Dear Martin Neil and Norman Fenton,

The "four months shortened LIFE EXPECTANCY" caused by the (Unsafe ans Ineffective) EXPERIMENTAL mRNA INJECTIONS seems to be an arbitrary and conservative estimate, which will only be truly proven in the fullness of time - for all those that agreed to participate in the (for PROFIT) EXPERIMENT.

Someone has previously suggested that the likelihood of damage from these injections multiplies by 3% with every extra jab or 'booster' as they call it. Unprovable, only provable in the fullness of time.

Under these well established associated 'Vax' related Injuries and DEATHS caused by these useless poisons that these errant concoctions, it is amazing that they have not been banned as was the case in the 1970's with Swine Flue vaccine that was halted after just 50+/- deaths occurred following that deadly vaccine fiasco. Millions have died as a result of the Covid Injection but still the depopulation continues.

How can these dangerous products be used on humanity with NO LIABLITY for the manufacturers?

Keep spreading reality and the deadly Big Pharma farce will one day be terminated.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Four months my arse! Tell that to all the disabled and dead who took the jab! The rest are immunocompromised!!!

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Apr 19Liked by Norman Fenton

Thank you for this excellent and understandable summary of this new paper.

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Some Scientists who predicted this EXACT expectancy such has Dr Cahill , were Silenced!

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Apr 19Liked by Norman Fenton

Thank you for your careful appraisal of this work. The omission of the ‘miscategorisation’ effect is baffling, unless for the fear of their own peers. Two weeks ‘to poison’ seems to be an accepted, unchallenged artefact in this particular ‘science’. Two weeks to poison and four months to flatten the human.

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Apr 20Liked by Martin Neil

It will be interesting to see if it actually gets published, and then, if it manages to stay published for a while.

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Bear in mind that drug company studies for statins could only eke out a 1.5 day increase in longevity, a 4 month decrease for the COVID vaccine is huge.

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Apr 19Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Thank you for this excellent distillation. “Unintended effects on total mortality” dontcha know.

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If you were selling annuities, moving mortality sooner by one year would make a vast amount of profit.

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*Just* 4 months? Did they go to the ONS school of downplaying terrible outcomes?

If this is 4 months per person, I struggle to believe it is this low, given how many have died shortly after taking the shot. Lets assume, a 40 year old dies and would have lived until 80, for 120 people that would be 4 months each. In reality, the European mortality statistics have shown it tends to be children, in the 11 to 17 bracket. If we assume they live until 80, for 17 year olds that would be 1 for every 189 people, and for 11 year olds it would be 1 for every 207 people,

You're asking me to believe on average the death rates were 1 in 120 to 1 to 189, and to ignore any sort of disability (that also vastly reduces life expectancy), to assume total net loss was just 4 months?

If we're including the unvaccinated cohort, maybe, but this strikes me as being too low if it is just vaccinated cohort. I'm of the view all of them have had a loss in life expectancy, and obviously some far more than others. Their study feels like a damage control piece, downplaying the truth by watering it down, maybe by redistributing the harms as an average.

'Lowered life expectancy' is the new Orwellian doublespeak for 'killed people'

'I didn't kill him' said Dr Winston, 'I merely lowered his life expectancy by 60 years!'

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THX for your work! PS: This is the first time since my medical dissertation forty years ago that I have been able to understand a statistical analysis from scratch. PPS: Is the immortal time bias an immoral time bias indeed?

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As time goes by and further information is made available. I would not be the least surprised to see those four months be extended to four years. When that starts to happen, denial will then be hit in the face with reality and all Vaxxers will be screaming for Nuremberg Trials II. But by that time, the new governing body of the world, the WHO, will send the most vocal to camps for re-education never to be heard from again. It (WHO) knows how to make the trains run on time, it's done it before.

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The authors of the study should be asked to adjust for the misclassification bias effect. Most of the vaccine caused mortality occurs within the two weeks post vaccine period, so the effect on life expectancy must be far higher than the paper concludes. Even if an adjusted estimate is hard to calculate, the caveat that the loss of life expectancy projected is undoubtedly very significantly higher than stated in the study.

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Thanks for your input John! The explosion of recorded Vax INJURIES and Vax DEATHS since 2021 speak for themselves in spite of most genuine fatality stats being deliberately hidden from the masses. Try searching for your self. It's routinely hidden by the authorities. Your choice to remain complacent and join the masses in being part of the extermination Cull!

Keep your head firmly in the sand - or read the many reports of our claims regarding the lie = EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS are "Safe & Effective".

Answer me just one other question John - Why does big Pharma demand ZERO LIABILITY for 'vax; injuries and Vax related DEATHS?

If you answer why this obvious travesty is rarely discussed AND WHY has ZERO LIABILITY continued since the 1970's, perhaps we can have some meaningful correspondence?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

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This "harvesting effect" I believe can also be observed in Germany amongst the above 80 year old population who had been prioritized for 2 Pfizer/Biontech mRNA vaccinations. Most of the care home residents in Germany would have received two Biontech/Pfizer mRNA injections within the first 5 weeks of the roll-out of the vaccines. They started rolling them out from 27 December 2020. So most care home residents would have received one or two injections in January 2021. And there was a 29 percent increase in ACM in January 2021 in the age group that had been primarily prioritised, i.e. 80 years and older.

The January report of Germany's Office of Statistics reads as follows:

"The above-average number of deaths in January 2021 was largely due to an increase in deaths in the 80+ age group. In January, 29% or 14,464 more people aged 80 and over died than the average for the previous four years in this month. The number of deaths among the under-80s differed significantly less from the four-year average in January (+4% or +1,461 deaths)."


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Excellent work! This study confirms exactly what many of us have observed anecdotally.

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