And if a person has had one jab they are also labelled "unvaccinated", correct? And if two, but the second is within a certain number of days, this is also labelled "unvaccinated", correct?

Which puts all the anaphylactic Tiffany Dover-style deaths falsely into the "unvaccinated" column.

Ever since "Dr" Birx announced in April 2020 that data for deaths "with" covid and deaths "of" covid were being mixed up and not kept distinct, it has been crystal clear that purposeful fraud would be the guiding principle of government statistics about covid. Only an idiot could believe that the lengths that regulators, drug-producers, and every government and medical professional involved, have gone to pad covid death numbers (including instructing doctors on how to fill out death certificates, and paying surviving relatives a bonus for declaring their loved one dead from covid) and to bury vaccine-damage numbers were somehow due to incompetence (global, coordinated incompetence?)

We are living through a sci-fi horror movie. A waking nightmare.

The whole thing is a nightmarish scam of colossal proportions.

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22Liked by Martin Neil

I suspect this has been going on for other vaccines as well. For instance, I tried to look up the percentage of breakthrough cases in the famous Disney measles outbreak. When I did, I quickly found out that about half the tracked California resident cases were excluded because they had "unknown or undocumented vaccination status." I find that highly suspicious. You are required to get them for school and college in California.

All that a dishonest researcher has to do is to deliberately not find proof of vaccination for the right number of infected people and then vaccine effectiveness is created - voila! The entire episode was used to push vaccines, despite half the cases possibly having been in vaccinated individuals but the researchers didn't really care to find that out.


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Be of good courage...there are many of us who know the truth.

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Yes YOU are the ones that broke this story. I saved it and was surprised that many seem to think this is new. And you all were censored for it. At the same time, are those that should listen and correct this doing so? I don't think those that could do something ever will.

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We need a new category for these dummies, just so as to remove any doubt whatsoever: 'Never EVER vaccinated against Covid'.

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Just a reminder.... Mistakes are/were NOT made.....They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone.....

Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today https://henrithibodeau.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/back-in-1969-dr-richard-day-made-some-astonishing-predictions-about-where-the-world-would-be-today/

How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/how-to-fake-pandemics-in-4-easy-steps

...hard to believe that this level of evil exists in our world....

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Having the same experience on other (related) matters. Wrote about it in 2021. Others breathlessly "discover" this in 2024 and jump to un-nuanced conclusion. Frustrating. But what can we do? Keep at it!

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Martin Neil

It seems that the tighter the obfuscated truths are locked up and protected within the fake-stream media narratives, the longer it takes for them to 'break' the story. 'Conspiracy theories' usually take 3-6months to become conspiracy realities. When it comes to manipulated, suppressed, cherry-picked, and otherwise omitted data, the media minions must be asked to wait longer before they are *permitted* to allow such a pressure release valve.

Keep up the good work Martin, Norman, and Mr Law, Health and Technology. This Substack is excellent.

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That decision to defraud cost millions of lives because some people who eventually died or were disabled would not have taken this shot if they did not erroneously believe the injections prevented serious illness. Since the entire Biden Administration is criminal, how can legal action be brought against them? States could immediately begin nullifying laws and mandates from the illegitimate Feds whom are essentially murdering people. I would think DeSantis could start right now because Ladapo has set the stage. Texas is responding at the border. The decent folks left in the military could start honoring their oaths.

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Quite simply, it is not possible to speak the truth in recent years due to the state mafia that uses public money to silence, suppress and bully. Yes, if you speak out, if you dare question the state narrative, no matter how true it may be, you can expect to be cancelled, professionally ruined and undergo a personal character attack designed to malign, undermine and discredit you. When they can't dismiss the facts, they dismiss the person, as I too found out: https://patientcomplaintdhcftdotcom.wordpress.com/

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Jan 23Liked by Martin Neil

"Why were so few people listening at the time?"

I do not agree.

Too few: Yes!

But we were many that time and are continuously growing.

And some rearrangement of sources was certainly required.

Avoid consuming mainstream media!

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22Liked by Martin Neil

Good to get confirmation the CDC has been complicit in this BS. Back in 2021 if you dug into US county-level reporting you could find in the ultra small print that most counties were doing this. Guess it's not surprising since CDC relies on self reporting.

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Jan 23Liked by Martin Neil

One might ask if a 'recommendation' by an ex-PM (UK)to have a gap of 2 months between 'the jabs' might not have served to further muddy the waters of who was 'vaccinated ', in between 'vaccinations', so that if someone was admitted to hospital with an adverse/serious adverse reaction they could only be classed as 'unvaccinated'.

These reprehensible advocates of the jabs must have been aware of the many downsides of these 'one size fits all' treatments, ( 'One Health' as pushed by WHO)....thus any negative correlations have been heavily obfuscated/censored.

Unfortunately for said advocates their censoring has actually been an Achilles heal as now people have access to alt media ( this good substack, eg), which are giving the numbers and the facts against which fraudulent claims can be measured.

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I'm so sorry you have been caught and damaged in the deceitful web of lies. Be assured 'we' the rest of the great awakened are listening and hang of each new post. Please continue your Great Work.

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Lessons Learned: From post Hitler's Germany, clear accurate records are and will be deadly.

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The silver lining in all this skulduggery is that discrimination based on injection status is not coming back anymore. Then again, thinking cynically as a "conspiracy theorist", the powers-that-be could exploit the confusion they artificially create to justify vax-passports.

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