Jan 24Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Congratulations for your brave work. These authors may really think that no one would ever read their papers with close attention. They’ve been lying for so long now, that they have forgotten what the truth looks like. Sad. But true.

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Jan 24Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

It’s no consolation, Norman, that it’s the same situation for ‘high impact factor’ Higher Education journals. At least I’m still being invited to peer-review these pieces of crap. Although maybe not for much longer. It gives me surprising amounts of pleasure to edit phrases that elude to the authors’ perceived ‘wonderful, ‘free’ online learning platforms’, with the reality of data harvesting from vulnerable students with AI. Along with adding ‘Government policies during the...’ before sentences relating to the impact of the ‘Covid pandemic’ on students’ learning. Not sure how these editors are coping, but they must know their time is running out?

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Jan 24Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

It is unbelievable that the government agencies are deliberately preventing experts such as yourself from having all the data they need to do a precise analysis. Hiding data from the public? And twisting and contorting definitions of whether and when someone was vaccinated or partially so? That is just unconscionable! We don't want to believe it, and it is hard to accept, but it is now very obviously true: the government is not our friend.

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Jan 24Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Thank you for the truth. The truth will set us free.

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Jan 25Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Obviously you can get any rubbish published as long as it supports The Narrative.

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Jan 25Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

I can only hope their time is running out. Unfortunately, those that bought into the narrative will use these to support their illogical thinking processes. I am not a mathematician or statistician - a mere retired, government professor in the U.S. that has developed a keen eye for political motivation and the lust for satisfying their own ego centric desires. The Western world is in for a roller coaster ride that will ultimately end in their demise. Thank you, Norman and Martin, for continuing to present the truth.

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Thank you. Most folks can not understand how numbers are used to deceive however I find that if a person is willing to watch the same video or read the same presentation 3 or 4 times the evidence becomes clear. It's like seeing how the three card Monty works.

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Delighted to view your video, but your lively style of presentation reawakens a lingering regret that I hadn't the perspicacity to qualify for and attend your lectures. Such regrets are, fortunately, quite rare, but I console myself with the likelihood that you would have regretfully been unable to bestow a passing grade.

The only improvement to the presentation that one such as I might suggest, would be to have displayed an image of the ONS statement to which you refer at 2:01 in the video. I've read that statement and have a copy somewhere in my archive, but it is not those who have been watching closely that would benefit from that image in juxtaposition with that of the meta-analysis.

Do forgive the digression, but I'd like to share another regret. Being of modest means, I couldn't justify the expenditure on the revised "Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis with Bayesian Networks," so I scraped together a sufficiency of the filthy lucre to obtain a copy of the original edition. But that's not the regret to which I refer. Once in hand, my bibliophilia took hold and I realized I had an unsigned first. I'd thought that malady in remission, but bibliophilia is by all accounts incurable. The regret is the impossibility of hounding you and professor Neil for autographs that would console me in my penury with a signed first edition.

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How can these puppets not know how history will see them? I guess myopic money focus disregards that.

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For Doctors Of Medicine:

This Is Not A Crisis Of Identity;

This Is Not A Crisis Of Competence

( ... There Is Too Little To Matter) ;

This Is A Crisis Of Conscience.


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Any chance of a rumble (or any non-YT) link please? They breached my terms of patronage a long time ago and I can't share this video with others as a result. :-) Cheers.

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Okay, this is probably inappropriate, but I just love how Professor Fenton says "vaccine".

He has a nice voice and l accent. Which part of UK is it from, anyone know?

I do understand his points on the tricks they played, but even if I didn't I would probably beleive him just

cause of how he speaks.

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Mssr's Fenton & Neil - all these fascist propaganda outlets such as the Lancet are proving is...

if your false narrative fails, lie, lie, again.

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🇦🇺💉Australian Government: ‘COVID-19 vaccination decision guide for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy’, Version 8.8, 12 January 2024: https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/2024-01/covid-19-vaccination-shared-decision-making-guide-for-women-who-are-pregnant-breastfeeding-or-planning-pregnancy.pdf

In the section ‘Are COVID-19 vaccines safe in pregnancy’ (page 5), reference is made to an early US study, ‘Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons’ by Shimabukuro TT et al. (ref. 17), which was based on some 35,000 women surveyed over a two and a half month period, from 14 December 2020 to 28 February 2021: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmoa2104983 Other studies in the ‘Further reading’ list of the government’s latest PDF document on this matter appear to be out of date.

I’m disgusted.

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These past, soon to be, four years has been an exercise in uncovering layer after layer of a big onion of lies. It is a shocking disappointment to come to the grim realization that there are so many people in our trusted institutions that have so little ethics and value of truth.

Thank you for your work, Norman. You are on the right side of history.

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You must realize what is on the line here: the Big Lie, or the Greatest Lie ever told in mankind’s history. I hope you know what it means...

It is already well established but not as well known that most governments in the world shut down the entire world because of a seasonal flu, whatever its causes.

Then, the governments made, or even mandated, their citizens to take "vaccines" that not only didn't work against the flu they have also killed and continue to kill their citizens who were jabbed. Nobody knows when, or if, the negative effects of the "vaccines" will ever cease.

Most scientific journals supported the narrative beginning with false evidence that "SARS CoV-2" was a new pathogen, and that its mortality rate was 3.4%.

It follows that if there was no new pathogen, then the protocols for the non-existent pathogen were also mainly false.

Then, there were published false studies of the supposed effectiveness of masks, lockdowns and social distancing.

Now, thanks to people like you and others, all the lies about the fake pandemic and the supposed countermeasures for the fake pandemic are being exposed.

Let's not forget that the false narrative about the fake pandemic wouldn't have been possible without the full support of mainstream media and the coordinated censorship never seen in the history of the so-called free or democratic world.

Unless willfully ignorant, most government officials, scientific journal editors, scientists specializing in infectious diseases and mainstream media executives must have realized what has happened and that they were responsible for the greatest propaganda campaign in the history of the world with already unimaginable consequences. By now all the above mentioned people and institutions must be aware that if the scam they willfuly participated in is fully exposed, their heads will roll… to say the least.

So, what have they all (with few exceptions) decided to do when faced with the obvious facts that they lied to the entire world, often their families, friends and acquaintances? Are they going to admit to their premeditated or coercive wrongdoings? No. Most of them think that they reached the point of no return, or that there is no conceivable way out of the Big Lie they created or willfully supported.

So, they decided that if there is no way out they find a deeper way in… This is the way most cowards take…

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