Mar 7, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Brilliant, as always. Please, keep doing this job.

Thanks for everything, we feel less alone thanks to people like you.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

I have a simple counter. One is "unvaccinated" ONLY if they have never received any Covid injectable product, AT ALL. If this is not true, then they are NOT unvaccinated. Unvaccinated = pureblood. Anything else is a fiction.

I realize that this amounts to a double negative and is somewhat clumsy, but their disingenuousness has made it necessary.

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Can you get a FOI for the NHS Trust in the example to actually reveal the definitions they used, and how these changed, specifically? If they are explicit that they were classifying all unknowns as unvaxxed, etc. that would be even more damning

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With regard to the irrational fluctuations in unvaccinated deaths. Maybe the unvaccinated status wanes overtime, but resurges when the next booster comes out - given the person is then 'even more unvaccinated'. ;)

Seriously though, if the orchestrators of this debacle actually thought these 'vaccines' were going to be effective, they would have had tight recording processes to show it. They always knew they were not going to stop hospitalisation and death - at least from when they realised it wasn't stopping transmission.

Untrustworthy for sure. But, I have a personal standard I choose to live by: i never trust someone who's prepared to murder me. I'm strange like that.

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I know of zero unvaccinated deaths... but know of a lot of vaccinated who continually are sick... over and over.

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Of course they were. Even as a long time nurse, even I won’t trust our medical “leaders” again. I’m so embarrassed by then. So embarrassing

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Soviet tractor stats.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

The USA was far worse. Patients who were vaccinated at pharmacies didn't show up on the state records. The CDC admitted on a web page that 'unvaccinated' just meant they couldn't find a vax on record. There was no requirement for hospitals to update records and why would they?

This bias was described by hospital PA Deborah Conrad in the Highwire episode 233 https://thehighwire.com/videos/episode-233-the-vaers-scandal/

Alex Berenson reports evidence that the rate of overcounting of 'unvaccinated' patients was as high as 20x.

https://alexberenson.substack.com "More evidence that American data may badly overstate the protection mRNA shots offer against hospitalization from Covid" - Jan 13

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Thanks - I've added this as a postscript

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The SARS-Cov2 IFR calculated by John Ioannidis with the Princess Diamond data has basically panned out, i.e. on par with a nasty flu. It obviously has it's quirks and its own particular nastiness (I can attest to that) but how many people have suffered/died from "covid" but really only as a result of denial of early treatment, horrible protocols and adverse events triggered by transfections, or their immunosuppressive effects?

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From my reading of Robert Kennedy junior’s excellent book Fauci et al used similar tactics for the Aids/HIV scam. The US health authorities used the Aids/HIV label to classify any death as from this unproven virus - see Dr Duesberg. We should have seen this coming. 😉

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Perhaps an OFCOM complaint for each and every one of them. They just found GB News guilty of misusing data / drawing inferences ........

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Sorry, almost forgot: great post again and many thanks.

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Mar 8, 2023·edited Mar 8, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

If they're dead or dying, they're unvaccinated; otherwise, they're vaccinated. What more is there to know?

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Same tactic in US. The FLCCC had a nurse telling them that, at the hospital where she works, they only list you as vaccinated if you were vaccinated within their hospital system.

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Mar 8, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

No, it is not easy to see why a government would want to cherry pick data. They are there to act in the best interest of the people not to pursue a private medical agenda.

There has been a lot of debate about whether the mishandling of Covid was a conspiracy or incompetence. The clear and widespread incompetence is simply a reflection of everything the state does, these days, but it does not exclude a conspiracy to lck us down as a trial for some other agenda.

As to conspiuracy, it is more useful to think about attitudes of mind. Just as Adam Smith taught us centuries ago that business people acted in our interests without any intention to do so, it is also clear that the attitude among the political class believed it is always right, always better than us and can always fix things with some additional PR. Such an attitude can result in deadful outcomes just because they could not stop. You only need a few politically motivated and well placed marxists (ahem) to encourage that and the numpties will deliver.

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There were more than just a few politically motivated and well placed Marxists working behind the scenes to push the Government into its agenda for greater control over our lives.

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Re "There has been a lot of debate about whether the mishandling of Covid was a conspiracy or incompetence."

It was both. A conspiracy mishandled by the incompetents. Indeed the whole point of the conspiracy was to expose the incompetent, particularly the medics sold out to big pharma.

But it also exposed the mini-Hitlers and Stalinists too, both ultimately deriving from Marxism.

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Similar Data Crimes happened in Alberta Canada. And in British Columbia Canada, the BCCDC publicly funded center for disease control published studies in the British Medical Journal that are so patently wrong they should be retracted for trying to compare hospitalizations testing positive for covid against influenza hospitalizations https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/how-experts-lie-part1

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I wonder how long it will take for us to struggle to find anyone who admits to being jabbed? 😉

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