Jun 30Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

"will this paper come under attack from the same pharma shills?"

Of course!

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Yep. The authors are anti-vaxxers and the paper is dangerous misinformation.

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...is the kind of nonsense said pharma shills would propagate.

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I am unsure if Thorsten is a Poes Law Candidate :)

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Well, they don't appear to have liked my comment.

So I strongly suspect they're just regurgitating the usual pharmaceutical propaganda of "muh antivaxxer".

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Liked by Norman Fenton

Oh my... Imagine how bad it would have been if they hadn't done this?

“1–dose”: the follow-up started on the 15th day after the 1st dose and ended on the

day of death, or of the 2nd dose, or on 15 February 2023;

(c) “2–doses”: the follow-up started on the 15th day after the 2nd dose and ended on the

day of death, or of the 3rd dose, or on 15 February 2023;

(d) “3/4 doses”: the follow-up started on the 15th day after the 3rd dose and ended on

the day of death or on 15 February 2023.

They are explicitly aware of the issue and only part handled it!

"Regarding the case-counting window bias, we can cite a study [6] with data taken

from the authorization trial of the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine. It showed that an ineffective

vaccine could appear effective at 48%, due to the above mentioned 14-day shift. In the first

14 days (from 1 to 15 January 2021) of Rossos trial, deaths were counted neither for the

vaccinated nor for the unvaccinated individuals. For the remaining duration of the study,

the deaths of individuals vaccinated in the first 14 days after the dose administration were

not counted (as stated in the materials and methods section of the Rossos study). However, we cannot exclude that the deaths not counted for individuals vaccinated with one

dose were attributed to the unvaccinated and, in cascade, the deaths of individuals vaccinated with two doses to those vaccinated with one dose, and so on."

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Yes we picked this up in our original review of the study.

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Same old, same old…

Why did “Follow up” only start after day 15…?

Reminds of HART Group article in Dec 2021

“Why hide what happens in the first two weeks after vaccination?”


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How did i miss all that? What i read was a very short article. And the study link was very short too.

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From the Daily Sceptic :


Despite the mounting evidence, the jabberwocky cult continues to victimise those who refused to comply.

Thank you as always to our authors for their expertise and integrity. 👏👏👏

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Absolutely shocking. Criminal coercion.

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Jun 30Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Great appreciation for you ongoing, necessary, vital contributions. They will not be in vain.

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Technically and traditionally speaking, lawyers are "officers of the court." That is, they are bound to serve the discovery of the truth, even in the adversarial system of justice. I have never really known completely how this could work save a civilization where the highest standards and moral virtue were more fully embraced than what we see today.

On to my point, perhaps we need to develop a similar system for scientists who are acting in fields critical to human medicine and care. Even though such formalisms as I am about to suggest can be gamed and turned into bureaucratic channels for the mediocre, multiplication of petty procedures, and money printing, I have a couple suggestions. As with engineers who can opt for applying for credentialing, that is the Professional Engineer (P.E.) license, maybe we need a similar category of licensing available for scientists. This opens the possibility of withdrawing the license to practice in positions with particular responsibilities. Very importantly, such licensure would carry not only the potential for greater compensation, it would carry with it the risk of fines and even prison time if a court were to determine that a licensed scientist acted with negligence, malfeasance or even malice. We need a means of enforcing accountability.

Perhaps specialty courts with judges trained in law, science specialties and statistics would be needed. The licensed Professional Scientists would become officers of such a court of truth seeking regarding technological proposals.

Next, focusing on medical science briefly, every new treatment passes through various phases of assessment wherein, given that its efficacy and safety are unknown and poorly understood, administering that treatment or not administering that treatment are both ethical actions---obviously to this readership this is the basis for why placebo treatments are ethical and necessary. Every proposed medical treatment of significance should be entered into a formal, public process of inquiry far more developed that semi-secreted regulatory review (and we have all seen the results in the last four years especially of the gross dangers of regulatory capture). This process that I am only vaguely imagining and attempting to describe at this moment, would have profound scientific, medical and legal components. Thus, this would be a court dedicated not immediately to assessing the actions of the professional scientists, but would be a formal court for testing the content of the technologies---as best as they could be understood in different stages of their development or life trajectory

Another idea comes from my time (ca. 9 years) working as a government official in a public health sector with frequent causes for emergency interventions. I learned that the managerial and political classes were afflicted with addictions to dire emergencies and unjustifiable secrecy. These two hammers enabled all sorts of governmental misbehavior, favoritism and even rewarded malfeasance. Perhaps government officials at a certain level of responsibility and decision making likewise need to more fully face the possibility of personal liability for what can eventually be demonstrated to be frank and enormous mismanagement.

