Dec 2, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Dr. Fenton, your rock-solid integrity regarding honest interpretation based exclusively on the facts given and not on unverifiable assumptions is truly praiseworthy. Personally, I am very suspicious about the vaccines, the disease itself, and much else about this pandemic experience, involving as it has the aggressively undemocratic imposition of scientifically unfounded procedures and regulations by governments that clearly do not exist to serve their populations, but rather to serve their wealthy donors and themselves. Nevertheless, there is no excuse for sloppy analysis on the part of unbiased experts such as yourself, even though a strong, public-awareness awakening message calling for skepticism and close observation of the irresponsible (or worse---blatantly evil) politicians and so-called public health experts would be a valuable and potentially life-saving result. Such a short-term bonus would eventually undermine confidence in the non-politically motivated scientists' opinions, so regardless of how strongly some of us may yearn for a clear and devastating declaration of vaccine damage and irresponsibility in the government/bureaucratic sphere, your pellucid clarity and honesty are undoubtedly the best way out of this scandalous situation.

In short, many thanks for your unyielding honesty and care in presenting your methods and results.

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Dear Dr. Noman Fenton, your analysis is excellent if we only take into account this database, but is horribly fuzzy, if we don't take into account all the other information we have:

1. Argentina Government stats: 9 out of 10 COVID deaths were vaccinated. 10 out of 10 if over 60 years old. Many other governments have shown stats backing excess mortality after haccination.

2. Howbad.info: not all batches were born equal. 5% explain over 90% of deaths. This analysis was corroborated by others as well, since the dataset is open.

3. Your own ONS analysis: http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.30898.07362

4. Official recognition by many Governments that they caused clots, heart attacks (myocarditis), and even that people shouldn't get more than 4 doses.

5. Recognition of Health Canada that Pfizer had widespread DNA "contamination" including the sequence of carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40), which could explain turbo-cancers together with Moderna's cancer patented sequence inserted in the spike protein.

6. There's absolutely no evidence to show that your initial assumptions were wrong, therefore you should stick to the damning conclusion until real evidence is presented by the NZ government. Why are you backing down without evidence? Why are you withdrawing the stark conclusion with fuzzy logic? Any undisclosed pressure?

By the way, if there was no problem with the vaccines:

a) why would all governments hide or destroy the database (Argentina ordered it by a presidential decree!)

b) why did dominant media and social media censor this?

c) why did wasabi delete Steve Kirsch account with the dataset?

7. Generalized weaponization of vaccines/haccines to exterminate the population:




What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:

Why is food poisoning legal?

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"

Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:


Then, show that every single person in the planet should be suing Pfizer for deliberately injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!

If he doesn’t like the topic, I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):


(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!

Watch amazing short and more evidence here:


Please watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- Wake up videos:



- It's genocide for depopulation:


- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:

Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller:


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


The way out of this mess:

1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)

2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with

3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)

4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits

Anything else you might think of?

Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


Plllllease, on my knees, don’t believe me, just do your own homework by searching the following in yandex.com, mojeek.com (includes crawl date filter and substack search):

Satanic Ritual Abuse, Child Satanic Ritual Murder.



President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):


Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed




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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

At the most basic minimum the fact that there seeming exist no sets of data that are honestly accounted for is a historic crime and miscarriage of public trust and responsibility.

Of course given all available circumstances it is hardly unreasonable to ascribe much more damning accusations than just incompetence or similar more benign excuses.

From start to as yet undetermined finish all of Coronamania is datacrime.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

What is the probability that Norman Fenton will be anything other than meticulous, on the level, honest, scrupulously fair, rigorously professional and unbiased? Zero. That's not just on the subject of 'vaccines' either; it applies more generally. Thank you Norman.

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

We can with 100% certainty know, that governments, the medical complex, and the "scientific community" will NOT seek the truth in all that relates to the plandemic, they are co-conspirators in the crime and cover-up.

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which many have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 1Timothy 6:10 "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." Hebrews 10:31

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Thank you, professor. All this mess is due to the reluctance of Government Authorities to release full access to real world data on vaccine. If the date showed great safety and effectiveness signs, I’m sure we’ve been presented to it for a long time now. We know that there is dangerous issues related to this injections. But they try to make very hard for us to prove it based on official data and information.

