-to-have-them/

Bear in mind this is a ‘womb to tomb’ vaccination schedule, with pregnant women urged to have flu vaccination, and pertussis vaccination, plus of course Covid vaccination in recent years.

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A couple of points. Ben Goldacre clearly has been bought. From a critic of big pharma he has completely bought into the narrative. Shame on him.

Interestingly, in the late 70s I read the reports by Stewart SHO of Scotland where he pointed out that the dtp vaccine was killing as many children as was whooping cough. The difference was that the children who died of whooping cough were vulnerable to disease whereas the children who died from the vaccine were healthy. There was no net benefit. I knew my children wouldn’t die from whooping cough, as indeed they wouldn’t from any of the childhood illnesses. Anti vaxxer - I don’t think so. I looked at the evidence and decided I wasn’t going to risk my children’s health. What mother would? I made the same decision with the Covid vaccine, based on the evidence. This has nothing to do with ‘hesitancy’ - it is rational decision making. Indeed re DTP the research by Aaby confirmed my initial judgement. We really do have to seriously reevaluate our view of vaccines.

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I used not to be an anti-vaxer before Covid19, although I had for several years before that rejected the ‘flu shots as useless at best, doubted the wisdom of some childhood immunisations, and thought Andrew Wakefield was a scapegoat.

Because Covid19 was used to justify so many assaults on our freedoms, though, I got to thinking about immunisations in general and reading a lot more on that topic. Now, we don’t even vaccinate our cats.

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Is someone 'anti-water' should they refuse to drink from a dirty puddle?

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Xabier, I wanted to give this comment a "Like", but at the moment Substack won't let me "Like" replies, only first tier comments. I'm being repressed, censored and muzzled by an algorithm. It's good to see that you are still at the top of your game, though.

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Being against mandated jabs that cause irreparable harm to babies now earns one the most horrid of all curses, being called an Anti-Vaxxer. 1 in 36 children now suffer from Autism in the US. Please give us a rational explanation (WITH DATA!) for the cause other than the vaccines and the destruction of the blood's zeta potential by the aluminum adjuvants in the jabs.

In 1798, Jenner took puss from a diseased cow and injected it into a 10-year-old boy. The infection healed. Then Jenner injected the boy with puss from a smallpox victim, and the boy did not get sick. Jenner declared victory. He took the Latin word for cow, vacca, and named his invention a vaccine. This means, "From the cow." Reality is "Injecting filth from a diseased cow." The covid vaccines are the same. Now it is filth from the bacteria used to produce the mRNA molecules. It's filled with DNA plasmids, DNA and RNA fragments, all protected in a toxic micro-bubble that gets this filth into the cells of the victims.

One little note about that 10-year-old boy. Jenner claimed the boy was, "Safe from smallpox forever." Later in life, that boy died from a smallpox infection.

"Vaccination, Its Fallacies and Evils", Robert A Gunn, M.D., 1882

Nothing has changed. The M in M.D. is upside down.

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Thanks for the reference.

Here’s a link to the book, see pages 8-9: https://collections.nlm.nih.gov/bookviewer?PID=nlm:nlmuid-9712305-bk

“The very first person Jenner vaccinated and pronounced safe “for life” against small-pox, afterward took the disease and died from it, and ever since that, the history of the subject proves that such results are so frequent, that the value of vaccination as a prophylactic against small-pox is completely disproved.”

It would be interesting to know more about that ‘first person’ and how we can substantiate subsequent death with smallpox…

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Psychologically interesting is that 18th c parents were so afraid of smallpox that they subjected their children to the procedure even knowing that a % would die. They at least acted in full knowledge of what might transpire.

Today, the NHS, MHRA , JCVI have conspired to conceal from the general public the full scale of deaths from the Covid injections.

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"The definition of an anti-vaxer should include being anti all vaccines"

It really shouldn't, because this simply shifts the goalposts. So what if someone is critical of all vaccines?

"Anti-vaxxer" is pharmaceutical terminology used to slander anyone who questions their product lines, forcefully promulgated like it has any meaning or force, and people, bizarrely, keep trying to justify it by redefining it. It needs to be outrightly rejected.

If you question how they manufacture the COVID-19 shots, you have to, by logical consequences, question how they manufacture all the other shots. You cannot be a 'single shot anti-vaxxer', in the same way you can't just be opposed to only one type of drug over-prescription.

You can't go 'oh man they really fucked up these shots' and then ignore the fact that is a much bigger warning sign of how they treat the entire process. This isn't the first time they've done this - THIS IS THE FIRST TIME YOU'VE NOTICED.

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My point was really about being specific about the vaccine safety and efficacy. Since I was a child when there were 4 vaccines with proven effectiveness, children today have “hundreds” of shots. Thus I agree with you.