The real story of biological systems of every kind, especially immune and ecological systems, is that there is never justification for "emergencies." These latter two parts of biology are inherently defined by their capacity for responding to changes, progressions and even assaults. The Managerial States lust for emergencies is never--let me repeat--never justified. As soon as someone suggests a "crisis," you can be assured that someone is up to no good.

Pharma, corporations and the governing banking systems of the oligarchs seem to really enjoy the benefits of public-private partnerships. It is nice--I suppose--having the power of lethal force as well as the protective shields (in the British-law countries) of being a private, legal person. Well, it is time the[n] to make these enjoyers of such benefits and privileges subject to enhanced liabilities mentioned above.

I am sure there is a strong admixture of naivete in the above comment, but possibly those with greater expertise than min[e] can fashion something practical from this provocation.

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Jun 30Liked by Martin Neil

It seems that any 'big event', eg, an alleged 'covid pandemic' and the roll out of unsafe and harmful/deadly( for some), which resonates with ordinary people, ( meaning they can see the connection with the jab and the health impacts on friends, family, neighbours) must be starved of the oxygen of publicity. The Italian study would have that resonance, and, would be confirmatory. 'They' don't want us ever to have 'confirmation'.

Pholcodine ( in some cough and cold medicines) was withdrawn because the MHRA found that " their benefits do not outweigh the increased risk of the very RARE EVENT of anaphylaxis to neuromuscular blocking agents....in general anaesthesia". (capitals are poster's own)

The 'covid' 'vaccines' are implicated in clot formation and carry risks during surgery, not very rare ones either. These so-called 'vaccines' have a 'damage rate' for recipients which aren't 'rare events'....yet the enabling MHRA decides they can continue to be given to the over 75s and immunocompromised.

Obviously we know why these novel therapeutics are being given a 'free ride'.....money and power are riding on the backs of them, as well as Digital ID.

Whether this important Paper does get swatted away, there will be more. As this substack's moniker 'WATN' impresses, numbers count. More of these Papers in unison!

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Jun 30Liked by Norman Fenton

Suggestion for clarity: "We suspect that the results may even underestimate the negative effect of the vaccines because of likely vaccination status miscategorisation bias. **IE, persons who only had some, but not all of the recommended shots, were often categorized as "unvaccinated"."

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For many the idea of experimental medical therapy applied globally for what might at best be a seasonal flu was always insane. What is most troubling now years into this human medical experiment is that all the reporting still calls the mRNA products vaccines when they have been known and used in labs for decades and referred to in all the science literature as TRANSFECTION.

It would be nice if we could adopt accurate scientific terminology to differentiate between traditional vaccines, with their own toxic legacy & these petrie dish GoF methods for testing vaccine efficacy in petrie dishes and lab animals. Please consider educating the public to this fraud too! :~)


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Agree—stop referring to any of these mRNA injectables as ‘vaccines’. It’s part of the intentional framing.

That link isn’t returning the document for me, btw. Just the cover?

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I've been spouting this inevitability for two years now and - Yes! Another Conspiracy Theory comes true! I've also predicted that EVERY shot taken decreases natural resistance to all illnesses AND reduces LIFE EXPECTANCY exponentially!

Sorry that you mugs believed Fauci's science! Too late to turn back the clock - just watch it and hope!

The media, Big Pharma, New World Order (= the WEF) will all say;

"It's not MURDER by VAX - It's simply the necessary depopulation (extermination) of the planet's 'useless eaters' for the improved comfort and longevity of the Elites"!

The new, EXPERIMENTAL poisonous mRNA = Gene Editing jabs are administered with no 'Informed Consent' being obtained. Who could have been stupid enough to believe that an unproven 'experimental cure' for a brand new 'designer disease' (deliberately formulated in a lab)?

A 'CURE' that was prepared in a few months after the disease was launched, and 'sold' as Safe & Effective' to 70% of the planet - apparently?

LIABILITY must be legally enforced before one more poisonous injection enters another gullible human's arm.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer and I'll make Big Pharma LIABLE for the WEF sponsored CULL!

