Apr 24, 2023Liked by Martin Neil

Thank you for this Norman, will give it a watch now.

May I also alert you (if you're not already aware) to this talk by both Kate Bingham and June Raine, which is one of the most alarming things I've watched in the past year — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUQfzTqPUm4 [Raine starts at approx 30mins, and her presentation is unironically titled "From Watchdog to Enabler - Regulation in Covid and after"]

There is so much that is alarming in that talk, such as gems (horrors?) like: "We tore up the rulebook...". Excellent. Well, I mean it's not like we have the rule book for a reason or anything. It's not like we developed a bl**dy rule book because without one you can accidentally kill a lot of people FFS.

She notes that they knew that they could really only see risk and benefit once it's been rolled out, and that they were expecting a vast influx of reports of side effects. Well I would put to June that another way to get a grasp of the risk and benefit *before* roll out might be to conduct quality trials of a decent length, but perhaps I'm just a rube who doesn't properly understand how all this is supposed to work.

Next she shows the table of "parallel working" (ie not doing things in proper order) and she says "that can never be turned back now"... yes, because they want to use this accelerated pathway for all approvals going forward... great news.

Speaking about all the phases happening concurrently, she says "By the time we were able to look at the interim analysis, that was so exciting, we actually knew we were very close to an approval."

... Erm, lady, what? — How could you be almost at the point of approval WITHOUT even seeing the interim analysis? ...what if it was awful?

These people are dangerous muppets, and the self-congratulatory smugness with which she regales us of these horrors only makes it worse. She was given a Damehood for throwing all the safety guardrails into the nearest bin! No wonder she's smug.

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Thanks for that. I had forgotten about that June Raine talk. It is truly terrible and she seems to be saying at 42:40 she seems to be saying that about a million lives were saved by not allowing hydroxachloraquin to be used!!!

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June Raine Rochelle Wallensky. Two peas in a toxic pod. How on earth do they keep their jobs, Bill Gates?

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She is speaking to, and on behalf of the Pharma companies who they now work for. That’s why she is so proud of what they accomplished and so unaware of how bad she comes across for those that still think this is a regulatory body designed to protect the public.

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Where is your parliamentarian subcommittees? Are they really so thick that they think June Raine is fit for purpose? How worrying is that?

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

It remains completely taboo within the government and civil service to mention this kind of thing.

I actually think that the level of groupthink and insularity is such that 95% of them truly, truly believe they are heroes who've saved millions of lives with the UK's vaccine drive, and that anyone suggesting otherwise (or raising questions) is dangerously misinformed.

There will be a small slice who have doubts, but they're not brave enough to voice them as the groupthink is so smothering it would mean being pilloried and pushed out of a job. The 1 MP who put his head above the parapet and raised these issues before a full house was openly and immediately castigated and shouted down, and promptly 'lost the whip' (got booted from the party) for "crossing the line". It was an astonishing moment to watch [all our Parliamentary sessions are recorded].

He has since tried to raise the topic again, in a debate session on this matter, but the moment he got up to speak the chamber emptied — they essentially no-platformed him. I can only think of 2 other MPs who've been brave enough to say anything on this matter:

Sir Christopher Chope - who has tirelessly fought the government to obtain compensation for the vaccine injured, but still has not been able to bring himself to address the specific dangers of these shots (perhaps because he knows that if he does so, he won't get anywhere re the compensation for victims).

Danny Kruger - who spoke recently against the WHO treaty, giving the most robust 'anti' speech of the forum, but even that was extremely mild mannered and his points were quite openly waved away by the Health Minister present. It was very clear that the UK govt will sign us up to whatever treaty the WHO propose, and that debate was a complete sham.

Most disappointing are Steve Baker and Jacob Rees Mogg, who are intelligent enough to understand the issues, and used to be considered men of backbone (even if you don't agree with their stances). Both have been completely tepid, bordering on cowardly, throughout the entire Covid period.

Our whole government, and all the institutions, seem to be controlled remotely by corporate interests or supranational players. Parliament, the MHRA, etc ...it's purely performance art, for window dressing.

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Now Bridgen has been accused of being a Russian agent!


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Of course!

Anyone who disagrees with "the current thing" must be a Russian agent! 🤪

If that smear fails, they'll try again with "far right" or "transphobic".

