Why we cannot ignore the Lancet claim that the vaccines saved 20 million lives

Because it is being used to shut down debate about vaccine injuries and deaths

Despite being easily debunked, the paper published in The Lancet claiming the covid vaccines saved 20 million lives in the first year alone is being used to shut down debate about vaccine injuries and deaths. After all, if the ‘prestigious’ Lancet says the vaccine saved 20 million lives then we have to prove that the vaccine killed at least this number to show that the risks outweigh the benefits.

Iskra Reic, Astra Zenica EVP, shown in the video, uses the Lancet study to shut down the debate in the EU Parliament. She also wrote this OpEd on 1 July 2021 demanding everyone in the world be vaccinated as she says “Everyone now recognises no one is safe until we are all safe.” She is, of course, listed with the World Economic Forum (WEF):


Here is the video from Christene Anderson, questioning Iskra Reic:

The root of the problem with the Lancet study's math model is exposed by this temperature analogy: