Jan 21Liked by Norman Fenton

Page 1 of the published study: “This study was funded by the Health Economics Research Division in the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.”

Page 12: “Declaration of interests”: BL declares funding from 3 sources, HG declares funding from 2 sources, RK declares funding from 1 source, SP declares funding from 1 source, NP declares funding from 2 sources, CV declares funding from 14 sources, JW declares funding from 1 source, KM declares funding from over 7 sources.

As the authors wrote: “All other authors have no declarations of interest.”

8 authors declared enormous interests (including GAVI, WHO and Welcome Trust), while “all other” 4 authors did not declare any interests.

You have to admit, taking money from 14 different sources for the same job is impressive.

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21Liked by Norman Fenton

It's not merely a "cheap trick".

There is actual disease enhancement occurring in individuals who become infected within ~5days of dose 1. This manifested as a population-level effect on case rates due to enhanced transmission dynamics, particularly in the second half of 2021.

Since vaccines are administered "in waves" as well, even those who did not fall ill within days had a lower chance to become infected after day 8 when vaccinated "in a vax/case wave" and even IF they become infected, chances are the dosage they are exposed to will be lower. Truly mind-bending.

It's so frustrating that nobody acknowledges this, except for Mary Beth Pfeiffer, Pierre Kory and a few statisticians who aren't writing about it, but even convincing them took me many months.

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Hi Fabian. What do you mean by , "the chances are the dosage they are exposed to will be lower"?

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The more active cases there are and the higher the number of individuals who were recently first-dosed, the higher the pathogen concentration in the air, the higher the dosage people are exposed to.

I am not sure if that has any significant effect on outcomes to be honest, but the hospital CFR of U07.1 patients varies immensely, depending on prevalence. This could be owed purely to to the proportion of false positives among cases increasing in times of low prevalence.

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Is Lancet’s credibility dead & buried these days ??

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Unfortunately the normies still think it is one of themost credible sources

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Jan 21Liked by Norman Fenton

Thank you Dr. Fenton. We used to be a Minority. We Still Are BUT a BIGGER Minority. God Be with you for being Honest

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Jan 21Liked by Norman Fenton

The whole system is corrupt and broken. There is no saving it. The sooner the better.

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Idiots all of them!

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How do we shake them loose?

Or is it even possible?

At this point, I am glad it is the 4th turning. the majority of idiots do not realize that EVERY SINGLE INSTITUTION or THING like the MSM, money, etc. has all been corrupted beyond repair.

It is all gonna need to burn down, and from the ashes, I hope there are enough people awake like Prof. Fenton to help construct NEW transparent and decentralized structures less amenable to corruption to take their place.

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"it is one of the most credible sources"

You, professor, are one of the last people I would accuse of being unkind, but you raise a truly horrifying prospect, one potentially very harmful to the public's mental health.

What if it IS one of the most credible sources?

That speculation alone, is one of the most profoundly unsettling thoughts in recent memory. The mind boggles as the blood runs cold.....

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It is to me.

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Jan 21Liked by Norman Fenton

yeah, we are never supposed to believe our own lying eyes when our previously healthy jabbed relatives, neighbours, colleagues and friends die suddenly, get diagnosed with turbo cancer, get weird auto-immune neurological syndromes or repeated bouts of shingles or blood clots in their eyes or blocked renal vessels or pericarditis or strokes or stillbirths - and still keep getting Covid over and over again.

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Jan 21Liked by Norman Fenton

Thank you for beating the drum. I do believe it is having an impact. Unfortunately the leadership will not repent but is doubling down. This is not your fault, and is going to have devastating consequences.

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Lancet: 'Hi, you might remember us from such work as: 'discredited Proximal Origins' and 'that letter Peter Daszak signed himself secretly', and in today's episode of 'Is It Really Fraud?' we'll be showing you how to definitely not do fraud, by using ourselves as an example!'

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That would make a lovely intersting TV program. Do it.

Put it on Rumble or bitchute or banned.video.

It is time.

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Beyond excess deaths why is there absolutely no comment from The Lancet or anyone else as to the WHO Database (vigiaccess.org) on Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions or reported "potential" side effects (it was changed from the former). The numbers have continued to rise weekly since Covid-19 vaccine and are currently 5,286,222.

Important to note is this is not the total number of people who have been affected as duplications are removed by algorythm.

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May I point to my own comments on that paper?


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Jan 21·edited Jan 21Author

Thanks. That's excellent. I added a link in the article along with the summary quote from you from it

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Counting body bags at this stage is not going to sway governments .. they have reduced pension costs per capita.. it was always about money .. not health.

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21Liked by Norman Fenton

While the arbitrary cutoff date may seem nonsensical, let’s not overlook the endpoints. By delving into Pfizer's, Moderna's, and J&J's data, and considering Serious Adverse Events (SAE) graded as 3&4, along with fatalities, I calculated the true efficacy of each jab.