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It is, it truly, truly IS. There was a protest/demonstration in Glasgow a couple of days ago by the "vaccine"

injured, their families, & those of the dead (murdered). It, although sizable, received almost NO media or TV "news" attention WHATSOEVER, but for (as far as I know?) ONE TV news item that, instead of actually addressing the ISSUE, instead focussed on the unsubstantiated claims of "poor behaviour" from those present, ludicrously misrepresenting the righteous indignation of VICTIMS as

unruly, "mobbish" beligerence, and, incredibly, presenting crisis actors as "upstanding members of the public", disgusted at the"terrible, nasty, and unjustified" verbal assaults directed against those "brave" (lying, lazy, genocidal, D.N.R. death-deliverers) doctors & nurses, and our "world class" N.H.S.

& the "marvellous" (horrifyingly TOXIC) C19 💉 jabs, that have "saved MILLIONS of lives!" (MURDERED now MILLIONS of people, many CHILDREN, across the globe). Absolutely scandalous and utterly DESPICABLE. The actual

content of the victim's orations, and

ceaseless flood of horrific damage done, was completely IGNORED, & although I watched footage of the event, there was absolutely NO "poor behaviour, bordering on potential disorder, but yet, the teensy tineeee lil' bit of media attention given presented the entire event in the light of "unruly dangerous conspiracy theorists, & opportunistic parasites tryin' to scam unjustified compensation claims attack our "brave boys & girls", (heroes by God!!)in the hospitals & N.H.S. with their inarticulate and obvious LIES about that wonderful, marvellous, panacea & elixir vitae- the God-given C19 💉 jabs!". It was truly sickening..I'd have BEEN there had I known anything about it beforehand. That FU##ING clot-shot, depop-shot💉 BIOWEAPON was DIRECTLY responsible for KILLING my DAD. I HATE every single person involved in the invention, regulation, roll out, legislation, mandates, 'passports', and attendant propaganda that enabled SOOooo many frightened, worried, coerced people into taking part in this deadly experiment.

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Really sorry to hear about your Dad. Sending you big hugs.

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Gratefully received jjinUK64. I spent almost a year warning my parents NOT to take 💉it (having discovered

the Pirbright Institute's AZ patent early in 2020, & thus knowing that they were lying about "trying to find & formulate the 💉's) but the pressure on them, being pensioners who trusted government and media, from all the fear pornography and psychological conditioning and repetition of same convinced them otherwise & they instead believed they were "doing the right thing". 5 of my neighbours died too, after only the first 💉 jab.

This is a cull, an absolute atrocity. I just hope that there's an eventual reckoning, but I very much doubt that there ever WILL be, not, at least, for the psychopathic architects of this agenda..Thanks again 👋God bless 🙏.

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Very upsetting to try to warn people, unsuccessfully. My father took the first 3, urged on by friends at church, who I'm sure were very well meaning. Thankfully he has since looked into some of the details, has not had any more, and is doing the FLCCC spike detox programme.

However my favourite aunt, who reluctantly took the shots to be able to travel and visit family, she has suddenly developed Alzheimers. :(

I think there may be many more miseries yet to arise from this godawful experiment. I hope not too many among your family and friends.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Disgusting that these people are not acting in the public interest.

Even if their funding came from the public they would still be loyal to their former pharma masters.

Truly how can this have been allowed to have happened?

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I believe, in practice, it comes down to their hiring policies & the incestuous "revolving-door" relationship between politicians and

the biopharmaceutical industrial complex cartels AND the military industrial complex cartels/defence contractors. Big-pharma says to generic politician- "a nice 6 figure per annum, & some su-weeeeet stock/share options for ya, IF you de-regulate THIS area, and/or legitimise (or legalize) THAT sector, or "this", or "that".....". Back & forth they go. I mean, look at the dirty perks in the lobbying/legislature policy passing, it's OUTRAGEOUS. We'll FUND the ole campaign trail IF you "be KIND to us" when in office, OR- Oooh! There's some pertinent "personal incentives" IF, perhaps, certain FUTURE policy decisions regarding the possibility of something "maybe soon happening"