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Well Norman - do you believe that the rich and powerful conspire? I do. They are doing a very heavy smear against your character which means that you must be considered important. They should be caring for patients rather than wasting their time and money on caring for patients. Keep going Norm! You are being effective!

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'The NHS AND MHRA: caring for patents, not for patients!'

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People forget about William and Kate very publicly taking the "jabs" due to their influence among the young. Now Kate has cancer (probably colon cancer).

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Please don’t take this as an endorsement of the MLCSU actions in respect of cancelling your conference attendance, but in the circumstances I can quite understand the MLCSU’s point of view. Allowing your presence could be seen as an implicit endorsement of your extra curricular views, which could challenge the smooth facade which the NHS is presenting (and trying to defend) in the face of questions about their actions during the ‘Pandemic’

What worries me most is the behaviour of Ben Goldacre who has historically presented himself as truth monger and scourge of medical corruption and malfeasance.

Goldacre seems more recently to have taken the Establishment ‘Shilling’ and is climbing the greasy pole, running with the fox while hunting with the hounds.

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I'm not sure I agree with that. His talk was not about health issues or medical products so he could have simply been introduced as Mr Fenton giving a talk on Bayesian application etc. Why should that be an endorsement of the critiques he has made about 'covid' stuff.? Essentially that would be saying Mr F can't exercise his right to free speech. I do not condone nor understand the MLCSU's decision. It is censorious and cowardly.

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I can see your point.

However, perhaps it’s a bit like asking why would you de-licence a medical doctor for highlighting observed serious adverse effects of mRNA vaccines, when it has no bearing on his competence as a physician for his patients.

Yet it has happened. Numerous times.

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Re Ben Goldacre, see: What’s Behind Ben Goldacre? https://www.ageofautism.com/2010/08/whats-behind-ben-goldacre-.html

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Thanks. Interesting

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Prof Sunetra Gupta who spoke so well against the lockdowns has also become notably quiet and pusillanimous re the harms caused by injections. Most disappointing.

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That'll teach you to be a controversialist!

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And inflammatory: should we perhaps take some turmeric before reading Prof Fenton?

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Thank you for standing firm, and also for reporting on NHS censoring your speech. The people on the earth, and the persons in the clown world alike, need to know all about it.

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Well Norman you’re in good company. So many scientists, doctors even judicial judges have been censored and their reputations smeared. Here in Ontario a few doctors have lost their license, others hauled up in front of the college of physicians and surgeons ordered to pay fines and take ethics courses. Dr. Gill from Mississauga had her license threatened but hired a lawyer. The CPSO capitulated and instead fined her some crazy amount of money which she and her lawyer also fought. The fine was reduced to $300,000 which she couldn’t afford after spending money on her case. She did a Go Fund Me and Elon Musk paid the rest. Speaking out against the mandates was her crime. I really don’t understand what’s going on. Whatever IT is, this entity is very powerful and influential. I look at pharma as an invasive species insidiously implanting itself in our healthcare systems. They fund everything to do with health which is a HUGE conflict of interest and detrimental to our health even the “gold standard” FDA is pharma funded. I googled this morning asking how much pharma puts into health Canada. I was astounded to read 99million. How much does pharma pay politicians? One of the articles on google titled “The Pharmaceutical Industry and the Canadian Government.” Interesting read. All of this is extremely disconcerting, depressing actually. Pharma are tyrants.

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Big Pharma is like Japanese Knotweed..... invasive and destroying the foundations of health and society.

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May God bless & protect Norman Fenton and his family. He is a man of huge courage & integrity.

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Wasting their time and money searching through social media. Sorry!

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Actually, their time & your money.

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One could certainly be a pro-vaccine person and against a transfection, which is what covid shots are. In fact, I'm sure that many like me who were genuinely fine with most vaccines before covid have now begun to question a lot of what has been peddled about vaccines in general. Not so much because we're against the premise of vaccination as a whole but the equivocation of transfection with vaccination is so egregious, it undermines the entire vaccine narrative. In reality, the more one reads about immunology, the more complexity begins to emerge on the subject and the simplistic claims on vaccines do not hold up so easily. I wouldn't go as far to say all vaccines are worthless or risky, the premise of vaccination may indeed be valuable and provide a favorable risk/benefit ratio in some instances for certain individuals, but the idea that "vaccination is good and saves lives" is just a blanket statement that is as unscientific as claiming that transfection is vaccination.

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It's strange how the harrassment and censorship of anti-narrative experts continues even though the "vaccine hesitancy" justification became obsolete with omicron.

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I remember a couple of years ago, Bret Weinstein on one of his podcasts asked something like “Where Is Ben Goldacre when we need him?” Referring to Goldacre’s Important books “Bad Science” and “Bad Pharma”. Well now we know. Goldacre has studied the subject and decided to become part of the problem rather than the solution.

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Like so many others who previously called out the corruption - and then decided it was easier to do nothing.

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Goldacre did a lot worse that just 'do nothing' .....

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