It was all such utter BS from the very start. I'm happy to say I have never taken one of their stupid tests.

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Oh, that poor girl! And we thought we got all 'civilised' when we stopped drilling holes in people's heads to cure migraine. Think again. Instead, we started ramming cotton buds soaked in highly toxic ethylene oxide up people's noses, up our own noses, and even up our kids' noses, half way to their brain, to test for asymptomatic cases of a 'deadly' disease where the average age of fatality exceeded the average lifespan. Stupidity is the deadliest of all human diseases and it's highly contagious.

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May 18, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

I for one cannot look at those picture of these swabs being jammed up people noses. It's a type medical rape to me. I find the whole thing horrifying. I swore that nobody was going to stick anything into me, swabs, needles, whatever, and held true to my oath. But I still feel outraged by what has been done to countless others. Will there ever be justice?

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May 18, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

I couldn’t square “the most contagious virus ever” with “we have to insert this into your brain to see if you have it.”

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I did wonder what was wrong with saliva for the test though I never had it anyway - I did not see the utility. Thanks for the confirmation.

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The one test like these that I was forced to take caused an injury that lasted weeks. They told me I was overreacting. I can’t even imagine the same damage being endured by a child.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Thank you for this, Dr. Fenton.

I would only do the saliva test-- and only when I had to have the results in order to board an airplane for necessary travel. I refused the swab test, multiple times, which flustered a lot of people because where I was, the saliva test was more expensive and took almost 24 hours for a result. I just had a bangingly strong intuitive sense that I should not, no matter what, never allow the swab test. I'm old enough to have learned more painful lessons than I'd like to admit about the vital importance of respecting my intuition-- fortunately, these I learned before 2020.

Oh, what a strange world we are in.

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May 18, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

I never took a coof test. Like others, I couldn't see the point. First, I haven't been meaningfully sick since Jan of 2020. Second, I knew that asymptomatic spread was a LIE. Third, even if I had been sick and had a positive test, what then? All they're going to do is tell you to isolate, and they're not going to offer any treatment (except in NY State where they shove a vent-tube down your trachea and kill you). Well I can get "no treatment" on my own at home and I'm sensible enough not to go around others when I'm sick, so how about I save everyone some trouble and do the thing that I was going to do anyway?

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There was always a much simpler way. Insert your index finger about 5 mm into your anus. Sniff it. If you can’t smell anything, you have Covid. Seriously, though, I railed (ineffectively, of course) against this technique. The virus first attacks in the nasal vestibule and should be readily testable there without drilling into the sphenoid sinus.

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May 18, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

All for effect as part of the "Fear, comply and control" spin cycle.

We are at least now getting closer to the military control of and deep involvement in the Covid operation as even RFK Jr is now talking about it. It's the only thing that explains all the missing gaps in understanding of what happened, why and who coordinated it? We really need to get to this understanding to ensure it never happens again. As things stand now they can, and almost certainly will.

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May 18, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

If only there was some natural, time-honored way of knowing if someone was a risk for transmitting a respiratory virus...why didn't god/evolution give us some sort of external indicator? Like make sick people run a bit hotter... or sneeze, or cough or something. Or maybe even just cause them to feel worse and stay home, thus reducing the chance of infecting others. It's a good thing we stopped all that asymptomatic transmission from happening. Look how much better off we were because of it all.

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May 18, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Another creative way to kill or damage people. On a personal note, at last I can stop doing these stupid tests at the request of my family before our get-togethers. I will send them your post.

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May 18, 2023·edited May 18, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

When I told them to stick the covid testing swab up their ass I didn't expect them to take me seriously. I am glad I didn't tell them to eat shit and die.

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Good point. Haven't seen anyone make this case that this was part of the nonsense before, but obvious now you say it!

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We, the erudite slaves, prefer typing our revulsion of our leaders, to slaughtering them. Until we transition back to the barbarity that made us great, The West will continue to atrophy. Ever browner, more compliant, and less intelligent. The fools will pray on Sunday, to their ancient enemies in Israel, bleating about how their "Greatest Ally" needs more borrowed money for their great cement walls, while we drown, in tacos.

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The anal approach sounds quite promising. But lets target the former nose prodders, and I would suggest to use an XL size swab and stick it where the sun dont shine. Sounds rude?

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