The results are startling. Pfizer's actual efficacy plummets to -52.38%, translating to one person harmed for every 241 vaccines administered. Moderna's situation is even more concerning, with a staggering -336.47% efficacy, resulting in one in five individuals experiencing harm from the vaccine. J&J, too, faces a grim reality, with an efficacy of -80.32%, equating to one person harmed for every 74 vaccines administered. These figures are derived from data obtained from the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

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The Lancet is irrelevant now and is the medical equivalent of the comic “The Beano”

As far as I’m concerned it trashed it’s own reputation some time ago.

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Comparing the Lancet to the Beano is unfair.

To the Beano.

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Jan 21Liked by Norman Fenton

Following up on the post titled 'Lancet paper on "dangers of undervaccination" shows how desperate they are getting,' I must express my utter disbelief that Lancet would publish this garbage. After reading the paper and delving into the appendix containing the actual data, it appears that the authors may be either incredibly ignorant and/or sloppy, or perhaps just plain not to smart.

Upon closer inspection, and a few calculations the data revealed an intriguing pattern. In every country examined (UK, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales), the rate of severe COVID and/or death was consistently higher across the board in the fully vaccinated groups. To illustrate, in England, the fully vaccinated group showed a rate of 0.07% compared to 0.05% in the undervaccinated group. Similar trends were observed in Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.

This raises serious questions about the integrity of the study. How could Lancet publish what seems to be flawed data? The authors seem to have mistakenly judged that no one would look into their data and findings. So this is what passes for medical research?

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21Liked by Norman Fenton

Conflating "efficacy" with "safety" is a problem. They inflate the efficacy. And then this means it's okay that the drug is ALSO maiming and killing MANY, which is the side of the scale they fraudulently deflate as well.

No chance they'll ever conduct a pure "safety" study (standing alone) using the methods relied upon in TOXICOLOGY, which absolutely must have a "control group" to whom NOTHING is done, not even a (fake) placebo injection. Nope. Everyone gets injected with SOMETHING, as if someone's mere "beliefs" (about NOT being injected) are likely to cause a LACK of heart failures and blood clots.

This "placebo" idea got turned on it's head in vaccine studies. It originated from the idea a person's beliefs (about a sugar pill) could HEAL them. But then, even this was never really proven accurate, due to the FACT the human body CAN heal without ANY pharma, real or fake.

It was never intended to be used in TOXICOLOGY to rule out a person's beliefs as a possible cause of INJURIES. There is ZERO risk that people will suddenly have a heart attack because of their beliefs about NOT having been injected. So there's ZERO risk of this type of "confounding" from having a REAL control group, to whom NOTHING is done.

Pharma uses "placebo" controls SO THAT they can inject the "controls" with SOMETHING. And this allows them to inject other injurious chemicals, call it "saline", and never mention that the FDA allows the "saline" to be packed with nasty things like aluminum, benzene, etc., WITHOUT listing these things as ingredients! Now pharma gets to say the (fake) "controls" had just as many adverse reactions as the "treated" group, so therefore the new vaccine is "safe."

It's ALL pure FRAUD.

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Yep, Del Bigtree on this week's Highwire talks about the 'placebo' in the RSV experiments. It's full of junk. And stuck into tiny prem babies.

And why inject mice with placebo? Just keep them in a separate room so they can't guess something's going on....

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Yeah, well the mice might have beliefs about not being jabbed that could cause them to have a LACK of physical injuries;-) Better ask them what their income is too, and whether they're gender confused.

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Seems they're 'humanised'? Guess that can lead to species identity confusion? 🙄😁

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Never thought of that. Now we have people who think they're lizards, cats, dogs, etc.

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Jan 22Liked by Norman Fenton

You might like my analysis of this Lancet paper from October 2023.


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Jan 21·edited Jan 21Liked by Norman Fenton

A lot of us here have looked closely at this Lancet paper by Liu et al. Other things to notice is that COVID-19 vaccination appears to be an elixir of youth. All cause mortality decreases for those who have more shots! Despite the fact that we are still running high excess mortality in Australia. They even show that death from cancer is less likely with more shots.

My interpretation is that all they are showing is that the longer one lives the more chance there is to have more shots. Of course we don't have access to the data.

For those interested the Australian Medical Professional Society (AMPS) has written an open letter to the authors pointing out issues with the paper. You can download it from this page on the AMPS website:


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Yes - we have previously also noted similar anomalies in the ONS/UKHSA data. Esepcially the magical all-disease curing power of the covid vaccines.

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When one is dead from the vaccines one won't get diseased ever again. Marvelous!

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22Liked by Norman Fenton

Apologies, Ignore my ramblings. I missed your previous post on the paper I have highlighted below

We see a very similar scenario in this other recently published paper in the Lancet

The data initially favours fewer or no vaccinations at all, throw in as many "estimated " adjustments as possible, et voila reversal of the output and victory dance for the vaccines.

Also funded from a . Gov source


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The medical complex is captured, corrupt, and complicit in the deaths and injuries of millions. Looking for someone to trust? Be in the Word.

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