Thanks for a great video. Environmental journal editors learned their lessons well during Climategate. For years climate skeptics were vilified for not "proving" their unsupported "denialist" theists because they didn't have the "Gold Standard Peer Review" published papers. When the Climategate emails were leaked, it showed that the major establishment "Climate Experts" threatened any editor that published any anti-Narrative papers. It included firing a very prominent editor. All other editors got the message. Your video shows the legacy of Climategate.

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May 1, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Dear professor Fenton, the scientific papers have become political ones. They just defend the main narrative. Please see the link below that leads to an Unacceptable Editorial from Nature.


Should Nature endorse political candidates? Yes — when the occasion demands it

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May 1, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Appalled. Always known you kind of had to toe the line in academic papers a bit but this is beyond the pale and positively sinister

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May 1, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

An absolutely disgraceful situation that really makes a mockery of academic freedom and integrity. Academics who support the narrative and never challenge orthodoxy are simply puppets that are manipulated by the Powers That Be.

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One ring to rule them all

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We need a new platform to share academic research, the avenue of publishing in Journals is no longer feasible and this has been a long time coming but has now reached its logical conclusion of outright and obvious censorship and must be left to its own demise. What is a Journal, a trusted publication of high quality research? That function is clearly ancient history. The time has come for a new medium for sharing research that is not controlled by those with obvious conflicts of interest. Many organizations have been created out the pandemic, let's pick one to lead the way for sharing research.

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This Substack may be of interest as well: https://substack.com/browse/recommendations/post/118207357

Similar shit going on

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What does end stage censorship look like? The mind boggles.

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When Academic journals engage in censorship their undermine not just scientific debate and rigour, but more importantly they undermine themselves. They are literally sawing off the branch upon which they sit. How so? An Academic journal that engages in political or commercial censorship no longer has credibility as a source of impartial truth. It's reputation is in tatters. It can, and should be, dismissed as a credible source of knowledge or truth.

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Elon Musk believes freedom of speech in any society is the most important right people have. His interview with Bill Maher is an eye opener.

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Germany again. Why? We should all be concerned.

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Same here: https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/a-modern-day-witch-trial

Paper is published, gets a lot of praise, but then objections (that were rebutted) and retraction coming.

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Only the people working together worldwide can bring these criminals to justice.the police and the judiciary are not going to do it.they have already been corrupted.along with most politicians and all governments worldwide.

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There needs to be arrests and trials.the problem is,they corrupted most politicians and governments worldwide,long before this covid scam started.along with the judicary,the police,all heads of health services,the media ,and big business leaders.they are all in it together,along obviously the pharacutical companies.they all attended event 201 in new york in october 2019,about a month before the covid scam started.one of the main reasons being,they have been robbing the pension funds around the world for over 30 yeaes.these funds are now bankrupt,and unable to honour future pension payments.. thats where the vaccine comes in.. dead people don't need pension payments. This will get them off the hook,so they hope.

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Thank you Sir. Horrifying indeed the censoring of Truth. Usual MO of a greater evil that's infected & infested the once treasured bedrock of democracy. Free Speech.

Only totalitarianisms' brook no argument, or deviation from the party line.

Further proof that democracy is dead.


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