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1200+ SIDE EFFECTS OF THE COV-2 VAXX, AS RELEASED IN COURT - 45 OF WHICH ARE DEATH (SUDDEN DEATH) - 40 ARE CANCER: https://vaccinadead.com/pfizer-vaccine-side-effects/


We get seasonal influenza when our cells build up toxins; ingest/inject. We cyclically purge toxins from our body to bring the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) of our cells into balance with the changing EMF in our environment.


1) Seasonal Earth Tilt

Earth's axis-tilt changes the angular momentum of its electromagnetic field, which, via inductance, re-calibrates our weaker, cellular EMF. All magnetic fields are torroidal in nature. All cells have a weak electrical charge. The Earth has a magnetic field, which, via inductance, shapes the magnetic field of our cells, such as a strong magnet warps/re-aligns the field of a weaker magnet. Field Theory is not just hypothesis.

• Earth Seasonal EMF = Flu (No Virus): https://talknet.substack.com/p/earth-seasonal-emf-flu-no-virus-from

2) New EMF Tech

New, wide-spread EMF tech precedes all "pandemics"; an undeniable fact, which includes the COV-2 “pandemic” that started when Wuhan launched/activated the first city-wide 5G towers in China. When environmental electromagnetic frequencies/polarity change, it causes, via inductance, the body to re-calibrate EMF/polarity on a molecular level, which triggers a natural detox process/cycle that brings cellular EMF of our cells into homeostasis with our environment.


1918: Spanish Flu - The flu Exploded with the distribution of WW1 radio comm / Ten million Bell phones in service across US by 1918.

1957: Asian Flu - Hong Kong television began May 1957

2003: SARS - From 2002-2003, 3G networks launched globally

2019: COVID-19 - Wuhan activated 1,580 5G towers mid-October, 2019. 5G deployed worldwide 2019.

• Spanish Flu, SARS, COVID-19 Followed the Same Pattern/Expansion as Radio, 3G, 5G: https://talknet.substack.com/p/spanish-flu-sars-covid-19-followed

3) Injected/Ingested Toxins

• Vaxx to Kill/Disable Billions Over 10-15 Years (As of 2020): https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaxx-to-killdisable-billions-over

• Vaccines are Catalysts for all Autoimmune Diseases: https://talknet.substack.com/p/vaccines-cause-autoimmune-diseases

• Vaxxed Biology is Programmable via DNA Nanoantennas, Graphine, Luciferase, 5G to Controls Gene Expression, Cell Signaling and Cellular Processes: https://talknet.substack.com/p/cov-2-vaxxed-biology-programmable


Close to 600 Million dead and injured and then this came out: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-james-thorp-585-million-global?publication_id=581065

Real sudden death numbers (stats): Global shipments of smart phones down 4% annually since 2020 (hundreds of millions), huge drop in telecom + movie streaming subscribers. With openvaers.com stats factored in, we get 600 million dead and injured. Factor in declining birth rate (vaxx induced), we get 2.8% annual loss of global population that adds up to billions in the next 5-10 years. Death in correction facilities are up 56% since 2019.

• 180 vaxxed Canadians doctors have died SUDDENLY - https://www.europereloaded.com/180-canadians-doctors-have-died-suddenly/


• Practical Self-Healing Insight - RIFE, Autophagy, Energy, Frequency, Stem Cells


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Thank you for the links. 👍

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“Small but, significant”. is an odd thing to say. Better grab this before it disappears tho.

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I just hope that the mainstream media believed their own propaganda and have taken every covid injection available to them and are forced to face the uncertainty in their future. I know schadenfreude is wrong but in this case I cannot help myself.

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Why do "pharma shills " get air time? Why did a "pandemic" get conjured up from nowhere and was allowed to dictate policies globally? That is the big picture.

A plan is being enacted at levels higher than pharmaceutical companies or governments. I imagine it involves a more digital world and a smaller population judging by the evidence and historical documents.

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Thank you … I’m gonna shove it up the Drs faces here in the hospital 🙏

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Correct me if wrong, but the paper states the unvaccinated group as: "“Unvaccinated”: in this group, we included never-vaccinated individuals, and vaccinated individuals before receiving 1 or more doses;" - so individuals who had 1 vaccine but were waiting to get there second dose were also counted as "unvaccinated"? If so, that should error be corrected in subsequent publications.

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Could you explain the 'immortal time bias'? Possibly in a new substack.

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