But the biggest vaccine scam of them all is probably the scam that says every dog and cat needs to be vaccinated for rabies.

Raise your hand if you've ever heard of a rabid dog (or a human being who caught rabies from their dog) in your home county in your lifetime. I definitely haven't.

Pet Pharma and the vet lobby must have as much political clout as Pfizer.

The health and mortality risk to pets is being abandoned by owners who can no longer afford to keep their pets and are abandoning them in ever-growing numbers ... as our family just learned.


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You lost me at antisemitism.

Not everything is bloody antisemitic.

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The biggest story of our times is NOT "Covid." The biggest story of our times is that ALL important "truth-seeking" organizations in the world are now completely captured.

I'm all ears if someone can name an IMPORTANT organization that is NOT captured.


P.S. Veterinary science/medicine is captured.

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Look how they faked this study "proving" the safety of COVID haccines on pregnants:


Speaking of Gaza, I bet you knew nothing about this:


What’s your best way to wake-up those who don’t want to open their eyes?

Please share your most effective wake-up strategies.

The more the awakened, the sooner this nightmare will be over!

The most effective strategy is asking about the person’s opinion on some of these topics:

I start with the 20 million dollar question, while showing videos of baby seizures (money or babies always get attention):


If the person doesn’t want to discuss injections, then food is a good start:

Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


Then I’d follow with "Are you opened to see if the actual data matches your opinion?"

Then I start showing some of the shortcomings of the Pharma industry:


Then, show that every single person in the planet should be suing Pfizer and Moderna for deliberately hiding human DNA in their vacicnes, and Pfizer, for injecting an undisclosed carcinogenic monkey virus (SV40) sequence into the cell nucleus of the clueless biohacked, as officially recognized by Health Canada !!!

If he doesn’t like the topic, I’d show this video (all you need is 10 secs in the middle, who doesn’t have 10 seconds for you):


(caveat about the beginning: pot destroys your brain + “Raises Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke”)

9/11: two "planes", yet the third tower (WTC7) imploded, free falling on its footprint like in a controlled demolition. It was out of reach, and all 7 World Trade Center towers needed to be rebuilt, not the closer towers not belonging to World Trade Center... and the “owner” took an insurance policy for the WTC against terrorism, just months before, when no one was taking them … he didn’t show up for work precisely on 9/11 … just as his 2 grown up siblings (they never skipped work before). The inside information about the FUTURE 9/11 event helped masons make trillions by shorting the stock exchange: the records were deleted by the SEC so they wouldn't be prosecuted !!!

Watch amazing short and more evidence here:


Please watch all of this! Your life depends on it, because there's a plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


- J6: The false flag operation of the fake riot was planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!! The same mason-plot was copy-pasted to disband the insurrection against the stolen elections in Brazil! All intel agencies (CIA, FBI, NSA) were founded by masons and are run by them for their own nefarious goals.


It's such a mason manual that they organized the same J6 play in Brazil when it was proven that the voting machines owned by mason Soros, were rigged:



All political parties are compromised/infiltrated. For example, Italy supports vax pass and WHO Pandemic Treaty !!! Meloni's Government! People voted her for being against that!


- At least since the 90s, vaccines are weaponized to reduce the population, for example:

1. Adding hCG to infertilize women: lab detected in 30 countries

2. Overpassing the FDA 10 ng limit to human DNA “contamination” by 2000%, thus causing neuro-damage (autism, asperger, tics, dyslexia in 29% of kids, etc.) and childhood cancer epidemic (n.b. leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas)

Check soundchoice.org or videos at bottom after this page:

Free 100 redpill movies and documentaries:

(don't miss the 1st one, 10 min at 2x, an amazing tool to start a discussion):


- COVID was designed as a primer for even more lethal COVID haccines:




- You’ll go nowhere and you’ll be happy:


Elon's top secret: EVs cause cancer

Go green with gasoline!


- It's genocide for depopulation:


- Their main source of power apart from sin-empowered demons? NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the exponential government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles’ heel of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy Banks, seats in the Federal Reserve (the only private run Central Bank in the world), political careers and parties, puppeticians, listed corporations, media, healthcare corporations and organizations, universities, foundations, judges, etc.:

Depopulation or EXTERMINATION? (finest quotes):


Confessions of illuminati, David Rockefeller (finest quotes):


Ex illuminati Ronald Bernard: how the world REALLY works


Attali illuminati (“finest” quotes)


The way out of this mess:

1. Create an easy system for real money: private currencies/warrants based on real assets, goods, services, etc. (gold, corn, oil, distance/volume/weight transportation, labor human hour/minute, etc.)

2. Ban legal tender. Let the free markets decide which real-currencies/valuables/warrants they prefer to trade with

3. Ban paper-backed currencies (unlike real-backed ones of point 1.)

4. Enforce a Legal Banking Reserve of 100% of deposits (so banks don't create money based on air) and therefore there's no excuse for a Central Bank, because there would be no risk of bank-runs since all their loans are fully backed with deposits

Anything else you might think of?

Now, are you really ready for this?:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):


Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed




Freemasonry: 100% incompatible with Christ





or rumble:


Obama pushing Freemasonry:


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I Wouldn’t Jump To Conclusions

About The Vaccine.

I’d Wait Until They’re All Dead

Just To Be Sure.


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Regarding Israel/ Palestine, those of us that prefer not to choose sides, or prefer peace over violence can see what is going on.

Its diversion and distraction.

It's disgusting that people suffer as a part of this but this is human (elite driven) nature to make our 'emeny' suffer.

Soros funds the students for Palestine groups... why? What's the end game?

Who benefits from these conflicts and suffering, be it Ukraine/Russia, Jew/Arab, terrorists/Shipping, vax'd/unvax'd.

I would happily stake all I possess that it's 2 things, money & control.

Humans are so easily manipulated, we are so stupid at times.

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Side note about Bret Weinstein one of the biggest frauds launched by social media as faux resistance by his brother Eric's employer Palintir's Peter Thiel creator of the dark web. Bret also burries the fact his dad is top attorney in the world for antibody patents & served under JFK a fact never mentioned to RFK Jr. in podcast Bret sat on for 18mos before publishing.. because Bret's so dedicated to manufacturing consent he attributed Covid to bush meat origins broadcasting with a bandana & goggles. Nice grasp of biology!

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Worth watching; Dr Gary Sidley's discussion of the establishment's capture by masking advocates and the use of nudging.

Respect to Professor Fenton for his expert analyses of the mindless groupthink which has embedded itself so successfully.

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We love you Norman. Unbelievable that so few are wedded to Truth like you. The cost of telling the truth is too much for most.

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