May 16, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

"YouTube doesn't allow claims about COVID-19 vaccinations that contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organization (WHO)."

Yet those experts have proved to be making false statements about said injections on innumerable occasions; so what recourse do they allow for this? Science is not about consensus; it is an approach to determining what is true in a complex and confusing world.

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YouTube clearly doesn't care about truth, rational inquiry, or the scientific method. What they care about is protecting the official line regarding Covid and the vaccines and the swiftness of their response, shows that they consider this to be critically important.

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Youtube is at this point so morally corrupt that it qualifies for the description evil. They were and still are absolutely fine with promoting products which kill and injure millions of people and they will aggressively censor any content on their platform which challenges the 'safe, effective and necessary' meme in relation to the experimental Covid 'vaccines' aka gene therapy products. In the case of Astra Zeneca, we can go further in refuting that mindless narrative and claim: "Extremely dangerous, not effective and not necessary". For developing and distributing such a catastrophically harmful product in the UK you get a knighthood or a damehood, and you get standing ovations at Wimbledon and even when the product gets surreptitiously withdrawn because government regulators realise it's killing and injuring way too many people to conceal, your company still gets to sell its product in India, where over 1 billion doses of this poison were administered.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Thanks for posting this. Corporations cannot be honest, if they could, they would have said that your post was exceptionally embarrassing and divulged their hypocrisy and compliance in this genocide. Who owns it, anyway?

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It sure looks like that. It's a cabal of our betters

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our worsers....?

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May 16, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

They have gotten away with suppressing our information in attempting to share data that could have saved so many lives.....yet they did so under the guise of “a safe place for all”. This is how they effectively dismantled free speech among the masses “it was for the greater good”. Questioning would be squashed. Many people were supporting censorship if it fed into their own narrative and falsely created fears. Unfortunately now we have people actually brainwashed into the Covid-culture and cannot get out-and unfortunately they are going on 4th and 5th jabs, and now dying from things we tried to forewarn about. More people dying prematurely in front of our eyes...... how many people do we know who have gone to hospital for various diagnoses and inevitably died from sepsis, A-Fib- heart attack after receiving blood transfusions? Or died from aggressive cancer? Stokes? Brain/neuro disease? Its a lot! It’s completely off the charts. But no dots being connected. The jabs have had such a safety signaling from the beginning but it was hidden. Suppressed. Censored. I’m completely disheartened by medical community. They of all should be shouting out this absolute travesty....I keep waiting for fellow colleagues to open their eyes. I’m shocked at the unwillingness to do so.

Bottom line- had people initially been given appropriate medications (you know the ones that were mocked, made fun of and vehemently discredited by the media and then medical facilities) they would still be alive.

Bottom line- had people been informed about the truth of the mRNA gene therapy shots they would have received appropriate informed consent and many if not most would have declined. Instead they were “packaged” as “safe and effective vaccines” when they were nothing of the sort and untested at that- still not being tested or tracked? If people would have been allowed to actively discuss the possible dangers of the jab- which were and are a reality many would still be alive.

Bottom line- their active and knowingly participation in suppressing the truth in the name of “safe places for all” killed, are killing, and maiming many many people. They must all be held accountable. But we must take a step further and go after those that made the jabs, those who made and enforced the mandates and coercing the masses to run down and get these untested shots-including pregnant woman, and children. They villainized those trying to share truthful data and dangers. They villianized those who kept their eyes open and chose to not let their families get jabbed.

Now death and dying beyond excessive at moment as predicted by the truth spreaders! If only they would not have been censored or villianized or shamed maybe we would not be seeing this many unnecessary deaths that has far exceeded “Covid deaths”.

It’s time for those responsible to be held accountable.

Time to prepare the nooses.

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Hang these Democide perpetrators high and Immediately! They knew exactly what they were doing yet, unfortunately we have a flouride/gmo dumbed down society who believe the idiot box and trust the gubment.

The good news is they will never be trusted again, well at least by critically thinking folks. The cracks are forming and getting wider by the day. I’m looking forward to the complete crash.

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Youtube is not going to "explain" anything.

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Neither does LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram and all other social media platforms. They just don't care nor are they beholden to their users.

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No more than the rancher is beholden to his sheep.

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That's why I stopped commenting on LinkedIn. My resume is there but nothing else.

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I was one of the original 1 million members of LinkedIn back in 2002 and was used in their pre-IPO campaign 12 years ago but was still banned from the platform twice in two months for sharing truth about the Plandemic, US political corruption and the Ukraine War. I was getting 10,000 Likes and 100,000 Views on my newsfeed posts. I was too popular and too truthful and was permanently banned 6 months ago. All American based social media platforms are US Government portals for data collection, tracking, surveillance, censoring and silencing.

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That's why I'm migrating here from Quora and posting more on Gab and Minds.

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Welcome to the Authoritarian Nazi Dictatorship led government in America disguised as a Free Democracy where anyone who goes against the MSM narrative is deplatformed, flagged, surveilled, censored and silenced forever. The Great Reset has been launched and is currently active in all of the world.

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Agreed. Also, what people should understand, is just how deeply entrenched the CIA is in Silicon Valley, and that they control much of what goes on in "Big Tech". The CIA actually has an office in Silicon Valley. It's called "In-Q-Tel". In-Q-Tel poses as a Venture Capital firm,(which is technically is) but it's a CIA front. The CIA is also HEAVILY involved in all of this C19 and vaccine nonsense.

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Same or worse here in Ontario CHINADA which as us awake folks know is run by GAVI or Gates Foundation.