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Dr. Fenton I am glad to see a response today. Thank you for a prompt reaction.

I am one of the many people yesterday and today raising many questions on X, along with Igor Chudov about the quality, input and provenance of the database. We need a detailed explanation of how it was constructed and detail about what data that are relevant and might be available that would not be represented in the payment database but important to source for making conclusions.

Such a project needs assurance that validation checks of many kinds would be transparently performed on the data base to ensure that the data haven't been tinkered with or have biases inherent we don't fully understand as we don't have all the details about how the campaigns and data collections were carried out in NZ.

Many New Zealanders themselves are pointing out a number of processes and features of the vaccine rollout that may not find representation in the data and are relevant to interpretation. Their comments would be helpful to review.

I know full well how dangerous and deadly these vaccines are. There is no doubt about that. But I also want the data we use and the cases we make to the general public to be well vetted and open to much public commentary before we embrace these particular NZ findings as solid and a final story.

Igor and I both observed that the data that aren't in the data base provided by the whistleblower could quite well be informative. The NZ data and the reports about should be as meticulously prepared as the work of Dr. Denis Rancourt and his esteemed workgroup's work on world wide excess mortality. This downloadable report is 180 pages, which I have read in its entirety. A model with respect to the detail with which we should approach the data analysis for a whole country such as NZ.



To roll out the NZ findings, which I regard as preliminary, as big revelations before the usual work up is jumping the gun, premature. I particularly worry that it is too early for presentation in the parliaments and legislatures of countries as solid evidence. We have plenty of evidence from numerous other credible and well examines sources.

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Good not to be in a rush to jump on the band wagon. Some commenters seem irked by this. When both camps think you are not part of their camp, you're probably right.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Thank you much for all your work. Very

Much appreciated.

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Re the doubts around the data provenance: The whistleblower says in his interview that he had access to the vaccine & death data as he implemented a vaccine provider payments system

(7:45 https://rumble.com/v3ynskd-operation-m.o.a.r-mother-of-all-revelations.html )

Its not clear to me why a payments system would include death data.

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Pfizer undertook to Import a Batch of Vaccines Specifically for the Employee Vaccination Program ..................................


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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

Sorry, but you're equivocating, or it comes across as such.

If the validity, chain of custody, and other issues make the dataset unusable, then just say so. There is no reason to state any conclusions, only to dismiss them in the last sentence. You should have not spent any time analyzing such data if you're unable to actually draw any conclusions.

We don't need anymore "yeah, but..." statements. All this does is tire people and let the pressure reduce. Eventually no one will care or do anything. If you're going to "dance in public" you need to get a bit more "out of your head" and also consider the impact of what you say.

Writing, or papers, like this is how academics get lost in their verbosity and publishing reports of studies that actually don't move things forward...

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Stupid question likely but why is the point about it “containing a disproportionate number of vaccine deaths” relevant or a problem?isn’t that what you’re trying to test for?

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Igor Chudov published an analysis of the data here that conflicts with many I have seen. He is a generally reliable source. I (and many others) are hoping that you can look at his analysis and, perhaps, write up a follow-on piece reconciling your analysis, Kirsch's, and Igor's. https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/i-analyzed-the-leaked-nz-whistleblower

Many thanks.

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Dr. Fenton,

I very much appreciate your commentary on this subject.

I was at Steve's presentation at MIT two days ago. He extended a lot of credit to you and your opinion. While I appreciated his effort to analyze and bring this data to light I was also shrugging my shoulders about the validity of his "irrefutable" conclusions for the same reasons that you highlighted. These are, as you pointed out, big stipulations.

He didn't acknowledge the lack of data around the unvaccinated. However, he pointed out the ACMR over time of recipients of the pneumococcal vaccine based on record-level data from CMS. This vaccine was associated with a very high jump in mortality rates on the first day after vaccination indicating that a subset of people were vulnerable to whatever is in these things. But after the first day, mortality rates in the vaccinated declined over a year.

Can you comment on the significance of this trend compared to the Covid shots (which, if we assume were based on an unbiased subset of vaccinated individuals) which showed a significant rise in ACMR over time? How damning is this in your opinion?

Madhava Setty, MD

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The New Zealand government doesn't post death stats. Or excess death stats. Or anything...

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