Sitemap - 2020 - Where are the numbers? by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
On false positives in COVID19 testing again: we are being misled over confirmatory testing
Pooled COVID19 testing makes the data on 'cases' even more dubious
We still are not getting the most basic data needed about COVID-19 testing
Latest UK COVID-19 stats roundup
No - there is nothing especially unusual about this lottery outcome
Statistical analyses attempting to determine election fraud: the need for a causal framework
Explaining away, augmentation, and the assumption of independence
Nudge, nudge say no more*: Learning from behavioural changes that fail
Time to demand the evidence to support continued COVID19 lockdowns and restrictions
COVID19 Hospital admissions data: evidence of exponential increase?
Is there bias in VAR decisions? a simple statistical analysis
A critical flaw in the Government's official daily "UK COVID hospital admissions" data
The impact of false positives in Covid testing
UK: Plotting new Covid cases per 1000 tested
COVID19 trend plots: deaths by numbers tested
Bayesian networks in healthcare
When 'dependent' expert reports might be more informative than independent ones
Covid-19: Infection rates are higher, fatality rates lower than widely reported
Basic training with a Bayesian network tool helps lay people solve complex problems
COVID-19: the need for more random testing combined with causal modelling
In the UK football was always going to be the tipping point for Coronavirus risk mitigation