5GUW is what we fighting.

5th generation warfare as Michael Yon calls it.

From all levels of gub'ment.

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You pretty much nailed it.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

Great epose` on their tactics, Prof. Fenton!

It's incredible the lengths they go to to control the narrative. CDC even removed their own reports showing 41,000 breakthrough hospitalizations and inadvertantly also showing -- despite their (intentionally?) poor data structure -- a hospital death rate of over 27%:


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May 16, 2023Liked by Martin Neil, Norman Fenton

It is illuminating to read how in 2018 Peter Gøtzsche, a founding member of the Cochrane Collaboration in 1993 and major contributor to its positive reputation over 25 years, was expelled by lies and malpractice probably because he had made a study of research on the human papilloma virus vaccine that indicated it was not as safe and effective as made out. https://www.deadlymedicines.dk/

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As we continue down the path of destroying our trust it will ultimately lead to the failure of sociaty.

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Hmmm…rejected your appeal in 3 minutes? Under appeal rules, a different person from the one that rejected your video is supposed to determine the appeal and respond within 14 days. YouTube receives hundreds of thousands appeals in a year according to their own “transparency” data. Your video is 2 minutes, your questions on appeal were complex. Wow—must be a SUPERSMART reviewer to discern the issues, analyze and make a determination in less than one minute.

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Thank you for all that you do, Dr. Fenton.


Young girl DIES from VACCINE - Her mother has an emotional message to others (Caitlin Gotze))

Posted Feb 15, 2022

Starmax News



TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This was filmed at an outdoor protest rally in Canberra, Australia. Raelene Kennedy holds a card with photographs of her daughter Caitlin Gotze, a previously healthy 23 year-old woman who died after her second Pfizer jab, of an enlarged heart on November 17, 2021. This excerpt is Raelene Kennedy's answer to the reporter's question about how she feels about the government's covering up vaccine injuries and deaths.


RAELENE KENNEDY (mother of Caitlin Gotze): I can't believe it because I'm just the most honest, law-abiding, we all are! Taxpayer, hard worker, like, I don't, I'm not an anti-vaxxer, I'm no conspiracy theorist, I'm just a normal person, and then one day, my daughter drops dead and all of this. I just started, I just, the only thing, I wish, I wish, I wish I had of been aware of this before. I wish I had of looked, I wish I had of researched.

If I can do anything, so far in this journey, it's been 12 weeks since Caitlin passed but she has saved lives, just getting her message out, and just so people know that if you have a shortness of breath, if you don't feel right, look up what pericarditis and myocarditis, look up aneurisms, look up everything that they're now putting out, Queensland Health and possibly the rest of Australia, I don't know, putting out, these are the symptoms. Look them up. And if you have that, MRIs are now free. Queensland Health especially has made MRIs free for vaccine-related or vaccine-suspected injuries.

So why would they do that if they've got nothing to hide? Why would they compensate you for vaccine injuries if they've got nothing to hide?

And they're saying it doesn't exist. Like, it it's just unbelievable. I just feel like it's not real, I just feel like it's a dream and one day I'm going to wake up because every other minute, like even here, I'm going, you know, I have to tell Caitlin this, or show Cailtin these beautiful German shepherds that are walking past, or there's a car that looks like Caitlin's car, or I just every other minute I think, because she was my best friend, you know? I think, I'll just talk to Caitlin. And she's not here.

And I think there are so many signs, so many signs. I think this is what she would have wanted, she wouldn't have wanted to have died for no reason. She would want to to save people, to help people, to get the message out that, just be aware and save yourself, and don't take no for an answer. No, don't be the next victim.



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May 16, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Bunch of Med-Mafia . In broad daylight. NO one could have exposed these Megalomaniacs better than what they are doing themselves.

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Professor Fenton, might you not lead an initiative to boycott YT. You and a number of people with integrity continue to feed the beast of censorship and even provide a certain legitimacy to a parallel reality of newspeak and corporate lies by continuing to supply them your material. I understand one could argue that withdrawing truthful material would be damaging in some respects, but when the warder obtains tacit consent from the inmates, whose system is condoned?

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I do also post my videos to rumble, bitchute and odysee

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a boycott wont work. youtube is used by too many people who dont care about this issue or are emotionally invested in the false narrative.

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I’m not sure what you believe would ‘work’ in your definition. The point is simply not to enrich and support your oppressor. And to support platforms that have a healthier philosophy.

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Been doing that for years. Same as not spending my money at the big box.

We buy all local here in Scarborough Ontario CHINADA for years now.

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Death by vaccine has always been their aim from day one.make no mistake,they know full well what they are doing.then supress all the data and deaths.

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Maybe it’s just me, but never in a million years would I seek out YouTube for medical advice of any kind! They are great for cat videos and learning how to crochet, but that’s about it. For me I prefer getting down and dirty doing my own research. There are many great docs here on Substack with excellent information and sources to back it up and take your research further. Yes, it takes a bit of elbow grease, but it’s well worth the time and may save your life.

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May 17, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

Dr. John Campbell is worth watching

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I am sorry to contradict you, but in 2020 in my bewilderness I got excellent instructions and advice from hospital doctors from Mount Sinai and the like, a music journalist Gez who with good humor and high spirits ramassed medical advice from all parts then when our own doctors had absolutely nothing to say. One made me spell out Ivermectin...Also dr John Campbell is absolutely impeccable in his advising and scrutinizing every and each day.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Norman Fenton

You tube is hardly worth watching now.Well done Prof.We love you

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