Pity we can't see the levels of first, second dose and boosters plotted against this base data. (From date of injection - and 14, and 150 days after the shots or "optimized" for days after shots with highest incidence).

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My only comment would be that the 15-45 group has more years than the other groups, and it would be useful to know the approximate size of each cohort. But regardless, 15-45 year olds typically don't have large numbers of cardiac incidents and seeing 30-50% more of them is extremely concerning. Is it COVID? The VAX? Increased drug and alcohol use/abuse? I hope the authorities are trying to figure this out. Just today I heard that the Canadian government is trying to pin excess deaths on excess drug and alcohol abuse - maybe, but we need to know for sure.

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It's the vaccine. But the other things you mention would have added to the death toll.

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Either way, it's fair to say whether it was the introduction of a novel transfection, subversion of viable, early treatment protocols, lockdowns/closures, mask mandates etc.. these were all implemented by force and those responsible for these measures need to be held to accountable.

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Death jab

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If to continue the calculations by diminishing 'the 20% subgroup' by its 70% (the last step -my preliminary results) then the final result drops a bit more than proportionally, so not to 5.85% but to about 5.6%. Then if to assume the worse health status it can slightly cross 6.0%, but it requires to assume that this worse health status concerns only real Covid-19 deaths and so is concentrated it that very small subgroup; it is not so sure as it is possible that, in general, the number and infection rates are correlated.

...The authorship is risky as this hoax organiser is Big Pharma and they do not care about people dying but only about money.

...Medrxiv has banned the proof too, their words: "we will not publish it as the situation is exceptional" (???!!!)

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I wonder why there is not anybody that would like to continue this path.

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...the number of chronic conditions, at a given age, and the infection rate can be correlated.

...Hearth attacks should be in a major part the result of the vaccines as the Covid impact can be only very close to zero; however there is also possible that there are delayed effects of the previous worsened access to treatment/diagnosis for the diseases that much contribute to deaths (e.g. cardiology), during lockdowns.

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For 15-44 there was a steady rise in cardiac-related ambulance calls from January, peaking sharply in March 2020, then it dropped like a stone. This sudden decline can't be natural; it must be related to lockdowns. It's a pity we can't see finer detail on age stratification to give us some clues as to what caused the rise from January to March. If it was severe Covid, you would expect it to be skewed sharply to older ages up to 44. Call outs remained stubbornly high after recovering from lockdowns, ambulance calls peaked at a new high in July 2021. What caused this? The mass vaccinations are obviously in the frame. Omicron? Seems unlikely as it was milder than previous variants, which emerged after the original Wuhan virus.

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Could we see these graphs going back to the comparison years so we can see what the comparison years look like, not just the the average line?

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It's interesting that all ages show a drop during spring and early summer of 2020. In my area in the US that was the period of harshest lockdowns, and I assume that might have been the case in Scotland too. Why would that decrease heart incidents?

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Maybe people didn’t want to call an ambulance in order to “save the NHS” or avoid hospital because they feared infection. Instead they just died at home. Wasn’t there an increase in deaths at home during this period? So it wasn’t the case perhaps that there was a decrease in heart incidents just they wouldn’t be reported in this particular data?

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

I don't know. If somebody was having a cardiac arrest or something similar, I think people would call the ambulance.

I wonder if the data was cooked to make it seem that ambulances were going to COVID calls when they were going to other types of calls?

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The biggest increase in deaths in the peak of 2020 were deaths at home so this would suggest people were scared of going to hospital etc

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What does it look like when Age standardized?

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