go very determinedly in 'THIS' direction......" . POLITICS/BIG PHARMA/REGULATORY BODIES/ DEFENCE CONTRACTORS, it's a very murky environment, and VERY apparently so. Ole Chris "witless' Whitty in the UK, Britain's chief medical officer before & during the "Controla-Virus" plandemic 19(84), he PERSONALLY received FORTY MILLION POUNDS from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at the turn of 2020 (or close of 2019?). WHAT the hell was THAT for, if NOT

for making the "right choices" where policies, "advice"/"recommendations", legislation, restrictions, mandates, (etc) were concerned?? "Jobs for the boys", eh? And there were too many MORE of these obvious bribes & "perks" from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to the BBC/"Trusted(ha!😆)News Initiative"

(which included all the Alphabet/Google tech/antisocial media platforms), a few BILLION dollar$ to

the W.H.O., to the John Hopkins mob, to GAVI, etc (I have a "money-go-round" pie chart for dubious Gates Foundation payments in 2020, but began this 'rant' before I'd consciously considered mentioning it). It's ALL so unashamedly overt, it's ALL so 'dirty'. Yet, you won't get a SINGLE syllable of conscience driven investigative journalism about ANY of these VERRRRRRY dodgy-dealings from the mainstream media, who ALSO (the "print" media presstitutes and ooze-papers I refer to) got a nice few TENS of MILLIONS of pounds/dollar$ offa the B+M/Gates Foundation TOO. I despair of this world 🌎 now. How could it possibly

have gotten so rotten, devious, complicit & corrupt?? Stoopid question I suppose though, ain't it? BIG FAT WEDGES of CA$H, for starters. You can just hypothetically

picture 'em at some kinda Nuremberg 2.0 trials, for crimes against humanity- "But why DID you choose to BETRAY your fellow creatures so fulsomely? Eh?", "M...muh.....MONEY!!! They just offered me SOOooo MUCH MONEY 💰!!!!". Not, sadly, as if such trials are EVER likely TO take place, the system is greased from TOP to BOTTOM. Gotta absolutely be the same (& IS) with the MHRA. How MUCH of THAT "independent" (😆) regulatory body's funding comes directly FROM the biopharmaceutical industrial complex cartels? About 85% odds, was it not?? How many of the staff on the decisive panels of the likes of the MHRA have DIRECTLY traceable, demonstrable connections, and even EMPLOYMENT with the biopharmaceutical industrial complex?? Some, at LEAST. HAVE they been paid to "streamline" the process of regulation of the applications for/of new drugs?? YES! This TOO is demonstrable, though I must confess to forgetting the particular source of this revelation, or the specific details OF

it? But, to summarise, totally & UTTERLY CORRUPT & CORRUPTED.

UNFIT for purpose, & absolutely NOT an "independent" body, or process, & they DO NOT give a DAMN about the victims who continue to die, or see their health and quality of life RUINED at the hands of these vile, manipulative parodies of humanity, and their complicit gatekeeping, who all KNEW the tidal wave of human wreckage that WAS going to engulf society when they so casually permitted the E.U.A.'s whilst knowing for SURE that these jabs, patented in 2019 & formulated even before THAT we're gonna cause.

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Dr June Raine has a stunning ability to come across as completely normal when we are witnessing health product regulation for the nation being reduced to ashes. There are some more revelations to come out on my substack about the MHRA within a week or two, should be spicy! I haven't heard back from Perseus Group but remain hopeful. Hope my work fits their needs. Cheers Norman for this breathtaking video.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

What a disgusting presentation by a posh hypocrite. Truly shocking stuff. All the revelations should have taken these poisons off the market.

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As communications (media) continue their rapid decentralization, away from government control, these government controlled institutions and agencies will lose what little credibility they have left. Apparently they do not see the rapidly approaching demise of their influence and authority. The gig is almost up.

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This is a truly shocking post. The MHRA has an appalling record as regards the approval of and the monitoring of the safety of the Covid vaccines. They didn't even bother to analyse the Pfizer clinical trial data prior to approval and when questioned, they claimed that PHE had done it, which PHE denied. It seems fairly obvious that June Raine and the MHRA have put public safety last and the corporate interests of Big Pharma first and in the process, have inflicted severe injury and death upon hundreds of thousands of people.

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The healthcare of the UK is some of the worst I have ever seen. It is not only dangerous, it if flat out negligent.

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Apr 24, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

What a great post: your critique was devastating. I watched the video and could not believe what I was seeing and hearing when June Raine was presenting her report. I was struggling to recollect where I had seen a similar manner of presentation, and then it came to me: it was a headmistress reporting to a parent and teacher management board!

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Apr 24, 2023·edited Apr 24, 2023

It staggers me, far far removed from the cauldron of mendacity that warms this part of the public sector, that this horrendously condescending example of a "First Division" Civil Servant type can imagine that the serial bollux she spouts will not be noticed. FFS , she is bl***dy dangerous!!

It serves to put another nail in the coffin of the reputation of the UK public sector and its value to people. The Perseus report is just one of a ton of evidence that medicines regulatory agencies have used the populations they serve - hahaha - as some kind of guinea pig; have trampled established medical regulatory protocols ( I gather not entirely perfect but at the very least enabling a Safety Board to pull a drug which killed, say, people in the jabbed cohort less than 3 figures)

Raine reminds me of a guest presenter on Jackanory telling a tall tale to a group of children in syrupy tones - a fantasy tale designed to excite young children.....Jackanory vs CV19 EUA for experimental GT drugs that we all now know were ineffective, lethally and morbidly dangerous, with a massive list of adverse effects - and all this was known before she pressed the "Yes" button - what's is the difference?.

I am a serious anaphylaxis sufferer; two episodes , one extremely close to being fatal; the fact that the Pfizer documents released in the US as well as the US Justice department 552 pages of disclosures shred what she spouts means that she is either so deluded as to be not first for purpose or so deeply embedded with BigPharma as to be incapable of delivering her (former) drug regulatory role. I would love to be locked in a room with her to inform her of the consequences of her ignoring the lack of depth of the trials of these drugs, and also to ask her to explain how she could state that no shortcuts were taken to approve these experimental GT drugs that she must have known ( because , eg, Pfizer knew ) did not work - she would have one chance such that if she lied the trapdoor to hell would spring ....We in the UK are in very serious trouble not least because she is "in post"....all imho of course.

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All facets of government serve one purpose - more government.

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The MHRA is now UK’s Branch of the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex Cartel

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Thank you Norman for yet another fabulous piece. This made me realise that a meme with 2 column table - name and the % of non-taxpayer funding - for the WHO, MHRA, FDA, CDC, UN? etc. (perhaps 5 "NGO"s) might get the message out to a broader audience still. The numbers are so shocking - up in the 80s - they chisel away even at the most defensive. Should your team have time in its packed schedule. Would be pleased to send on its way into the Telegram ether.

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No one should be taking any vaccine or giving them to your kids.

The MHRA, JCVI and regulators worldwide are compromised/bribed/rogue and are under control of the WHO, WEF, UN etc and still trying to push these lethal mRNA vaccines as a means for biomedical control with vaccine passports.

They will be back with scamdemic 2 and more lethal mRNA vaccines you can bet on it.

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Raine demonstrates so well the banality of evil.

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Dial-Up Modem:

If You Hold Your Phone

Next To A Heavily Vaccinated Tool

You Can Hear The AOL Dial-Up Sound/ Squawk.

Press #911

To Call Them An Ambulance.

Charges May Apply.


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Great expose`.

June Raine in the UK shows that we've come a long way from Dr. Herbert L. Ley, Jr. in the USA who, due to regulatory capture of the FDA by the late 1960s, was pushed out as the head of the FDA:


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Let’s play “Question and answer” or, Riddle Me This for a moment, shall we? Good.

Why, oh, why, would so-called Regulators be willing and insistent upon allowing the Unsafe denigration of all that protected us well from poisons etc for so long? Being human, they are subject to the risk of Bad Medicines. Or are they?

And how do they consider themselves safe from chemtrail poisons?

Only the study of psychopathy may hold the answer. Or the “afraid of death” elitists have got it covered somehow. Thoughts appreciated!

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They are doing their jobs. They were targeted to facilitate the jabs and they did. If they thought they were working with poison, perhaps they wouldn't do it but they only appoint people, I presume who think they are doing the right thing for them (and us?)

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